Arkiv for Matematik

(The median citation count of Arkiv for Matematik is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Multiplication in Sobolev spaces, revisited17
On the arithmetic of monoids of ideals9
Metric Lie groups admitting dilations6
Notes on $H^{\log}$: structural properties, dyadic variants, and bilinear $H^1$-$\operatorname{BMO}$ mappings5
The local image problem for complex analytic maps4
A recursive formula for osculating curves4
Local and $2$-local automorphisms of simple generalized Witt algebras3
Exponential localization in 2D pure magnetic wells3
On families between the Hardy–Littlewood and spherical maximal functions3
Extension of the $2$-representation theory of finitary $2$-categories to locally (graded) finitary $2$-categories3
Optimal unions of scaled copies of domains and Pólya's conjecture2
Proper holomorphic embeddings of complements of large Cantor sets in $\mathbb{C}^2$2
A complex-analytic approach to streamline properties of deep-water Stokes waves2
A.s. convergence for infinite colour Pólya urns associated with random walks2
Overcompleteness of coherent frames for unimodular amenable groups1
Explosive growth for a constrained Hastings–Levitov aggregation model1
On the existence of Auslander–Reiten $n$-exangles in $n$-exangulated categories1
On the finiteness of certain factorization invariants1
Regularity of symbolic powers of square-free monomial ideals1
A Riemann–Roch type theorem for twisted fibrations of moment graphs1
A quantitative Gauss–Lucas theorem1
Quantum Euler class and virtual Tevelev degrees of Fano complete intersections1
A Whittaker category for the symplectic Lie algebra and differential operators1
Remarks on random walks on graphs and the Floyd boundary1
Fundamental solutions of generalized non-local Schrodinger operators1
Two-dimensional Weyl sums failing square-root cancellation along lines1
On the double of the Jordan plane1
Perturbations of embedded eigenvalues for self-adjoint ODE systems0
On the sum of a prime power and a power in short intervals0
A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras0
On the tree structure of orderings and valuations on rings0
Minimal-mass blow-up solutions for inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equations with growing potentials0
Beurling’s theorem on the Heisenberg group0
The spectral picture of Bergman–Toeplitz operators with harmonic polynomial symbols0
Evolution of eigenvalue of the Wentzell–Laplace operator along the conformal mean curvature flow0
Exponential mixing property for automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds0
Characterization of genuine ramification using formal orbifolds0
Estimates of $p$-harmonic functions in planar sectors0
On local and semi-matching colorings of split graphs0
Legendrians with vanishing Shelukhin–Chekanov–Hofer metric0
Yagita’s counter-examples and beyond0
Embedded eigenvalues for asymptotically periodic ODE systems0
Decay of extremals of Morrey’s inequality0
Hamiltonian Carleman approximation and the density property for coadjoint orbits0
Universality of general Dirichlet series with respect to translations and rearrangements0
Intersection theory and Chern classes in Bott–Chern cohomology0
Clark measures for rational inner functions II: general bidegrees and higher dimensions0
Duality for Witt-divisorial sheaves0
Resonances over a potential well in an island0
A geometric model for blocks of Frobenius kernels0
Promotion and cyclic sieving on families of SSYT0
Pull-back of singular Levi-flat hypersurfaces0
Weil–Poincaré series and topology of collections of valuations on rational double points0
Stable functors and cohomology theory in abelian categories0
A formula to evaluate type-A webs and link polynomials0
Hilbert schemes of points on smooth projective surfaces and generalized Kummer varieties with finite group actions0
The extensions of $t$-structures0
Stein neighbourhoods of bordered complex curves attached to holomorphically convex sets0
Dimension compression and expansion under homeomorphisms with exponentially integrable distortion0
Highest waves for fractional Korteweg–De Vries and Degasperis–Procesi equations0
Removability of product sets for Sobolev functions in the plane0
Characters and spin characters of alternating and symmetric groups determined by values on $l^\prime$-classes0
On Hedenmalm–Shimorin type inequalities0
On nonnegatively graded Weierstrass points0
An explicit isomorphism of different representations of the Ext functor using residue currents0
Faces of polyhedra associated with relation modules0
Multiple solutions for two classes of quasilinear problems defined on a nonreflexive Orlicz–Sobolev space0
Fluctuations in depth and associated primes of powers of ideals0
On the existence of curves with prescribed $a$-number0
On a remark by Ohsawa related to the Berndtsson–Lempert method for $L^2$-holomorphic extension0