Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

(The TQCC of Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Balanced-Viscosity Solutions to Infinite-Dimensional Multi-Rate Systems79
Stochastic Homogenization of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations on a Junction26
Traveling Front Solutions of Dimension n Generate Entire Solutions of Dimension $$(n-1)$$ in Reaction–Diffusion Equations as the Speeds Go to Infinity26
Inverse of Divergence and Homogenization of Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations in Randomly Perforated Domains23
Global Weak Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations for Intermittent Initial Data in Half-Space21
Uniqueness of Positive Vorticity Solutions to the 2d Euler Equations on Singular Domains20
Non-conservation of Dimension in Divergence-Free Solutions of Passive and Active Scalar Systems20
Anticipation Breeds Alignment19
Propagation of Uniform Upper Bounds for the Spatially Homogeneous Relativistic Boltzmann Equation19
The Boltzmann Equation for Uniform Shear Flow19
Symbolic Dynamics for the Anisotropic N-Centre Problem at Negative Energies18
Echo Chains as a Linear Mechanism: Norm Inflation, Modified Exponents and Asymptotics18
Chaotic Phenomena for Generalised N-centre Problems17
Boyarsky–Meyers Estimate for Solutions to Zaremba Problem16
Objective Rates as Covariant Derivatives on the Manifold of Riemannian Metrics15
Hypocoercivity and Reaction-Diffusion Limit for a Nonlinear Generation-Recombination Model15
Free Boundary Minimal Annuli Immersed in the Unit Ball15
An Intrinsically Hydrodynamic Approach to Multidimensional QHD Systems15
Long-time asymptotics for coagulation equations with injection that do not have stationary solutions15
Regularity for Nonuniformly Elliptic Equations with $$p,\!q$$-Growth and Explicit $$x,\!u$$-Dependence15
Continuum Percolation in Stochastic Homogenization and the Effective Viscosity Problem14
Anisotropic Regularity of the Free-Boundary Problem in Compressible Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics14
Large Deviations and Entropy Production in Viscous Fluid Flows14
Symmetry Results for Compactly Supported Steady Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations14
Kac’s Process with Hard Potentials and a Moderate Angular Singularity13
Body-Ordered Approximations of Atomic Properties13
Transport Equations and Flows with One-Sided Lipschitz Velocity Fields13
Boundary Conditions and Polymeric Drag Reduction for the Navier–Stokes Equations12
The BPHZ Theorem for Regularity Structures via the Spectral Gap Inequality12
Violent Nonlinear Collapse in the Interior of Charged Hairy Black Holes12
Regularity Theory for Non-autonomous Partial Differential Equations Without Uhlenbeck Structure12
Gradient Higher Integrability for Degenerate Parabolic Double-Phase Systems12
Global Bifurcation and Highest Waves on Water of Finite Depth11
Stability of Lamb Dipoles11
On Maximally Mixed Equilibria of Two-Dimensional Perfect Fluids11
Ginzburg–Landau Relaxation for Harmonic Maps on Planar Domains into a General Compact Vacuum Manifold11
Existence of Nonradial Domains for Overdetermined and Isoperimetric Problems in Nonconvex Cones11
Propagation for Schrödinger Operators with Potentials Singular Along a Hypersurface11
Large-scale Regularity of Nearly Incompressible Elasticity in Stochastic Homogenization11
Model-Free and Prior-Free Data-Driven Inference in Mechanics11
On the Regularity of Optimal Transports Between Degenerate Densities10
Unconditional Stability of Equilibria in Thermally Driven Compressible Fluids10
Existence and Computation of Generalized Wannier Functions for Non-Periodic Systems in Two Dimensions and Higher10
Extremal Functions for Morrey’s Inequality10
A Variational Model of Charged Drops in Dielectrically Matched Binary Fluids: The Effect of Charge Discreteness10
The $$L^p$$ Teichmüller Theory: Existence and Regularity of Critical Points10
Nernst–Planck–Navier–Stokes Systems far from Equilibrium10
From Incommensurate Bilayer Heterostructures to Allen–Cahn: An Exact Thermodynamic Limit10
Homogenisation Problems for Free Discontinuity Functionals with Bounded Cohesive Surface Terms9
Decay and non-decay for the massless Vlasov equation on subextremal and extremal Reissner–Nordström black holes9
Global Existence of Strong and Weak Solutions to 2D Compressible Navier–Stokes System in Bounded Domains with Large Data and Vacuum9
Maximization of Neumann Eigenvalues9
On the Characterization, Existence and Uniqueness of Steady Solutions to the Hydrostatic Euler Equations in a Nozzle9
A New Gauge for Gravitational Perturbations of Kerr Spacetimes II: The Linear Stability of Schwarzschild Revisited9
Hard Spheres Dynamics: Weak Vs Strong Collisions9
Uniqueness of Regular Tangent Cones for Immersed Stable Hypersurfaces9
Remarkable Localized Integral Identities for 3D Compressible Euler Flow and the Double-Null Framework9
Existence of Hyperbolic Motions to a Class of Hamiltonians and Generalized N-Body System via a Geometric Approach9
Geodesic Rays of the N-Body Problem8
Higher Order Boundary Harnack Principle via Degenerate Equations8
Higher-Order Boundary Layers and Regularity for Stokes Systems over Rough Boundaries8
Benjamin–Feir Instability of Stokes Waves in Finite Depth8
The Viscosity Method for Min–Max Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces8
Global Schauder Estimates for the $$\mathbf {p}$$-Laplace System8
Nematic Liquid Crystal Flow with Partially Free Boundary8
The Tapering Length of Needles in Martensite/Martensite Macrotwins8
Long-Time Behavior of Alfvén Waves in a Flowing Plasma: Generation of the Magnetic Island8
Asymptotic Stability of Couette Flow in a Strong Uniform Magnetic Field for the Euler-MHD System8
Correction to: Burst of Point Vortices and Non-uniqueness of 2D Euler Equations7
Master Equation for the Finite State Space Planning Problem7
Homogenization of Ferromagnetic Energies on Poisson Random Sets in the Plane7
On the Critical Point Regularity for Degenerate Diffusive Equations7
A Counterexample to the Theorem of Laplace–Lagrange on the Stability of Semimajor Axes7
Correction to: Cauchy Problem for Incompressible Neo-Hookean Materials7
Burst of Point Vortices and Non-uniqueness of 2D Euler Equations7
Regularity and Nondegeneracy for Tumor Growth with Nutrients7
On Uniqueness of Multi-bubble Blow-Up Solutions and Multi-solitons to $$L^2$$-Critical Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations7
Variational Aspects of the Two-Center Problem7
On $$\varGamma $$-Convergence of a Variational Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries7
L2-Boundedness of Gradients of Single Layer Potentials for Elliptic Operators with Coefficients of Dini Mean Oscillation-Type7
Global Existence and the Decay of Solutions to the Prandtl System with Small Analytic Data7
On the Korteweg–de Vries Limit for the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam System7
On the Stability of Laminar Flows Between Plates7
Uniform Estimates in Periodic Homogenization of Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations7
Linear Vortex Symmetrization: The Spectral Density Function7
Lipschitz Bounds and Nonautonomous Integrals7
Publisher Correction to: $$L^2$$-Boundedness of Gradients of Single Layer Potentials for Elliptic Operators with Coefficients of Dini Mean Oscillation-Type7
Weyl’s Law for the Steklov Problem on Surfaces with Rough Boundary6
Existence and Stability of Kayaking Orbits for Nematic Liquid Crystals in Simple Shear Flow6
$$\Gamma $$-Limit for Two-Dimensional Charged Magnetic Zigzag Domain Walls6
A Parabolic Harnack Principle for Balanced Difference Equations in Random Environments6
A Variational Perspective on Auxetic Metamaterials of Checkerboard-Type6
On the Uniqueness of Schwarzschild–de Sitter Spacetime6
Energy Estimates for the Tracefree Curvature of Willmore Surfaces and Applications6
The Strongly Coupled Polaron on the Torus: Quantum Corrections to the Pekar Asymptotics6
Differentiability in Measure of the Flow Associated with a Nearly Incompressible BV Vector Field6
Local Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Primitive Equations6
Bold Feynman Diagrams and the Luttinger–Ward Formalism Via Gibbs Measures: Non-perturbative Analysis6
A Variational Singular Perturbation Problem Motivated by Ericksen’s Model for Nematic Liquid Crystals6
Free Boundary Problem for a Gas Bubble in a Liquid, and Exponential Stability of the Manifold of Spherically Symmetric Equilibria6
About the Landau-Fermi-Dirac Equation With Moderately Soft Potentials6
Long Time Dynamics for Generalized Korteweg–de Vries and Benjamin–Ono Equations6
The Number of Traveling Wave Families in a Running Water with Coriolis Force6
Partial Regularity for Fractional Harmonic Maps into Spheres6
Functions with Bounded Hessian–Schatten Variation: Density, Variational, and Extremality Properties6
Building Kohn–Sham Potentials for Ground and Excited States6
Entire Vortex Solutions of Negative Degree for the Anisotropic Ginzburg–Landau System6
Half-Space Solutions with 7/2 Frequency in the Thin Obstacle Problem5
Porous Medium Equation with a Drift: Free Boundary Regularity5
The Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Bohm Criteria for Plasma Sheath Formation5
Mathematical Foundations of the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect5
Recovery of Nonlinear Terms for Reaction Diffusion Equations from Boundary Measurements5
Exterior Stability of Minkowski Space in Generalized Harmonic Gauge5
On the Long-Time Behavior of Dissipative Solutions to Models of Non-Newtonian Compressible Fluids5
Variational Analysis of the $$J_1$$–$$J_2$$–$$J_3$$ Model: A Non-linear Lattice Version of the Aviles–Giga Functional5
Local Well-Posedness of Free-Boundary Incompressible Elastodynamics with Surface Tension via Vanishing Viscosity Limit5
Small Data Global Well-Posedness for a Boltzmann Equation via Bilinear Spacetime Estimates5
Regularity of Solutions to the Muskat Equation5
From Graph Cuts to Isoperimetric Inequalities: Convergence Rates of Cheeger Cuts on Data Clouds5
Harmonic Dipoles and the Relaxation of the Neo-Hookean Energy in 3D Elasticity5
Fine Properties of Geodesics and Geodesic $$\lambda $$-Convexity for the Hellinger–Kantorovich Distance5
On Non-uniqueness of Continuous Entropy Solutions to the Isentropic Compressible Euler Equations5
Long Time Dynamics for Combustion in Random Media5
On the Canham Problem: Bending Energy Minimizers for any Genus and Isoperimetric Ratio5
Nonlocal Cahn–Hilliard Equation with Degenerate Mobility: Incompressible Limit and Convergence to Stationary States5
Shape Optimization of a Weighted Two-Phase Dirichlet Eigenvalue5
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Numerical Solutions to Hyperbolic Conservation Laws5
Gradient Blow-Up for Dispersive and Dissipative Perturbations of the Burgers Equation5
Interior Regularity for Two-Dimensional Stationary Q-Valued Maps5
Stability of the Couette Flow for a 2D Boussinesq System Without Thermal Diffusivity5
Characterization of Minimizers of Aviles–Giga Functionals in Special Domains5
The Speed of Traveling Waves in a FKPP-Burgers System5
Well-Posedness of the Dean–Kawasaki and the Nonlinear Dawson–Watanabe Equation with Correlated Noise5