
(The median citation count of Anesthesiology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Postoperative Delirium in a Randomized Trial of Intraoperative Norepinephrine versus Phenylephrine Infusion592
Preventive Analgesia for Brain Surgery: Will Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine Help Us Find the Buried Treasure—If It Exists?183
Pyridoxine Prevents Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial155
Tragedy on the Mississippi! Mark Twain’s Brother Injured, Then Overdosed141
Prediction of Complications and Prognostication in Perioperative Medicine: A Systematic Review and PROBAST Assessment of Machine Learning Tools119
Emerging Paradigms in the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: The Patient Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance119
A Lesson in Loss: A Novice Anesthesiologist’s Journey117
Anesthesiologists and the Other Pandemic: Tobacco Use107
Savoring Uncertainty97
Moving from “Surgeries” to Patients: Progress and Pitfalls While Using Machine Learning to Personalize Transfusion Prediction93
Evaluate Extubation in Neurosurgical Patients: Comment83
Carbon Footprint of Anesthesia: Comment76
Vesalius’ Fabrica: Sublime Anatomy, Crude Physiology69
Prone Positioning in COVID-19 ARDS: Comment69
Cohabitation of Neonatally Sevoflurane-exposed and -unexposed Male Rats Affects Their Respective Behavioral Phenotypes: Research Letter68
Reviewing Residency Applications during the Pandemic67
Local Anesthetic Cardiac Toxicity Is Mediated by Cardiomyocyte Calcium Dynamics62
Patient and Process Outcomes among Pediatric Patients Undergoing Appendectomy during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Retrospective Cohort Study62
This Month in Anesthesiology60
Encapsulation Dynamics of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs by Sugammadex58
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist57
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist56
Ketamine Pharmacodynamics Entangled: Reply55
Playing Second Fiddle on a Pantoum53
Ring Around the Rocuronium: Sugammadex Encapsulation Explained BIT by BIT53
Ketamine Pharmacodynamics Entangled: Comment53
Unveiling the Uncertainties: Opioid-free Anesthesia and the Road Ahead51
The Masters of Medicine: Our Greatest Triumphs in the Race to Cure Humanity’s Deadliest Diseases48
In the Spirit of Frobenius: Aether by Goltzius47
Brief Assessment of Patient Phenotype to Explain Variability in Postsurgical Pain and Opioid Consumption after Cesarean Delivery: Performance of a Novel Brief Questionnaire Compared to Long Questionna47
Collaborative Artificial Intelligence in Practice: The Next Steps46
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit46
Sedatives and Postoperative Delirium: Comment44
Prone Position Minimizes the Exacerbation of Effort-dependent Lung Injury: Exploring the Mechanism in Pigs and Evaluating Injury in Rabbits44
This Month in Anesthesiology44
A Medical Student’s Pauses, Perspectives, and Pursuits during Clerkships42
A Comparison of Five Algorithmic Methods and Machine Learning Pattern Recognition for Artifact Detection in Electronic Records of Five Different Vital Signs: A Retrospective Analysis40
Meaning and Management of Perioperative Oliguria40
Prolonged Opioid Use and Pain after Surgery: Reply40
ASA Consensus-based Guidance on Preoperative Management of Patients on Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists39
Laryngeal Keel and Its Implications during Airway Management39
Appropriateness of Answers to Common Preanesthesia Patient Questions Composed by the Large Language Model GPT-4 Compared to Human Authors39
Carbon Footprint of Anesthesia: Comment39
Managing Long COVID Syndrome37
Baseline Vulnerabilities May Play a Larger Role than Depth of Anesthesia or Sedation in Postoperative Delirium37
Perioperative Use of Gabapentinoids: Comment36
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist36
Management of Patient–Ventilator Asynchrony34
End-tidal Carbon Dioxide for Diagnosing Anaphylaxis in Patients with Severe Postinduction Hypotension34
Fasting Duration and Blood Pressure in Children: Comment34
Type II Genial Tubercle Fracture33
Individual and System Level Factors Contributing to Guideline Non-Adherent Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis at a Tertiary Health Care System: A Qualitative Analysis33
Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training33
A Musical Portrait of Lithotomy without Anesthesia33
From Notes to Knowledge: Deciphering Perioperative Risky Substance Use through Natural Language Processing32
Breaking Through: My Life in Science32
Electrical Impedance Tomography Identifies Evolution of Regional Perfusion in a Porcine Model of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome32
The Book of Charlie: Wisdom from the Remarkable American Life of a 109-Year-Old Man31
Authorship and Publication Matters: Reply31
Anesthesiologist Age and Sex Influence Patients: Comment30
Difficult Airway Management in Neonates: Fiberoptic Intubation via Laryngeal Mask Airway30
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit30
Treatments Associated with Lower Mortality among Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study30
Systemic Air Embolism during Percutaneous Transthoracic Lung Biopsy30
Anesthesia and Developing Brains: Unanswered Questions and Proposed Paths Forward29
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit29
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit28
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist28
Expression Profiles of Immune Cells after Propofol or Sevoflurane Anesthesia for Colorectal Cancer Surgery: A Prospective Double-blind Randomized Trial27
Magneto-Electric Machine’s Shocking Treatment: Sparks of Genius or Flash in the Pan?27
A Roadmap for Environmental Sustainability of Plastic Use in Anesthesia and the Perioperative Arena27
Nitrous Oxide and Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: Conflicting Evidence27
We Are All Perfectly Fine: A Memoir of Love, Medicine and Healing26
Bringing Back the Balance: Opioid Reduction in Anesthesia26
This Month in Anesthesiology26
Augmenting the Anesthesiologist’s Cockpit with Head-mounted Displays for Image-guided Procedures: Are We There Yet?26
Emergency Airway Management in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons for All?25
Luck, Pluck, and the Making of the Macintosh Laryngoscope25
Does Slow and Steady Win the Race? Gaining Perspective on Preoperative β-Blocker Initiation24
2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Monitoring and Antagonism of Neuromuscular Blockade: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Neuromuscula24
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist24
Elastomeric Respirators for COVID-19 and the Next Respiratory Virus Pandemic: Essential Design Elements24
Analgesia as a Component of General Anesthesia: A Problem of Terminology?24
Respiratory Drive in Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock: Modulation by High-flow Nasal Cannula24
Anesthesiology: Reflecting and Leading22
Opioid-free Anesthesia: Reply22
Updates in Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: Comment21
Effect of Global Ventilation to Perfusion Ratio, for Normal Lungs, on Desflurane and Sevoflurane Elimination Kinetics21
Harnessing Light: Girl with a Pulse-ox Earring21
Immediate Hypersensitivity to Chlorhexidine: Experience from an Allergy Center in China21
Quantitative Monitoring Practice Change: Reply21
Postoperative Pain and Age: A Retrospective Cohort Association Study21
Spinal Anesthesia with Targeted Sedation based on Bispectral Index Values Compared with General Anesthesia with Masked Bispectral Index Values to Reduce Delirium: The SHARP Randomized Controlled Trial20
Environmental Footprint of Anesthesia: More than Inhaled Anesthetics!20
Coca: The Sun God’s Anesthetic Leaves20
Sodium Bicarbonate in Different Critically Ill Conditions: From Physiology to Clinical Practice19
Pressure Support Ventilation and Atelectasis: Reply19
Targeting Depth of Anesthesia to Prevent Delirium: Comment19
Segmental Tracheomalacia in a Patient with a Persistent Air Leak19
Amiodarone with or without N-Acetylcysteine for the Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation after Thoracic Surgery: A Double-blind, Randomized Trial19
Life from Death: The Tragedy and Heroism of Dr. Paluel J. Flagg19
Authors and Editors Must Consider Appropriate Use of Acronyms and Initialisms, or Text Will Be DOA (Dead on Arrival)19
Referral Indications for Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility Diagnostics in Patients without Adverse Anesthetic Events in the Era of Next-generation Sequencing19
COVID-19–associated Coagulopathy18
This Month in Anesthesiology18
Postoperative Phase Angle and Prognosis after Cardiac Surgery: A Historical Cohort Study18
One-lung Ventilation and Complications: Comment18
Percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (Neuromodulation) for Postoperative Pain: A Randomized, Sham-controlled Pilot Study18
Forward, Together18
Repurposing General Anesthetic Drugs to Treat Depression: A New Frontier for Anesthesiologists in Neuropsychiatric Care18
Performance of Noninvasive Airway Occlusion Maneuvers to Assess Lung Stress and Diaphragm Effort in Mechanically Ventilated Critically Ill Patients18
December Is for Congregation, Celebration, Operation, Recuperation18
Done with Mirrors?18
Association between Intraoperative Electroencephalogram Burst Suppression and Postoperative Delirium: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis18
Anesthetic MAC: Origin, Utility, and Nomenclature Revisited18
Prophylactic Penehyclidine Inhalation for Prevention of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in High-risk Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Trial: Erratum17
This Month in Anesthesiology17
The New Biomarker in Town: Neurofilament Light Chain17
Liposomal Bupivacaine versus Dexamethasone: Comment17
Self-reported Race/Ethnicity and Occult Hypoxemia: Comment17
Highlighting Variability in Medicare Payments for Anesthesia Units: Rural Pass-through versus Medicare Anesthesia Conversion Factor16
Opioid-free Anesthesia Protocol on the Early Quality of Recovery after Major Surgery (SOFA Trial): A Randomized Clinical Trial16
Influence of Fractional Inspired Oxygen Tension on Lung Perfusion Distribution, Regional Ventilation, and Lung Volume during Mechanical Ventilation of Supine Healthy Swine16
This Month in Anesthesiology16
Anesthesia and Circulating Tumor Cells: Comment16
Epidural Anesthesia and Postoperative Delirium: Comment16
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist16
Application of the Estimand Framework to Anesthesia Trials16
NPO! Ready to Go?: Do Current Fasting Guidelines Ensure Empty Stomach in Diabetic Patients?16
Naloxone for Opioid Overdose: Reply16
Anesthesia-induced Brain Oscillations and Vulnerability to Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorders16
Novel Pulsed Ultrahigh-frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation Inhibits Mechanical Hypersensitivity and Brain Neuronal Activity in Rats after Nerve Injury16
Sedatives and Postoperative Delirium: Reply16
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist15
The Pulse Oximeter Is Amazing, but Not Perfect15
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit15
Jay J. Jacoby, Pied Piper of Anesthesiology14
This Month in Anesthesiology14
Baseline Intraoperative Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Is Associated with Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac Surgery14
Association between “Balance Billing” Legislation and Anesthesia Payments in California: A Retrospective Analysis14
Naloxone for Opioid Overdose: Comment14
Self-reported Race/Ethnicity and Intraoperative Occult Hypoxemia: A Retrospective Cohort Study14
Dural Puncture Epidural for Labor Analgesia: Is It Really an Improvement over Conventional Labor Epidural Analgesia?14
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit14
Frequency and Risk Factors for Difficult Intubation in Women Undergoing General Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Analysis14
The Walk13
How Low Will It Go? Predicting Intraoperative Hypotension13
Antithrombin Levels during Venoarterial ECMO: Comment13
Quadratus Lumborum Block in Total Hip Replacement: Reply13
The Story of ECMO13
The Evolution, Current Value, and Future of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System13
The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science13
Anesthesia and Surgery in Space: Reply12
Stress Pathways Induced by Volatile Anesthetics and Failure of Preconditioning in a Mitochondrial Complex I Mutant12
Botulinum Toxin Type A for Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion Block in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Trial12
Phrenic-sparing Analgesia after Shoulder Surgery: Deep Sigh or Pain Relief—Are We There Yet?12
Incidence and Prevalence of Pain Medication Prescriptions in Pathologies with a Potential for Chronic Pain12
Emergency Airway Management in COVID-19: Reply12
Anesthesia Needs to Lead the Way in Safety—Again—through the Universal Adoption of Structured Handoffs12
Intravenous Dabigatran Provides Adequate Anticoagulation for Cardiopulmonary Bypass Using a Rabbit Model11
Dr. Paul M. Wood’s Namesake Collection Finds a Home11
Individualized versus Fixed Positive End-expiratory Pressure for Intraoperative Mechanical Ventilation in Obese Patients: A Secondary Analysis11
This Month in Anesthesiology11
Noninvasive Urine Oxygen Monitoring and the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury in Cardiac Surgery11
Availability of Pediatric Surgery: Implications for Planning Pediatric Anesthesiology Education11
Five More Minutes11
If I Betray These Words: Moral Injury in Medicine and Why It’s So Hard for Clinicians to Put Patients First11
Individual PEEP in Obesity: Comment11
The Heidbrink Anesthetizers: Model A to Z?11
The Circle of Life: Christopher Wren and the First Intravenous Anesthetic11
Mid-Aortic Syndrome11
Liposomal Bupivacaine’s Plausibility Fails to Translate11
Walk a Tightrope or Burn a Bridge?: Sedation versus General Anesthesia for Intubation of a Pediatric Difficult Airway11
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist11
Factor Eight Inhibitor Bypass Activity Use in Cardiac Surgery: A Propensity-matched Analysis of Safety Outcomes11
Anesthetic Safety Was No Mystery for Paul M. Wood, M.D.10
Perioperative Opioids, the Opioid Crisis, and the Anesthesiologist10
Itsy Bitsy Inductions: The Effect of High-dose Sevoflurane Following Loss of Consciousness in Children10
Stuck: How Vaccine Rumors Start—and Why They Won’t Go Away10
Impact of a personalized intervention on preoperative anxiety and determination of the minimal clinically important difference in anxiety levels – a randomized clinical trial.10
Instructions for Obtaining Anesthesiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit10
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist10
Perioperative Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult Patients: A Review for the Perioperative Physician10
What Language Is the Brain Speaking?10
Availability of Inpatient Pediatric Surgery in the United States10
Ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus blocks for persistent pain after suboccipital craniotomies9
Puncture Wound9
Use of Neuromuscular Blocking and Antagonism Agents across the Spectrum of Renal Impairment Undergoing Major Inpatient Surgery: A Single-center Retrospective Observational Cohort Study9
Optimizing Resuscitation of the Donation after Circulatory Death Heart by Mitochondrial Protection in a Female Porcine Model9
Modified Thermodilution for Simultaneous Cardiac Output and Recirculation Assessment in Veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Prospective Diagnostic Accuracy Study9
Aortic Biomechanics: Comment9
Determinants and Practice Variability of Oxygen Administration during Surgery in the United States: A Retrospective Cohort Study9
Exposure to Operative Anesthesia in Childhood and Subsequent Neurobehavioral Diagnoses: A Natural Experiment Using Appendectomy9
Perioperative Management of Patients for Whom Transfusion Is Not an Option9
Dr. Giesecke Anesthetizes a Giant Gorilla9
Awake Total Neuromuscular Blockade as Experienced by Anesthesiologist Volunteers: Reply9
Sign-reversed versus Orthodox Granger Causality Analysis of the Electroencephalogram in General Anesthesia: Research Letter9
Analgesic Effectiveness of Liposomal Bupivacaine versus Plain Local Anesthetics for Abdominal Fascial Plane Blocks: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials9
Hypotension Prediction Index Is Equally Effective in Predicting Intraoperative Hypotension during Noncardiac Surgery Compared to a Mean Arterial Pressure Threshold: A Prospective Observational Study9
Evolving Perspectives on Esophagectomy Care: Clinical Update8
Prophylactic Penehyclidine Inhalation for Prevention of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in High-risk Patients: A Double-blind Randomized Trial8
A Beautiful Friendship—and a Lesson about Friends and Colleagues: A Classic Partnership Revisited8
Management of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Postcardiotomy Cardiogenic Shock8
Under Pressure: More Evidence Supporting Increased PEEP in Obese Patients8
This Month in Anesthesiology8
Predicting Death or Disability after Surgery in the Older Adult8
Building Blocks: Studies of Adjunct Perineural vs. Systemic Dexamethasone in Peripheral Nerve Blocks8
Reducing Adverse Outcomes from Handovers: Comment8
Foregger’s Autogenor: Revitalized Air for Athletes and Anesthesia8
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist8
Back Pain in Outer Space8
Realigning Incentives for Novel Pain Therapeutics8
Iatrogenic Pediatric Pneumothorax: Comment8
Hemostatic In Vitro Properties of Novel Plasma Supernatants Produced from Late-storage Low-titer Type O Whole Blood8
Descending Control of Nociception Poorly Predicts the Development of Persistent Postsurgical Pain-like Behavior in Consomic Dahl S Rat Strains8
“People, We Have a Problem”8
Adherence to Intravenous Access Recommendations for Cesarean Delivery8
Echo in Atrial Flutter8
Gastric Volume and Diabetes: Comment8
Isabella C. Herb, M.D., a Seasoned Anesthesiologist and Advocate8
Joint Letter to the Editor from the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care on Management of Neuromuscular Blockade8
This Month in Anesthesiology8
A Prelude to Painless Surgery: Charles F. Heywood’s Invitation to W. T. G. Morton8
Isoelectric Electroencephalography in Infants and Toddlers during Anesthesia for Surgery: An International Observational Study8
Perioperative Management of Heart Transplantation: A Clinical Review8
Cervical Injury after Videolaryngoscopy in Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis: Reply7
Evidence Supporting Anesthesiology Guidelines: Comment7
Perioperative Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis, Prediction, Prevention, and Treatment7
Science, Medicine, and the Anesthesiologist7
Pain and Opioid Consumption and Mobilization after Surgery: Post Hoc Analysis of Two Randomized Trials7
Vital Signs7
Analgesic Effectiveness of Motor-sparing Nerve Blocks for Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Network Meta-analysis7
Perspectives on Anesthesia and Perioperative Patient Safety: Past, Present, and Future7
Vial Cap Eye7
Coronary Artery Air Embolism in the Non–operating room Anesthesia Setting: Comment7