American Surgeon

(The TQCC of American Surgeon is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stop the Bleed®: Medical Students as Instructors of the Bleeding Control Basics Course43
The Effect of Frailty in Predicting Outcomes of Rib Fractures Among Elderly Patients32
Prehospital Needle Decompression of Suspected Tension Pneumothorax: Outcomes and Consequences30
An Analysis of Traumatic and Non-Traumatic Hemopericardium Using Autopsy Data From a County Medical Examiner29
Opioid Use, Disposition, and Parent Satisfaction Following Common Pediatric Surgical Procedures21
Perioperative Fluid Management in Surgical Patients: A Review19
Hypercoagulable Factors Attributing to Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis and Acute Mesenteric Ischemia17
Endovascular Intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury: An EAST Multicenter Study16
Resection of a Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma With Pancreaticoduodenectomy in a Patient With a Prior Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Retained Gastric Remnant16
Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Trauma Patients at Extreme Risk of Mortality: A Time-Series Analysis16
Gastrostomy Tube Outcomes Among Surgical and Non-Surgical Services: A Retrospective Review16
Patient Resiliency and Caregiver Burden After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Resulting in Quadriplegia16
Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures Improves Outcomes in the Geriatric Patient Population15
Evaluation of Long-Term Nutrition Outcomes After Duodenal Switch: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis15
Persistent Racial Disparities in Morbidity Following Major Elective Operations14
Undoing a Knot in a Central Venous Catheter Using a Double-Wire Technique14
5-year Follow-up of Reimplanted Parathyroid Glands in Forearm Subcutaneous Tissue During Thyroidectomy. A Confirmation of Graft Vitality in a Large Series of Patients14
Laparoscopic-Assisted Relocation of the Umbilicus With Umbilicoplasty in Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction14
Early Vasopressor Requirement Among Hypotensive Trauma Patients: Does It Cause More Harm Than Good?13
Letter re: Implementation of Electronic Clinical Decision Support Tools13
Clotting Propensity in Trauma Patients According to Marijuana Use: A Descriptive Analysis13
Chylous Ascites Presenting as an Acute Abdomen After Sleeve Gastrectomy13
Comparison of Contralateral vs Ipsilateral Vein Graft for Traumatic Vascular Injury Repair: A Cohort From PROOVIT13
Clinical Longevity of Preoperative Injection of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Delayed Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy12
The ASA Classification System as a Predictive Factor to Stay at the Virtual Hybrid Care Hotel12
Association of Interhospital Transfer With Outcomes of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Contemporary Analysis12
Systemic Determinants in Surgery: Nonclinical Factors Affecting Time to Operation for Incarcerated Ventral Hernias12
Treatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in the Setting of Tatton-Brown-Rahman Syndrome12
Routine Repeat Imaging of Pediatric Blunt Solid Organ Injuries Is Not Necessary12
The Impact of Flame Burn Injuries on Patients Who Sustain Mild Injuries From Motor Vehicle Crashes12
Evaluating the Reliability of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography in Healthy Normal Adults12
Posterior Approach to the Popliteal to Peroneal Bypass12
Core Needle Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules11
Emergency General Surgery Regionalization: Retrospective Cohort Study of Emergency General Surgery Patients at a Tertiary Care Center11
Massive Transfusion Activations in Non-Trauma Patients11
Post-Trauma Follow-up Phone Call Shows Lower Readmission Rates for Patients Discharged From Emergency Department Compared to Inpatient Stay11
Letter re: Response to Letter to the Editor Regarding “Adolescent Trauma During the COVID Pandemic: Just Like Adults, Children, or Someone Else?”11
Contemporary Outcomes and Patterns of Injury Associated With Parachuting Accidents11
Vitamin C and Thiamin Deficiencies in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic and Robotic Gastric Band Removal10
Outcomes of Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatment for Colorectal Cancer in Nonagenarian Patients10
Entero-Urachal Fistula: An Unusual Initial Presentation of Penetrating and Stricturing Crohn’s Disease10
Sleepless and Spent in Survivorship: Fatigue and Insomnia in Breast Cancer Survivors10
The Benefits of Local Anesthesia Used in Mastectomy Without Reconstruction10
Bile Duct Injuries During Urgent Cholecystectomy at a Safety Net Teaching Hospital: Attending Experience and Time of Day May Matter10
Impact of Language Congruence on Patient Outcomes Following Gastrostomy Tube Insertion10
Non-Binary Trauma Patients: Delineating a Vulnerable, At-Risk Population10
Comparing Payments to Surgeons From Drug and Medical Device Corporations Reveals Inequalities Between Genders and Specialties10
Evaluation of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta Complications in a Community-Based Trauma Center9
Prospective Study on Avoiding Seroma Formation by Flap Fixation After Modified Radical Mastectomy9
Modified Graham Patch Repair of Small Bowel Anastomotic Leak9
Mental Practice, Visualization, and Mental Imagery in Surgery: a Systematic Review9
Utilization Large Animal Research as an Adjunct for Surgical Education Increases Perceived Resident Confidence9
Open and Closed Approaches to Skin Closure After Nonelective Open Colorectal Operations9
Perioperative Blood Transfusions or Operative Time: Which Drives Post-Hepatectomy Outcomes?9
Decompressive Laparotomy for Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Failure due to Intra-Abdominal Hypertension in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient9
Calculation and Feedback of Risk-Adjusted Antibiotic Days as a Process Measure in a Statewide Trauma Collaborative9
Emergency Cricothyrotomy: A 10-Year Single Institution Experience9
Victims of Violence, How a Trauma Center and Family Justice Center Can Provide Continued Care After Initial Hospitalization9
Obesity and Associated Outcomes for Blunt vs Penetrating Mechanism in Trauma Laparotomy Patients9
Early Postoperative Extubation is Associated with Shorter Hospitalization and Improved Short-Term Survival in Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy8
Outcomes Among Malnourished Patients With Crohn’s Disease Undergoing Elective Ileocecectomy: A Nationwide Analysis8
Rosai-Dorfman Disease of the Chest Wall Following Mastectomy for Breast Cancer8
Outcomes and Histological Variations of Neuroblastoma and Ganglioneuroblastoma with Paraneoplastic Syndromes8
Palliative Care for Extracorporeal Life Support: Insights From the National Inpatient Sample8
Atrial Cannulation During Resuscitative Clamshell Thoracotomy8
Reduced Opioid Use and Prescribing in a Same Day Discharge Pilot Enhanced Recovery Program for Elective Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgical Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic8
Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy With Complete Mesocolic Excision and Central Vascular Ligation Using a Right Colon Rotation Technique (Flip-Flap Method)8
Financial Well-Being: Contextualizing Resident Compensation Compared to Other Professionals8
Letter re: “Open Versus Minimally Invasive Emergent Colectomy for Diverticulitis”8
Primary Synovial Sarcoma of the Rectum8
The Impact of Fibrinogen to Prognostic Nutritional Index Rate on Prognosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma8
Genetic Considerations in the Tumorigenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Current State of the Science8
Usefulness of Diagnostic Staging Laparoscopy for Advanced Gastric Cancer8
Trauma Patients With Cirrhosis Have a Similar Risk of Unplanned Operation and Decreased Associated Risk of Mortality With Venous Thromboembolism Chemoprophylaxis8
Clinical Progression of Colorectal Resection in Gynecologic Cancer Patients: Does the Risk of Anastomotic Leakage Increase after Surgery?8
Management of Venous and Arterial Bullet Emboli8
Reversal of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Successful Salvage of Renal Allograft8
Venous Thromboembolism Chemoprophylaxis Compliance in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit8
The Ethics of Discharge Planning After Violent Injury8
Bilateral Gluteal Fasciocutaneous Advancement Flaps With and Without Tie-Over Sutures in Treatment of Chronic Pilonidal Disease: A Prospective Case Series8
Combined Upper-Lower Extremities Fractures in the Elderly8
Howard Atwood Kelly (1858–1943) and the Kelly Clamp8
The Relationship between Serum Sodium, Serum Osmolality, and Intracranial Pressure in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Treated with Hyperosmolar Therapy8
Use of Perioperative Intravenous Lidocaine as Part of an Abdominal Surgery Enhanced Recovery Pathway Does Not Significantly Impact Postoperative Pain7
Patient-Family and Provider Partnerships in the Management of Pediatric Uncomplicated Appendicitis7
Association of Frailty With Post-Operative Outcomes of Older Adults Undergoing Elective Ostomy Reversal7
Evaluating Clinical Reasoning in Undergraduate Medical Education: The Value of a Virtual Oral Assessment7
Incidence of Red Cell Antibody Formation Following Massive Transfusion Protocol: Experience of a Single Institution7
Impact of Repeat Head Computed Tomography on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients With Abbreviated Injury Score 1-2 Injuries7
A Criteria to Reduce Interhospital Transfer of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Greater East Texas7
Complicated Diverticulitis and Pelvic Radiation Leading to Colonic Stricture, Colorectal Fistula, and Anal Stenosis7
Factors Associated With Early Amputation in Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia7
Comparative Outcomes for Trauma Patients in Prison and the General Population7
Single-Layer Interrupted Spoke Wheel Suture Pancreaticojejunostomy: A Safe and Reliable Anastomosis Technique After Pancreaticoduodenectomy7
Risk Factors of Mortality in Patients Hospitalized With Chronic Duodenal Ulcers7
Effect of Health Disparities on Refusal of Trimodality Therapy in Localized Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of the National Cancer Database7
Acquired Tracheomalacia Requiring Urgent Tracheostomy Exchange in Patients With COVID-197
Total Psoas Area is a Measure for Deconditioning in Colorectal Surgery Patients7
Cecal-Colon Intussusception due to Appendiceal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma7
Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Found in Breast Mass7
Outcomes and Predictors of Delayed Intervention After Renal Trauma7
Wine, Honey, and Boiling Oil: A Modern Understanding of Ancient Wound Care Practices7
Cholecystectomy After Percutaneous Cholecystostomy for Acute Cholecystitis: Experience and Outcomes in an Academic Practice7
Impact of Fluid Balance on Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay in Critically Ill Trauma Patients7
Indocyanine Green as a Navigational Adjunct for Laparoscopic Ablation of Liver Tumors7
Adjacent Adult and Pediatric Trauma Centers: Which Way to Turn With the Injured Adolescent?7
Evaluation of New Mental Health Diagnoses After Pediatric Traumatic Injuries at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center7
Validation for Abbreviated Hospital Stay in Pediatric Patients with Solid Organ Injury7
Psychiatric Symptoms, Aggression, and Sexual Dysfunction Among Patients With Benign Anal Conditions7
Robotic Surgery in Safety-Net Hospitals: Addressing Health Disparities and Improving Access to Care7
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on an Israeli Acute Care Surgery Unit: Fewer Patients, More Disease7
Anorectal Manifestations of Treatment-Refractory Monkeypox Requiring Surgical Intervention7
Long-Term Outcomes of Pylorus-Preserving Gastrectomy for Early Gastric Cancer7
Pulmonary Complications of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in Trauma Patients. A Matched Analysis From a National Trauma Database6
Clinicopathological Features of Remnant Gastric Cancer After Gastrectomy6
Rural Melanoma Patients Have Less Surgery and Higher Melanoma-Specific Mortality6
Association of Nicotine Cessation Time on the Incidence of Recurrent Incisional Hernia Repair and Postoperative Surgical Site Occurrences6
The Intersection of Race and Rurality and its Effect on Colorectal Cancer Survival6
Common Injury Patterns in Trauma Patients Arriving in Extremis6
Atraumatic Acute Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome in a Patient With McArdle’s Disease6
Ovarian Salvage With Prompt Surgical Intervention for Adnexal Torsion: Does Timing Matter?6
Open Versus Percutaneous Tracheostomy in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis: Analysis of a Nationwide Database6
Having Outpatient Major Elective (HOME) Robotic Colon Resection Protocol: A Safe Approach to Ambulatory Colon Resection6
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Refractory Acute Respiratory Failure Following Traumatic Injury: Analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank (2007-2019)6
Rib Plating Outcomes in Elderly Trauma Patients With Multiple Rib Fractures: A Community Hospital Experience6
Proximal Gastrectomy With Double-Tract Reconstruction for Gastroesophageal Junction Injury6
Retrograde Pylorogastric Intussusception—Case Report and Literature Review6
Trauma Computed Tomography in the Modern Era: Not Always Quick and Safe6
The Great Debate: Mesh or No Mesh in Contaminated Hernia Repairs?6
Survey of Diagnostic and Management Practices in Small Bowel Obstruction: Individual and Generational Variation Despite Practice Guidelines6
Comparison of Robotic, Laparoscopic, and Open Unilateral Repair of Non-recurrent Inguinal Hernia6
Georgia Quality Improvement Programs Multi-Institutional Collection of Postoperative Opioid Data Using ACS-NSQIP Abstraction6
Impact of Hospital Volume on Utilization of Minimally Invasive Surgery for Gastric Cancer6
Surgical Resection of Bilateral Polycystic Ovaries Causing Ureteral Obstruction6
Improving Opioid Prescribing Post-Discharge for Trauma Patients With Rib Fractures: Factors in Prevention of Prolonged Use and Dependency6
The Distressed Communities Index: A Measure of Community-Level Economic Deprivation and Rate of Firearm Injuries in Maryland6
The Use of Active Coagulation Whole Blood—An Innovative Treatment Strategy for Hard-To-Heal Wounds6
Resolution of Paraneoplastic Lumbosacral Plexopathy in a Patient With Stage III Rectal Cancer after Curative Resection6
Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Pregnancy: Higher Rates of Severe Abdominal Injuries6
Optimal Time to Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction: A Risk Adjusted Analysis Utilizing the Nationwide Inpatient Sample6
Code Critical Airway: A Collaborative Solution to a Catastrophic Problem6
How We Do It: Remediation Pathways in a Surgical Simulation Curriculum for Competency Improvement6
Age-Related Outcomes in Le Fort Fractures6
Completion Pancreatectomy. Indications and Outcomes: A Systematic Review6
A Ventral Hernia Management Pathway; A “Getting It Right First Time” approach to Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction6
The Program Director Perspective: Perceptions of PGY5 Residents’ Operative Self-Efficacy and Entrustment6
Pediatric Peripheral Vascular Trauma: Incidence and Outcomes6
Risk Factors for Empyema Following Penetrating Diaphragmatic Injuries6
Age and Medicare Insurance are Barriers to Telemedicine Access—A Quality Improvement Project6
Age-Related Differences in Injury Patterns and Outcome From Falls From Tree Stands6
Pathologic Tumor Regression is Associated With Improved Survival in Pancreatic Cancer6
Robert James Graves (1796-1853), The Irish School of Medicine, and Graves’ Disease6
Features on Computed Tomography That Correlate With Acute Appendicitis6
Further Distance From Treating Facility is Associated With Advanced Colon Cancer at Presentation and Increased Mortality5
Numb to the Violence: Five Years as a General Surgery Resident5
The Impact of an Enhanced Recovery Protocol in a High-Risk Population Undergoing Colon Cancer Surgery5
An Early-Stage Colon Cancer Develops Intrabiliary Growth Type Metastasis 7 Years After Curative Colectomy5
Primary Hepatic Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor With Synchronous Primary Squamous Cell Lung Cancer in an Elderly Woman5
A Single Hospital-Wide Antibiogram is Insufficient to Account for Differences in Antibiotic Resistance Patterns Across Multiple ICUs5
Histoplasma Empyema Appearing as a Diaphragm-Invading Colorectal Metastasis to the Liver5
Letter re: COVID-19’s Implications on Adolescent vs Adult Trauma5
Whole Blood Trauma Resuscitation in Community Trauma Centers Confers Survival Benefit Over Component Therapy5
Preoperative Hypoalbuminemia is Associated With Higher 30-day Mortality and Complications After Esophagectomy5
Fragmentation of Care After Geriatric Trauma: A Nationwide Analysis of outcomes and Predictors5
The Use of Brief Mindfulness Interventions in the Context of Perioperative Care5
Reconstruction After Grizzly Bear Attack in Wyoming5
Response to Letter to the Editor Regarding ‘Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (CroFab®) and Cost-Effective Management of Hospital Admissions for Snakebites’5
“The Prognostic Role of Aspartate Transaminase to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) on Outcomes Following Non-emergent Minor Hepatectomy”5
Traumatic Gallbladder Rupture in a Pediatric Patient Misdiagnosed as Acute Appendicitis5
Saints Cosmas and Damian and the Traditions of Faith and Charity in Medicine5
Heterotopic Ossification of the Abdomen: A Rare Sequela Following Trauma and Damage Control Laparotomy5
Practice Patterns of Transesophageal Echocardiography Use Among Trauma Patients: A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Study5
Compliance Among Pediatric Patients With Closed Head Injuries Treated at a Community Hospital5
The Stomal Stent: A Novel Bridging Therapy for Patients Requiring Delayed Ostomy Revision5
Obstetrical Trauma: Reducing the Burden of Trauma Transfer to Tertiary Care Centers5
Injury Patterns, Imaging Usage, and Disparities Associated With Car Restraint Use in Children5
Effects of Reversal Technique for Neuromuscular Paralysis on Time to Recovery of Bowel Function after Craniotomy5
Multidisciplinary Management of Severe Traumatic Hepatic Injury Involving Interventional Radiology Embolization, Trauma Laparotomy, and Liver Transplantation5
Disfiguring Firearm Injuries in Children in the United States5
Laparotomy for Abdominal Stab Wound With Combined Omental and Organ Evisceration: 10-Year Experience From a Major Trauma Centre in South Africa5
An Evaluation of the Factors Affecting Failure of the Procedure in Reoperated Thyroidectomies: A Retrospective Analysis5
Successful Utilization of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in a Pediatric Patient5
Management of Choledocholithiasis in a Community Hospital: Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration Versus Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography5
An Ingested Bone Perforating Through the Stomach into the Superior Mesenteric Vein5
Second Victim Syndrome in Trauma Practitioners and Other Ancillary Staff5
Increase in Motor Vehicle Crash Severity: An Unforeseen Consequence of COVID-195
Gender and Race Demographics of Fellowships After General Surgery Training in the United States: A Five-Year Analysis in Applicant and Resident Trends5
Letter re: “Pathological Examination in Pilonidal Sinus Surgery: Evaluating Necessity and Cost-Effectiveness: A 10-Year Retrospective Analysis”5
Opioid Use Disorder in Patients Undergoing Major Lower Extremity Amputation: Prevalence and Outcomes5
Prevention of Rectal Stenosis After Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids by Anastomotic Thread-Drawing and Anal Enlargement5
The Role of Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in a Patient With Li-Fraumeni Syndrome5
Diagnostics in a Surgeon’s Pocket—The History of Telepaque and Oral Cholecystograms5
Laparoscopic Resection of a Hepatic Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma Revealed by Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging5
A Comprehensive Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Protocol Improves Outcomes and Decreases Complications5
The Impact of Postoperative COVID-19 Infection on 30-day Outcomes of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy5
Home Medication Regimens Increase in Complexity After Admission for Fall in the Older Trauma Patient5
Thromboelastography Use to Guide Resuscitation and Antivenom Administration after Gaboon Viper Bite5
A Synopsis of Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in Surgery5
Letter re: How Opioid Guidelines Can Improve Postoperative and Trauma-Related Pain Management5
Outcomes of Trauma Patients with Flail Chest and Surgical Rib Stabilization5
A 10-Year Review of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Firearm Injury in a Rural Setting4
Opioid Prescribing at Discharge in Opioid-Naïve Trauma Patients4
Lower Extremity Sandblast Injury: A Rarely Seen Injury Mechanism in the Civilian Population4
Cultural and Linguistic Adaptations of Stop the Bleed in Multi-Ethnic Refugee Communities4
The Virtual Interview Experience for MATCH 2021: A Pilot Survey of General Surgery Residency Program Directors4
Systemic Therapy in Elderly Patients With Her2/Neu-Positive Breast Cancer: A SEER Database Study4
Key Findings on Computed Tomography of the Head that Predict Death or the Need for Neurosurgical Intervention From Traumatic Brain Injury4
Optimizing Triage Practice in Pediatric Trauma: Lessons From Under-triage and Over-triage Rates and Risk Factors4
Risk Factors for Reoperation Following Radical Gastrectomy in Gastric Cancer Patients4
An Analysis on the Effect of Income Changes in the Resection of Early-Stage Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma4
Indentured Labor: The Foundation Story of Asian American Surgeons4
Volvulus of the Transverse Colon4
Disparities in Asians’ Hospice Utilization and Location of Death4
Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy is Associated With Improved Pathologic Outcomes and Survival in Resected Stage II-III Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Treated With Multiagent Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the Modern 4
Breast Trauma: A Decade of Surgical Interventions And Outcomes From us Trauma Centers4
Understanding the Impact of Trauma Admissions to Nonsurgical Services4
A Japanese Family Experience in America4
The Surgeon’s Role in Addressing Racism and Achieving Health Equity4
A Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Colectomies for Pediatric and Adult Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease4
Validation of Brain Injury Guidelines in the Elderly Trauma Patient Presenting at a Level Two Trauma Center4
Rates of Recurrent Marginal Ulcer in Gastric Bypass Patients Undergoing Revisional Surgery4
Trust but Verify? Utility of Intraoperative Angiography After Revascularization for Vascular Trauma4
Management of Internal Mammary Artery Injuries Associated With the Nuss Procedure4
The Prognostic Value of Alpha-Fetoprotein Ratio in Patients With Resectable Alpha-Fetoprotein-Negative Hepatocellular Carcinoma4
On the Operating Table: A Student’s Experience in Surgery4
Incentives as a Driving Force for Scholarly Activity in General Surgery Training: Survey of Program Directors and our Institution’s Experience4
The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Surgery: A Comprehensive Literature Review4
Post-operative Cecal Volvulus After Extensive Mobilization of the Right Colon During Laparoscopic Appendectomy4
Prolonged Emergency Department Stay at Referring Facilities: A Poor Trauma Performance Improvement Tool4
Predictors of Clinical Outcomes Following Laparoscopic Colectomy for Traumatic Injury4
Small Bowel Obstruction Following Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair—Incidence and Risk Factors4
Tall Cell Variant of Invasive Papillary Breast Carcinoma4
Outcomes of Hospitalized Injured Suspects Sustaining Gunshot Wounds From Law Enforcement Action4
Jean Baptiste Lucien Bauden’s Clinique des Plaies D’Armes a Feu: The First English Translation of the First Trauma Laparotomy4
The Role of Transaminases in Predicting Choledocholithiasis. A Novel Predictive Composite Score Development in a Cohort of 1089 Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy4
Survival Benefits of Postoperative Chemotherapy in Patients With Colorectal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma: An Analysis Utilizing Propensity Score Matching From the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result4
Early Operation for Complications Arising From Bariatric Surgical Tourism4
Declining Military Surgical Cases and the Impact on Military Surgical Graduate Medical Education4
Dr. Olga Jonasson: A Pioneer for Women in Surgery4
A Standardized Protocol for Opioid Prescribing After Surgery Decreases Total Morphine Equivalents Prescribed4
Endometrioma Causing Near-Complete Obstruction of the Sigmoid Colon4
Is Routine Intraoperative Cholangiogram Necessary in Patients With Mild Acute Biliary Pancreatitis Undergoing Index Admission Cholecystectomy?4
Performance-Based Assessment of Trauma Systems: Estimates for the State of Ohio4
Early Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures is Feasible in Patients With Non-Urgent Operative Pelvic Injuries4
Perioperative Factors Associated With Intraoperative Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Major Lower Limb Amputation4
Spontaneous Intramural Small Bowel Hematoma in an Elderly Man with Multiple Myeloma4
Comparison of National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Surgical Risk Calculator and Trauma and Injury Severity Score Risk Assessment Tools in Predicting Outcomes in High-Risk Operative Trauma Pat4
Rising Incidence of Childhood Intussusception in Ontario: A Population-Based Study From 1997-20164
Emergency Ileostomies in Older Patients4
Exchange of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannulas for Hemodialysis Catheters in Children Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy4