Applied Ergonomics

(The TQCC of Applied Ergonomics is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Implementing Virtual Reality technology for safety training in the precast/ prestressed concrete industry92
Human-centered design of work systems in the transition to industry 4.086
Defining adaptive capacity in healthcare: A new framework for researching resilient performance86
The influence of using exoskeletons during occupational tasks on acute physical stress and strain compared to no exoskeleton – A systematic review and meta-analysis78
Biomechanical assessment of two back-support exoskeletons in symmetric and asymmetric repetitive lifting with moderate postural demands71
Ergonomics assessment of passive upper-limb exoskeletons in an automotive assembly plant64
Perceived musculoskeletal discomfort and its association with postural shifts during 4-h prolonged sitting in office workers50
Benchmarking occupational exoskeletons: An evidence mapping systematic review50
A novel vision-based real-time method for evaluating postural risk factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders50
Investigating resilience in emergency management: An integrative review of literature49
Assessing the potential for “undesired” effects of passive back-support exoskeleton use during a simulated manual assembly task: Muscle activity, posture, balance, discomfort, and usability48
A head mounted augmented reality design practice for maintenance assembly: Toward meeting perceptual and cognitive needs of AR users47
Shaping driver-vehicle interaction in autonomous vehicles: How the new in-vehicle systems match the human needs43
An industrial exoskeleton user acceptance framework based on a literature review of empirical studies42
Combined effects of noise and air temperature on human neurophysiological responses in a simulated indoor environment40
The effect of facial features on facial anthropomorphic trustworthiness in social robots39
Standards for passenger comfort in automated vehicles: Acceleration and jerk39
An ergonomic assessment tool for evaluating the effect of back exoskeletons on injury risk39
A systematic overview on the risk effects of psychosocial work characteristics on musculoskeletal disorders, absenteeism, and workplace accidents37
The role of machine learning in the primary prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: A scoping review37
A forecasting framework for predicting perceived fatigue: Using time series methods to forecast ratings of perceived exertion with features from wearable sensors34
The application of additive manufacturing / 3D printing in ergonomic aspects of product design: A systematic review34
How should external human-machine interfaces behave? Examining the effects of colour, position, message, activation distance, vehicle yielding, and visual distraction among 1,434 participants33
Driver eye movements in relation to unfamiliar traffic signs: An eye tracking study33
Intraoperative posture and workload assessment in vascular surgery33
Effect of risk, expectancy, and trust on clinicians’ intent to use an artificial intelligence system -- Blood Utilization Calculator33
Electronic health record usability and workload changes over time for provider and nursing staff following transition to new EHR32
Awareness of the real-world environment when using augmented reality head-mounted display32
A passive back exoskeleton supporting symmetric and asymmetric lifting in stoop and squat posture reduces trunk and hip extensor muscle activity and adjusts body posture – A laboratory study32
Neural and biomechanical tradeoffs associated with human-exoskeleton interactions32
Effects of passive back-support exoskeletons on physical demands and usability during patient transfer tasks31
A longitudinal examination of tablet self-management technology acceptance by patients with chronic diseases: Integrating perceived hand function, perceived visual function, and perceived home space a30
Virtual reality tour for first-time users of highly automated cars: Comparing the effects of virtual environments with different levels of interaction fidelity30
Development and evaluation of design guidelines for cognitive ergonomics in human-robot collaborative assembly systems30
Military load carriage effects on the gait of military personnel: A systematic review29
Distracted worker: Using pupil size and blink rate to detect cognitive load during manufacturing tasks29
A comparative study of navigation interfaces in virtual reality environments: A mixed-method approach27
Modeling takeover time based on non-driving-related task attributes in highly automated driving27
Is an anthropomorphic app icon more attractive? Evidence from neuroergonomomics27
Exploring the differential effects of trust violations in human-human and human-robot interactions27
Exploring the utility of EDA and skin temperature as individual physiological correlates of motion sickness27
Patient decision-making personas: An application of a patient-centered cognitive task analysis (P-CTA)27
Effects of passive exoskeleton support on EMG measures of the neck, shoulder and trunk muscles while holding simulated surgical postures and performing a simulated surgical procedure27
Workflow integration analysis of a human factors-based clinical decision support in the emergency department27
On the brink of disruption: Applying Resilience Engineering to anticipate system performance under crisis27
Augmented reality on industrial assembly line: Impact on effectiveness and mental workload26
Effect of automation transparency in the management of multiple unmanned vehicles26
A field study on spinal postures and postural variations during smartphone use among university students26
Workflow disruptions and provider situation awareness in acute care: An observational study with emergency department physicians and nurses25
Defining the meaning of “sustainable work” from activity-centered ergonomics and psychodynamics of Work's perspectives25
Measuring upper arm elevation using an inertial measurement unit: An exploration of sensor fusion algorithms and gyroscope models25
Crossing boundaries: Establishing a framework for researching quality and safety in care transitions25
Efficacy of augmented visual environments for reducing sickness in autonomous vehicles25
Modeling and analyzing hospital to home transition processes of frail older adults using the functional resonance analysis method (FRAM)25
Evaluation of mental workload during automobile driving using one-class support vector machine with eye movement data25
Sensor-based indicators of performance changes between sessions during robotic surgery training24
Effects of exergame and video game training on cognitive and physical function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial24
The effects of target size and error rate on the cognitive demand and stress during augmented reality interactions24
Which parts of the road guide obstacle avoidance? Quantifying the driver's risk field23
Exploring SEIPS 2.0 as a model for analyzing care transitions across work systems23
Bus driver fatigue: A qualitative study of drivers in London23
Failure to rescue following emergency surgery: A FRAM analysis of the management of the deteriorating patient23
Communication via motion – Suitability of automated vehicle movements to negotiate the right of way in road bottleneck scenarios23
An observational ergonomic tool for assessing the worn condition of slip-resistant shoes23
The effect of training and workstation adjustability on teleworker discomfort during the COVID-19 pandemic22
Vibrotactile feedback in virtual motor learning: A systematic review22
The effectiveness of virtual safety training in work at heights: A literature review22
Estimating objective (EEG) and subjective (SSQ) cybersickness in people with susceptibility to motion sickness22
Investigating the relationship between users' eye movements and perceived product attributes in design concept evaluation22
Digital technologies: An exploratory study of their role in the resilience of healthcare services22
Applying deep neural networks and inertial measurement unit in recognizing irregular walking differences in the real world21
Reducing postural load in order picking through a smart workwear system using real-time vibrotactile feedback21
Technology integration in complex healthcare environments: A systematic literature review21
Colour schemes to reduce stress response in the hygiene area of a space station: A Delphi study21
Freehand interaction with large displays: Effects of body posture, interaction distance and target size on task performance, perceived usability and workload21
‘Strangers in a strange land’: Understanding professional challenges for human factors/ergonomics and healthcare21
Predicting nurse fatigue from measures of work demands21
Cybersickness and postural stability of first time VR users playing VR videogames20
In contrast to slip-resistant shoes, fluid drainage capacity explains friction performance across shoes that are not slip-resistant20
Virtual and augmented reality in a simulated naval engagement: Preliminary comparisons of simulator sickness and human performance20
The centrality of workers to sustainability based on values: Exploring ergonomics to introduce new rationalities into decision-making processes20
Integrated modelling of built environment and functional requirements: Implications for resilience20
Improving the experience in the pedestrian's interaction with an autonomous vehicle: An ergonomic comparison of external HMI20
Cross-cultural differences in the acceptance of decisions of automated vehicles20
Aviation and neurophysiology: A systematic review19
Ergonomics in violin and piano playing: A systematic review19
A novel method for reducing motion sickness susceptibility through training visuospatial ability – A two-part study19
Operationalizing resilient healthcare concepts through a serious video game for clinicians19
Evaluation of the biomechanical stress in the neck and shoulders during augmented reality interactions19
Medication transitions: Vulnerable periods of change in need of human factors and ergonomics19
Exploring the nature of adaptive capacity for resilience in healthcare across different healthcare contexts; a metasynthesis of narratives19
Questioning the value of manual material handling training: a scoping and critical literature review19
Exploring the acceptance of tablets usage for cognitive training among older people with cognitive impairments: A mixed-methods study19
The Exo4Work shoulder exoskeleton effectively reduces muscle and joint loading during simulated occupational tasks above shoulder height19
Mental stress and safety awareness during human-robot collaboration - Review18
Shoulder muscle activity and perceived comfort of industry workers using a commercial upper limb exoskeleton for simulated tasks18
Systems thinking-based risk assessment methods applied to sports performance: A comparison of STPA, EAST-BL, and Net-HARMS in the context of elite women's road cycling18
Neuromuscular fatigue profiles depends on seat feature during long duration driving on a static simulator18
Understanding fatigue in a naval submarine: Applying biomathematical models and workload measurement in an intensive longitudinal design18
Meta-analysis of the effects of game types and devices on older adults-video game interaction: Implications for video game training on cognition18
Visual attention in realistic driving situations: Attentional capture and hazard prediction17
Workplace physical and psychosocial hazards: A systematic review of evidence informed hazard identification tools17
The effects of age and physical exercise on multimodal signal responses: Implications for semi-autonomous vehicle takeover requests17
Design for resilient performance: Concept and principles17
In robot we trust? The effect of emotional expressions and contextual cues on anthropomorphic trustworthiness17
Short-term effects of the Auxivo LiftSuit during lifting and static leaning17
Comparing upper arm and trunk kinematics between manufacturing workers performing predominantly cyclic and non-cyclic work tasks17
Ergonomic assessment of a new hand tool design for laparoscopic surgery based on surgeons’ muscular activity17
Navigating with Augmented Reality – How does it affect drivers’ mental load?16
Distributed situation awareness: From awareness in individuals and teams to the awareness of technologies, sociotechnical systems, and societies16
Speech-based takeover requests in conditionally automated driving: Effects of different voices on the driver takeover performance16
A multicomponent ergonomic intervention involving individual and organisational changes for improving musculoskeletal outcomes and exposure risks among dairy workers16
Individuals differ in muscle activation patterns during early adaptation to a powered ankle exoskeleton16
Manual material handling in the supermarket sector. Part 2: Knee, spine and shoulder joint reaction forces16
Australian firefighters perceptions of heat stress, fatigue and recovery practices during fire-fighting tasks in extreme environments16
Passive shoulder exoskeleton support partially mitigates fatigue-induced effects in overhead work16
Prediction of occupational exposure limits for noise-induced non-auditory effects16
It's not what you say but how you say it: Examining the influence of perceived voice assistant gender and pitch on trust and reliance16
A preliminary investigation on upper limb exoskeleton assistance for simulated agricultural tasks16
Human pressure tolerance and effects of different padding materials with implications for development of exoskeletons and similar devices16
Effects of load mass and position on the dynamic loading of the knees, shoulders and lumbar spine during lifting: a musculoskeletal modelling approach16
The effects of hospital bed features on physical stresses on caregivers when repositioning patients in bed16
PPE fit of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic16
Usability challenges in the use of medical devices in the home environment: A systematic review of literature16
An ergonomics educational training program to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders to novice and experienced workers in the poultry processing industry: A quasi-experimental study15
Effect of workstation configuration on musculoskeletal discomfort, productivity, postural risks, and perceived fatigue in a sit-stand-walk intervention for computer-based work15
Effect of standing desk use on cognitive performance and physical workload while engaged with high cognitive demand tasks15
Cluster size prediction for military clothing using 3D body scan data15
Vibration transmissibility and apparent mass changes from vertical whole-body vibration exposure during stationary and propelled walking15
Automation as an equal team player for humans? – A view into the field and implications for research and practice15
Design and ergonomic assessment of a passive head/neck supporting exoskeleton for overhead work use15
Measuring driver distraction – Evaluation of the box task method as a tool for assessing in-vehicle system demand15
Exoskeletons for workers: A case series study in an enclosures production line15
Strategies for the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace: A systematic review14
Postural strategies among office workers during a prolonged sitting bout14
Physiological and perceptual consequences of trust in collaborative robots: An empirical investigation of human and robot factors14
A methodology for Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis in Robotic Surgery14
Air-assisted devices reduce biomechanical loading in the low back and upper extremities during patient turning tasks14
Usability of smart infusion pumps: A heuristic evaluation14
Capturing challenges and trade-offs in healthcare work using the pressures diagram: An ethnographic study14
Ergonomic evaluation and performance of a new handle for laparoscopic tools in surgery14
What do family caregivers do when managing medications for their children with medical complexity?14
Are female soldiers satisfied with the fit and function of body armour?14
Reducing fall risk for home care workers with slip resistant winter footwear14
Manufacturing worker perceptions of using wearable inertial sensors for multiple work shifts14
Effect of automation failure type on trust development in driving automation systems14
The development of a mobile user interface ability evaluation system for the elderly14
Level of exoskeleton support influences shoulder elevation, external rotation and forearm pronation during simulated work tasks in females13
Team situation awareness accuracy measurement technique for simulated air combat - Curvilinear relationship between awareness and performance13
Mind the gap: Examining work-as-imagined and work-as-done when dispensing medication in the community pharmacy setting13
Effects of one-pedal automobile operation on the driver's emotional state and cognitive workload13
Intraoperative workload during robotic radical prostatectomy: Comparison between multi-port da Vinci Xi and single port da Vinci SP robots13
Effects of relocation to activity-based workplaces on perceived productivity: Importance of change-oriented leadership13
Improving the tactical scanning of student pilots: A gaze-based training intervention for transition from visual flight into instrument meteorological conditions13
What does ergonomics have to do with nanotechnologies? A case study13
Safety footwear: A survey of end-users13
Psychological, psychophysiological and behavioural effects of participant-selected vs. researcher-selected music in simulated urban driving13
The influence of packaging on consumers’ risk perception of chemical household products13
Lane-change intention prediction using eye-tracking technology: A systematic review13
Evaluating effectiveness of information visualizations using cognitive fit theory: A neuroergonomics approach13
Bipolar versus high-density surface electromyography for evaluating risk in fatiguing frequency-dependent lifting activities13
Investigating the relationship between three-dimensional perception and presence in virtual reality-reconstructed architecture13
“20,000 leagues under the sea”: Sleep, cognitive performance, and self-reported recovery status during a 67-day military submarine mission13
Identifying problems that female soldiers experience with current-issue body armour13
Influence of car seat firmness on seat pressure profiles and perceived discomfort during prolonged simulated driving13
User capabilities in eyes-free spatial target acquisition in immersive virtual reality environments13
Effects of control-to-display gain and operation precision requirement on touchscreen operations in vibration environments13
Manual material handling in the supermarket sector. Part 1: Joint angles and muscle activity of trapezius descendens and erector spinae longissimus12
Applying AcciMap to test the common cause hypothesis using aviation near misses12
Making ergonomics accountable: Reliability, validity and utility in ergonomics methods12
In plane sight: Inattentional blindness affects visual detection of external targets in simulated flight12
Quantifying surgeon maneuevers across experience levels through marker-less hand motion kinematics of simulated surgical tasks12
Side-effects and adverse events of a shoulder- and back-support exoskeleton in workers: A systematic review12
What driving style makes pedestrians think a passing vehicle is driving automatically?12
Exploring the performance of click and slide gestures on large in-vehicle touch screens12
Interventions and measurements of highly reliable/resilient organization implementations: A literature review12
Evaluation of a spring-loaded upper-limb exoskeleton in cleaning activities12
How personal characteristics impact phishing susceptibility: The mediating role of mail processing12
Impact of alarm management and automation on abnormal operations: A human-in-the-loop simulation study12
The ergonomic impact of patient body mass index on surgeon posture during simulated laparoscopy12
Effects of levels of automation and non-driving related tasks on driver performance and workload: A review of literature and meta-analysis12
The effect of aircraft seat pitch on comfort12
Taking a mixed-methods approach to collision investigation: AcciMap, STAMP-CAST and PCM12
Performance differences between instructions on paper vs digital glasses for a simple assembly task12
Vibration warning design for reaction time reduction under the environment of intelligent connected vehicles11
Workplace design-related stress effects on prefrontal cortex connectivity and neurovascular coupling11
Assessing mental workload with wearable devices – Reliability and applicability of heart rate and motion measurements11
Investigating what level of visual information inspires trust in a user of a highly automated vehicle11
Assessment of work-related hand and elbow workloads using measurement-based TLV for HAL11
Using IoT devices for sensor-based monitoring of employees' mental workload: Investigating managers’ expectations and concerns11
Facilitators and barriers of care transitions - Comparing the perspectives of hospital and community healthcare staff11
Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) applications in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and considerations for methods11
Care transition of trauma patients: Processes with articulation work before and after handoff11
Discriminating between simultaneous audible alarms is easier with auditory icons11
Effects of using a whole-body powered exoskeleton during simulated occupational load-handling tasks: A pilot study11
Decaying amplitude envelopes reduce alarm annoyance: Exploring new approaches to improving auditory interfaces11
The influence of human interaction on the vibration of hand-held human-machine systems – The effect of body posture, feed force, and gripping forces on the vibration of hammer drills11
How unintentional cues can bias threat assessments during shoot/don't-shoot simulations11
A kinematic analysis of balance recovery following an unexpected forward balance loss during stair descent11
A human factors approach to evaluate predictors of acute care nurse occupational fatigue11
Designing success: Applying Cognitive Work Analysis to optimise a para sport system10
Evaluating a wearable biofeedback device for reducing end-range sagittal lumbar spine flexion among home caregivers10
A qualitative descriptive study of the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on nursing care delivery in the critical care work system10
Prediction of military combat clothing size using decision trees and 3D body scan data10
Difference thresholds for a vehicle on a 4-poster test rig10
The effectiveness of ergonomic interventions in material handling operations10
Effects of automation reliability on error detection and attention to auditory stimuli in a multi-tasking environment10
Negotiating stairs with an inconsistent riser: Implications for stepping safety10
User acceptance of a personalised home lighting system based on wearable technology10
Developing a practice and evidence-based guideline for occupational health and safety professionals to prevent and handle musculoskeletal pain in workplaces10
Investigating the effect of road lighting color temperature on road visibility in night foggy conditions10
A biomechanical analysis of active vs static office chair designs10
Personalized persuasion: Quantifying susceptibility to information exploitation in spear-phishing attacks10
Prediction of slaughterhouse workers’ RULA scores and knife edge using low-cost inertial measurement sensor units and machine learning algorithms10
The effect of seating recline on sleep quality, comfort and pressure distribution in moving autonomous vehicles10
Cognitive bias in workplace investigation: Problems, perspectives and proposed solutions10
Mind the gap – development of conversion models between accelerometer- and IMU-based measurements of arm and trunk postures and movements in warehouse work10
Usability issues in the operating room – Towards contextual design guidelines for medical device design10
The effect of colour environments on visual tracking and visual strain during short-term simulation of three gravity states10
Exploring the benefits and limitations of augmented reality for palletization10
A three-dimensional parametric adult head model with representation of scalp shape variability under hair10
The influence of integrative lighting on sleep and cognitive functioning of shift workers during the morning shift in an assembly plant10
Voice messaging while driving: Effects on driving performance and attention10
Physiological investigation of cognitive load in real-life train travelers during information processing10
The effects of different seat suspension types on occupants' physiologic responses and task performance: implications for autonomous and conventional vehicles10
High letter stroke contrast impairs letter recognition of bold fonts10
Support systems for cyclists in automated traffic: A review and future outlook10
Effect of the thickness of polyurethane foams at the seat pan and the backrest on fore-and-aft in-line and vertical cross-axis seat transmissibility when sitting with various contact conditions of bac10
Insoles of uniform softer material reduced plantar pressure compared to dual-material insoles during regular and loaded gait10
Workplace isolation, loneliness and wellbeing at work: The mediating role of task interdependence and supportive behaviours10
SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) workplace temperature screening: Seasonal concerns for thermal detection in northern regions10
Input modality matters: A comparison of touch, speech, and gesture based in-vehicle interaction10
The effect of font width on eye movements during reading10
Validity of the occupational sitting and physical activity questionnaire (OSPAQ) for home-based office workers during the COVID-19 global pandemic: A secondary analysis10
Differential biases in human-human versus human-robot interactions10
Assessment of pressure sensitivity in the head region for Chinese adults10
Determining the impact of augmented reality graphic spatial location and motion on driver behaviors10