Animal Behaviour

(The median citation count of Animal Behaviour is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The development of animal personality across ontogeny: a cross-species review66
Chimpanzees combine pant hoots with food calls into larger structures36
Guidelines for the ethical treatment of nonhuman animals in behavioural research and teaching36
Effects of multiple stressors on fish shoal collective motion are independent and vary with shoaling metric31
Prosociality, social tolerance and partner choice facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation in common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus30
Novelty at second glance: a critical appraisal of the novel object paradigm based on meta-analysis28
Facultative polyandry protects females from compromised male fertility caused by heatwave conditions28
Is less more? A commentary on the practice of ‘metric hacking’ in animal social network analysis27
The role of diversity in science: a case study of women advancing female birdsong research26
Social bonds predict dominance trajectories in adult male chimpanzees26
Do bumble bees play?26
Yawn contagion promotes motor synchrony in wild lions, Panthera leo25
Low-amplitude noise elicits the Lombard effect in plainfin midshipman mating vocalizations in the wild25
City mice and country mice: innovative problem solving in rural and urban noncommensal rodents25
Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching24
Behavioural lateralization in a detour test is not repeatable in fishes24
Aggression and motivation to disperse in eusocial naked mole-rats, Heterocephalus glaber23
The role of spatial accuracy and precision in hermit crab contests23
The reliability of individual vocal signature varies across the bonobo's graded repertoire22
Comparative analysis of noise effects on wild and captive freshwater fish behaviour22
Heat stress inhibits cognitive performance in wild Western Australian magpies, Cracticus tibicen dorsalis22
Vocal athletics – from birdsong production mechanisms to sexy songs22
Ultrasonic courtship vocalizations of male house mice contain distinct individual signatures22
Mechanisms and constraints underlying acoustic variation in rodents21
Animal size and sea water temperature, but not pH, influence a repeatable startle response behaviour in a wide-ranging marine mollusc21
Social network stability is impacted by removing a dominant male in replicate dominance hierarchies of a cichlid fish21
Getting lost: the fungal hijacking of ant foraging behaviour in space and time20
The causes and consequences of yawning in animal groups20
Motivation, accuracy and positive feedback through experience explain innovative problem solving and its repeatability20
Predator exposure enhances the escape behaviour of a small marsupial, the burrowing bettong20
Wind slows play: increasing wind speed reduces flower visiting rate in honey bees20
Urbanization predicts flight initiation distance in feral pigeons (Columba livia) across New York City19
Complex interactions between temperature, sexual signals and mate choice in a desert-dwelling jumping spider19
Short-term impacts of daily feeding on the residency, distribution and energy expenditure of sharks19
Parasitism and host social behaviour: a meta-analysis of insights derived from social network analysis19
Social exploitation of extensive, ephemeral, environmentally controlled prey patches by supergroups of rorqual whales18
Collective behaviour of fish in the presence and absence of flow18
Plumage colour saturation predicts long-term, cross-seasonal social dominance in a mutually ornamented bird18
Behavioural correlations across multiple stages of the antipredator response: do animals that escape sooner hide longer?18
Egg rejection changes with seasonal variation in risk of cuckoo parasitism in Daurian redstarts, Phoenicurus auroreus18
Predatory behaviour as a personality trait in a wild fish population18
Urban birdsongs: higher minimum song frequency of an urban colonist persists in a common garden experiment18
The effect of individual learning on collective foraging in honey bees in differently structured landscapes18
The representation of animal behaviour in the fossil record18
The dark side of play: play fighting as a substitute for real fighting in domestic pigs, Sus scrofa18
Consistent after all: behavioural repeatability in a long-lived lizard across a 6-year field study18
Timing of mating, reproductive status and resource availability in relation to migration in the painted lady butterfly17
Bumble bees strategically use ground level linear features in navigation17
Stable social groups foster conformity and among-group differences17
Bonobos and chimpanzees preferentially attend to familiar members of the dominant sex17
Analysis of female song provides insight into the evolution of sex differences in a widely studied songbird16
A combination of rules govern fruit trait preference by frugivorous bat and bird species: nutrients, defence and size16
Herring gull aversion to gaze in urban and rural human settlements16
Effects of prey colour on bird predation: an experiment in Mediterranean woodlands16
Bridging animal personality with space use and resource use in a free-ranging population of an asocial ground squirrel16
Love thy neighbour: behavioural and endocrine correlates of male strategies during intergroup encounters in bonobos16
Play fighting in wild spotted hyaenas: like a bridge over the troubled water of a hierarchical society16
Task-dependent reversal learning dynamics challenge the reversal paradigm of measuring cognitive flexibility16
Ontogeny of vocal learning in a hummingbird15
Negative frequency-dependent prey selection by wolves and its implications on predator–prey dynamics15
Collective close calling mediates group cohesion in foraging meerkats via spatially determined differences in call rates15
Colour morph predicts social behaviour and contest outcomes in a polymorphic lizard (Podarcis erhardii)15
Mate choice and the ‘opposite miss’ to Weber's law: proportional processing governs signal preferences in a treefrog15
The function of chimpanzee greeting calls is modulated by their acoustic variation15
Movement tortuosity and speed reveal the trade-offs of crop raiding for African elephants14
Automating the analysis of fish grazing behaviour from videos using image classification and optical flow14
Disentangling the importance of social and ecological information in goal-directed movements in a wild primate14
Experimental manipulation of mixed-species flocks reveals heterospecific audience effects on calling14
Polar bear foraging on common eider eggs: estimating the energetic consequences of a climate-mediated behavioural shift14
Relationship quality affects social stress buffering in dogs and wolves14
Fitness effects of seasonal birth timing in a long-lived social primate living in the equatorial forest14
Black widows on an urban heat island: extreme heat affects spider development and behaviour from egg to adulthood14
Punishment controls helper defence against egg predators but not fish predators in cooperatively breeding cichlids14
Variable use of polyadic grooming and its effect on access to social partners in wild chimpanzees and bonobos13
Balancing risk and reward: mating opportunity influences thermal refuge use in fiddler crabs13
Shifting balances in the weighting of sensory modalities are predicted by divergence in brain morphology in incipient species of Heliconius butterflies13
Social connectedness and movements among communities of giraffes vary by sex and age class13
Let's talk about sex roles: what affects perceptions of sex differences in animal behaviour?13
Maternal stress during pregnancy affects activity, exploration and potential dispersal of daughters in an invasive fish13
Field evidence supporting monitoring of chemical information on pathways by male African elephants13
Sex- and context-specific associations between personality and a measure of fitness but no link with life history traits13
Spatially clustered resources increase male aggregation and mating duration in Drosophila melanogaster13
Vocal learning in Savannah sparrows: acoustic similarity to neighbours shapes song development and territorial aggression13
Vibratory communication in a black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus): signal structure and signalling mechanisms13
Ontogeny and personality affect inhibitory control in guppies, Poecilia reticulata13
Behavioural context shapes vocal sequences in two anuran species with different repertoire sizes12
Cleaner fish and other wrasse match primates in their ability to delay gratification12
Contest competition for fruit and space among wild chimpanzees in relation to the vertical stratification of metabolizable energy12
Assessing animal welfare: a triangulation of preference, judgement bias and other candidate welfare indicators12
Interacting effects of short-term and long-term noise exposure on antipredator behaviour in sand gobies12
Risk in one is not risk in all: snails show differential decision making under high- and low-risk environments12
Personality shifts are inconsistent across two rapid range expansions of a non-native spider12
Environmental and life history factors, but not age, influence social learning about food: a meta-analysis12
Autumn southward migration of dragonflies along the Baltic coast and the influence of weather on flight behaviour12
Content bias in the cultural evolution of house finch song12
The role of visual and olfactory cues in social decisions of guppies and zebrafish12
Hive minded: like neurons, honey bees collectively integrate negative feedback to regulate decisions12
Autumn migratory timing and pace are driven by breeding season carryover effects11
Plumage manipulation alters associations between behaviour, physiology, the internal microbiome and fitness11
Intergroup lethal gang attacks in wild crested macaques, Macaca nigra11
Aggressive males are more attractive to females and more likely to win contests in jumping spiders11
Niche partitioning and individual specialization among age, breeding status and sex classes in a long-lived seabird11
Female helpers signal their contribution to chick provisioning in a cooperatively breeding bird11
Using playback to test leadership in mixed-species flocks and compare flocking with mobbing11
Size variation does not act as insurance in bumble bees; instead, workers add weight in an unpredictable environment11
Combining social information use and comfort seeking for nest site selection in a cavity-nesting raptor11
Urban populations of shrews show larger behavioural differences among individuals than rural populations11
High temperatures reduce song production and alter signal salience in songbirds11
Individual foraging site fidelity increases from incubation to nestling rearing in a colonial bird11
Producer–scrounger relationships in yellow-bellied marmots11
Relationship quality underpins pair bond formation and subsequent reproductive performance11
Extrapair paternity in a sequentially polyandrous shorebird: limited evidence for the sperm storage hypothesis11
The behaviour of infected guppies depends on social context, parasite tolerance and host sex11
Different as night and day: wild bats modify echolocation in complex environments when visual cues are present11
Social environment affects inhibitory control via developmental plasticity in a fish11
Measuring mimicry: methods for quantifying visual similarity11
Genetic ancestry predicts male–female affiliation in a natural baboon hybrid zone11
Anthropogenic noise alters the perception of a predator in a local community of great tits11
Plasticity and repeatability of activity patterns in free-living Arctic ground squirrels11
Costs, constraints and sexual trait elaboration11
Skilful mating? Insights from animal contest research11
A reproductive heir has a central position in multilayer social networks of paper wasps11
Effects of a group-living experience on the antipredator responses of individual tadpoles10
The effect of predation risk on group behaviour and information flow during repeated collective decisions10
Behavioural flexibility in a heat-sensitive endotherm: the role of bed sites as thermal refuges10
‘Hangry’ Drosophila: food deprivation increases male aggression10
Spatial and temporal cohesion of parents and offspring in a social large carnivore10
Do reproductive constraints or experience drive age-dependent space use in two large herbivores?10
Sequential and network analyses to describe multiple signal use in captive mangabeys10
Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics10
Phenotype networks reveal differences between practice and courtship displays in swallow-tailed manakins10
Experimental evidence for female mate choice in a noctuid moth10
Spawning-related movements in a salmonid appear timed to reduce exposure to visually oriented predators10
The form and function of chimpanzee buttress drumming10
Trade-off between predation risk and behavioural thermoregulation drives resting behaviour in a cold-adapted mesocarnivore10
A study of tactical and sexual dimorphism in cognition with insights for sexual conflict10
A test of the win-stay–lose-shift foraging strategy and its adaptive value in albatrosses10
Personality and plasticity predict postrelease performance in a reintroduced mesopredator10
Sharing spaces: niche differentiation in diet and substrate use among wild capuchin monkeys10
Living with low environmental complexity increases fear indicators in Nile tilapia10
Reef manta ray social dynamics depend on individual differences in behaviour10
Geographical variation of social calls and vocal discrimination in male Himalayan leaf-nosed bats10
The interacting effects of total light intensity and chromatic contrast on visual signal visibility in an Anolis lizard10
The interplay between winner–loser effects and social rank in cooperatively breeding vertebrates10
Leptin regulates song effort in Neotropical singing mice (Scotinomys teguina)10
Complex trade-offs in oviposition site selection in a cannibalistic frog10
Bateman (1948): was it all wrong? A comment on Hoquet (2020)10
Physiological innovation and the evolutionary elaboration of courtship behaviour10
Winner effects and switching assessment strategies facilitate fast and frugal decisions in territorial contests10
Animal personality can modulate sexual conflict over offspring provisioning9
Extended male–female bonds and potential for prolonged paternal investment in a polygynandrous primate (Papio anubis)9
Interpack communication in African wild dogs at long-term shared marking sites9
Long-term repeatability and age-related plasticity of female behaviour in a free-living passerine9
Resource limitation drives fission–fusion dynamics of group composition and size in a social bird9
Differential effect of aircraft noise on the spectral-temporal acoustic characteristics of frog species9
Individual personality does not predict learning performance in a foraging context in female guppies, Poecilia reticulata9
Looking out for each other: coordination and turn taking in common marmoset vigilance9
The interplay between sperm-mediated and care-mediated paternal effects in threespine sticklebacks9
Male–male interactions select for conspicuous male coloration in damselflies9
Moonlight triggers nocturnal display in a diurnal bird9
Urban noise does not affect cognitive performance in wild Australian magpies9
Precise cache detection by olfaction in a scatter-hoarder bird9
Honey bees adjust colour preferences in response to concurrent social information from conspecifics and heterospecifics9
Female demographic changes contribute to the maintenance of social stability within a primate multilevel society9
Defection on the bounty? Kinship and cooperative exploitation of a rich, essential but dangerous resource9
Habitat-dependent intergroup hostility in Diana monkeys, Cercopithecus diana9
How healthy is your mate? Sex-specific consequences of parasite infections in the moth Helicoverpa armigera9
Is it all about the pitch? Acoustic determinants of dog-directed speech preference in domestic dogs, Canis familiaris9
Rearing enrichments differentially modified hen personality traits and reduced prediction of range use9
Individual vocal signatures show reduced complexity following invasion9
Social complexity in plateau pikas, Ochotona curzoniae9
High-valued seeds are remembered better: evidence for item-based spatial memory of scatter-hoarding rodents9
Using ternary plots to investigate continuous variation in animal contest strategies9
More aggressive sea turtles win fights over foraging resources independent of body size and years of presence8
Zebrafish cooperate while inspecting predators: experimental evidence for conditional approach8
Echolocation call frequencies of bats vary with body temperature and weather conditions8
Odour-based social recognition in Damaraland mole-rats, Fukomys damarensis8
Female behaviour is differentially associated with specific components of multimodal courtship in ring doves8
Temperature-driven changes in behavioural unpredictability and personality in the beadlet sea anemone, Actinia equina8
Behavioural syndrome between boldness and aggressiveness and link with reproductive success in a wild bird population8
The angle of attack: rapping technique predicts skill in hermit crab contests8
Spectral overlap and temporal avoidance in a tropical savannah frog community8
Laboratory experiments reveal effects of group size on hunting performance in yellow saddle goatfish, Parupeneus cyclostomus8
Male superb lyrebirds mimic functionally distinct heterospecific vocalizations during different modes of sexual display8
Visual displays enhance vocal duet production and the perception of coordination despite spatial separation of partners8
My way is the highway: the role of plasticity in learning complex migration routes8
Spatial bet hedging, thermal trade-offs and glyphosate: crickets integrate multivariate information during oviposition8
Differences in flight initiation distances between African and Australian birds8
Spatiotemporal patterns of egg laying in the common cuckoo8
Correlated behavioural plasticities: insights from plasticity evolution, the integrated phenotype and behavioural syndromes8
Unpredictable risk enhances induced neophobia in northern red-bellied dace8
Reproductive skew in quasisocial parasitoids: how egalitarian is cooperative brooding?8
Jumping spiders attend to information from multiple modalities when preparing to jump8
Client fish traits underlying variation in service quality in a marine cleaning mutualism8
Wild female vervet monkeys change grooming patterns and partners when freed from feeding constraints8
Experimental manipulation of food distribution alters social networks and information transmission across environments in a food-caching bird8
Factors affecting tolerance persistence after grooming interactions in wild female vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus8
Biting and binding: an exclusive coercive mating strategy of males in a philodromid spider8
The role of behavioural flexibility in primate diversification8
Exploration and spatial cognition show long-term repeatability but no heritability in the Aegean wall lizard8
Heritability of dispersal in a rapidly spreading invasive spider8
Cooperative nest building in wild jackdaw pairs8
Reducing the bias due to unknown relationships in measuring the steepness of a dominance hierarchy8
Seasonal fission and fusion of killer whale, Orcinus orca, social structure at sub-Antarctic Marion Island8
No cultural transmission of use of nest materials in titmice Paridae8
Waste management by ants: the enhancing role of larvae8
Testing the acoustic adaptation hypothesis with vocalizations from three mongoose species8
Wood warblers learn to recognize mobbing calls of an unfamiliar species from heterospecific tutors8
Individual differences in task participation in wild chacma baboons8
A window into fly sex: mating increases female but reduces male longevity in black soldier flies8
The choice of euthanasia techniques can affect experimental results in aquatic behavioural studies8
Parenting in the city: effects of urbanization on incubation behaviour and egg temperature in great tits, Parus major8
Relaxed territoriality amid female trickery in a solitary carnivore8
Why do nestling birds fledge early in the day?8
The relaxed open mouth is a true signal in dogs: demonstrating Tinbergen's ritualization process8
Out of sight, out of mind: dear enemy effect in the rufous hornero, Furnarius rufus8
Impulsivity is affected by cognitive enrichment and links to brain gene expression in red junglefowl chicks8
Causes of plasticity and consistency of dispersal behaviour in a group-living spider7
Start and end of daily activity predict extrapair siring success independently of age in male blue tits7
Reciprocal plasticity and the diversification of communication systems7
Song performance improves with continued singing across the morning in a songbird7
Activity modulation and selection for forests help giant anteaters to cope with temperature changes7
Food-exchanging Norway rats apply the direct reciprocity decision rule rather than copying by imitation7
Collective attention in navigating homing pigeons: group size effect and individual differences7
Vocal functional flexibility: what it is and why it matters7
Thermoenergetic challenges and daytime behavioural patterns of a wild cathemeral mammal7
Behavioural differences and interactions between two sessile bivalves forming mixed-species assemblages7
Human impact on deer use is greater than predators and competitors in a multiuse recreation area7
An integrated approach to infer the mechanisms of mate choice for size7
Individual foraging specialization in group-living species7
Resource competition shapes female–female aggression in olive baboons, Papio anubis7
Individuality, as well as genetic background, affects syntactical features of courtship songs in male mice7
Personality-dependent passage behaviour of an aquatic invasive species at a barrier to dispersal7
Dispersal and life history of brown widow spiders in dated invasive populations on two continents7
Individual recognition and individual identity signals in Polistes fuscatus wasps vary geographically7
Ultraviolet polarized light pollution and evolutionary traps for aquatic insects7
Entry and aggregation at a Central African bai reveal social patterns in the elusive forest elephant Loxodonta cyclotis7
No risk to scrambling? Mating tactic does not affect the frequency of leg autotomy in a New Zealand harvestman7
Keep calm and carry on: reactive indifference to predator encounters by a gregarious prey species7
Guidelines for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching7
Mortality risk promotes cooperation of wasps when paralysing hosts7
Referential gestures are not ubiquitous in wild chimpanzees: alternative functions for exaggerated loud scratch gestures7
Beyond thermal melanism: association of wing melanization with fitness and flight behaviour in a butterfly7
Testing measures of boldness and exploratory activity in native versus invasive species: geckos as a model system7
The male swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polytes, uses cuticular hydrocarbons for mate discrimination7
Multimodality during live tutoring is relevant for vocal learning in zebra finches7
Microgeographical variation in birdsong: Savannah sparrows exhibit microdialects in an island population7
Divorce rate varies with fluidity of passerine social environment7
Stronger maternal social bonds and higher rank are associated with accelerated infant maturation in Kinda baboons7
Nest site selection in a terrestrial breeding frog: interrelationships between nest moisture, pH and male advertisement7