Journal of the American Oriental Society

(The TQCC of Journal of the American Oriental Society is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Review of Ancient Weapons of Oman, vol. 1: Edged Weapons22
Position Versus Class9
Review of Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry8
Review of Temples in the Cliffside: Buddhist Art in Sichuan8
Another Akkadianism in Ezekiel (and Daniel)8
Retrofitting a Vedic Origin for a Classical Hindu Goddess7
“Rhapsody on the Ershi General Spring” (Ershi quan fu 貳師泉賦) from Mogaoku, Dunhuang6
Jewish Babylonian Aramaic נוולא (B. Bava Meṣiʿa 67a, etc.)6
Story of the Tower of Babel in the Samaritan Book Asatir as a Historical Midrash on the Samaritan Revolts of the Sixth Century C.E.6
Unpublished Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions from Adıyaman Museum6
Being a Sabian at Court in Tenth-Century Baghdad5
Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt: Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft. Edited by Sebastian Günther and Dorothee Pielow5
Entre mémoire et pouvoir: L’espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72–193/692–809). By Antoine Borrut5
Binding and Smiting5
Muslim Expansion and Byzantine Collapse in North Africa. By Walter E. Kaegi4
Donkeys in the Biblical World: Ceremony and Symbol. By Kenneth C. Way4
Front Matter4
Road Inns (Khāns) in Bilād al-Shām. By Katia Cytryn-Silverman4
Shahrastānī and the Ismailis3
Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Amədya. By Jared Greenblatt3
Reading and Writing in Babylon. By Dominique Charpin. Translated by Jane Marie Todd3
Etana in Eden3
Persian in Arabic Poetry3
From ‘Awe-Inspiringly Beautiful’ to ‘Patterns in Conventionalized Behavior’3
Review of Persianism in Antiquity3
Lost Age of Reason: Philosophy in Early Modern India 1450–1700. By Jonardon Ganeri3
Chinese Scholars on Inner Asia. Edited by Luo Xin. Translation edited by Roger Covey3
Curious Case of the Jewish Sasanian Queen Šīšīnduxt3
Exile in the Maghreb: Jews under Islam, Sources and Documents, 997–1912. By Paul B. Fenton and David G. Littman3
Die neuassyrische und spätbabylonische Glyptik aus Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad. Vol . 1: Text und Konkordanzen; Vol . 2: Katalog und Tafeln. By Anja Fügert3
Review of Caliphs and Merchants: Cities and Economies of Power in the Near East (700–950)3
Desire and Motivation in Indian Philosophy. By Christopher G. Framarin3
Back Matter3
Review of Text and Interpretation: Imam Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq and His Legacy in Islamic Law3
Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed: A Philosophical Guide. By Alfred L. Ivry3
Anthologist’s Art: Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī and His Yatīmat al-dahr. By Bilal Orfali3
Viṣamapadavyākhyā: A Commentary on Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita’s Śabdakaustubha Attributed to Nāgeśabhaṭṭa. Edited by James W. Benson3
Fremdes in Anatolien: Importgüter aus dem Ostmittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien als Indikator für spätbronzezeitliche Handels- und Kulturkontakte. By Ekin Kozal2
Awakened Lord2
Chinese Lyric Sequence. By Joseph R. Allen2
Life of an Exile2
Askese und Devotion: Das rituelle System der Terāpanth Śvetāmbara Jaina. 2 vols. By Peter Flügel2
Apocalypse of Empire: Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and Early Islam. By Stephen J. Shoemaker2
One Thousand ḥijaj2
Muḥammad al-Tūnisī, In Darfur: An Account of the Sultanate and Its People. Edited and translated by Humphrey Davies2
Unfinished: Stone Carvers at Work on the Indian Subcontinent. By Vidya Dehejia and Peter Rockwell2
Brahmayāmalatantra or Picumata, vol. II: The Religious Observances and Sexual Rituals of the Tantric Practitioner: Chapters 3, 21, and 45. A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation. By Csaba Kiss2
Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China. Edited by Yuri Pines, Paul R. Goldin, and Martin Kern2
Political Advice, Translation, and Empire in South Asia2
Table of Contents2
Tamil Life of Purūravas2
Celestial Divination in Esarhaddon’s Aššur A Inscription2
Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668–631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (630–627 BC), and Sîn-šarra- iškun (626–612 BC). Edited by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers2
“Blessed are the cheese makers”2
Ancient Cults in Ḫattuša (I)2
Travel Writing and Cultural Memory in Late-Ming Beijing2
Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran. By Louise Marlow2
Indic across the Millennia: From the Rigveda to Modern Indo-Aryan. 14th World Sanskrit Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 1st–5th, 2009. Proceedings of the Linguistic Section. Edited by Jared S. Klei2
Tales from Tang Dynasty China: Selections from the Taiping Guangji; and Record of the Listener: Selected Stories from Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi2
Visualizing Emotions in the Ancient Near East. Edited by Sara Kipfer2
Der Achämenidenhof. Edited by Bruno Jacobs and Robert Röllinger2
Prostitution in the Eastern Mediterranean World: The Economics of Sex in the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East. By Gary Leiser2
Southern Transjordan Edomite Plateau and the Dead Sea Rift Valley: The Bronze Age to the Islamic Period (3800/3700 BC–AD 1917). By Burton MacDonald2
Brahmayāmalatantra or Picumata, vol. 1: Chapters 1–2, 39–40, & 83: Revelation, Ritual, and Material Culture in an Early Śaiva Tantra. By Shaman Hatley2
Some Shang Antecedents of Later Chinese Ideology and Culture2
Gu Yanwu, Record of Daily Knowledge and Collected Poems and Essays: Selections. Translated and edited by Ian Johnston2
Le théâtre de l’Inde médiévale entre tradition et innovation: Le Moharājaparājaya de Yaśaḥpāla. By Basile Leclère2
What the Emperor Built: Architecture and Empire in the Early Ming. By Aurelia Campbell2
Did the Arabic Lexicographers Invent Majāz?2
Towards a History of Egyptology: Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th ESHS Conference in London, 2018. Edited by Hana Navratilova, Thomas l. Gertzen, Aidan Dodson, and Andrew Bednarski2
Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition. Edited by Mark Siderits, Tom Tillemans, and Arindam Chakrabarti2
Südarabien im Altertum: Kommentierte Bibliographie der Jahre 1997 bis 2011. By Walter W. Müller2
Written in Wax2
Orations of the Fatimid Caliphs: Festival Sermons of the Ismaili Imams. Ed. and tr. Paul E. Walker2
Homo Ritualis: Hindu Ritual and Its Significance for Ritual Theory. By Axel Michaels2
Ambivalence of Denial: Danger and Appeal of Rituals. Edited by Ute Hüsken and Udo Simon2
Choix d’articles. By Gérard Fussman. Edited by Denis Matringe, Éric Ollivier, and Isabelle Szelagowski1
From Singing Ghosts to Docile Concubines1
Ancient Near East: The Basics. By Daniel C. Snell1
Islamic Theological Themes: A Primary Source Reader. Edited by John Renard1
Iranisches Personennamenbuch. Vol. V/5a: Iranische Personennamen in der griechischen Literatur vor Alexander d. Gr. By RüdigerR Schmitt1
Viewing Proto-Dravidian from the Northeast1
Child Custody in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century. By Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim1
Poetry and Diplomacy in Early Heian Japan1
Bronzes of Ptolemy II Philadelphus. By Wendy Cheshire1
Kitāb Shifāʾ al-asqām al-ʿāriḍa fī l-ẓāhir wa-l-bāṭin min al-ajsām (Livre de la guérison des maladies externes et internes affectant les corps) li-l shaykh sayyid Aḥmad b. ʿUmar al-Raqqā1
Helen of Troy: Beauty, Myth, Devastation. By Ruby Blondell1
Journal of Wu Yubi: The Path to Sagehood. Translated, with introduction and commentary, by M. Theresa Kelleher1
Emergence of Israel in the Twelfth and Eleventh Centuries B.C.E. By Volkmar Fritz, translated by James W. Barker1
Ḥmēdān al-Shwēʿir. Arabian Satire: Poetry from 18th-Century Najd; and Ḥmēdān al-Shwēʿir. Arabian Satire: Poetry from 18th-Century Najd1
An Introduction to Tantric Philosophy: The Paramārthasāra of Abhinavagupta with the Commentary of Yogarāja. Translated by Lyne Bansat-Boudon and Kamaleshadatta Tripathi. Introduction, notes, critic1
Abū Ṭayyib al-Washshāʾ and the Poetics of Inscribed Objects1
Food in Ancient Judah: Domestic Cooking in the Time of the Hebrew Bible. By Cynthia Shafer-Elliott1
Picturing the Past: Imaging and Imagining the Ancient Middle East. Edited by Jack Green, Emily Teeter, and John A. Larson1
Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt (and Elsewhere). Edited by Julia Budka; Frank Kammerzell; and Sławomir Rzepka1
Personennamen und Religion im alten Israel untersucht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Namen auf El und Baʿal. By Stig Norin1
Authority and Authorization of the Torah in the Persian Period. By Kyong-Jin Lee1
Front Matter1
Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route. By Steven E. Sidebotham1
Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History. By Trevor Bryce1
The Mongols’ Middle East: Continuity and Transformation in Ilkhanid Iran. Edited by Bruno De Nicola and Charles Melville1
Millennial Sovereign: Sacred Kingship and Sainthood in Islam. By A. Azfar Moin1
Storm of Songs: India and the Idea of the Bhakti Movement. By John Stratton Hawley1
Mālik and Medina: Islamic Legal Reasoning in the Formative Period. By Umar F. Abd-Allah Wymann-Landgraf1
Entlassungsgrund: Pazifismus. Albrecht Götze, der Fall Gumbel und die Marburger Universität 1930–1946. By Harald Maier-Metz1
Han Yu’s “Za shuo” 雜說 (Miscellaneous Discourses)1
The Epistle of Forgiveness or A Pardon to Enter the Garden, by Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī, vol. 1: A Vision of Heaven and Hell Preceded by Ibn al-Qāriḥ’s Epistle. Edited and translated by Geert Jan v1
Digital Humanities and Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. Edited by Elias Muhanna1
Izates, Helena, and Monobazos of Adiabene: A Study on Literary Traditions and History. By Michal Marciak1
Medieval Damascus: Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic Library. The Ashrafīya Library Catalogue. By Konrad Hirschler1
Oppression and Salvation: Annotated Legal Documents from the Ottoman Book of Complaints of 1675. By Haim Gerber1
Emerald City: The Birth and Evolution of an Indian Gemstone Industry. By Lawrence A. Babb1
Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook. Edited by Mark W. Chavalas1
Internal Reduplication among the t-Derived Verbal Stems of Akkadian1
Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, part 1, with the Nirañjanī Commentary by Ram-yatna Shukla and Prakāsa Explanatory Notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. Critically edited by K1
Islamic Geometric Design. By Eric Broug1
Foreigner and the Law: Perspectives from the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Edited by Reinhard Achenbach; Rainer Albertz; and Jakob Wöhrle1
Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq on His Galen Translations. Edited and translated by John C. Lamoreaux1
Sexual Violation in Islamic Law: Substance, Evidence, and Procedure. By Hina Azam1
Bibliotheca Malabarica: Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg’s Tamil Library. Edited and translated by Will Sweetman with R. Ilakkuvan1
Half-human and Monstrous Races in Zoroastrian Tradition1
Pathways into the Study of Ancient Sciences: Selected Essays. By David Pingree. Edited by Isabelle Pingree and John M. Steele1
Vedic -ya-presents: Passives and Intransitivity in Old Indo-Aryan. By Leonid Kulikov1
World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History. By Trevor Bryce1
American Oriental Society and the First Japanese Book Printed in the United States (1855)1
Sufism and Early Islamic Piety: Personal and Communal Dynamics. By Arin Shawkat Salamah-Qudsi1
Lechery, Substance Abuse, and . . . Han Yu?1
Front Matter1
Old, Older, and Oldest Dharmaśāstra1
Hasmonean Realities behind Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives. By Israel Finkelstein1
Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, Tradition. Edited by Volker Grieb; Krzysztof Nawotka; and Agnieszka Wojciechowska1
Book of Ezekiel and Mesopotamian City Laments. By Donna Lee Petter1
babilili-Ritual from Hattusa (CTH 718). By Gary Beckman1
Understanding Wisdom Literature: Conflict and Dissonance in the Hebrew Text. By David Penchansky1
Religion and Identity in South Asia and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Patrick Olivelle. Edited by Steven E. Lindquist1
Reformulating Jiang Kui’s Lyric Oeuvre1
Books Received1
Crossing the Lines of Caste: Viśvāmitra and the Construction of Brahmin Power in Hindu Mythology. By Adheesh A. Sathaye1
Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860–1950. By Marwa Elshakry1
Apostasy and Repentance in Early Medieval Zoroastrianism1
Islamic Law in Action: Authority, Discretion, and Everyday Experiences in Mamluk Egypt. By Kristen Stilt1
Back Matter1
Arabic Version of Ṭūsī’s Nasirean Ethics: With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes. By Joep Lameer1
Das ägyptische Investiturritual. By Martin Bommas1
World of a Tiny Insect: A Memoir of the Taiping Rebellion and Its Aftermath. By Zhang Daye, translated by Xiaofei Tian1
Babylonian Prayers to Marduk. By Takayoshi Oshima1
Mandaic Incantation(s) on Lead Scrolls from the Schøyen Collection1
Reading the Mahāvaṃsa: The Literary Aims of a Theravāda Buddhist History. By Kristin Scheible1
Pharaoh and His Council1
Islamic Mysticism and Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī: The Role of the Heart. By Saeko Yazaki1
Back Matter1
Reliance on Scripture and Vicissitudes of Textual Practices in Madhyamaka Thought1
Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq, Leg over Leg. Edited and translated by Humphrey Davies1
Ägypten zwischen innerem Zwist und äußerem Druck: Die Zeit Ptolemaios’ VI. bis VIII. Edited by Andrea Jördens and Joachim Friedrich Quack1
Approaching Ancient Near Eastern Treaties, Laws, and Covenants1
Rethinking Biblical Scholarship. By Philip R. Davies, Copenhagen International Seminar1
Shahnameh: The Persian Epic as World Literature. By Hamid Dabashi1
Distant Views of the Holy Land. By Felicity Cobbing and David M. Jacobson1
Archaeology of Cyprus: From Earliest Prehistory through the Bronze Age. By A. Bernard Knapp1
Additions and Corrections to Wolf Leslau’s Comparative Dictionary of Ge‘ez (1987–2017)1
Proverbs. An Eclectic Edition with Introduction and Textual Commentary. By Michael V. Fox1
Deities Who “Turn Back” from Anger1
The Legendary Biographies of Tamerlane: Islam and Heroic Apocrypha in Central Asia. By Ron Sela1
Chinese Religious Art. By Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky1
Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History. By Mona Hassan1
Back Matter1
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons: Nature, Literature, and the Arts. By Haruo Shirane1
Phonetic Ambiguity in the Chinese Script: A Palaeographical & Phonological Analysis. By Christopher Button1
Constituent Postponement in Biblical Hebrew Verse. By John Scott Redd1
West Old Turkic: Turkic Loanwords in Hungarian. By andrás Róna-Tas and Árpad Berta†1
Back Matter1
Al-Ġazālī und der Sufismus. By Merdan Güneş1
Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies. By Zahi Hawass and Sahar N. Saleem1
Singing a Hindu Nation: Marathi Devotional Performance and Nationalism. By Anna C. Schultz1
Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur. By Nili Samet1
"Pray with Your Leader"1
Beginnings of Indian and Chinese Calendrical Astronomy1
Illusory Abiding: The Cultural Construction of the Chan Monk Zhongfeng Mingben. By Natasha Heller1
Ugaritische Grammatik. Zweite, stark überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. By Josef Tropper1
Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita on the Gajasūtra. By S. L. P. Anjaneya Sarma and François Grimal with the collaboration of Luther Obrock1
Medinet Habu Records of the Foreign Wars of Ramesses III. By Donald Redford1
Sculpting Idolatry in Flavian Rome: (An)Iconic Rhetoric in the Writings of Flavius Josephus. By Jason von Ehrenkrook1
Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible. By James C. Vanderkam1
Topics in Iranian Linguistics. Edited by Agnes Korn, Geoffrey Haig, Simin Karimi, and Pollet Samvelian1
Sources of Tibetan Tradition and The Tibetan History Reader1
Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad’s Life and the Beginnings of Islam. By Stephen J. Shoemaker1
Back Matter1
Antiquarianism, Language, and Medical Philology: From Early Modern to Modern Sino-Japanese Medical Discourses. Edited by Benjamin A. Elman1
Politische Strukturen im Guptareich (300–550 n.Chr.). By Fred Virkus; and The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual: Temples and the Establishment of the Gods. By Michael Willis1
Spirit of Zoroastrianism. Translated and edited by Prods Oktor Skjaervø1
Sanskrit Syntax: Selected Papers Presented at the Seminar on Sanskrit Syntax and Discourse Structures, 13–15 June 2013, Université Paris Diderot, with an Updated and Revised Bibliography by Hans Henr1
Columbia Anthology of Yuan Drama. Edited by C. T. Hsia, Wai-Yee Li, and George Kao1
Prophet Like Moses: Prophecy, Law, and Israelite Religion. By Jeffrey Stackert1
New Approach to Prohibitive Constructions in the R̥gveda and the Atharvaveda1
A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism. Edited by Matthias Henze1
Draʿ Abu El-Naga I: Eindrücke Grabkegel als Elemente thebanischer Grabarchitektur. By Elisabeth Kruck1
Die Sicht auf die Welt zwischen Ost und West (750 v. Chr.–550 n. Chr.). Edited by Robert Rollinger1
Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā: The Earliest Surviving Śaiva Tantra, vol. 1: A Critical and Annotated Translation of the Mūlasūtra, Uttarasūtra and Nayasūtra. Edited by Dominic Goodall in collaboration1
Rigveda: The Earliest Religious Poetry of India. Translated by Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton1
Mythic Substrate of Ibn al-ʿArabī's Immutable Entities (al-aʿyān al-thābita)1
Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script. By Zev Handel1
Das Grab des Königs Ninetjer in Saqqara: Architektonische Entwicklung frühzeitlicher Grabanlagen in Ägypten. By Claudia M. Lacher-Raschdorff1
Phoenicians in the Iberian Peninsula and the Matter of Tartessos0
Deuteronomy-Kings as Emerging Authoritative Books: A Conversation. Edited by Diana V. Edelman0
ʻDurch Dein Wort ward jegliches Ding!ʼ / ʻThrough Thy Word All Things Were Made!ʼ: 2. Mandäistische und samaritanistische Tagung. Edited by Rainer Voigt0
Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe. By Robert Drews0
Prophets, Prophecy, and Ancient Israelite Historiography. Edited by Mark J. Boda and Lissa M. Wray Beal0
Foreigners and Their Food: Constructing Otherness in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law. By David M. Freidenreich0
Mandaic and the Palestinian Question0
Transmission of the Avesta. Edited by Alberto Cantera0
Hindu Law and Society0
Das Balsamierungsritual: Eine (Neu-)Edition der Textkomposition Balsamierungsritual (pBoulaq 3, pLouvre 5158, pDurham 1983.11 + pSt. Petersburg 18128). By Susanne Töpfer0
Silence of the Commentaries0
Translating the Bible into Arabic: Historical, Text-Critical and Literary Aspects. Edited by Sara Binay and Stefan Leder0
Back Matter0
Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian. Edited by Eitan Grossman; Stéphane Polis; and Jean Winand0
Literature and the Islamic Court: Cultural Life under al-Ṣāḥib Ibn ʿAbbād. By Erez Naaman0
Poetic Heroes: Literary Commemorations of Warriors and Warrior Culture in the Early Biblical World. By Mark S. Smith0
David in the Muslim Tradition: The Bathsheba Affair. By Khaleel Mohammed0
Religious Scholars and the Umayyads: Piety-Minded Supporters of the Marwanid Caliphate. By Steven C. Judd0
What India and China Once Were: The Pasts That May Shape the Global Future. Edited by Sheldon I. Pollock and Benjamin A. Elman0
Controversial Provision for the Nominative Ending0
From Alexander to Jesus. By Ory Amitay0
Anxiety over the Filial Body0
Mirror for the Muslim Prince: Islam and the Theory of Statecraft. Edited by Mehrzad Boroujerdi0
Inquisition outside Baghdad0
‘Die Männer hinter dem König’: 6. Symposium zur ägyptischen Königsideologie. Edited by Horst Beinlich0
Unrecognized Prophetic Ostracon from Ḥorvat ʿUza0
Patronage and Poetry in the Islamic World: Social Mobility and Status in the Medieval Middle East and Central Asia. By Jocelyn Shariet0
Rethinking Sasanian Iconoclasm0
Śaiva Rites of Expiation: A First Edition and Translation of Trilocanaśiva’s Twelfth-Century Prāyaścittasamuccaya (with a Transcription of Hṛdayaśiva’s Prāyaścittasamuccaya). Edited and transl0
Logic of Law Making in Islam: Women and Prayer in the Legal Tradition. By Behnam Sadeghi0
Vaiṣṇava Poet in Early Modern Bengal: Kavikarṇapūra’s Splendour of Speech. By Rembert Lutjeharms.0
Interpreting Avicenna: Critical Essays. Edited by Peter Adamson0
Early Tantric Vaiṣṇavism: Three Newly Discovered Works of the Pañcarātra, the Svāyambhuvapañcarātra, Devāmṛtapañcarātra and Aṣṭādaśavidhāna, Critically Edited from Their 11th and 12th 0
Zur Didaktik mittelindischer Sprachen. By Klaus Mylius0
“The Rules of the School”0
John, Qumran, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Sixty Years of Discovery and Debate. Edited by Mary l. Coloe and Tom Thatcher0
Absent Vedas0
Calm before the Storm: Selected Writings of Itamar Singer on the End of the Late Bronze Age in Anatolia and the Levant; and Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and Their Neighbours in Honour of Ita0
Caliph and the Heretic: Ibn Sabaʾ and the Origins of Shiʿism. By Sean W. Anthony0
Inspired Knowledge in Islamic Thought: Al-Ghazālī’s Theory of Mystical Cognition and Its Avicennian Foundation. By Alexander Treiger0
In the Land of the Emirates: The Archaeology and History of the UAE. By D. T. Potts0
Reconstructing the Autograph Corpus of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Ṭūlūn0
tt in Old Khotanese0