Archiv der Mathematik

(The median citation count of Archiv der Mathematik is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Approximation of analytic functions by an absolutely convergent Dirichlet series20
Szasz’s theorem and its generalizations16
A gradient maximum principle of solutions for a quasilinear parabolic equation8
Characterization of dual Steffensen–Popoviciu measures on compact intervals7
A note on the existence of certain rank 2 stable bundles on very general hypersurfaces of degree at least 5 in $$\mathbb P^3$$7
Irreducibility of the zero polynomials of Eisenstein series7
On embedding theorems for $${\mathfrak {X}}$$-subgroups7
Non-negative divisors and the Grauert metric5
Rotationally symmetric gradient Yamabe solitons5
Pointwise convergence for the elastic wave equation5
Expected invariants of simplicial complexes obtained from random point samples4
A small remark on Bernstein’s theorem4
Abelian sections of the symmetric groups with respect to their index4
Co-Bassian and generalized co-Bassian abelian groups4
Hardy inequalities for the Robin p-Laplacian in general domains4
Some regularity criteria of a weak solution to the 3D Navier–Stokes equations in a domain4
Almost sure summability of the maximal normed partial sums of m-dependent random elements in Banach spaces3
Mori dreamness of blowups of weighted projective planes3
An update on the $$L^p$$-$$L^q$$ norms of spectral multipliers on unimodular Lie groups3
A note on augmented period maps3
Tate–Hochschild cohomology for periodic algebras3
On the Vietoris semicontinuity property of the $$L_p$$ balls at $$p=1$$ and an application3
Generalized torsion elements in groups3
Exact order of extreme $$L_p$$ discrepancy of infinite sequences in arbitrary dimension3
A determinant involving Ramanujan sums and So’s conjecture3
On topological centers induced by unitary representations3
On the intersections of localized Jarník sets and localized uniformly Jarník sets in continued fractions3
Baire category and the relative growth rate for partial quotients in continued fractions3
Characterizations of canonically compactifiable graphs via intrinsic metrics and algebraic properties3
Algebraic surfaces determine analyticity of functions3
Regular orbits of self-dual modules3
Four-dimensional quadratic forms over $$\mathbb C(\!(t)\!)(X)$$3
An improvement of the sharp Li–Yau bound on closed manifolds2
Leavitt path algebras of quantum quivers2
3D Navier-Stokes equations of power law type with damping2
Asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of half-linear ordinary differential equations2
Realising countable groups as automorphisms of origamis on the Loch Ness monster2
A generalization of a lemma of Kac2
Profinite groups with few conjugacy classes of elements of infinite order2
A Noetherian criterion for sequences of modules2
The infinite product of contraction semigroups on $$l^{1}({\mathbb {N}})$$ and $$l^{\infty }({\mathbb {N}})$$2
$${\mathcal {W}}_\infty $$-transport with discrete target as a combinatorial matching problem2
Rationality of extended unipotent characters2
Strichartz estimates for Maxwell equations in media: the structured case in two dimensions2
Correction to: Strictly elliptic operators with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions on continuous functions on manifolds with boundary2
On p-class groups of relative cyclic p-extensions2
Covering functionals of convex polytopes with few vertices2
Multiplier completion of Banach algebras with application to quantum groups2
Delooping level of Nakayama algebras2
A note on Perron’s irreducibility criterion2
Algebras whose units satisfy a $$*$$-Laurent polynomial identity2
Macphail’s theorem revisited2
Fractional differential relations for the Lerch zeta function2
Almost periodic solutions of the parabolic-elliptic Keller–Segel system on the whole space2
The linear symmetries of Hill’s lunar problem2
Character table sudokus2
Compact linear combinations of composition operators on Hardy spaces2
Morphisms between Grassmannians, II2
A criterion for sequential Cohen-Macaulayness2
Weakly framed surface configurations, Heisenberg homology, and mapping class group action2
Combinatorial constructions of repairable threshold schemes2
On groups with all proper subgroups finite-by-abelian-by-finite2
Matrices for finite group representations that respect Galois automorphisms2
$$(1+)$$-complemented, $$(1+)$$-isomorphic copies of $$L_{1}$$ in dual Banach spaces2
Fractional integration of imaginary order in vector-valued Hölder spaces2
Sylow intersections and Frobenius ratios2
Exponential stability for laminated beams with intermediate damping2
Cohen-Macaulay weighted oriented chordal and simplicial graphs2
p-adic quotient sets: cubic forms2
The extension problem for fractional Sobolev spaces with a partial vanishing trace condition2
There are no topologically transitive operators in the noncommutative Schwartz space2
Sharper bounds for the numerical radius of $${n}\times {n}$$ operator matrices2
Exploring the periodic behavior of a singular predator-prey system2
Celebrating Loday’s associahedron2
On the uniqueness of eigenfunctions for the vectorial p-Laplacian2
On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large intervals2
Interlacing of zeroes of certain real-rooted polynomials2
Correction to: On subset sums of $$\mathbb {Z}_n^{\times }$$ which are equally distributed modulo n2
Orthogonal determinants of characters2
A note on skew linear groups of finite rank2
A seminorm characterization of infinite Banach direct sums1
On number fields towers defined by iteration of polynomials1
Prefrattini subgroups and crowns1
p-groups and zeros of characters1
A note on strong conciseness in virtually nilpotent profinite groups1
Sharpness of Seeger-Sogge-Stein orders for the weak (1,1) boundedness of Fourier integral operators1
Spectrality of a class of self-affine measures and related digit sets1
The minimally displaced set of an irreducible automorphism of $$F_N$$ is co-compact1
Injective generation of the derived category and finitistic dimension conjecture1
Products of locally cyclic groups1
Remarks on regular quantization and holomorphic isometric immersions on Hartogs triangles1
Nonexistence of solutions to singular Q-curvature equations1
Alternating state complexity of the set of primes and squarefree integers1
On degrees of logarithmic vector fields of certain schemes1
Vanishing of Ext modules over algebras1
Residual growth control for general maps and an approximate inverse function result1
A nonstandard proof of continuity of affine varieties1
Linear independence of certain numbers in the base-b number system1
A block theoretic proof of Thompson’s $$A\times B$$-lemma1
Orthogonal determinants of $${\textrm{SL}\,}_3(q)$$ and $${\textrm{SU}\,}_3(q)$$1
Lebesgue-type decomposition for sesquilinear forms via differences1
A-ergodicity of probability measures on locally compact groups1
Bounds of trilinear sums with Kloosterman fractions1
Character degrees, conjugacy class sizes, and element orders: three primes1
On the growth of multi-recurrences1
On Langmuir’s periodic orbit1
K-theory of Prüfer domains1
Primes represented by quadratic polynomials via exceptional characters1
Locally conformally symplectic deformation of Gromov non-squeezing1
Matrices of simple spectrum in irreducible representations of cyclic extensions of simple algebraic groups1
Counting square-free integers represented by binary quadratic forms of a fixed discriminant1
On polyharmonic helices in space forms1
A further q-analogue of a formula due to Guillera1
Comments on Salem polynomials1
The least non-split prime in a number field1
Non-monotonicity of the first eigenvalue for the 3D magnetic Robin Laplacian1
Reverse Legendre polynomials1
On the BMO boundedness of the Cauchy integral on a chord-arc curve1
A variational restriction theorem1
Uncertainty principles with error term in Gelfand–Shilov spaces1
Complex symmetry of linear combinations of composition operators on the Fock space1
A note on blocks of finite groups with TI Sylow p-subgroups1
Correction to: On a question of f-exunits in $${\mathbb {Z}}/n{\mathbb {Z}}$$1
A new infinite family of irregular algebraic surfaces with canonical map of degree 81
Some remarks on small values of $$\tau (n)$$1
Approximating singularities by a cuspidal-edge on a maxface1
Correction To: Integral geometry of pairs of hyperplanes or lines1
Alternative rings whose associators are not zero-divisors1
Riccati technique and oscillation of linear second-order difference equations1
A weak vector-valued Banach–Stone theorem for Choquet simplices1
Counterexamples to maximal regularity for operators in divergence form1
A monotonicity version of a concavity theorem of Lieb1
Noninner automorphisms of order p for finite p-groups of restricted coclass1
Elementary divisors, Hochster duality, and spectra1
Some best possible integral estimates involving Bernoulli polynomials1
A vertex weighted Bartholdi zeta function for a digraph1
Linear topological invariants for kernels of differential operators by shifted fundamental solutions1
Counting maximal abelian subgroups of p-groups1
Representing $${\varvec{n}}$$ as $${\varvec{n=x+y+z}}$$ with $${\varvec{x^2+y^2+z^2}}$$ a square1
The volumes of Miyauchi subgroups1
A minimal pseudo-complex monoid1
Generalized nonlocal Robin Laplacian on arbitrary domains1
Non-disjoint strong external difference families can have any number of sets1
Characterization of tropical plane curves up to genus six1
On birational Torelli theorems1
A characterization of Banach spaces with nonzero Bohr radius1
Existence of left invariant Ricci flat metrics on nilpotent Lie groups1
Orthogonally additive sums of powers of linear functionals1
Abelian groups acting irreducibly and bilinear forms1
Centralizers in finite solvable groups1
New results on maximal $$L^p$$-regularity of a class of integrodifferential equations1
On Stoll’s criterion for the maximality of quadratic arboreal Galois representations1
Characterization of topological groups by discrete cocompact subgroups1
The Cremona problem in dimension 21
Genus and crosscap of solvable conjugacy class graphs of finite groups1
A Fourier approach to pizza inequity1
Certain monomial ideals whose numbers of generators of powers descend1
Encoding n-to-1 baker’s transformations1
Lengths of factorizations of integer-valued polynomials on Krull domains with prime elements1
On the Krull dimension of rings of integer-valued rational functions1
Decidability of the Brinkmann problems for endomorphisms of the free group1
On the number of edges of cyclic subgroup graphs of finite groups1
A short proof of Timashev’s theorem on the real component group of a real reductive group1
Newly appointed editor1
Hardy inequalities and uncertainty principles in the presence of a black hole1
Cut loci and closed submanifolds of negatively curved manifolds1
Rational numbers with small denominators in short intervals1
Extremal problems for spherical convex polygons1
Finite groups in which modularity is a transitive relation1
Factorization for finite subdiagonal algebras of type 11
Optimal estimates from below for Green functions of higher order elliptic operators with variable leading coefficients1
Sums of infinite series involving the Riemann zeta function1
Mathematical study of attractors to a 3D heated fluid1
Sharp $$L_p$$ estimates for paraproducts on general measure spaces1
On a conjecture on shifted primes with large prime factors1
The origins of Coclass Theory1
Is the right-angled building associated to a universal group unique?1
Newly appointed editor1
On Laurent polynomial identities1
A note on second order Riesz transforms in 3-dimensional Lie groups1
Subgraphs of $$\alpha $$-Hermite BV functions and the rank-one theorem for $$\mathcal{B}\mathcal{V}_{{\mathcal {H}_{\alpha }}}$$1
A note on sequences not having metric Poissonian pair correlations1
A sufficient condition for random zero sets of Fock spaces1
On translated rank-2 Brill-Noether loci on regular surfaces1
Extending an Erdős result on a Romanov type problem1
On the transitivity of Lie ideals and a characterization of perfect Lie algebras1
The intersection graph of a finite simple group has diameter at most 51
On initial boundary value problems for the compressible Navier–Stokes system with temperature dependent heat conductivity1
On the rank of projective modules1
Newly appointed editor1
Linear and quasilinear evolution equations in the context of weighted $$L_p$$-spaces1
A cubic ring of integers with the smallest Pythagoras number0
$$L^2_f$$-harmonic 1-forms on smooth metric measure spaces with positive $$\lambda _1(\Delta _f)$$0
Chaotic iterated function systems0
Correction to: Combinatorial constructions of repairable threshold schemes0
On a Rayleigh-type quotient involving a variable exponent which depends on test functions0
Discrete and continuous dynamics of real 3-dimensional nilpotent polynomial vector fields0
On a reverse Hölder inequality for Schrödinger operators0
Tridiagonal shifts as compact + isometry0
On the maximal singular integral with Riesz potentials0
A height bound for abelian schemes with real$$\times \mathbb {Q}^{2}$$ multiplication0
Volume of convex polytopes equals mixed volume of simplices0
aCM bundles on a general abelian surface0
Upper bound on the colength of the trace of the canonical module in dimension one0
On extreme points and representer theorems for the Lipschitz unit ball on finite metric spaces0
Generalized eigenvalue problem for interval matrices0
The Stieltjes condition and multidimensional $${\mathcal {K}}$$-moment problems0
Rational homotopy types of mapping spaces via cohomology algebras0
A remark on the Brill–Noether theory of curves of fixed gonality0
Operator mean inequalities and Kwong functions0
An optimal Liouville theorem for the porous medium equation0
Some results on variations on the norm of finite groups0
Metric dimension of dual polar graphs0
An exact bound on the number of chips of parallel chip-firing games that stabilize0
A note on the 1-D minimization problem related to solenoidal improvement of the uncertainty principle inequality0
Lebesgue constants for the Walsh system and the discrepancy of the van der Corput sequence0
Integrally closed $${\mathfrak {m}}$$-primary ideals have extremal resolutions0
On interpretation of Fourier coefficients of Zagier type lifts0
Boundary value problems for second order differential equations with $$\varphi $$-Laplacians0
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces cannot contain all continuous functions on a compact metric space0
On the generic Conley conjecture0
Self-similarity of some soluble relatively free groups0
Boundary perturbation of m-dissipative operators0
A classification of generalized root systems0
On the connected components of the prime and Sylow graphs of a finite group0
Disjoint hypercyclic Toeplitz operators0
Solutions to $$x^4+py^4=z^4$$ in cubic number fields0
On the singularities of distance functions in Hilbert spaces0
A unified observability result for non-autonomous observation problems0
Liouville’s theorem on integration in finite terms for $$\mathrm D_\infty ,$$ $$ \textrm{SL}_2$$, and Weierstrass field extensions0
On effective multiplicity one for modular forms of half-integral weight0
Rigidity of solutions to elliptic equations with one uniform limit0
Paranilpotency in uncountable groups0
Weighted shadowing for delay differential equations0
On free elementary $$\mathbb {Z}_p C_p$$-lattices0
Hofer–Zehnder capacity of magnetic disc tangent bundles over constant curvature surfaces0
On the finiteness of radii of resolving subcategories0
On real analytic functions on closed subanalytic domains0
Weighted composition semigroups on Banach spaces of holomorphic functions0
Modular chains in infinite groups0
Weighted exponential inequality for differentially subordinate martingales0
The $$2 \times 2$$ block matrices associated with an annulus0
A note on homological systems0
An inverse spectral problem for a fractional Schrödinger operator0
Polynomial growth ancient solutions to harmonic form heat flow0
A short note on the similarity of operator-valued multishifts0
A note on polydegree (n, 1) rational inner functions, slice matrices, and singularities0
Homogeneous involutions on upper triangular matrices0
Finite groups with submodular primary subgroups0
Existence of solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on locally finite graphs0