Archive for History of Exact Sciences

(The TQCC of Archive for History of Exact Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Poincaré’s works leading to the Poincaré conjecture11
Joseph Ibn Waqār and the treatment of retrograde motion in the middle ages6
David Hilbert and the foundations of the theory of plane area5
On fluidity of the textual transmission in Abraham bar Hiyya’s Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret5
Carnot’s theory of transversals and its applications by Servois and Brianchon: the awakening of synthetic geometry in France4
Helmholtz and the geometry of color space: gestation and development of Helmholtz’s line element3
Brianchon and Poncelet’s joint memoir, the nine-point circle, and beyond3
Canonical transformations from Jacobi to Whittaker3
Einstein–Perrin dilemma on the Brownian motion (Avogadro’s number) resolved?3
Fiction, possibility and impossibility: three kinds of mathematical fictions in Leibniz’s work2
Tables for the radii of the Sun, the Moon, and the shadow from John of Gmunden to Longomontanus2
Gauss on least-squares and maximum-likelihood estimation2
The Jeffreys–Lindley paradox: an exchange2
Peirce’s Dragon-Head Logic (R 501, 1901)2
The gravitational influence of Jupiter on the Ptolemaic value for the eccentricity of Saturn2
Federico Commandino and the Latin edition of Apollonius’s Conics (1566)2
Francesco Fontana (1580–1656) from practice to rules of calculation of lens systems2
A study of Babylonian planetary theory III. The planet Mercury1
A study of Babylonian records of planetary stations1
A terminological history of early elementary particle physics1
Galois and the simple group of order 601
Hipparchus’ selenelion and two pairs of lunar eclipses revisited1
The six books of Diophantus’ Arithmetic increased and reduced to specious: the lost manuscript of Jacques Ozanam (1640–1718)1
Correction to: “The language of Dirac’s theory of radiation”: the inception and initial reception of a tool for the quantum field theorist1
An alternative interpretation of BM 76829: astrological schemes for length of life and parts of the body1
The turbulence theory of P. Wehrlé and G. Dedebant (1934–1948): a forgotten probabilistic approach?1
Geometry and analysis in Anastácio da Cunha’s calculus1
Measurements of altitude and geographic latitude in Latin astronomy, 1100–13001
Levi-Civita simplifies Einstein. The Ricci rotation coefficients and unified field theories1
The Archimedean ‘sambukē’ of Damis in Biton1
Galois’s theory of ambiguity and its impacts1
A mechanical concentric solar model in Khāzinī’s Mu‘tabar zīj1
Mathématiques en perspective: Desargues, la Hire, le Poîvre1
The efflux problem: how hydraulics became divorced from hydrodynamics1
Ibn al-Zarqālluh’s discovery of the annual equation of the Moon1
SHAKE and the exact constraint satisfaction of the dynamics of semi-rigid molecules in Cartesian coordinates, 1973–19771
How to use Kepler’s first and second laws in a geo-heliocentric system? Ask G.B. Riccioli1