American Journal of Gastroenterology

(The TQCC of American Journal of Gastroenterology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
S239 Tenapanor Can Improve Abdominal Symptoms Independent of Changes in Bowel Movement Frequency in Adult Patients with IBS-C442
S1667 Appetite-Related Physiological Adaptations to a Low-Calorie, Low-Fat Diet in Obesity Compared to Normal Weight433
S626 Achalasia, Recurrent Tuberculosis, Oral Candidiasis, Seizures, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Two Brothers: Implications for Common Pathological Basis for Divine Phenome306
S106 Prospective Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction in Men with Chronic Pancreatitis: A Pilot Study279
S2391 Kissing Area: A Rare Report of Sigmoido - Cecal Fistula234
S2029 Lemmel's Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Biliary Obstruction From a Common Entity195
S3988 Can’t Bypass This: A Case of Jejunojejunal Intussusception After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass142
S1398 Examining Trends in Mortality Rates Linked to Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in the United States: A Comparative Study Before and After the Emergence of COVID-19127
S2008 Unusual Case of Abdominal Pain - Medication Induced Biliary Colic121
S2154 A Rare Presentation of Recurrent Klebsiella pneumoniae Liver Abscess119
S4042 Whipple's Disease with Dermatologic Manifestations99
S604 Outpatient Flexible Endoscopic Diverticulotomy for Management of Zenker’s Diverticulum – A Retrospective Observational Study From Single Center71
S525 Esophageal Aperistalsis: A Management Conundrum67
S754 The Impact of Abdominal Compression Devices on Colonoscopy Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials67
S2083 A Rare Case of Carcinoid Tumor of the Pancreas (CTP)67
S4020 Exploring the Link: A Rare Case of Dermatomyositis and Gastrointestinal Dysmotility66
S2156 Complete Agenesis of the Dorsal Pancreas Causing Acute Pancreatitis66
S835 Acute GI Bleed Following CABG With Atrial Fibrillation on Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant64
S872 Shared Genetic Architecture and Protective Causal Association Between Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Primary Biliary Cholangitis63
S2316 Crohn’s and Bowel Lymphoma: Non-Identical Twins?62
S1502 Normothermic Machine Preservation: The New Standard for Liver Preservation?60
S1423 Serum Lysosomal Acid Lipase Activity as a Potential Non-Invasive Diagnostic Marker for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis58
S862 Real-World Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Vedolizumab and Ustekinumab in Bio-Naïve Patients With Early Crohn’s Disease: Results From the EVOLVE Expansion Study55
S312 Does the Location of Colon Cancer Have an Association With the 180-day Mortality? A Multi-Center Retrospective Analysis51
S2313 Beyond the Surface: Langerhans Histiocytosis and Colon Polyps Under the Microscope51
S3075 Dieulafoy Lesion Masquerading as a Gastric Varix: An Unexpected Finding on Upper Endoscopy49
S735 Redefining Giant: A Systematic Review of Large Gastric Lipomas Since 201747
S734 Efficacy of Water Exchange vs Computer-Aided Detection: A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials47
S2709 Acute Esophageal Necrosis After Sequential Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole Administration45
S323 Effect of a Local Media Intervention on Interest in Colonoscopy and Colorectal Cancer in the Indianapolis Latino Population: A Google Trends Analysis45
S1518 Effect of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity on Liver Transplantation Outcome in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis45
S729 Does Endocuff Use Increase the Polyp Detection Rate? A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis41
S2629 Cholangioscopy-Assisted Endoscopic Transpapillary Gallbladder Drainage in a Decompensated Cirrhotic Patient With Chronic Cholecystitis41
S2326 A Novel Way to Plug a Hole: Placement of a Covered Esophageal Stent Into a Colostomy41
S3136 Preemptive TIPS Enhance Transplantation-Free Survival in Patients with Acute Variceal Bleeding Compared to Endoscopic and Therapeutic Management Alone: A Meta-Analysis41
S473 Is There a Relationship Between NAFLD and Eosinophilic Esophagitis? Insights From the National Inpatient Sample40
S3131 Exploring the Excluded Pouch: A Case Report of Neoplasm of the Excluded Gastric Pouch After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Causing Gastrointestinal Blood Loss and Anemia39
S798 SARS-CoV-2 Gastrointestinal Symptoms and One-Year Risk for Gastrointestinal Bleed: A Retrospective Cohort Study39
S4115 Management of Gastrointestinal Spirochetosis37
S1539 Central Obesity Is Independently Associated With Advanced Fibrosis in Lean NAFLD36
S2472 Gastrointestinal Kaposi Sarcoma: A Rare Case of an Isolated Rectal Lesion in an Immunocompetent HIV-Negative Patient34
S1438 The ALBI Score Is Inferior to MELD and CTP in Predicting Survival in Alcohol Associated Liver Disease34
S3072 Gastric Lipoma: A Rare Cause of Intermittent Epigastric Pain and Hematemesis34
S2238 Primary Gastrointestinal Lymphoma Presenting as a Large Bowel Obstruction in a Young Patient33
S2408 Adult Intussusception: A Rare Occurrence33
S1898 Study Design Considerations for Thoracic Neuromodulation in Diabetic Gastroparesis33
S567 Getting Unstuck: Comparing Glucagon and Effervescent Agent Therapy in Patients With Acute Esophageal Food Impaction33
S4039 Pyloric Gland Adenoma Arising Within the Duodenal Bulb33
S1585 Diagnostic Accuracy of Point of Care Liver Elastography for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis31
S2434 Hematochezia Discovered to Be Anorectal Amelanotic Melanoma31
S983 Characterizing the Perianal Fistulizing Phenotype of Penetrating Crohn's Disease - A Single-Center Experience31
S3080 “Remember the Veins of Retzius”. a Case of Bleeding Duodenal Varices Causing a Life-Threatening Upper GI Bleed31
S2061 Feasibility of Emergent ERCP in the Left Lateral Position Without Fluoroscopy to Treat Fulminant Ascending Cholangitis30
S673 Prevalence of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobile EDS, Associated Rates of Rome IV Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Relationships of IBS with Global Health, and Psychological Symptoms30
S3398 From Nodules to Nodes: EUS Detects Nodal Involvement of Gangliocytic Paraganglioma30
S965 Real-World Treatment Persistence Among Bio-Naïve Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Initiated on Ustekinumab or Adalimumab30
S2329 Idiopathic Myointimal Hyperplasia of the Mesenteric Veins as a Differential Diagnosis in Patients With Colitis of Unknown Etiology30
S1495 Outcomes and Predictors of Liver Cirrhosis in Hereditary Hemochromatosis: A Population-based Study30
S640 Underutilization of Behavioral Health Therapy in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome29
S223 Radiation Induces BRCA1 Expression in a Genetically Engineered Mouse Model of Colorectal Cancer29
S365 Evaluation of Computer Aided Detection During Colonoscopy Among Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial29
S1445 Increasing Mortality of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Women: A Population-Based Time-Trend Analysis Using the Global Burden of Disease Database, 1990-201928
S786 Meta-Analysis of Hemostasis Outcomes With Hemospray in Managing Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding27
S836 Over-The-Scope Clip vs Conventional Endoscopic Therapy for Bleeding Peptic Ulcers: An Updated Meta-analysis27
S41 Incidence, Incidence-Based Mortality, and Survival Rates of Pancreatic Cancer Based on the Extent of Disease: A SEER-Based Study27
S2336 A Rare Case of Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome in a Patient With Colorectal Cancer26
S1603 Impact of Protein-C and Antithrombin-III Deficiency and Leiden Factor-V Mutation in Venous Thromboembolic Events (VTE) and Overall Post-Operative Donor Outcomes26
S1479 Repeatability Coefficient of Velacur Scans in the Same Patient Taken at Least 2 Weeks Apart26
S461 Dupilumab Efficacy in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Persists for Histologic, Symptomatic, and Endoscopic Outcomes Regardless of Concomitant High-Dose Proton Pump Inhibitor Use25
S821 Predictors of Short and Long Term Rebleeding in Patients with Overt Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Prospective Study25
S256 What Are TikTok Users Saying About Colorectal Cancer? An Examination of Content, Quality, and Emerging Themes25
S3161 Exulceratio Simplex: A Rare and Old-Described Entity as a Cause of Massive GI Bleeding in the Esophagus25
S3244 Interesting Presentation of Ulcerative Gastroduodenal Lesion in Ulcerative Colitis25
S3930 Clostridioides difficile Enteritis a Rare but Deadly Diagnosis24
S2601 An Interesting Rare Case of Mixed Neuroendocrine Non-Neuroendocrine (MiNEN) Rectal Tumor24
S2442 An Atypical Finding of Colonic Marginal Zone Lymphoma24
S2833 Sevelamer Induced Ulcerative Esophagitis: A Case Report24
S2698 Dr. Google Told Me It’s a Dermoid Cyst, a Rare Metastasis of Primary Esophageal Cancer to the Anterior Chest Wall: A Case Report24
S2119 Type IV Paraesophageal Hernia Causing Pancreatitis24
S1404 Ethnicity and Its Effect on Liver Cirrhosis Remission in Post-Bariatric Patients24
S721 The Customer Is Always Right: A Survey to Determine Endoscopist’s Preferences for More Ergonomically-Designed Colonoscopes24
S545 Association Between Daily Opioid Exposure and Changes in Esophageal Manometric Parameters in Chronic Opioid Users24
S2130 30 Years Later – Late Surgical Clip Migration After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy24
S1160 Corticosteroid-Sparing Effect of Upadacitinib in Patients With Moderately-to-Severely Active Crohn’s Disease23
S3278 Myositis as an Extra-Intestinal Manifestation of Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Report and Literature Review23
S3469 Graft-vs Host Disease and Autoimmune Hepatitis: Evaluating Transaminitis in a Patient With Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant23
S3125 A Soccer Game Turned Bloody: A Case of Ischemic Colitis23
S1884 Steatohepatitis and Pancreatic Insufficiency Are Associated with Increased Risk of Peptic Ulcer Disease in the Cystic Fibrosis Population: A National Database Study22
S1071 Mirikizumab Sustained Improvement on Fatigue in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease in the Phase 2 AMAG Study at Week 10422
S3483 A Curious Case of Happy Hypoxia in NASH Cirrhosis22
S817 Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in Successful Inpatient Small Bowel Enteroscopy for Gastrointestinal Bleeding21
S2113 Severe Necrotizing Gas Gangrene Pancreatitis with Bacteremia: A Complex Case Report with Septic Shock, Splenic Artery Pseudoaneurysm, and Persistent Necrotic Tissue21
S2265 A Tale of Two 'Chetes: Varying Presentations of Intestinal Spirochetosis21
S1239 Pre-Cut Papillotomy vs Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Rendezvous for Difficult Biliary Cannulation (DBC): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis21
S1133 Impact of Ozanimod on Interleukin-17A Levels and the Association With OZA Efficacy in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis: Data From the Phase 3 True North Study21
S2749 Dysphagia Lusoria in the Setting of CLOVES Syndrome20
S2663 A Rare Case of Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Proximal Esophagus20
S2899 An Uncommon Presentation of Candy Cane Syndrome20
S3012 Gastrointestinal Tract Complications From Iododerma20
S864 Corticosteroid Use Among Patients With Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis on Advanced Therapy From the CorEvitas Inflammatory Bowel Disease Registry20
S2887 A Rare Presentation of Eosinophilic-Appearing Lymphocytic Esophagitis20
S4086 A Rare Case of Gastrointestinal Neuroectodermal Tumor19
S1512 Does Discharge Disposition Affect Follow-Up, Readmission, and Mortality in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Cirrhosis?19
S3697 You Cannot B. cereus: A Rare Case of Pathogen Associated Acute Liver Injury19
S1984 Symptomatic Anemia Following Acute Pancreatitis: An Unusual Cause19
S3507 A Rare Case of Adenocarcinoma With Neuroendocrine Features Spreading to Liver and Lymph Nodes: A Compelling Case Report19
S1373 Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Fibrosis Among US Adults With Sarcopenia: A 2017-2018 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) Assessment19
S1796 Diagnostic Yield and Clinical Predictors of Video Capsule Endoscopy Findings in Veterans19
S443 Predicting Colon Cancer Screening: The Role of Sociodemographics and Comorbidities19
S4103 Asymptomatic Recurrent Idiopathic Pneumoperitoneum: A Rare Case Presentation19
S3967 A Case of Post-COVID Eosinophilic Enteritis Presenting as Protein-Losing Enteropathy19
S2937 The Effects of Large Volume Ingestion of Concentrated Household Bleach18
S1402 Fact or Fiction: Understanding the Quality and Reliability of Liver Cirrhosis Information on YouTube18
S1354 Comparing the Accuracy of Hand-Held Ultrasound vs Traditional Ultrasound in Identifying Hepatic Steatosis18
S391 Impact of Rurality on Survival Outcomes Following an Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis18
S776 Rebleeding Rates in Dieulafoy’s Lesions of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Are Not Affected by Type of Endoscopic Therapy in a Veteran Cohort18
S3879 A Rare Case of Bactrim-Induced Liver Injury Due to DRESS Syndrome18
S3304 Duodeno-Colonic Fistula Stenting in the Colorectal Cancer18
S4134 Severe Anemia as Initial Presentation of Hepatic Abscess Secondary to Subclinical Gastric Ulcer Perforation18
S1194 Tofacitinib for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis: Up to 9.2 Years of Safety Data From the Global Clinical Program18
S593 First Interim Analysis of Safety and Effectiveness in View Study: A Multicenter, Single-Arm, Prospective, Non-Interventional Study of Vonoprazan in Real-World Clinical Practice in China18
S3954 TPN and Pregnancy: A Series of Successful Conceptions18
S3655 Non-Typhoidal Salmonella Hepatitis: A Rare Complication of a Common Enteric Infection18
S3316 Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Subhepatic Biloma Drainage in a Patient With Partial Hepatectomy With Prior Roux-En-Y Anatomy18
S3985 Not Just for Kids: A Case of Adult-Onset IgA Vasculitis18
S1307 Comparing Different Endoscopic Techniques for Tissue Sampling of Upper Gastrointestinal Subepithelial Lesions: A Network Meta-Analysis17
S3854 A Case of Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia Associated With Chemotherapy in Patient With Hematologic Malignancy17
S616 Analysis of Reported Adverse Events Related to the Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Reflux Management System: An FDA MAUDE Database Study17
S2373 Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Deficiency Leading to Fluorouracil Toxicity in a Patient With Colorectal Adenocarcinoma17
S1106 Reinitiation of Ozanimod After Dose Interruption: Assessment of Effect on Heart Rate17
S3961 Primary Duodenal Follicular Lymphoma: A Rare Entity at the Intersection of Gastrointestinal Malignancies and Lymphoproliferative Disorders17
S3810 Murine Typhus or Still's Disease? A Definitive Diagnosis From Liver Biopsy17
S3289 Choose Wisely – Location Matters When Selecting Appropriate Endoscopic Tool for Post-Operative Anastomotic Defects17
S663 Long-Term, Non-Invasive, Objective Stool Monitoring Using a Novel Smart Toilet: A Feasibility Study17
S2654 Acquired Tracheoesophageal Fistula17
S1312 Predictors of Complications After Heller Myotomy and Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy in Achalasia17
S1544 Disparity in Orthotopic Liver Transplant Listing With Respect to Race and Access to Care: An Analysis of the National Inpatient Sample 2016-202017
S3719 Spontaneous Adrenal Insufficiency in a Decompensated Cirrhotic Patient17
S3891 From Roux-en-Y to Roux-en-WHY: Colonic Enteric Fistula – a Rare Complication of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass17
S2750 A Rare Case of Metachronous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus After Resolution of Prior Adenocarcinoma16
S2135 A Rare Case of Pancreatic Schwannoma as a Cause of Chronic Abdominal Pain: A Management Dilemma16
S891 Major Discordance - Gastroenterologist Survey on IBD Medication Authorization Denials16
S880 Assessing the Risk of Pancreatic Diseases in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients on Biological Therapy: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using a Large Database16
S888 Novel Point of Care Fecal Bile Salt Hydrolase Quantification Assay to Assess Bile Acid Profiling Following Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Recurrent C. difficile Infection16
S4025 Bleeding GIST Suggestive of Undiagnosed Neurofibromatosis Type 116
S2650 Endoscopic Drainage of a Large Abdominal Abscess in the Setting of a Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt16
S3328 Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Gastro-Gastrostomy for Reversal of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass to Facilitate Weight Gain16
S773 Impact of Inter-Hospital Transfer Status on Outcomes of Variceal and Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Analysis From National Inpatient Sample16
S2170 Surgical Resection of Pancreatic Cancer Recurring as a Solitary Lung Nodule16
S2631 Novel Use of Self-Assembling Peptide Hemostatic Gel for Hemostasis of Pancreas Intracystic Bleeding16
S3975 Small Intestinal Metastasis from a Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: Case Report16
S1163 Impact of Tofacitinib Maintenance Therapy on Key Ulcerative Colitis Patient-Reported Outcomes of Fatigue, Urgency, Abdominal Pain, and Sexual Dysfunction Using IBDQ and SF-36 Individual Items as16
S2141 Ampullary Neuroendocrine Tumor "Obstructing" Renal Transplant15
S1801 Discordance Between Self-Reported Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Glucose Breath Test Results in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: A Retrospective Analysis15
S4024 A Rare Case of IgG4-Related Sclerosing Mesenteritis Mimicking Small Bowel Malignancy!15
S2398 Ischemic Colitis Presenting With Painless Hematochezia: The Stripe Sign15
S2739 Lymphocytic Esophagitis in a Patient With Progressive Dysphagia and Rapid Weight Loss15
S1188 Using Unsupervised Natural Language Processing to Automatically Identify Chronicity and Extent of Inflammation on Ileocolonoscopy From Pathology Reports15
S902 Assessing the Impact of Interval Duration Between Ileal Pouch Creation and Loop Ileostomy Closure on the Development of Subsequent Inflammatory Pouch Conditions in Patients with Ulcerative Coliti15
S2782 Lymphocytic Esophagitis: An Under-Recognized Cause of Dysphagia15
S1449 Impact of Venous Thromboembolism During Admission for Alcoholic Hepatitis: A Retrospective Analysis15
S1453 Regional Variation in Baseline Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Decompensated Cirrhosis With Hepatic Hydrothorax15
S364 Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy of Youtube Content on Colorectal Cancer Compared to Trusted Sources15
S1760 GI Fellowship Applicants Experiences and Perceptions of Virtual Applicant-Fellow Sessions15
S2297 Definitely Not Crohn’s: Epstein Barr Virus Positive Mucocutaneous Lymphoproliferative Intestinal Ulcer Disease15
S2115 A Rare Case of Adult Pancreatoblastoma-Inducing Hypercalcemia15
S2975 Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Rare Trifecta15
S2877 Signet Ring Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma in a Young Man15
S1384 Dielectric Properties as a Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Cholestatic Liver Disease: Feasibility Study in Mice Model15
S751 Colonoscopy Differences Between Males and Females: Impact of Patient Sex and Endoscopist Gender on Polypectomy Duration15
S479 Incidental Downstream Resource Utilization Due to Endoscopic Screening for Barrett’s Esophagus14
S2716 Recurrent Candida Esophagitis in a Patient With Psoriatic Arthritis Transitioning Immunologic Agents14
S282 Investigating the Association of Microscopic Colitis and Atherosclerosis: A Case-Control Study14
S2827 Plummer-Vinson Syndrome with Rapid Clinical and Endoscopic Improvement Following IV Iron Supplementation14
S3174 An Overlap of Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Crohn’s Disease Fistulas14
S337 A Single Center Review of Patients With Discordant Cologuard Testing and Screening Colonoscopy: Who Are These Patients and What Is Being Recommended?14
S2549 A Case of Acute Diverticulitis Without Diverticula14
S982 Association of Histologic-Endoscopic Response and Long-Term Clinical Outcomes: Results From Phase 2 Mirikizumab Trial in Patients With Moderately-to-Severely Active Crohn’s Disease14
S1337 Comparative Analysis of Noninvasive Tests of Hepatic Fibrosis With Liver Histopathology in a Large Clinical Cohort14
S4022 Therapeutic Challenges in an Uncommon Phenomenon of Duodenal Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma14
S2781 Esophageal NET: A Tumor Both Rare and Aggressive14
S625 Prevalence of Depression Is Higher in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Compared to Chronic GI and Non-GI Disorders14
S1309 EUS-Guided Biliary Drainage vs ERCP Drainage for Unresectable Malignant Biliary Obstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis14
S1334 The Alarming Disparity in Hepatitis C Screening Within the Younger Population: A Quality Improvement Project14
S1980 An Abnormal Case of Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis Revealing Adenocarcinoma in a 31-Year-Old Male14
S2815 Mallory-Weiss Syndrome Marked by Sporadic Hematemesis and Extensive Clots14
S2127 A Case of Metastatic Seminoma Mimicking a Primary Pancreatic Tumor14
S1426 Simplified Prognostic Model for Predicting First 15 Days Mortality in Alcoholic Acute on Chronic Liver Failure Patients14
S4087 Mycobacteria in Hiding: Challenges in the Diagnosis of Peritoneal Tuberculosis14
S2616 Single-Session EUS-Directed Transgastric Endoscopy for Treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass14
S621 Superiority of Nasal Spray Compared to Orally Administered Metoclopramide in Reducing Healthcare Costs in Treating Diabetic Gastroparesis Patients14
S427 Factors Associated With Non-Completion of Mailed Fecal Immunohistochemical Tests14
S1034 Crohn’s Disease Is Associated With Higher Risks of Upper Gastrointestinal Disorders Than Ulcerative Colitis14
S1200 Characterization of Hospitalized Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Treated With Tofacitinib in the OCTAVE Clinical Program for up to 7.8 Years14
S953 The Impact of Health Insurance, Provider Status, and Biologic Use on Vaccination Documentation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease13
S1324 Gender Disparity in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Survival: Exploiting Tissue-Specific Protein Interaction Networks to Unveil Prognostic Gene Modules13
S3815 Acute IRIS-Related HBV Flare Unmasked After Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in a HIV/HBV Coinfected Patient13
S2753 Lymphocytic Esophagitis: A Rare Cause of Dysphagia Presenting in an Elderly Patient13
S2537 A Rare Case of Primary Gastrointestinal Burkitt’s Lymphoma With Rapid Progression13
S544 Evaluating Emergency Department Visits for Food Impaction in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Patients: Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics, Management, and Outcomes13
S3350 Gallstone Removal Resulting in Resolution of a Rare Case of Bouveret Syndrome13
S2388 Rectal Tropism: A Unique Case of Prostate Cancer With Metastasis to the Rectum13
S1965 An Anomalous Path Leads to a Named Atypical Blockage13
S3162 Primary Burkitt Lymphoma of the GI Tract as a Rare Cause of Acute Upper GI Bleeding13
S3718 Rapid Growth Rate of Hepatomegaly in a Patient Diagnosed with Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma13
S3003 Gastric Plexiform Fibromyxoma: A Rare Cause of Recurrent Upper GI Bleeding13
S1465 Unveiling the Risk: Factors Affecting Clostridioides difficile Infection Incidence Within 1 Year of Liver Transplantation13
S3925 Dermatomoysitis-Associated Gastrointestinal Cancer Presenting as Pulmonary Hypertension13
S879 Risk of Opportunistic Infections Among Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients on Biologics: A Nationwide Database Study13
S2553 A Rare Cause of Hematochezia: Appendiceal Bleeding13
S1698 The PRIME Pilot - Photo-Based Review for Individual Mitigation of Endoscopic Injury13
S217 Unveiling Colon Cancer Insights Through Google Trends: Harnessing Digital Search Patterns for Public Health Surveillance and Awareness in the United States13
S299 Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Device for Polyp Detection During Colonoscopy at an Academic County Hospital System13
S2655 More Than a Lump in Your Throat: Dysphagia Secondary to Cervical Osteophyte12
S911 Long-Term Safety of Ozanimod in Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis and Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis12
S3331 Curative Resection of T1a Esophageal Inlet Patch Adenocarcinoma With Traction-Assisted Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection12
S1688 Improvements in Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation Quality and Procedure Completions Following Introduction of a Full-Time Patient Navigator12
S3126 A Rare Cause of Hematochezia Caught in Time: MUTYH-Associated Polyposis12
S2433 Unusual Case of Vomiting and Defecating Partially Digested Food12
S955 Patient Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis in Elderly Patients12
S2596 The Treacherous Duo: A Unique Case of Two Synchronous Colorectal Cancers12
S756 Efficacy of Cap Assisted Endoscopy for the Visualization of Major Duodenal Papilla: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
S869 Efficacy of JAK Inhibitors in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease12
S2185 Hemobilia: An Uncommon Presentation of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding12
S702 The Impact of Glycemic Control on the Quality of Bowel Preparation in Patients Undergoing Elective Colonoscopy: A Retrospective Multi-Center Study12
S809 Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients with Prosthetic Valve: Insights from the National Readmission Database12
S3756 Hepatic Actinomycosis: A Rare Culprit in Liver Infections12
S3117 When the Order of Events Is Not the Usual One: A Curious Case of Ulcerative Colitis12
S3557 Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the Setting of Autoimmune Hepatitis12
S1681 Nonadherence in Pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis12
S2232 A Rare Association of Protease Inhibitors With Acute Pancreatitis: A Case Report11
S3573 Isolated Hyperbilirubinemia - A Rare Initial Presentation of Multiple Myeloma11
S3504 Unusually Mild Case of Herpes Simplex Virus Hepatitis in a Postpartum Patient11
S3637 Epstein-Barr Virus Related Acute Liver Failure in a Young Immunocompetent Male11
S1214 Characterization of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm Subtypes Using EUS-Guided Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy11
S1957 Lemmel Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Obstructive Jaundice11
S264 Trends in Racial Disparities of Cecum Cancer in the Last Twenty Years11
S2506 Intestinal Spirochetes in Immunocompetent Patients11
S2206 Unusual Presentation of Ectopic ACTH from Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor11
S3981 Retrieval of a Capsule Endoscope Retained in a Hernial Sac at an Anastomosis in the Distal Jejunum by Colonoscopy11
S3434 Dehydration Causing Portal Vein, and Splenic Vein Thrombosis in a Healthy Adult11
S1852 A Retrospective Analysis of Helicobacter pylori Treatment and Follow-Up in a Tertiary Hospital in West Virginia11
S2207 Multiple Scans, No Answers: Failure of CTs to Detect Symptomatic Pancreatic Cancer11
S1315 Gastroenterology vs ENT Surgery Approach in the Treatment of Zenker's Diverticulum: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis11
S2320 Bimodal Presentation of Sigmoid Volvulus - A Case Series11
S1144 High Output Ileostomy: A Survey11
S4213 An Interesting Case of Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma11
S2610 Endoscopic Closure of Pancreaticocolonic Fistulas in a Patient With Persistent Infected Pancreatic Necrosis and Bacteremia11