American Journal of Comparative Law

(The TQCC of American Journal of Comparative Law is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Politicization of Corporate Governance: A Viable Alternative?10
Mapping the Cosmopolitan Legal Imaginary: Recent Chinese Scholarship on Dispute Resolution8
Pau Bossacoma, Morality and Legality of Secession: A Theory of National Self-Determination5
On Comparative Law’s Repressed Colonial Governance4
Index for Volume 694
The Historical Origins of the Horizontal Effect Problem in the United States and Japan: How the Reach of Constitutional Rights into the Private Sphere Became a Problem4
Comparative Constitution Making The Law and Legitimacy of Imposed Constitutions4
The Autonomy-Based Account of Chinese Trust Laws3
The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World3
The Social Enterprise: A New Form of Enterprise?3
A Tale of Two Countries: Divorce in England and Prussia, 1670–17942
For Whose Sake and Benefit? A Critical Analysis of Leading International Treaty Proposals to Protect Nonhuman Animals2
Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2020: Thirty-Fourth Annual Survey2
City, State: Constitutionalism and the Megacity2
Complex Systems of Property: Change and Resilience After a Catastrophic Disaster2
Comparing Islamic and International Laws of War: Orthodoxy, “Heresy,” and Secularization in the Category of Civilians2
Constitutional Bricolage: Thailand’s Sacred Monarchy vs. The Rule of Law2
Excused Performances: Force Majeure, Impracticability, and Frustration of Contracts1
The Law and Bioethics of End-of-Life Decisions1
Luís Roberto Barroso’s Theory of Constitutional Adjudication: A Philosophical Reply1
Decoding Judicial Cross-Citations: How Do European Judges Engage with Foreign Case Law?1
Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2023: Thirty-Seventh Annual Survey1
A Legal and Political Assessment of Challenges to Abortion Laws by Anti-choice Activists in Australia and the Progression of Abortion Law in Australia and the United States1
Redefining the Rule of Law: An Eighteenth-Century Case Study1
The Rule of Law in the United States of America1
Differences in a Minor Archive: Feminist Activists and Scholars on Cohabitation1
Private International Law Bibliography 2023: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English1
Generality and Exception in Islamic Legal Theory: Intent, Language, and the Jurist’s Role1
Freedom of Speech and Regulation of Fake News1
Expansion and Restriction: Divergent Paths Towards Modernizing Family Laws in Japan and China, 1868–19301
Beyond Anti-Anti-Orientalism, or How Not to Study Chinese Law1
Multicultural Populations and Mixed Legal Systems in the United States: Louisiana and Puerto Rico1
Comment ça va? The Status of French Laws in Vanuatu1
Law, Empire, and the Sultan: Ottoman Imperial Authority and Late Ḥanafī Jurisprudence1
Constitutional Statecraft in Asian Courts1
Proportionality in the Age of Populism1
Private International Law Bibliography 2022: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English1