Annals of Physics

(The H4-Index of Annals of Physics is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Geodesic motion around hairy black holes149
The quantum primordial black holes, dimensionless small parameter, inflationary cosmology and non-gaussianity80
Analyzing the effect of higher dimensions on the black hole silhouette, deflection angles, and PINN approximated quasinormal modes60
Nonequilibrium dynamics of two-component Bose gas with tunable Rydberg interactions: From ring dark soliton to self-structured pattern formation59
Reconstruction schemes of scalar field models for the Power Law Entropy Corrected Holographic Dark Energy model with Ricci scalar cut-off54
The geometrization of Maxwell's equations and the emergence of gravity and antimatter54
Metric-Affine Gravity as an effective field theory52
Quantum phase transitions in non-Hermitian P49
Many-body localization in large systems: Matrix-product-state approach48
Ladder resummation of spin 1/2 fermion many-body systems with arbitrary partial-wave content47
AdS–dS stationary rotating black hole exact solution within Einstein-nonlinear electrodynamics42
Editorial Board37
Non-singular non-flat universes36
Analytic “Newton’s cradles” with perfect transfer and fractional revival35
Gravitational waves of a first-order QCD phase transition at finite coupling from holography35
Cauchy data space and multisymplectic formulation of conformal classical field theories34
Hidden Killing fields, geometric symmetries and black hole mergers33
Editorial Board32
Equivalence principle in Reissner–Nordström geometry32
Observable relics of the simple harmonic universe31
Einstein–Cartan non-supersymmetric spin-polarised nucleons wall dynamos31
A two-dimensional electron gas suspended above a neutralizing background31
Exact bounds for dynamical critical exponents of transverse-field Ising chains with a correlated disorder29
Monopole hierarchy in transitions out of a Dirac spin liquid28
Editorial Board27
Gravitational and dilatonic radiations from the parallel dressed-dynamical unstable Dp26
Mesoscopic fluctuations in superconductor-topological insulator Josephson junctions26
From elasticity tetrads to rectangular vielbein26