Archives of Sexual Behavior

(The TQCC of Archives of Sexual Behavior is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Psychometric Properties of the Perceptions of Dating Infidelity Scale in Brazilian Portuguese97
Maternal Communication About Sexual Content and Ease of Access to Contraceptives80
Trust, Familiarity, Optimism, and Pleasure: Australian Gay Men Accounting for Inconsistent HIV Prevention Practices in the PrEP Era55
Sexual Violence Communication Between Men and Women43
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Section on the Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual Health and Behaviors42
Finger-Length Ratios and Sexual Orientation in Southern Spain: A Large Sample Study on Sex-Linked Personality and Cognitive Traits42
Enhanced D2 Agonism Induces Conditioned Appetitive Sexual Responses Toward Non-reproductive Conspecifics42
Response to Commentaries: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Female Genital Cutting and Deinfibulation36
Self-Compassion and Compassionate Love Are Positively Associated with Sexual and Relational Well-Being Among Expectant and New Parent Couples32
Benevolent Sexism and the Traditional Sexual Script as Predictors of Sexual Dissatisfaction in Heterosexual Women from the U.S.30
What Does Women’s Facial Attractiveness Signal? Implications for an Evolutionary Perspective on Appearance Enhancement29
The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Sexual Fantasy Experience Scale29
Beliefs About Autonomic Arousal Sensations Help Explain Differences in Paraphilic Interests in Young Men and Women28
Is Reproductive Orientation Associated with Sexual Satisfaction Among Partnered U.S. Women?24
U.S. Parents Underestimate Their Children’s Pornography Use and Learning24
New Data on Birth Order in Homosexual Men and Women and a Reply to Vilsmeier et al. (2021a, 2021b)23
A Scoping Review of Empirical Asexuality Research in Social Science Literature23
Sexual Behaviors, Satisfaction, and Intentions to Engage in Casual Sexual Relationships and Experiences in Emerging Adulthood23
A Wake-Up Call for the Field of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts Research: Comment on Sullins (2022)23
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Sexually Active Female Adolescents in Zambia22
A Re-evaluation of Online Pornography Use in Germany: A Combination of Web Tracking and Survey Data Analysis21
Co-Occurring Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Clinical Features and Psychiatric Comorbidities21
Polygamous Interest in a Mononormative Nation: The Roles of Sex and Sociosexuality in Polygamous Interest in a Heterosexual Sample from the UK21
"Storming then Performing": Historical Non-Monogamy and Metamour Collaboration21
Predictors of Participation for Sexuality Items in a U.S. Population-Based Online Survey20
Older Adults Vastly Overestimate Both HIV Acquisition Risk and HIV Prevalence in Rural South Africa20
The Impact of Performance-Based Scripts on Men’s Sexual Communication to Peers20
Gender Dysphoria and Transgender Care in Mainland China20
“Went Along With”: Acquiescence During First Sexual Experience and Late-Life Health20
Broad Agreement, But Notes of Caution With the Implications of Sakaluk’s (2020) Critique of Wisman and Shrira (2020)20
Why Hungarians Have Sex: Development and Validation of a Brief 15-Item Instrument (YSEX?-15H)20
Self-Identity, Beliefs, and Behavior Among Men Who Have Sex with Transgender Women: Implications for HIV Research and Interventions19
Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Transgender Individuals Among Residents of Mashhad, Iran in 202019
Sexual Consent Norms in a Sexually Diverse Sample19
COVID-19-Related Disruptions to HIV Testing and Prevention Among Young Sexual Minority Men 17–24 Years Old: A Qualitative Study Using Synchronous Online Focus Groups, April–September 202018
Internalized Homonegativity and Mental Health Among Chinese Gay and Bisexual Cisgender Men: Exploring the Moderating Influences of Psychosocial and Sexual Identity Factors18
Conceptualizing Neural Responses to Sexual Stimuli18
Sexual Victimization in the Digital Age: A Population-Based Study of Physical and Image-Based Sexual Abuse Among Adolescents17
"I Can’t Take This Shitty Quarantine Anymore": Sexual Behavior and PrEP Use Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic17
History of Sexual Assault as a Predictor of Response to a Self-Guided Online Program for Sexual Desire and Arousal Difficulties in Women17
Impact of Internal Migration on Sexual Attitudes in China: The Moderating Role of Internet Use17
Acceptability and Feasibility of Geographically Explicit Ecological Momentary Assessment Among Men Who Have Sex with Men17
Factors Associated with Intention to Initiate Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Cisgender Women at High Behavioral Risk for HIV in Washington, D.C.17
Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Recalled Perceived Parental and Peer Acceptance Thereof, Internalized Homophobia, and Psychological Well-Being Outcomes in Heterosexual and Gay Men from Poland17
Taking Another Look at the Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence Model: Does Gender Play a Role?17
The Moderating Effect of Religiousness on the Relation Between Sexual Guilt and Shame and Well-Being Among Jewish Religious Single Men17
Preparing for a Sex-Positive Future Where Sexual Assistance Is a Possibility16
Reinforcing or Disrupting Gender Affirmation: The Impact of Cancer on Transgender Embodiment and Identity16
The Devil Is in the Details16
Assigned-Female-at-Birth Trans Masculine and Non-Binary Individuals Differ in Their Body Satisfaction and Desire for Gender Affirming Treatments16
Perspectives on Sexual Citizenship for People Living with Disabilities: A Response to Commentaries16
A Preliminary Exploratory Factor Analysis of the BDSM Counselor Competency Scale15
LGBTQ Young Adults’ Identity Disclosure in the Workplace: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis of Disclosure Intentions and Outcomes15
Gender Incongruity in a Person with 46,XY and Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Raised as a Female15
Asexual Identity, Personality, and Social Motivations in a New Zealand National Sample15
Reasons for Genital Dissatisfaction in a Sample of Brazilian Men15
Genome-Wide Linkage Study Meta-Analysis of Male Sexual Orientation15
The Impact of Autonomous and Controlled Sexting Motivations on Subjective Well-being and Relationship Quality15
Confirming and Expanding the Moral Incongruence Model of Compulsive Sexual Behavior15
Empirically Assessing the Effectiveness of the Pathways Programme: An Online Self-Help Intervention for Male Sexual Aggression at UK Universities15
Beyond the Morning After: Measuring Positive and Negative Psychosocial Consequences of Sexual Encounters in Early Adulthood15
Dating Violence Trajectories in Adolescence: How Do They Relate to Sexual Outcomes in Canada?15
Profiles of Sexual Economic Exchanges among Women in Kisumu, Kenya: A Latent Class Analysis14
Facial Expression Stereotypes of Male and Female Adults and Children: Do Facial Expression Stereotypes of Adults Apply to Children?14
What Develops in the Biodevelopment of Sexual Orientation?14
Sexual Behavior Transition and Acute and Early HIV Infection Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Evidence from an Open Cohort in China, 2011–201914
How Does Migration Affect HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Involuntary Bachelors? The Mediating Roles of Neighborhoods and Social Networks14
Intimate Partner Sexual Violence in Emerging Adulthood: Exploring Sexual Consent Attitudes as a Target for Sexual Coercion Prevention13
The Interactions Between Vulnerabilities for HIV and Syphilis among Cisgender and Transgender People Who Use Drugs13
Better Communication Regarding Sexual Agreements Within Serodiscordant Male Couples Leads to Improved Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among the HIV-Positive Partner13
Intimacy in Psychotherapy: An Exploratory Survey Among Therapists13
Factors Associated with PrEP Persistence and Loss of Follow-Up: A 5-Year Historic Cohort13
Sexual Function After Voluntary Castration13
Culture-Specific Form of Stress Based on Sexual Orientation Among Childless Lesbian and Gay Individuals in China: Perceived Difficulties of Future Parenthood13
Preschool Gender-Typed Play Behavior Predicts Adolescent Gender-Typed Occupational Interests: A 10-Year Longitudinal Study13
Patterns of Sexual Risk Behaviors and Sexuality-Related Risk Factors among Young Adults in Germany: Implications for Prevention and Therapy13
“It Is A Purposefully Ambiguous Term”: Examining Emerging Adults’ Definitions of Hooking Up and How They Vary by Sex/Gender and Educational Background13
Loving Objects: Can Autism Explain Objectophilia?13
Sex in the Era of COVID-19 in a U.S. National Cohort of Cisgender Men, Transgender Women, and Transgender Men Who Have Sex with Men: April–May 202012
Timing of First Sexual Experience with a Same-Sex Partner: A Life Course Approach12
Introduction to the Special Section “The Impact of Youth Violence on Sexual Health of Adolescents from National and International Perspectives”12
Digit Ratio (2D:4D; Right-Left 2D:4D) and Multiple Phenotypes for Same-Sex Attraction: The BBC Internet Study Revisited12
The Biodevelopment of Sexual Orientation: Beyond the Known Horizon12
Sexual Behaviors and Factors Associated with Condomless Sexual Practice in Colombian Men Who Have Sex with Men at High Risk of HIV Transmission12
Neuroelectrical Activity and Sexual Stimulation: Deconstructing a Tower of Babel12
Did Prosociality Drive the Evolution of Homosexuality? Response to Luoto (2021)12
Male Sexual Victimization by Women: Incidence Rates, Mental Health, and Conformity to Gender Norms in a Sample of British Men12
Consensus and Caveats Concerning “Carving the Biodevelopment of Same-Sex Sexual Orientation at Its Joints”: Reply to Peer Commentaries on VanderLaan, Skorska, Peragine, and Coome12
Department for Education Statutory Guidance for Relationships and Sex Education in England: A Rights-Based Approach?12
Intersexual and Intrasexual Differences in Mate Selection Preferences Among Lesbian Women, Gay Men, and Bisexual Women and Men11
Elaborating and Testing Erotic Target Identity Inversion Theory in Three Paraphilic Samples11
The Cancer of Cancel Culture: Spreading “Correct” Scientific Ideologies Across North American Academia11
Listening to the Voices of Persons with Disabilities11
Individual, Interpersonal, and Structural Factors That Influence Intentions to Use Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Sexual Minority Men in Miami11
Modeling Dyadic Trajectories: Longitudinal Changes in Sexual Satisfaction for Newlywed Couples11
Children Spend Less Time Playing with Gender-Typical Toys These Days11
Reciprocal/Authoritarian Filial Piety and Mental Well-Being in the Chinese LGB Population: The Roles of LGB-Specific and General Interpersonal Factors11
An Analogue Study Investigating Differential Parenting of Gender Conforming and Nonconforming Boys11
Personal Preferences, Discursive Strategies, and the Maintenance of Inequality on Gay Dating Apps11
Effects of a 7-Day Pornography Abstinence Period on Withdrawal-Related Symptoms in Regular Pornography Users: A Randomized Controlled Study11
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Transgender Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs (T-KAB) Scale for the Mexican Population11
Population-Specific Correlates of Sexual Arrangements and Communication in a National Sample of Latinx Sexual Minority Men11
Birth Order and First Sexual Experience: Do Siblings Influence Sexual Debut in Adolescents?11
Are Female Paraphilias Hiding in Plain Sight? Risqué Male–Male Erotica for Women in Sinophone and Anglophone Regions11
Prevalence of Masturbation and Associated Factors Among Older Adults in Four European Countries11
Making Sense of Jiese: An Interview Study of Members from a Porn-Free Self-Help Forum in China11
Binary and Non-binary Gender Identities, Internalizing Problems, and Treatment Wishes Among Adolescents Referred to a Gender Identity Clinic in Germany10
Awareness and Knowledge of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents Assigned Male at Birth in the United States10
Examining the Role of Mononormative Beliefs, Stigma, and Internalized Consensual Non-Monogamy Negativity for Dehumanization10
#Metoo or #Hertoo? A Moderated Mediation Model of Gender Differences in Perceptions of Sexual Harassment10
Promoting an Anti-Racist Approach to Address Illegal Sexual Behavior Among Black Young People in the United States10
Sexual Orientation, Sexual Arousal, and Finger Length Ratios in Women10
Changes in Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Frequency and Sexual Repertoire from 2009 to 2018: Findings from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior10
Subjective Experiences of Pregnancy, Delivery, and Nursing in Transgender Men and Non-Binary Individuals: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender and Mental Health Concerns10
Syndemic Profiles and Sexual Health Risks Among Sexually Exploited Adolescent Girls in Taiwan: A Latent Class Analysis10
Testing the Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the German Version of Gray et al.’s (2003) Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire10
Non-Reproductive Sexual Behavior in Wild White-Thighed Colobus Monkeys (Colobus vellerosus)10
Exploring Minority Stress and Resilience in a Polyamorous Sample10
Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Identifying as Mainly Heterosexual: Stability and Change across Three Cohorts of Australian Women10
Identities and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Transgender Women in Myanmar: Perspectives from Transgender Women and Service Providers10
Gender Roles and Mobile Dating Applications: Exploring Links Between User Characteristics and Traditional Gender Expressions in Self-Presentations10
The Legality of Labor and Perceptions of Deservingness of Rights and Services for Sex Workers9
A Latent Class Analysis of Sexual Behavior and Associations with Sex Education, Smoking, Drinking, and Pornography Use Among Chinese Youth9
Perceptual Accuracy for Sexual Rejection in Romantic Relationships9
Pornographic Socialization as “Selective-Exposure”: Let it Go, Let it Go II9
The Development and Validation of the Pornography Use in Romantic Relationships Scale9
Heterogeneity in the Desire to Undergo Various Gender-Affirming Medical Interventions Among Transgender People in Hong Kong: Findings from a Community-Driven Survey and Implications for the Legal Gend9
Autogynephilia and Science: A Response to Moser (2022) and Serano and Veale (2022)9
Motivations for Endogamous Relationship Preferences9
Leisure Boredom, Timing of Sexual Debut, and Co-Occurring Behaviors among South African Adolescents9
Focusing the Conceptualization of Erotophilia and Erotophobia on Global Attitudes Toward Sex: Development and Validation of the Sex Positivity–Negativity Scale9
Who Finds Pornography Stressful? A Latent Profile Analysis9
Beyond the Label: Asexual Identity Among Individuals on the High-Functioning Autism Spectrum9
Molecular Assay-Based Extragenital Screening for Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae in Men Who Have Sex with Men9
Kinky Sex Gone Wrong: Legal Prosecutions Concerning Consent, Age Play, and Death via BDSM9
Porndemic? A Longitudinal Study of Pornography Use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Nationally Representative Sample of Americans9
Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Violence Experienced by Young Adult Black Men Who Have Sex with Men9
Perceptions of Pornography and Attitudes Toward Condom Use in Heterosexual Chinese Adults: The Effect of Sexual Pleasure, Safer Sex Communication Apprehension, and Shared Pornography Use During Sex9
A Systematic Review of Gender Dysphoria Measures in Autistic Samples9
Unpacking the Internalized Homonegativity–Health Relationship: How the Measurement of Internalized Homonegativity and Health Matter and the Contribution of Religiousness9
Primary Health Professionals’ Beliefs, Experiences, and Willingness to Treat Minor-Attracted Persons9
Factors Associated with Erectile Dysfunction Among Older Gay Men9
The “Chemsex” Phenomenon and Its Relationship with Psychological Variables in Men Who Have Sex with Men9
Prevalence of Paid Sex and Associated Factors Among Women and Men Attending HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Prospective Cohort9
Self-Perceived Problematic Use of Online Pornography Is Linked to Clinically Relevant Levels of Psychological Distress and Psychopathological Symptoms9
Development and Initial Validation of Measures of Proximal Stigmas and Experiences of Discrimination for Minor Attracted People9
Patient Reported Sexual Adaptation Following Prostate Cancer Treatment: An Analysis of Related Variables and Sexual Outcomes Associated with Sexual Adaptation Styles9
“They Mostly Preached Abstinence Which Didn’t Work”: Young Adults’ Perception of Sex-Related Messages from Caregivers Prior to Initiation of Sex9
Who Seeks Aggression in Pornography? Findings from Interviews with Viewers9
Explanations for Gender Differences in Preferences for Submissive Sexual Fantasies9
Outpatient Therapists’ Perspectives on Working With Persons Who Are Sexually Interested in Minors9
One Line of Sexual Decline? Growth Mixture Modeling for Midlife Sexual Satisfaction9
Sexual Affectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Bibliometric Profile of Scientific Production8
Evidence of a Bidirectional Association Between Daily Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction That Is Moderated by Daily Stress8
The Nuances of Intimacy: Asexual Perspectives and Experiences with Dating and Relationships8
Recommendations for 46,XY Disorders/Differences of Sex Development Across Two Decades: Insights from North American Pediatric Endocrinologists and Urologists8
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Develop a Combined Model of U.S. College Student Alcohol-Associated Condomless Sex8
Increase in the Prevalence of Online Pornography Use: Objective Data Analysis from the Period Between 2004 and 2016 in Poland8
Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship8
Human Papillomavirus-Associated Sexual Risks Among High School Students in the U.S.: Does Sexual Orientation Play a Role?8
Sexual Inactivity and Dysfunction in Denmark: A Project SEXUS Study8
Appearance-Related Partner Preferences and Body Image in a German Sample of Homosexual and Heterosexual Women and Men8
“I Just Want to Feel Good Without Making You Feel Bad”: Sexual Assertiveness Negotiation in Adolescent Romantic Relationships8
Evaluating the Subjective Orgasm Experience Through Sexual Context, Gender, and Sexual Orientation8
Sexual Agreement Discussions Among Adolescent Sexual Minority Men in the USA8
The Influence of Social Desirability on Sexual Behavior Surveys: A Review8
A Latent Profile Analysis of Greek University Students’ Sexting Profiles: Associations with Big Five Personality Traits8
Lover, Mentor, or Exploiter: Retrospective Perspectives of the Older Person Following Sexual Relationships with Adults During Adolescence8
Positive, Negative, or Mixed Feelings? A Person-Centered Approach to Consequences of First Penile-Vaginal Intercourse in College Students8
Psychiatric, Substance Use, and Structural Disparities Between Gay and Bisexual Men with Histories of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Recent Sexual Risk Behavior8
Exploring Perspectives on HIV Vulnerability Communication among Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients and Primary Care Providers8
Theoretically Suggested Divergent Predictions for Pornography Use, Religiosity, and Permissive Sexual Attitudes8
Sex Drive as a Possible Mediator of the Gender Difference in the Prevalence of Paraphilic Interests in a Nonclinical Sample8
The Heteronormativity Theory of Low Sexual Desire in Women Partnered with Men8
Understanding Sexual Health Indicators During Adolescence: A Study to Consider Time Since Sexual Debut When Exploring Multiple Sexual Partners8
Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Study of Childhood Gender Nonconformity in Males8
What Are the Physical Demands of Sexual Intercourse? A Systematic Review of the Literature8
Sexual Desire Mediates the Relationship-Promoting Effects of Perceived Partner Mate Value8
Further Evidence for the Dark-Ego-Vehicle Principle: Higher Pathological Narcissistic Grandiosity and Virtue Signaling Are Related to Greater Involvement in LGBQ and Gender Identity Activism7
Correction to: Gender-Affirming Treatment of Gender Dysphoria in Youth: A Perfect Storm Environment for the Placebo Effect—The Implications for Research and Clinical Practice7
Motivations to Enhance One’s Facial Hair: Affiliation, Rivalry, and Stress7
The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy in Rural Bangladesh: A Qualitative Analysis7
Increase in Depression and Anxiety Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men During COVID-19 Restrictions: Findings from a Prospective Online Cohort Study7
The Impact of Body Odors on Sexual Attraction and Partner Selection: A Review of Cisgender Homosexual Men and Women7
Examining the Measurement Invariance of the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White College Women in the U.S.7
Review of Impact of Risk Reduction Sessions on Sexual Behaviors in HIV Prevention Trials: Insights from Africa7
To Improve Sex Research, Don’t Suppress Ideas You Dislike: Reply to Walters et al. (2024)7
Pelvic Floor Disorders Due to Anal Sexual Activity in Men and Women: A Narrative Review7
Rise in Gender Dysphoria Diagnoses and Legal Gender Changes in Sweden: 2005–20177
Sex Differences in Response to Deception Across Mate-Value Traits of Attractiveness, Job Status, and Altruism in Online Dating7
On the Relationship Between Online Heterosexist Discrimination and Mental Health and Substance Use Among LGBTQ+ Young Adults7
Correction to: BDSM, Non-Monogamy, Consent, and Stigma Navigation: Narrative Experiences7
Correction: Exploring Within-Gender Differences in Friendships Using an Online Social Network7
Pathways and Patterns of Entrance into BDSM7
Correction to: Another Myth of Persistence?7
Causal Attributions of Low Sexual Desire in Women Partnered with Men7
Sexual Assault Gossip: Who Do We Share with and Why?7
Sexual Expression and Subsequent Marital Quality Among Partnered Older Adults7
Increased Urination Urgency Exacerbates Sexual Risk-Taking Through Heightened Sexual Arousal7
Is Social Gender Transition Associated with Mental Health Status in Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria?7
Stigmatization and Preferences in Monkeypox Vaccine Regimens7
Exploring Within-Gender Differences in Friendships Using an Online Social Network7
Sample Size in Qualitative Research Using In-Depth Interviews: A View from The Associate Editor 12 Years Later7
Erotic AI Chatbots Offer Research Opportunities for the Behavioral Sciences7
Correction: Understanding the Dynamics of Unwanted Online Sexual Solicitation Among Youth in Taiwan: Vulnerability and Resilience Factors7
Correction to: Reflections on the Clinician’s Role with Individuals Who Self-identify as Transgender7
Internalized Homophobia and Suicide Ideation Among Sexual Minority Adults: The Serial Mediation of Core Self-Evaluations and Depression7
Correction to: Sexual Consent Perceptions of a Fictional Vignette: A Latent Growth Curve Model7
Correction: To Improve Sex Research, Don’t Suppress Ideas You Dislike: Reply to Walters et al. (2024)7
Why Do We Need Antinatalist Medicine?7
Sexually Explicit Media Exposure, Sexual Violence Victimization, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men with New Drug Abuse in Jinan, China7
The Intimate and Sexual Costs of Emotional Labor: The Development of the Women’s Sexual Emotional Labor Assessment7
Correction to: Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings After Exposure Among Adolescents in Nine European Countries: The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics7
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexual Violence Survivors and Censorship on the Social Media Platform TikTok7
Evidence That Pervasive Body Gaze Behavior in Heterosexual Men Is a Social Marker for Implicit, Physiological, and Explicit Sexual Assault Propensities7
An Empirical Investigation of Variations in Outcomes Associated with Heterosexual Adults’ Most Recent Mixed-Sex Threesome Experience7
Associations Between Sexualized Media Consumption, Sexual Double Standards, and Sexual Coercion Perpetration and Victimization in Late Adolescent Sexually Active Boys and Girls from The Netherlands7
Perceptions of Infectability to Disease Moderate the Association between Daily Concerns about Contracting COVID-19 and Satisfaction with Sex6
(Mis)Perceiving Sexual Intent: A Mixed-Method Approach Investigating Sexual Overperception Across Diverse Sexual Identities6
Partner Support and Communication for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Use Among Male Couples6
Menstrual Cycle Changes in Daily Sexual Motivation and Behavior Among Sexually Diverse Cisgender Women6
Theorizing the Role of Sex Educators in the Resistance and Reification of Epistemic Injustices Related to the Sexual Expression of People with Intellectual Disability6
Gender/Sex Preferences May Moderate the Relationship between Cohabitation and Sibling Incest6
Implicit Sexual Cognitions in Women with Ambiphilic Sexual Attractions: A Comparison to Androphilic and Gynephilic Women6
Attitudes Toward and Willingness to Engage in Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) Among African Americans Who Have Never Engaged in CNM6
Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in Dark Triad Traits, Sexual Excitation/Inhibition, and Sociosexuality6
Alfred Kind’s Canceled Co-Authorship of Hirschfeld’s Die Transvestiten (1910)6
The Incidence Rate of Sexual Behaviors Among Cisgender Men Who Have Sex with Men Attending a Sexual Health Clinic6
“Nose Job": Possible Side Effects of Sars-Cov-26
Divergent Findings Highlight the Need for Replication Studies or the Use of Innovative Methods6
Associations Between Forced Intercourse and Subsequent Depression Among Women in the U.S. General Population6
The Bride Who Didn’t Bleed: Does an Intact Hymen Set the Hallmark for Virginity?6
Sexual Behavior and Sexual Decision-Making Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observations from a Rapid Ethnographic Assessment in Marion County, In6
Clinical and Conceptual Problems With Pedophilic Disorder in the DSM-5-TR6
Women’s Self-Care in the Reproductive Age: An Essential Agenda6
Future Research Directions on “The Closet” as Metaphor and Reality6
When Staying Home Is Not Safe: An Investigation of the Role of Attachment Style on Stress and Intimate Partner Violence in the Time of COVID-196
#ChokeMeDaddy: A Content Analysis of Memes Related to Choking/Strangulation During Sex6
Why Hungarians Have Sex (YSEX?-HSF)6
Castration for Pleasure: Exploring Extreme Castration Ideations in Fiction6
Female Affective Perception of Mainstream and Paraphilic Pornography: Associations with Sexual and Psychological Intrapersonal Variables6
Dimensional Reduction in Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake Willingness for Full-Service Sex Workers6
Being a Surrogate Partner: The Challenges of Fragile Boundaries6
The Development and Validation of the Orgasm Beliefs Inventory6
(Un)forgotten Sex Lives During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Coping Strategies That Work and the Role of Experience6
Measurement of Sexual Interests with Pupillary Responses: A Meta-Analysis6
Auditory Cues Alter the Magnitude and Valence of Subjective Sexual Arousal and Desire Induced by an Erotic Video6
Risky Sexual Behaviors as a Transaction of Individual Differences and Situational Context6
Attitudes Toward Transgender People Among Future Caribbean Doctors6
Sex Positive Rights and Public Sexual Health6