Transactions of the American Mathematical Society

(The median citation count of Transactions of the American Mathematical Society is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Invariant weakly convex cocompact subspaces for surface groups in $A_2$-buildings22
Intersections in subvarieties of ${\mathbb {G}}_{\mathrm {m}}^l$ and applications to lacunary polynomials22
The Laplace spectrum on conformally compact manifolds22
Quasisymmetric embeddings of slit Sierpiński carpets19
Purely 1-unrectifiable metric spaces and locally flat Lipschitz functions17
Stability of line bundle mean curvature flow17
Shortcut graphs and groups17
The lowest discriminant ideal of a Cayley–Hamilton Hopf algebra15
Finite rigid sets in flip graphs15
A rigidity theorem for asymptotically flat static manifolds and its applications15
Asymptotics of the principal eigenvalue for a linear time-periodic parabolic operator II: Small diffusion13
Large-scale geometry of the saddle connection graph13
Corrigendum to “Multi-travelling waves for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation”12
Two-weight estimates for sparse square functions and the separated bump conjecture12
Modular linear differential operators and generalized Rankin-Cohen brackets11
On spectral simplicity of the Hodge Laplacian and curl operator along paths of metrics10
Weighted estimates for the Bergman projection on planar domains10
The Lanford–Ruelle theorem for actions of sofic groups9
Model theory and agnostic online learning via excellent sets9
The qualitative behavior for ????-harmonic maps from a surface with boundary into a sphere9
Positivity for quantum cluster algebras from unpunctured orbifolds9
The norm of time-frequency and wavelet localization operators9
Simplicity of fusion systems of finite simple groups8
Homotopy relative Rota-Baxter lie algebras, triangular ????_{∞}-bialgebras and higher derived brackets8
Asymptotic analysis on positive solutions of the Lane-Emden system with nearly critical exponents8
On the asymmetric additive energy of polynomials8
Comparing localizations across adjunctions8
Asymptotics of compound means8
On weighted Bergman spaces of a domain with Levi-flat boundary8
Distinct distances on hyperbolic surfaces8
Detecting ???? elements in iterated algebraic K-theory8
Amorphic complexity of group actions with applications to quasicrystals8
Supercritical SDEs driven by multiplicative stable-like Lévy processes8
Dynamics of Ostrowski skew-product: 1. Limit laws and Hausdorff dimensions7
Heat kernels and Hardy spaces on non-tangentially accessible domains with applications to global regularity of inhomogeneous Dirichlet problems7
Symmetric function generalizations of the ????-Baker–Forrester ex-conjecture and Selberg-type integrals7
Biharmonic conjectures on hypersurfaces in a space form7
On geometrically finite degenerations II: convergence and divergence7
Global regularity and decay behavior for Leray equations with critical-dissipation and its application to self-similar solutions7
Equivariant degenerations of plane curve orbits7
Constructing C*-diagonals in AH-algebras7
Sharp connections between Berry-Esseen characteristics and Edgeworth expansions for stationary processes6
A free boundary problem arising from branching Brownian motion with selection6
Dihedral rigidity in hyperbolic 3-space6
Cubic surfaces of characteristic two6
Ancient solutions to the Curve Shortening Flow spanning the halfplane6
Bernoulli property for certain skew products over hyperbolic systems6
Orthonormal bases arising from nilpotent actions6
The minimal number of critical points of a smooth function on a closed manifold and the ball category6
Einstein extensions of Riemannian manifolds6
Todorc̆ević’ trichotomy and a hierarchy in the class of tame dynamical systems6
Existence of convex hypersurfaces with prescribed centroaffine curvature6
Crossed homomorphisms and low dimensional representations of mapping class groups of surfaces6
A simple construction of the dynamical Φ⁴₃ model5
On the various notions of Poincaré duality pair5
A quantitative variational analysis of the staircasing phenomenon for a second order regularization of the Perona-Malik functional5
Strichartz estimates and blowup stability for energy critical nonlinear wave equations5
Projections of orbital measures and quantum marginal problems5
Rigidity properties for some isometric extensions of partially hyperbolic actions on the torus5
Residual equidistribution of modular symbols and cohomology classes for quotients of hyperbolic ????-space5
Large sets without Fourier restriction theorems5
Special Moufang sets coming from quadratic Jordan division algebras5
Emergence of traveling waves and their stability in a free boundary model of cell motility5
A solution operator for the \overline∂ equation in Sobolev spaces of negative index5
Unbounded visibility domains, the end compactification, and applications5
Criticality of Schrödinger forms and recurrence of Dirichlet forms5
A generalized Powers averaging property for commutative crossed products5
Positivity of the CM line bundle for K-stable log Fanos5
Almost primes in almost all short intervals II5
Bottom of the length spectrum of arithmetic orbifolds5
A non-commutative Reidemeister-Turaev torsion of homology cylinders5
Gaussian phenomena for small quadratic residues and non-residues5
Explicit class number formulas for Siegel–Weil averages of ternary quadratic forms5
Higher ideal approximation theory5
Traveling wave dynamics for Allen-Cahn equations with strong irreversibility4
Min-max widths of the real projective 3-space4
Hilbert’s tenth problem in anticyclotomic towers of number fields4
Green groupoids of 2-Calabi–Yau categories, derived Picard actions, and hyperplane arrangements4
A geometric framework for asymptoticity and expansivity in topological dynamics4
A stability range for topological 4-manifolds4
The principal Floquet bundle and the dynamics of fast diffusing communities4
On intersection cohomology and Lagrangian fibrations of irreducible symplectic varieties4
Solutions of equations involving the modular ???? function4
Fusion systems with 2-small components4
Twisted Kuperberg invariants of knots and Reidemeister torsion via twisted Drinfeld doubles4
Statistics for Iwasawa invariants of elliptic curves4
Hitchin systems for invariant and anti-invariant vector bundles4
Invariance of the Gibbs measures for periodic generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations4
Algebraic ????-theory of ????????????(????_{????})4
On rank 3 quadratic equations of projective varieties4
The logarithmic Dirichlet Laplacian on Ahlfors regular spaces4
Noncommutative linear systems and noncommutative elliptic curves4
Some generalizations of the DDVV and BW inequalities4
Lyubeznik numbers, ????-modules and modules of generalized fractions4
Non-isogenous abelian varieties sharing the same division fields4
Constructing highly regular expanders from hyperbolic Coxeter groups4
The resolution property holds away from codimension three4
Bounded differentials on the unit disk and the associated geometry4
Chern-Simons invariant and Deligne-Riemann-Roch isomorphism4
State-density flows of non-degenerate density-dependent mean field SDEs and associated PDEs4
Instability of the Smith index under joins and applications to embeddability4
????????????-invariant quasimorphisms on groups4
Fusion products of twisted modules in permutation orbifolds4
(Logarithmic) densities for automatic sequences along primes and squares4
Cohomology rings of extended powers and of free infinite loop spaces4
Constructing discrete harmonic functions in wedges4
An arithmetic analysis of closed surfaces4
A relation among Hopkins’ Picard groups of the localized categories with respect to finite wedges of the Morava ????-theories4
A bound for the torsion on subvarieties of abelian varieties4
The simplicial coalgebra of chains determines homotopy types rationally and one prime at a time4
Slicing knots in definite 4-manifolds4
Hölder regularity of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with stochastic forcing4
An invariant related to the existence of conformally compact Einstein fillings3
A Sobolev estimate for radial ????^{????}-multipliers on a class of semi-simple Lie groups3
On Le Jan-Sznitman’s stochastic approach to the Navier-Stokes equations3
Multilinear oscillatory integrals and estimates for coupled systems of dispersive PDEs3
Local exotic tori3
Compact semisimple 2-categories3
Logarithmic Pandharipande–Thomas spaces and the secondary polytope3
Finite free cumulants: Multiplicative convolutions, genus expansion and infinitesimal distributions3
Hairer’s multilevel Schauder estimates without regularity structures3
Deterministic ill-posedness and probabilistic well-posedness of the viscous nonlinear wave equation describing fluid-structure interaction3
Dimers, webs, and local systems3
On regularity of \overline∂-solutions on ????_{????} domains with ????² boundary in complex manifolds3
Equivariant lattice bases3
The mapping class group of connect sums of ????²×????¹3
Strong blocking sets and minimal codes from expander graphs3
An isoperimetric problem with two distinct solutions3
Set values for mean field games3
A pointed Prym–Petri Theorem3
Asymptotic ????-soliton-like solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov type equations3
Free differential Galois groups3
No bounded geometry wandering domains for sufficiently regular automorphisms3
Vector bundles induced from jet schemes3
Sharp quantitative stability of the Möbius group among sphere-valued maps in arbitrary dimension3
Exact dimensionality and Ledrappier-Young formula for the Furstenberg measure3
Gromov–Witten/Pandharipande–Thomas correspondence via conifold transitions3
Perelman-type no breather theorem for noncompact Ricci flows3
Construction of ????-energy and associated energy measures on Sierpiński carpets3
Ideal approach to convergence in functional spaces3
Surfaces on the Severi line in positive characteristic3
Restrictions on Anosov subgroups of ????????(2????,ℝ)3
Global behavior of small data solutions for the 2D Dirac–Klein-Gordon system3
Initial traces and solvability for a semilinear heat equation on a half space of ℝ^{ℕ}3
Train tracks and measured laminations on infinite surfaces3
The spectrum of Artin motives3
Mapping class group actions on configuration spaces and the Johnson filtration3
Entropy formula for systems with inducing schemes3
Central Limit Theorem in high dimensions: The optimal bound on dimension growth rate3
Fast diffusion on noncompact manifolds: Well-posedness theory and connections with semilinear elliptic equations3
On the equidistribution of closed geodesics and geodesic nets3
Skew and sphere fibrations3
Super poly-harmonic properties, Liouville theorems and classification of nonnegative solutions to equations involving higher-order fractional Laplacians3
Singular integrals of subordinators with applications to structural properties of SPDEs3
Trinomials, torus knots and chains3
A topological characterisation of the Kashiwara–Vergne groups3
An arithmetic count of the lines meeting four lines in ????³3
Simplifying indefinite fibrations on 4-manifolds3
Optimal rigidity estimates for varifolds almost minimizing the Willmore energy3
Long strings of consecutive composite values of polynomials3
????-group Galois covers of curves in characteristic ????3
Isomorphisms in K-theory from isomorphisms in groupoid homology theories3
Permutations, Moments, Measures3
Cohomology of finite tensor categories: Duality and Drinfeld centers3
On an injectivity theorem for log-canonical pairs with analytic adjoint ideal sheaves3
Hardy spaces meet harmonic weights3
Elementary abelian subgroups: From algebraic groups to finite groups3
Surface counterexamples to the Eisenbud-Goto conjecture3
Effective decorrelation of Hecke eigenforms3
Laguerre inequalities and complete monotonicity for the Riemann Xi-function and the partition function3
Morse theory for group presentations3
The projective Fraïssé limit of the family of all connected finite graphs with confluent epimorphisms3
On the tangent space to the Hilbert scheme of points in ????³3
Berezin density and planar orthogonal polynomials3
Stability manifolds of varieties with finite Albanese morphisms3
Characteristic cycles, micro local packets and packets with cohomology3
Discreteness of postcritically finite maps in ????-adic moduli space3
Proper mappings between indefinite hyperbolic spaces and type I classical domains3
Large odd order character sums and improvements of the Pólya-Vinogradov inequality3
Ranked masses in two-parameter Fleming–Viot diffusions3
Global solutions to the stochastic reaction-diffusion equation with superlinear accretive reaction term and superlinear multiplicative noise term on a bounded spatial domain3
Master Bellman equation in the Wasserstein space: Uniqueness of viscosity solutions3
Symplectic duality for topological recursion3
Tingley’s problem for positive unit spheres of operator algebras and diametral relations3
Post-critically finite maps on ℙⁿ for ????≥2 are sparse2
Gerstenhaber algebra and Deligne’s conjecture on the Tate–Hochschild cohomology2
Generic properties of Steklov eigenfunctions2
Quantum symmetries of Hadamard matrices2
Simultaneous rational approximation to successive powers of a real number2
A collar lemma for partially hyperconvex surface group representations2
A universal bound in the dimensional Brunn-Minkowski inequality for log-concave measures2
A new characteristic subgroup for finite ????-groups2
Separating path systems of almost linear size2
Extrapolation for multilinear compact operators and applications2
Thurston compactifications of spaces of stability conditions on curves2
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand meets geometric complexity theory: resolving the 2×2 permanents of a 2×???? matrix2
Categorifying Hecke algebras at prime roots of unity, part I2
On the smallest base in which a number has a unique expansion2
Reduction techniques for the finitistic dimension2
Wild dynamics and asymptotically separated sets2
Cohomology of the Morava stabilizer group through the duality resolution at ????=????=22
Algebraic Montgomery-Yang problem and smooth obstructions2
Application of waist inequality to entropy and mean dimension2
Shifting chain maps in quandle homology and cocycle invariants2
Real zeros of random trigonometric polynomials with dependent coefficients2
Small eigenvalues of random 3-manifolds2
Corrigendum to “Strength conditions, small subalgebras, and Stillman bounds in degree $\leq 4$”2
Toeplitz algebras of semigroups2
Generic freeness of local cohomology and graded specialization2
A lower bound for the double slice genus2
Asymptotic behavior of $BV$ functions and sets of finite perimeter in metric measure spaces2
The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric 2-Fano manifolds2
On the unique ergodicity for a class of 2 dimensional stochastic wave equations2
Multilinear multipliers and singular integrals with smooth kernels on Hardy spaces2
Root of unity quantum cluster algebras and Cayley–Hamilton algebras2
Testing conditions for multilinear Radon-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities2
Langlands-Shahidi $L$-functions for $GSpin$ groups and the generic Arthur packet conjecture2
Approximating rational points on toric varieties2
Metastable complex vector bundles over complex projective spaces2
Non-polyhedral effective cones from the moduli space of curves2
Vertex operator superalgebras and the 16-fold way2
On the structure of Besse convex contact spheres2
Effective approximation to complex algebraic numbers by algebraic numbers of bounded degree2
Exotic t-structures for two-block Springer fibres2
Margulis multiverse: Infinitesimal rigidity, pressure form and convexity2
On the failure of Ornstein theory in the finitary category2
On higher regularity of Stokes systems with piecewise Hölder continuous coefficients2
Independence of synthetic curvature dimension conditions on transport distance exponent2
Local conditions for global convergence of gradient flows and proximal point sequences in metric spaces2
Nontransverse heterodimensional cycles: Stabilisation and robust tangencies2
Chromatic quasisymmetric functions and noncommutative ????-symmetric functions2
On generalized main conjectures and ????-adic Stark conjectures for Artin motives2
On the small noise limit in the Smoluchowski-Kramers approximation of nonlinear wave equations with variable friction2
Homology and ????-theory of dynamical systems III. Beyond stably disconnected Smale spaces2
Small ????_{∞} results for Dahlberg-Kenig-Pipher operators in sets with uniformly rectifiable boundaries2
Discontinuity of Straightening in Anti-holomorphic Dynamics: I2
Morita equivalences and the inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for type ????2
Infinitely many arithmetic hyperbolic rational homology 3–spheres that bound geometrically2
From hyperbolic to parabolic parameters along internal rays2