American Mineralogist

(The TQCC of American Mineralogist is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Recycled volatiles determine fertility of porphyry deposits in collisional settings86
Raman spectroscopy study of manganese oxides: Tunnel structures70
Titanium in calcium amphibole: Behavior and thermometry65
Tourmaline composition and boron isotope signature as a tracer of magmatic-hydrothermal processes54
Raman spectroscopy study of manganese oxides: Layer structures52
EntraPT: An online platform for elastic geothermobarometry39
On the paragenetic modes of minerals: A mineral evolution perspective37
Trace elements in sulfides from the Maozu Pb-Zn deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Implications for trace-element incorporation mechanisms and ore genesis37
Vapor-bubble growth in olivine-hosted melt inclusions36
New Insights Into the Control of Visible Gold Fineness and Deposition: A Case Study of the Sanshandao Gold Deposit, Jiaodong, China31
Amphibole fractionation and its potential redox effect on arc crust: Evidence from the Kohistan arc cumulates29
Fluid source and metal precipitation mechanism of sediment-hosted Chang'an orogenic gold deposit, SW China: Constraints from sulfide texture, trace element, S, Pb, and He-Ar isotopes and calcite C-O i28
Tungsten mineralization during the evolution of a magmatic-hydrothermal system: Mineralogical evidence from the Xihuashan rare-metal granite in South China28
Competitive adsorption geometries for the arsenate As(V) and phosphate P(V) oxyanions on magnetite surfaces: Experiments and theory28
Magnetite texture and trace-element geochemistry fingerprint of pulsed mineralization in the Xinqiao Cu-Fe-Au deposit, Eastern China27
Mineral compositions and thermobarometry of basalts and boninites recovered during IODP Expedition 352 to the Bonin forearc27
Dissolved silica-catalyzed disordered dolomite precipitation26
Synthesis of calcium orthocarbonate, Ca2CO4-Pnma at P-T conditions of Earth’s transition zone and lower mantle25
On the crystal chemistry of sulfur-rich lazurite, ideally Na7Ca(Al6Si6O24)(SO4)(S3)–·nH2O24
Zircon survival in shallow asthenosphere and deep lithosphere23
Carletonmooreite, Ni3Si, a new silicide from the Norton County aubrite meteorite23
Origin, properties, and structure of breyite: The second most abundant mineral inclusion in super-deep diamonds22
Tin isotopes via fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS analysis record complex fluid evolution in single cassiterite crystals21
Phase transitions in ε-FeOOH at high pressure and ambient temperature21
Tracking dynamic hydrothermal processes: Textures, in-situ Sr-Nd isotopes, and trace-element analysis of scheelite from the Yangjiashan vein-type W deposit, South China20
Quantitative WDS compositional mapping using the electron microprobe20
An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part IV: Planetesimal differentiation and impact mineralization (4566 to 4560 Ma)19
Experimental investigation of the effect of nickel on the electrical resistivity of Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-S alloys under pressure19
Precipitation of low-temperature disordered dolomite induced by extracellular polymeric substances of methanogenic ArchaeaMethanosarcina barkeri: Implications for sedimentary dolomite formation19
Thermoelastic properties of zircon: Implications for geothermobarometry18
Effects of pH and Ca exchange on the structure and redox state of synthetic Na-birnessite18
The physical and chemical evolution of magmatic fluids in near-solidus silicic magma reservoirs: Implications for the formation of pegmatites18
In situ chemical and isotopic analyses and element mapping of multiple-generation pyrite: Evidence of episodic gold mobilization and deposition for the Qiucun epithermal gold deposit in Southeast Chin18
The effects of solid-solid phase equilibria on the oxygen fugacity of the upper mantle18
The formation of marine red beds and iron cycling on the Mesoproterozoic North China Platform18
A reassessment of the amphibole-plagioclase NaSi-CaAl exchange thermometer with applications to igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks17
A Rayleigh model of cesium fractionation in granite-pegmatite systems17
Elastic geobarometry: How to work with residual inclusion strains and pressures17
Inherited Eocene magmatic tourmaline captured by the Miocene Himalayan leucogranites17
Ultra-reduced phases in ophiolites cannot come from Earth’s mantle17
Phase relationships in the system ZnS-CuInS2: Insights from a nanoscale study of indium-bearing sphalerite16
High-pressure, halogen-bearing melt preserved in ultrahigh-temperature felsic granulites of the Central Maine Terrane, Connecticut (U.S.A.)16
Formation of the Maoniuping giant REE deposit: Constraints from mineralogy and in situ bastnäsite U-Pb geochronology16
Establishing a protocol for the selection of zircon inclusions in garnet for Raman thermobarometry16
Magma oxygen fugacity of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in convergent margin settings: Insights for the role of magma oxidation states on magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization16
Synthesis and characterization of Fe(III)-Fe(II)-Mg-Al smectite solid solutions and implications for planetary science15
Pyrite geochemistry and its implications on Au-Cu skarn metallogeny: An example from the Jiguanzui deposit, Eastern China15
Lumping and splitting: Toward a classification of mineral natural kinds15
An evolutionary system of mineralogy. Part III: Primary chondrule mineralogy (4566 to 4561 Ma)15
Parageneses of TiB2 in corundum xenoliths from Mt. Carmel, Israel: Siderophile behavior of boron under reducing conditions15
Fingerprinting REE mineralization and hydrothermal remobilization history of the carbonatite-alkaline complexes, Central China: Constraints from in situ elemental and isotopic analyses of phosphate mi15
Solubility of Na2SO4 in silica-saturated solutions: Implications for REE mineralization14
Donwilhelmsite, [CaAl4Si2O11], a new lunar high-pressure Ca-Al-silicate with relevance for subducted terrestrial sediments14
Effects of small crystallite size on the thermal infrared (vibrational) spectra of minerals14
An experimental approach to examine fluid-melt interaction and mineralization in rare-metal pegmatites14
Mixing of cogenetic magmas in the Cretaceous Zhangzhou calc-alkaline granite from southeast China recorded by in-situ apatite geochemistry14
An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part V: Aqueous and thermal alteration of planetesimals (~4565 to 4550 Ma)13
Effect of water on carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility in the system KAlSi3O8-CaMgSi2O6-NaAlSi2O6-CaMg(CO3)2 at 6 GPa: Implications for diamond-forming melts13
Tin isotopes as geochemical tracers of ore-forming processes with Sn mineralization13
Probing the transformation paths from aluminum (oxy)hydroxides (boehmite, bayerite, and gibbsite) to metastable alumina: A view from high-resolution 27Al MAS NMR13
The composition of garnet in granite and pegmatite from the Gangdese orogen in southeastern Tibet: Constraints on pegmatite petrogenesis13
Mineralogy of the 2019 Aguas Zarcas (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite meteorite fall13
Timescales of crystal mush mobilization in the Bárðarbunga-Veiðivötn volcanic system based on olivine diffusion chronometry12
Effects of arsenic on the distribution and mode of occurrence of gold during fluid-pyrite interaction: A case study of pyrite from the Qiucun gold deposit, China12
Three-Dimensional and Microstructural Fingerprinting of Gold Nanoparticles at Fluid-Mineral Interfaces12
Iron isotope fractionation in reduced hydrothermal gold deposits: A case study of the Wulong gold deposit, Liaodong Peninsula, East China12
Discovery of terrestrial allabogdanite (Fe,Ni)2P, and the effect of Ni and Mo substitution on the barringerite-allabogdanite high-pressure transition12
Evaluation and application of the quartz-inclusions-in-epidote mineral barometer12
Cation partitioning among crystallographic sites based on bond-length constraints in tourmaline-supergroup minerals12
Crystal chemistry of schreibersite, (Fe,Ni)3P11
Decompression experiments for sulfur-bearing hydrous rhyolite magma: Redox evolution during magma decompression11
Two-stage magmatism and tungsten mineralization in the Nanling Range, South China: Evidence from the Jurassic Helukou deposit11
Stöfflerite, (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8 in the hollandite structure: A new high-pressure polymorph of anorthite from martian meteorite NWA 85611
Nanomineralogy of hydrothermal magnetite from Acropolis, South Australia: Genetic implications for iron-oxide copper gold mineralization11
Experimental constraints on the partial melting of sediment-metasomatized lithospheric mantle in subduction zones11
Cr2O3 in corundum: Ultrahigh contents under reducing conditions11
Let there be water: How hydration/dehydration reactions accompany key Earth and life processes#11
Stable and transient isotopic trends in the crustal evolution of Zealandia Cordillera11
Keplerite, Ca9(Ca0.5☐0.5)Mg(PO4)7, a new meteoritic and terrestrial phosphate isomorphous with merrillite, Ca9NaMg(PO4)711
Evidence from HP/UHP metasediments for recycling of isotopically heterogeneous potassium into the mantle11
Estimating kaolinite crystallinity using near-infrared spectroscopy: Implications for its geology on Earth and Mars10
Jingsuiite, TiB2, a new mineral from the Cr-11 podiform chromitite orebody, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, China: Implications for recycling of boron10
Hydrothermal upgrading as an important tool for the REE mineralization in the Miaoya carbonatite-syenite complex, Central China10
Electrical conductivity of diaspore, δ-AlOOH and ε-FeOOH10
Experimental evaluation of a new H2O-independent thermometer based on olivine-melt Ni partitioning at crustal pressure10
Reducing epistemic and model uncertainty in ionic inter-diffusion chronology: A 3D observation and dynamic modeling approach using olivine from Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion10
Reduction of structural Fe(III) in nontronite by humic substances in the absence and presence of Shewanella putrefaciens and accompanying secondary mineralization10
Ground-truthing the pyrite trace element proxy in modern euxinic settings10
Continuous Be mineralization from two-mica granite to pegmatite: Critical element enrichment processes in a Himalayan leucogranite pluton10
Copper isotope evidence for a Cu-rich mantle source of the world-class Jinchuan magmatic Ni-Cu deposit10
Extraction of high-silica granites from an upper crustal magma reservoir: Insights from the Narusongduo magmatic system, Gangdese arc10
Immiscible metallic melts in the upper mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel: Silicides, phosphides, and carbides10
Structure of NaFeSiO4, NaFeSi2O6, and NaFeSi3O8 glasses and glass-ceramics10
Titanium diffusion profiles and melt inclusion chemistry and morphology in quartz from the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff10
Multi-stage magma evolution recorded by apatite and zircon of adakite-like rocks: A case study from the Shatanjiao intrusion, Tongling region, Eastern China10
Characterization and assessment of the potential toxicity/pathogenicity of Russian commercial chrysotile10
Gold speciation in hydrothermal fluids revealed by in situ high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy9
Raman signatures of the distortion and stability of MgCO3 to 75 GPa9
Nickel in olivine as an exploration indicator for magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits: A data review and re-evaluation9
Multiple generations of tourmaline from Yushishanxi leucogranite in South Qilian of western China record a complex formation history from B-rich melt to hydrothermal fluid9
Crystal structures of K-cymrite and kokchetavite from single-crystal X-ray diffraction9
Oxalate formation byAspergillus nigeron minerals of manganese ores9
Multi-stage metasomatic Zr mineralization in the world-class Baerzhe rare earth element Nb-Zr-Be deposit, China9
Incorporation of incompatible trace elements into molybdenite: Layered PbS precipitates within molybdenite9
Partition behavior of platinum-group elements during the segregation of arsenide melts from sulfide magma9
Lifting the cloak of invisibility: Gold in pyrite from the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit, South Australia9
A revised analysis of ferrihydrite at liquid helium temperature using Mössbauer spectroscopy9
Thalliomelane, TIMn7.54+Cu0.52+O16, a new member of the coronadite group from the preglacial oxidation zone at Zalas, southern Poland9
Crystal structure and Raman spectroscopic studies of OH stretching vibrations in Zn-rich fluor-elbaite9
Oxygen isotope evidence for input of magmatic fluids and precipitation of Au-Ag-tellurides in an otherwise ordinary adularia-sericite epithermal system in NE China9
Pauling’s rules for oxide-based minerals: A re-examination based on quantum mechanical constraints and modern applications of bond-valence theory to Earth materials9
Establishing the P-T path of UHT granulites by geochemically distinguishing peritectic from retrograde garnet9
The role of graphite in the formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin, Canada: A case study of Raman spectroscopy of graphite from the world-class Phoenix uranium depos9
Experimental calibration of an Fe3+/Fe2+-in-amphibole oxybarometer and its application to shallow magmatic processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka9
Reconsidering initial Pb in titanite in the context of in situ dating9
Characterization of carbon phases in Yamato 74123 ureilite to constrain the meteorite shock history9
Major and trace element composition of olivine from magnesian skarns and silicate marbles9
Thermodynamic and thermoelastic properties of wurtzite-ZnS by density functional theory8
Mesoproterozoic seafloor authigenic glauconite-berthierine: Indicator of enhanced reverse weathering on early Earth8
The chlorine-isotopic composition of lunar KREEP from magnesian-suite troctolite 765358
Crystallization of bastnäsite and burbankite from carbonatite melt in the system La(CO3)F-CaCO3-Na2CO3 at 100 MPa8
A multi-methodological study of kernite, a mineral commodity of boron8
Quadrivalent praseodymium in planetary materials8
Formation of clinohumite ± spinel in dolomitic marbles from the Makrohar Granulite Belt, Central India: Evidence for Ti mobility during regional metamorphism8
Titanite geochemistry and textures: Implications for magmatic and post-magmatic processes in the Notch Peak and Little Cottonwood granitic intrusions, Utah8
Pressure-induced structural phase transitions in natural kaolinite investigated by Raman spectroscopy and electrical conductivity8
Archean to Paleoproterozoic seawater halogen ratios recorded by fluid inclusions in chert and hydrothermal quartz8
Constraints on scheelite genesis at the Dabaoshan stratabound polymetallic deposit, South China8
Interfacial structures and acidity constants of goethite from first-principles Molecular Dynamics simulations8
A comment on “An evolutionary system of mineralogy: Proposal for a classification of planetary materials based on natural kind clustering”8
Effects of the dissolution of thermal barrier coating materials on the viscosity of remelted volcanic ash8
Structural variations across the nepheline (NaAlSiO4)–kalsilite (KAlSiO4) series8
Thermal expansion of minerals in the pyroxene system and examination of various thermal expansion models8
Time-resolved Raman and luminescence spectroscopy of synthetic REE-doped hydroxylapatites and natural apatites8
Direct evidence for the source of uranium in the Baiyanghe deposit from accessory mineral alteration in the Yangzhuang granite porphyry, Xinjiang Province, northwest China8
Trace element partitioning between olivine and melt in lunar basalts7
Investigation of the crystal structure of a low water content hydrous olivine to 29.9 GPa: A high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study7
Coupled hydrogen and fluorine incorporation in garnet: New constraints from FTIR, ERDA, SIMS, and EPMA7
Trace element and isotopic (S, Pb) constraints on the formation of the giant Chalukou porphyry Mo deposit, NE China7
Trace-element segregation to dislocation loops in experimentally heated zircon7
Scheelite U-Pb geochronology and trace element geochemistry fingerprint W mineralization in the giant Zhuxi W deposit, South China7
Incorporation mechanism of structurally bound gold in pyrite: Insights from an integrated chemical and atomic-scale microstructural study7
Discovery of terrestrial andreyivanovite, FeCrP, and the effect of Cr and V substitution on the low-pressure barringerite-allabogdanite transition7
Periodic and non-periodic stacking in molybdenite (MoS2) revealed by STEM7
Oxygen-fugacity evolution of magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits in East Kunlun: Insights from Cr-spinel composition7
The (chemical) potential for understanding overstepped garnet nucleation and growth7
Effects of composition and pressure on electronic states of iron in bridgmanite7
A theoretical and experimental investigation of hetero- vs. homo-connectivity in barium silicates7
Hydroxylpyromorphite, a mineral important to lead remediation: Modern description and characterization7
The absorption indicatrix as an empirical model to describe anisotropy in X-ray absorption spectra of pyroxenes7
Reheating and Magma Mixing Recorded by Zircon and Quartz from High-Silica Rhyolite in the Coqen Region, Southern Tibet7
Contrasting compositions between phenocrystic and xenocrystic olivines in the Cenozoic basalts from central Mongolia: Constraints on source lithology and regional uplift7
Cryogenic heat capacity measurements and thermodynamic analysis of lithium aluminum layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with intercalated chloride7
Thermodynamic, elastic, and vibrational (IR/Raman) behavior of mixed type-AB carbonated hydroxylapatite by density functional theory7
Contrasting magma compositions between Cu and Au mineralized granodiorite intrusions in the Tongling ore district in South China using apatite chemical composition and Sr-Nd isotopes7
Crystallization and melt extraction of a garnet-bearing charnockite from South China: Constraints from petrography, geochemistry, mineral thermometry, and rhyolite-MELTS modeling7
An evolutionary system of mineralogy, Part VI: Earth’s earliest Hadean crust (>4370 Ma)7
High-pressure silica phase transitions: Implications for deep mantle dynamics and silica crystallization in the protocore7
Texture, geochemistry, and geochronology of titanite and pyrite: Fingerprint of magmatic-hydrothermal fertile fluids in the Jiaodong Au province7
Ti diffusion in feldspar7
Geochemistry and boron isotope compositions of tourmalines from the granite-greisen-quartz vein system in Dayishan pluton, Southern China: Implications for potential mineralization7
Pliniusite, Ca5(VO4)3F, a new apatite-group mineral and the novel natural ternary solid-solution system pliniusite–svabite–fluorapatite7
Thermal metamorphic history of Antarctic CV3 and CO3 chondrites inferred from the first- and second-order Raman peaks of polyaromatic organic carbon7
Reexamination of the structure of opal-A: A combined study of synchrotron X-ray diffraction and pair distribution function analysis7
Effects of hydrostaticity and Mn-substitution on dolomite stability at high pressure6
A new occurrence of corundum in eucrite and its significance6
Interlayer energy of pyrophyllite: Implications for macroscopic friction6
A quantitative description of fission-track etching in apatite6
A comparative study of two-phase equilibria modeling tools: MORB equilibrium states at variable pressure and H2O concentrations6
The Cr-Zr-Ca armalcolite in lunar rocks is loveringite: Constraints from electron backscatter diffraction measurements6
Nonlinear effects of hydration on high-pressure sound velocities of rhyolitic glasses6
A high-pressure, clinopyroxene-structured polymorph of albite in highly shocked terrestrial and meteoritic rocks6
Evidence for a two-stage particle attachment mechanism for phyllosilicate crystallization in geological processes6
Incorporation mechanism of tungsten in W-Fe-Cr-V-bearing rutile6
Peralkalinity in peraluminous granitic pegmatites. II. Evidence from experiments on carbonate formation in spodumene-bearing assemblages6
The Zn, S, and Cl isotope compositions of mare basalts: Implications for the effects of eruption style and pressure on volatile element stable isotope fractionation on the Moon6
Crystal-chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). VI. Tl-bearing alum-(K) and voltaite from the Fornovolasco mining complex6
A Grüneisen tensor for rutile and its application to host-inclusion systems6
Fluorine partitioning between quadrilateral clinopyroxenes and melt6
Water in the crystal structure of CaSiO3 perovskite6
Controls on the formation of porphyry Mo deposits: Insights from porphyry (-skarn) Mo deposits in northeastern China6
Spectroscopic analysis of allophane and imogolite samples with variable Fe abundance for characterizing the poorly crystalline components on Mars6
Celleriite, ☐(Mn22+Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH), a new mineral species of the tourmaline supergroup6
Vanadium micro-XANES determination of oxygen fugacity in olivine-hosted glass inclusion and groundmass glasses of martian primitive shergottite Yamato 9804596
Expanding the speciation of terrestrial molybdenum: Discovery of polekhovskyite, MoNiP2, and insights into the sources of Mo-phosphides in the Dead Sea Transform area6
Quantitative microscale Fe redox imaging by multiple energy X-ray fluorescence mapping at the FeKpre-edge peak6
Constraints on deep, CO2-rich degassing at arc volcanoes from solubility experiments on hydrous basaltic andesite of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska Peninsula, at 300 to 1200 MPa6
Experimentally derived F, Cl, and Br fluid/melt partitioning of intermediate to silicic melts in shallow magmatic systems6
Crystal chemistry and high-temperature vibrational spectra of humite and norbergite: Fluorine and titanium in humite-group minerals6
Petrogenetic and tectonic interpretation of strongly peraluminous granitic rocks and their significance in the Archean rock record6
The origin of Ti-oxide minerals below and within the eastern Athabasca Basin, Canada6
Pyrite geochemistry in a porphyry-skarn Cu (Au) system and implications for ore formation and prospecting: Perspective from Xinqiao deposit, Eastern China6
Estimating ferric iron content in clinopyroxene using machine learning models6
Spectroscopic evidence for the Fe3+ spin transition in iron-bearing δ-AlOOH at high pressure6
Elastic properties and structures of pyrope glass under high pressures6
Influence of intensive parameters and assemblies on friction evolution during piston-cylinder experiments6
Seeing through metamorphic overprints in Archean granulites: Combined high-resolution thermometry and phase equilibrium modeling of the Lewisian Complex, Scotland6
Swelling capacity of mixed talc-like/stevensite layers in white/green clay infillings (“deweylite”/ “garnierite”) from serpentine veins of faulted peridotites, New Caledonia6
High-pressure and high-temperature vibrational properties and anharmonicity of carbonate minerals up to 6 GPa and 500 °C by Raman spectroscopy6
Hydrothermal monazite trumps rutile: Applying U-Pb geochronology to evaluate complex mineralization ages of the Katbasu Au-Cu deposit, Western Tianshan, Northwest China6
Nazarovite, Ni12P5, a new terrestrial and meteoritic mineral structurally related to nickelphosphide, Ni3P6
What is mineral informatics?5
A new UHP unit in the Western Alps: First occurrence of coesite from the Monviso Massif (Italy)5
Gungerite, TlAs5Sb4S13, a new thallium sulfosalt with a complex structure containing covalent As-As bonds5
Experimental partitioning of fluorine and barium in lamproites5
Multiple fluid sources in skarn systems: Oxygen isotopic evidence from the Haobugao Zn-Fe-Sn deposit in the southern Great Xing’an Range, NE China5
New IR spectroscopic data for determination of water abundances in hydrous pantelleritic glasses5
Atomic-Scale Characterization of Commensurate and Incommensurate Vacancy Superstructures in Natural Pyrrhotites5
Density and sound velocity of liquid Fe-S alloys at Earth's outer core P-T conditions5
Natural cubic perovskite, Ca(Ti,Si,Cr)O3–δ, a versatile potential host for rock-forming and less-common elements up to Earth’s mantle pressure5
Protocaseyite, a new decavanadate mineral containing a [Al4(OH)6(H2O)12]6+ linear tetramer, a novel isopolycation5
Priscillagrewite-(Y), (Ca2Y)Zr2Al3O12: A new garnet of the bitikleite group from the Daba-Siwaqa area, the Hatrurim Complex, Jordan5
Experimental melt inclusion homogenization in a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell: Comparison with homogenization at one atmosphere5
Hexagonal magnetite in Algoma-type banded iron formations of the ca. 2.52 Ga Baizhiyan Formation, North China: Evidence for a green rust precursor?5
Complexions and stoichiometry of the 60.8°//[100](011) symmetrical tilt grain boundary in Mg2SiO4 forsterite: A combined empirical potential and first-principles study5
Effect of magnesium on monohydrocalcite formation and unit-cell parameters5
Zolenskyite, FeCr2S4, a new sulfide mineral from the Indarch meteorite5
Structural and spectroscopic study of the kieserite-dwornikite solid-solution series, (Mg,Ni)SO4·H2O, at ambient and low temperatures, with cosmochemical implications for icy moons and Mars5
Crystallization of spinel from coexisting silicate and sulfide immiscible liquids: An equilibrium case with postcumulus reactions5
Reply to “A comment on ‘An evolutionary system of mineralogy: Proposal for a classification of planetary materials based on natural kind clustering’”5
Telescoped boiling and cooling mechanisms triggered hydrothermal stibnite precipitation: Insights from the world’s largest antimony deposit in Xikuangshan China5
Raman spectroscopy-based screening of zircon for reliable water content and oxygen isotope measurements5
Phase transitions in CaCO3 under hydrous and anhydrous conditions: Implications for the structural transformations of CaCO3 during subduction processes5
The glass transition and the non-Arrhenian viscosity of carbonate melts5
New pressure-induced phase transition to Co2Si-type Fe2P5
Dissolution-reprecipitation vs. solid-state diffusion in electrum: Examples from metamorphosed Au-bearing, volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits5
High-pressure syntheses and crystal structure analyses of a new low-density CaFe2O4-related and CaTi2O4-type MgAl2O4 phases5
Formation pathway of norsethite dominated by solution chemistry under ambient conditions5
Vasilseverginite, Cu9O4(AsO4)2(SO4)2, a new fumarolic mineral with a hybrid structure containing novel anion-centered tetrahedral structural units5
Impact of fluorine on the thermal stability of phlogopite5
Gismondine-Sr, Sr4(Al8Si8O32)·9H2O, a new strontium dominant, orthorhombic zeolite of the gismondine series from the Hatrurim Complex, Israel5
Tourmaline and zircon trace the nature and timing of magmatic-hydrothermal episodes in granite-related Sn mineralization: Insights from the Libata Sn ore field5
Olivine from aillikites in the Tarim large igneous province as a window into mantle metasomatism and multi-stage magma evolution5
Amphibole as a witness of chromitite formation and fluid metasomatism in ophiolites5
3D crystal size distributions of pyroxene nanolites from nano X-ray computed tomography: Improved correction of crystal size distributions from CSDCorrections for magma ascent dynamics in conduits5
Si-rich Mg-sursassite Mg4Al5Si7O23(OH)5 with octahedrally coordinated Si: A new ultrahigh-pressure hydrous phase5
Upper temperature limits of orogenic gold deposit formation: Constraints from TiO2 polymorphs in the Dongyuan Au deposit, Jiangnan Orogen, China5
Measurements of the Lamb-Mössbauer factor at simultaneous high-pressure-temperature conditions and estimates of the equilibrium isotopic fractionation of iron5
Electrical conductivity of metasomatized lithology in subcontinental lithosphere5
Petrogenesis of Chang’E-5 mare basalts: Clues from the trace elements in plagioclase5