American Journal of Physics

(The TQCC of American Journal of Physics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
On the “contact” hyperfine interaction31
Magnetic hyperfine interaction made easier24
An exploration of circumbinary systems using gravitational microlensing22
A shorter path to some action variables20
On the Trail of Blackbody Radiation: Max Planck and the Physics of his Era16
Low-energy scattering parameters: A theoretical derivation of the effective range and scattering length for arbitrary angular momentum15
Singular Lagrangians and the Dirac–Bergmann algorithm in classical mechanics15
A tabletop experiment for speed of light measurement using a Red Pitaya STEMlab board15
The mass spectrum of quarkonium using matrix mechanics13
Electricity + Relativity → Magnetism13
Observing hyperfine interactions of NV− centers in diamond in an advanced quantum teaching lab10
The useful life of a physics teaching article9
In this issue: June 20229
2022 AAPT award citations at the summer meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan9
The one-dimensional potential energy function that is analogous to a two-dimensional track8
Paragliders' launch trajectory is universal8
In this issue: July 20228
Modeling the frequency response of an acoustic cavity using the method of images8
In this issue: January 20217
In this issue: June 20247
Chaos in the monopole ion trap7
The rolling elliptical cylinder7
Sun glints and luminous wriggles by the seashore7
In this issue: April 20216
Breakdown of the connection between symmetries and conservation laws for semiholonomic systems6
Length as a paradigm for understanding the classical limit6
Digital imaging of a random walk by computer simulation: Using a simple model to interpret the effects of finite spatio-temporal resolution6
The bound-state solutions of the one-dimensional hydrogen atom6
Demonstrating two-particle interference with a one-dimensional delta potential well6
Analytical solution of the Sommerfeld–Page equation6
In this issue: March 20216
A first encounter with the Hartree-Fock self-consistent-field method6
A simplified relativity experiment6
Bouncing on a slope6
An introduction to the Markov chain Monte Carlo method5
The basic concepts determining electromagnetic shielding5
Breakdown of a misinterpretation of Noether's theorem5
Motion of a charged particle in the static fields of an infinite straight wire5
Elastic collisions on a simulated circular air track5
Motion of a charged particle in the electric field of a uniformly charged finite wire5
Graphical analysis of an oscillator with constant magnitude sliding friction5
Fermilab humor5
Revisiting Sommerfeld's atomic model using Euler–Lagrange dynamics5
Charging a supercapacitor through a lamp: A power-law RC decay5
Electrostatic shape energy differences of one-dimensional line charges5
Perihelion precession in power-law potentials: Hénon's theorem5
Flashes of Creation: George Gamow, Fred Hoyle, and the Great Big Bang Debate4
A simple state-of-the-art spectrometer for student labs: Cost-efficient, instructive, and widely applicable4
An experimental demonstration of level attraction with coupled pendulums4
Maxwell's color box: Retracing the path of color matching experiments4
Exploring entropy by counting microstates of the p-state paramagnet4
In this issue: Special collection on the environment, sustainability, and climate change4
ChatGPT: A test drive4
Rubidium isotope shift measurement using noisy lasers4
Tidal effects in a spacecraft4
Eigenmodes of fractal drums: A numerical student experiment4
A guide to the literature of the finite rectangular well4
Photographing a meter stick moving at relativistic speeds4
ArduinoTM microprocessors as a platform for modeling framework labs4
Energy and Entropy: A Dynamic Duo4
Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters4
Quantifying biomolecular diffusion with a “spherical cow” model4
The force required to operate the plunger on a French press4
Special issue in celebration of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology4
Coupled oscillations of the Wilberforce pendulum unveiled by smartphones4
The crane operator's trick and other shenanigans with a pendulum4
Electric field lines of an arbitrarily moving charged particle4
The Newcomb–Benford law: Scale invariance and a simple Markov process based on it4
Wigner rotation and Euler angle parametrization4
Energy conservation strategies for electric vehicles on hills4
Playing melodies on a single string by exciting harmonics using the Lorentz force3
Boosting vector calculus with the graphical notation3
Isotropic inertia tensor without symmetry of mass distribution3
Static dielectric response and screening in solid state physics: Why dimensionality matters in dielectrics3
Multiplicity counting using organic scintillators to distinguish neutron sources: An advanced teaching laboratory3
Helping students apply superposition principle in problems involving spherical, cylindrical, and planar charge distributions3
Force on a moving object in an ideal quantum gas3
Cost-effective measurement of magnetostriction in nanoscale thin films through an optical cantilever displacement method3
Resource Letter ALC-1: Advanced Laboratory Courses3
An in-fiber Mach–Zehnder strain sensor for studying multimode interference of light3
Which is greater: eπ or πe? An unorthodox physical solution to a classic puzzle3
The uncertainty principle and quantum wave functions that are their own Fourier transforms3
Resource Letter DM1: Dark matter: An overview of theory and experiment3
An algebra and trigonometry-based proof of Kepler's first law3
J. Robert Oppenheimer, Physicist3
Pandemic modeling with the game of life3
Optical measurements on a budget: A 3D-printed ellipsometer3
Why and how to implement worked examples in upper division theoretical physics3
Quantum mechanics: A historical-linguistic perspective3
A taxonomy of magnetostatic field lines3
Footnotes (and other editorial innovations)3
Data science education in undergraduate physics: Lessons learned from a community of practice3
Whose work matters? A tool for identifying and developing more inclusive physics textbooks3
A short pre-history of quantum gravity3
In this issue: November 20213
Teaching rotational physics with bivectors3
Low-cost quadrature optical interferometer3
Simple portable quantum key distribution for science outreach3
Galilean relativity and the path integral formalism in quantum mechanics3
Complementarity and entanglement in a simple model of inelastic scattering3
Tesla's fluidic diode and the electronic-hydraulic analogy3
Infinite-fold energy degeneracy in 2D square lattices of magnetic spheres3
A modern interpretation of Newton's theorem of revolving orbits3
On the normalization and density of 1D scattering states3
2024 Jackson Award for Excellence in Graduate Physics Education lecture: Physics graduate education for the 21st century2
Electrically connected and magnetically coupled inductors: Aiding or opposing fluxes?2
A Bose horn antenna radio telescope (BHARAT) design for 21 cm hydrogen line experiments for radio astronomy teaching2
Numerical simulation of mirages above water bodies2
The mobile phone as a free-rotation laboratory2
The e/m experiment: Student exploration into systematic uncertainty2
Calculation and measurement of center of mass: An all-in-one activity using Tangram puzzles2
Computing scattering cross sections for spherically symmetric potentials2
Exact solutions for the inverse problem of the time-independent Schrödinger equation2
Energy-mass equivalence from Maxwell equations2
Comment on “Spectral shifts in general relativity,” [Am. J. Phys. 62(10), 903–907 (1994)]2
Making digital aquatint with the Ising model2
Quantitative analysis of a smartphone pendulum beyond linear approximation: A lockdown practical homework2
Virtual learning via spreadsheets: Real-time simulation of an RC circuit2
Falling toast2
The Great Paradox of Science: Why Its Conclusions Can Be Relied Upon Even Though They Cannot Be Proven2
ChatGPT-4 with Code Interpreter can be used to solve introductory college-level vector calculus and electromagnetism problems2
Comment on projectile motion with quadratic drag using an inverse velocity expansion2
Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet2
Comment on “Determining the difference between local acceleration and local gravity: Applications of the equivalence principle to relativistic trajectories” [Am. J. Phys. 92(6), 444–449 (2024)]2
Talking 'bout misinterpretation2
Erratum: “Smooth double barriers in quantum mechanics” [Am. J. Phys. 78, 1352–1360 (2010)]2
The Visual Elements––– Photography: A Handbook for Communicating Science and Engineering by Felice C. Frankel2
A guide for incorporating e-teaching of physics in a post-COVID world2
In this issue: July 20242
An undergraduate physics experiment to measure the frequency-dependent impedance of inductors using an Anderson bridge2
Oblique collision of a soft rubber disk with a rigid surface2
Stereographic projection to and from the Bloch sphere: Visualizing solutions of the Bloch equations and the Bloch–Riccati equation2
A vectorial analysis of the “Golfer's Nemesis”2
Voltage decay in an RLC circuit is not what is taught: An advanced laboratory exercise2
Entropy production diagrams2
Quantum versus classical quenches and the broadening of wave packets2
Modeling and measuring the non-ideal characteristics of transmission lines2
Schrödinger's equation as a diffusion equation2
Broken pencils and moving rulers: After an unpublished book by Mitchell Feigenbaum2
In this issue: November 20222
Forces and conservation laws for motion on our spheroidal Earth2
Erratum: “Fraunhofer diffraction by a thin wire and Babinet's principle” [Am. J. Phys. 73, 83–84 (2005)]2
The physics of Magnus gliders2
Determining the difference between local acceleration and local gravity: Applications of the equivalence principle to relativistic trajectories2
Williamson theorem in classical, quantum, and statistical physics2
Erratum: “Introducing simple models of social systems” [Am. J. Phys. 90, 462-468 (2022)]2
Skier and loop-the-loop with friction2
Simple realization of the polytropic process with a finite-sized reservoir2
Insight into the gas–liquid transition from the Berthelot model2
Theoretical and experimental examination of simple coaxial photonic crystals for undergraduate teaching2
Free expansion of a Gaussian wavepacket using operator manipulations2
Easy method to establish the dispersion relation of capillary waves on water jets2
It is time to honor Emmy Noether with a momentum unit2
Rutherford scattering of quantum and classical fields2
Labor-based grading practices in the physics classroom2
Drone–drone collisions over New York City via the kinetic theory of gases2
Simple derivation of the explicit forms of quantum-mechanical fundamental representations2
In this issue: October 20212
Design-oriented analysis2
Endless fun in high dimensions—A quantum card game2
Subtle features in projectile motion with quadratic drag found through Taylor series expansions1
Basics of sound in air: Correspondence with electromagnetic waves1
Elongation of a ferrofluid droplet near a permanent magnet: A tidal or magnetic energy effect?1
Introducing simple models of social systems1
Resources-oriented instruction: What does it mean, and what might it look like?1
On viewing the Himalayas from the plains1
Torricelli's experiment and conservation of momentum1
Resource Letter BP-1: Biological physics1
The edge profile of liquid spills1
A novel method of images for solving Laplace's equation and deriving demagnetization factors for spheroidal bodies1
Energy density of any capacitor or inductor1
Algorithm to visualize a 3D normal surface in anisotropic crystals and the polarization states of the o- and e-waves in uniaxial crystals1
Bose and the angular momentum of the photon1
Quantum Legacies: Dispatches from an Uncertain World1
In this issue: February 20221
Transition from bouncing to rolling on a horizontal surface1
In this issue: February 20211
Relativistic acceleration in noninertial frames of a line of objects1
Gravitational Few-Body Dynamics: A Numerical Approach1
Science Between Myth and History: The Quest for Common Ground and Its Importance for Scientific Practice1
An economical smoke chamber and light-sheet microscope system for experiments in fluid dynamics and electrostatics1
Heat engines with finite reservoirs1
Splitting the second: Designing a physics course with an emphasis on timescales of ultrafast phenomena1
Comment on “Coefficient of rolling friction: Lab experiment”1
Frequency-dependent capacitors using paper1
Thermal damping of the motion of a piston: Any irreversibility implies dissipation1
Two-body bound states through Yukawa forces and perspectives on hydrogen and deuterium1
“Everyone is new to this”: Student reflections on different aspects of online learning1
Momentum conservation in the Biot–Savart law1
Six textbook mistakes in computational physics1
Arduino cavity controller for LIGO analogy lab [Am. J. Phys. 87, 44 (2019)]1
Invariants: Finding constancy in a sea of change1
Index matching computerized tomography1
A Standard Model Workbook1
Erratum: “A compact disc under skimming light rays” [Am. J. Phys. 86(3), 169 (2018)]1
A new look at quantal time evolution1
Simulating spin dynamics with quantum computers1
The hardest-hit home run?1
2024 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching Lecture: It's not business, it's personal. Teaching large classes, one student at a time1
Sliding and rolling along circular tracks in a vertical plane1
Neumann, but hold the von1
Erratum: “Feynman, Lewin, and Einstein download Zoom: A guide for incorporating e-teaching of physics in a post-COVID world” [Am. J. Phys. 89, 403 (2021)]1
On numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation1
Equilibrium probability distribution for number of bound receptor-ligand complexes1
The field inside an infinite solenoid of arbitrary cross section using Ampère's law1
In this issue: June 20211
Employing an operator form of the Rodrigues formula to calculate wavefunctions without differential equations1
When to postpone approximating: The Rule of 69.3ish1
Magnetic diffusion, inductive shielding, and the Laplace transform1
Transport through quantum dots: An introduction via master equation simulations1
Investigating the magnetic field outside small accelerator magnet analogs via experiment, simulation, and theory1
Understanding two-dimensional tractor magnets: Theory and realizations1
An interactive gravitational-wave detector model for museums and fairs1
In this issue: October 20231
Expanding the range of validity of the simplest computation of the perihelion precession in Schwarzschild spacetime1
Different scenarios of shrinking surface soap bubbles1
The emergence of classical mixtures from an entangled quantum state1
In this issue: May 20211
General formalism for calculating the thermal efficiency of thermodynamic cycles defined in a pV diagram1
Investigating and improving student understanding of the basics for a system of identical particles1
d'Alembert digitized: A wave pulse method for visualizing electromagnetic waves in matter and for deriving the finite difference time domain method for numerically solving Maxwell's equations1
Virtual lab: Using spreadsheets to simulate experiments measuring viscosity, BJT NPN curves, and RL circuits1
Measuring the balance of the world's largest machine1
Spatial structuring of light for undergraduate laboratories1
On cat–human interaction from the viewpoint of physics: An equation of motion1
Erratum: “Comment on projectile motion with quadratic drag using an inverse velocity expansion” [Am. J. Phys. 90, 861 (2022)]1
In this issue: November 20231
An exact solution for a particle in a velocity-dependent force field1
Hyperbolic times in Minkowski space1
Soil analysis using a 2″ NaI gamma detector1
An analysis of the large amplitude simple pendulum using Fourier series1
Of balls, bladders, and balloons: The time required to deflate an elastic sphere1
A classical analog for defects in quantum band formation1
Periodic strings: A mechanical analogy to photonic and phononic crystals1
Ball bearings and bearing balls1
Predicting the axial deformation of an extensible garden hose when pressurized1
In this issue: December 20211
The Persico equation for minimum uncertainty states1
Gravitational lens effect revisited through membrane waves1
Kelvin's clouds1
Is Einstein still right? Black holes, gravitational waves, and the quest to verify Einstein's greatest creation1
Comment on “Experimental determination of heat capacities and their correlation with theoretical predictions” [Am. J. Phys. 79(11), 1099–1103 (2011)]1
Fréedericksz transition on air1
In this issue: May 20241
High-speed visualization of soap films bursting dynamics1
Using Hilbert curves to organize, sample, and sonify solar data1
The toppling of a uniform rectangular block1
Scattering of identical particles by a one-dimensional Dirac delta function barrier potential: The role of statistics1