Applied Ergonomics

(The H4-Index of Applied Ergonomics is 30. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Implementing Virtual Reality technology for safety training in the precast/ prestressed concrete industry96
Human-centered design of work systems in the transition to industry 4.089
The influence of using exoskeletons during occupational tasks on acute physical stress and strain compared to no exoskeleton – A systematic review and meta-analysis81
Benchmarking occupational exoskeletons: An evidence mapping systematic review53
Assessing the potential for “undesired” effects of passive back-support exoskeleton use during a simulated manual assembly task: Muscle activity, posture, balance, discomfort, and usability51
Perceived musculoskeletal discomfort and its association with postural shifts during 4-h prolonged sitting in office workers50
A head mounted augmented reality design practice for maintenance assembly: Toward meeting perceptual and cognitive needs of AR users49
An industrial exoskeleton user acceptance framework based on a literature review of empirical studies47
Standards for passenger comfort in automated vehicles: Acceleration and jerk45
Shaping driver-vehicle interaction in autonomous vehicles: How the new in-vehicle systems match the human needs44
An ergonomic assessment tool for evaluating the effect of back exoskeletons on injury risk43
The effect of facial features on facial anthropomorphic trustworthiness in social robots40
The role of machine learning in the primary prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: A scoping review40
A systematic overview on the risk effects of psychosocial work characteristics on musculoskeletal disorders, absenteeism, and workplace accidents38
How should external human-machine interfaces behave? Examining the effects of colour, position, message, activation distance, vehicle yielding, and visual distraction among 1,434 participants37
Intraoperative posture and workload assessment in vascular surgery36
Driver eye movements in relation to unfamiliar traffic signs: An eye tracking study36
A passive back exoskeleton supporting symmetric and asymmetric lifting in stoop and squat posture reduces trunk and hip extensor muscle activity and adjusts body posture – A laboratory study36
Effects of passive back-support exoskeletons on physical demands and usability during patient transfer tasks36
The application of additive manufacturing / 3D printing in ergonomic aspects of product design: A systematic review36
A forecasting framework for predicting perceived fatigue: Using time series methods to forecast ratings of perceived exertion with features from wearable sensors36
Effect of risk, expectancy, and trust on clinicians’ intent to use an artificial intelligence system -- Blood Utilization Calculator35
Electronic health record usability and workload changes over time for provider and nursing staff following transition to new EHR34
Neural and biomechanical tradeoffs associated with human-exoskeleton interactions34
A longitudinal examination of tablet self-management technology acceptance by patients with chronic diseases: Integrating perceived hand function, perceived visual function, and perceived home space a33
Distracted worker: Using pupil size and blink rate to detect cognitive load during manufacturing tasks32
Is an anthropomorphic app icon more attractive? Evidence from neuroergonomomics31
Development and evaluation of design guidelines for cognitive ergonomics in human-robot collaborative assembly systems31
Military load carriage effects on the gait of military personnel: A systematic review31
Virtual reality tour for first-time users of highly automated cars: Comparing the effects of virtual environments with different levels of interaction fidelity30