American Journal of Archaeology

(The TQCC of American Journal of Archaeology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Intestinal Parasitic Infection in the Eastern Roman Empire During the Imperial Period and Late Antiquity15
The Canaanite and Judean Cities of Lachish, Israel: Preliminary Report of the Fourth Expedition, 2013–201714
Online Encounters with Museum Antiquities9
Sacrificial Status and Prestige Burials: Negotiating Life, Death, and Identity Through Personal Adornment at Early Bronze Age I Başur Höyük, Turkey7
The Archaeology of Wine Production in Roman and Pre-Roman Italy7
Archaeobotanical Research in Classical Archaeology7
Merchants and Mercantile Society on Late Bronze Age Cyprus4
Ptolemaic Berenike: Resources, Logistics, and Daily Life in a Hellenistic Fortress on the Red Sea Coast of Egypt4
The Nike of Samothrace: Setting the Record Straight4
Nomads Trading with Empires: Intercultural Trade in Ancient Somaliland in the First to Seventh Centuries CE4
Coming to Light: Illuminating the House of the Greek Epigrams in Pompeii4
The Sixth-Century CE Shipwreck at Marzamemi4
Sensing Water in Roman Greece: The Villa of Herodes Atticus at Eva-Loukou and the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis3
Forging the Roman Rural Economy: A Blacksmithing Workshop and Its Tool Set at Marzuolo (Tuscany)3
Hellenistic Landscapes and Seleucid Control in Mesopotamia: The View from the Erbil Plain in Northern Iraq3
The Living and the Monumental on the Anaglypha Traiani3
Reading Visual Cues on the So-called Archive Wall at Aphrodisias: A Cognitive Approach to Monumental Documents3
Heterogeneous Production and Enchained Consumption: Minoan Gold in a Changing World (ca. 2000 BCE)3
Negotiating Infant Personhood in Death: Interpreting Atypical Burials in the Late Roman Infant and Child Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano (Italy)3
Politics,Partage, and Papyri: Excavated Texts Between Cairo and Ann Arbor (1924–1953)3
The Early Iron Age Cemetery of Ḥorvat Tevet: Life and Death in a Rural Community in the Jezreel Valley2
A Spatial Network Analysis of Water Distribution from Public Fountains in Pompeii2
Making The Met, 1870–2020: A Universal Museum for the 21st Century2
Lingering Tropes and Noteworthy Narratives in Recent Archaeology Exhibitions2
Scribes as Editors: Tracking Changes in the Linear B Documents2
Sortition in Hellenistic Sicily: New Archaeological Evidence from Morgantina2
What's in a Vessel's Name? A Relational Text-Object Approach to the Uses of Mesopotamian Pottery2
Libertas and Freedom from Financial Burdens in the Reigns of Trajan and Hadrian2
The Development and Spread of Die Sharing in the Roman Provincial Coinage of Asia Minor2
Defying Death: A New Interpretation of the Tomb of the Bulls, Tarquinia2
Ephemeral Heritage: Boats, Migration, and the Central Mediterranean Passage2
Demographic Dynamics of Publishing in the American Journal of Archaeology2
A Recently Discovered Spring Source of the Aqua Traiana at Vicarello, Lazio1
The Project ArAGATS Kasakh Valley Archaeological Survey, Armenia: Report of the 2014–2017 Seasons1
A Colossal Cult Statue Group from Dobër, Albania: Visual Narratives of East and West in the Countryside of Butrint1
Qui carbone rudi putrique creta scribit: The Charcoal Graffiti of Herculaneum1
Against Method1
Austerity, Communal Feasts, and the Emergence of the Cretan Polis1
The Late Roman UnfinishedChaîne opératoire: A New Approach to Inscribed Glass Openwork1
Shedding Light on the Kothon: Vases with Inward Downturned Rims Revisited1
The Empire’s Physician: Galen and Medicine in the Roman World and Reflections on Digital Exhibitions1
The Extramural Settlement at Vindolanda in the Early Second Century CE: Defining a Glocalized Environment on the Romano-British Frontier1
Depicting Amazons as Local Heroes in Hellenized Anatolia1
Stigmata and the Cupids of Piazza Armerina1
Rituals, Collapse, and Radical Transformation in Archaic States Edited by Joanne M.A. Murphy. London: Routledge 2021. Pp. 242. $160. ISBN 9780367230265 (cloth).1
The Naked Reader: Child Enslavement in the Villa of the Mysteries Fresco1
Cultural History and Memory in the Stadium-Gymnasium Complex at Messene1
A Curious Artifact: The Changing Meaning of the Roman Oil Lamp from 17th-Century Jamestown, Virginia1
Multifunctionality and Roman Oven-to-Table Wares: Internal Red-Slip Vessels1
Front Cover0
A Letter from the Book Review Editor0
The Boxing Writer Paul Gallico on the Terme Boxer0
Ancient Egypt and Early China: State, Society, and Culture By Anthony J. Barbieri-Low. Seattle: University of Washington Press 2021. Pp. xiv + 316. $50. ISBN 9780295748900 (e-book).0
Front Matter0
:Palmyrene Sarcophagi0
All’s Well That Ends Well: Sardis at the Victoria and Albert Museum0
Oplontis: Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy. Volume 2, The Decorations: Painting, Stucco, Pavements, Sculptures Edited by John R. Clarke and Nayla K. Muntasser (ACLS Humanities 0
Rhetoric and Innovation in Hellenistic Art By Kristen Seaman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. Pp. 206. $99.99. ISBN 9781108490917 (cloth).0
Online-Only Content0
Gods, Goddesses, and Mortals for the 21st Century: The Reinstallation of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts Collection of Ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Art0
Roman Clavus Decoration on Gallic Dress: A Reevaluation Based on New Discoveries0
:Isis in a Global Empire: Greek Identity Through Egyptian Religion in Roman Greece0
The Suburbs of the Early Mesopotamian City of Ur (Tell al-Muqayyar, Iraq)0
:The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 3, From the Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BC0
Heroics of Dress: Exekias and Ornament in Greek Vase Painting0
The Cult of Castor and Pollux in Ancient Rome: Myth, Ritual, and Society. By Amber Gartrell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. 268. $99. ISBN 9781108477550 (cloth).0
Front Matter0
:The Julian Basilica: Architecture, Sculpture, Epigraphy0
:The Life and Death of Ancient Cities: A Natural History0
A Falcon Shrine at the Port of Berenike (Red Sea Coast, Egypt)0
Back Matter0
Alexander Cambitoglou, 1922–20190
:Honors to Eileithyia at Ancient Inatos: The Sacred Cave of Eileithyia at Tsoutsouros, Crete: Highlights of the Collection0
Daya Cave: A Place of Worship of Mesopotamian and Persian Gods in the West Central Zagros Mountains, Iran0
Becoming Human: The Archaeology of John C. Barrett0
Painting, Poetry, and the Invention of Tenderness in the Early Roman Empire By Hérica Valladares. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. 266. $99.99. ISBN 9781108835411 (cloth).0
A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief0
:The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014: Excavating the Roman Rural Poor0
Domitian: An Innovative Emperor?0
List of Books Received0
Back Matter0
Front Cover0
:Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean0
Domus Pompeiana M. Lucretii IX 3, 5.24: The Inscriptions, Works of Art and Finds from the Old and New Excavations Edited by Ria Berg and Ilkka Kuivalainen (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 10
:Numidia Romana? Die Auswirkungen der römischen Präsenz in Numidien (2. Jh. v. Chr.–1. Jh. n. Chr.)0
Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History By Alex R. Knodell. Berkeley: University of California Press 2021. Pp. 382. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-520-38053-0 (paper), and open a0
Refuse and the Roman City: Determining the Formation Processes of Refuse Assemblages Using Statistical Measures of Heterogeneity0
Foodways in Roman Republican Italy By Laura M. Banducci. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2021. Pp. 366. $85. ISBN 9780472132300 (cloth).0
English Landscapes0
List of Books Received0
George Fletcher Bass (1932–2021)0
The Design and Reception of the Roman Arch at Orange0
A Community Empowerment Approach to Heritage Management: From Values Assessment to Local Engagement. By Evangelos Kyriakidis. London: Routledge 2021. Pp. 144. $128. ISBN 9781032083124 (cloth).0
Mikon’s Hekatompedon: An Architectural Graffito from Attica0
Martha Sharp Joukowsky, 1936–20220
:Memory, Family, and Community in Roman Ephesos0
Back Matter0
:The Painted Tetrarchic Reliefs of Nicomedia: Uncovering the Colourful Life of Diocletian’s Forgotten Capital0
A Ptolemaic Hoard from Patara0
Back Matter0
Coupoles, voûtes et plafonds peints d’époque romaine: Ier–IVe siècle apr. J.-C. By Alix Barbet. Paris: Éditions Hermann 2021. Pp. 350. €64. ISBN 9791037006806 (cloth).0
Domestic Space, Access Analysis, and Social Transformations: Houses in Iron Age and Roman Mediterranean Gaul0
Front Cover0
Notes on Phrygian Architecture: A Sixth-Century BCE Date for the Midas Monument at Midas City0
Il diritto alla sepoltura nel Mediterraneo antico Edited by Reine-Marie Bérard (Collection de l’École française de Rome 582). Rome: École française de Rome 2021. Pp. 366. €37. ISBN 978-2-7283-10
:Monastic Economies in Late Antique Egypt and Palestine0
:Untangling Blackness in Greek Antiquity0
:Shifting Horizons: Observations from a Ride Through the Syrian Desert and Asia Minor. A Translation of Johannes Elith Østrup’s “Skiftende horizonter”0
Visualizing Votive Practice: Exploring Limestone and Terracotta Sculpture from Athienou-Malloura Through 3D Models By Derek B. Counts, Erin Walcek Averett, Kevin Garstki, and Michael K. Toumazo0
:Archeonumismatica: Analisi e studio dei reperti monetali da contesti pluristratificati0
:Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria: Research and Field Papers0
Back Matter0
:Minoische Bild-Räume: Neue Untersuchungen zu den Wandbildern des spätbronzezeitlichen Palastes von Knossos0
:Hippos: The Horse in Ancient Athens0
Online-Only Content0
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Edited by Sylvie Yona Waksman (Archéologies 4). Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée 2020. Pp. 0
Kızıldağ, Karadağ, and Sacred Peak Sites in Central Anatolia During the Late Bronze and Iron Ages0
Excavating and Conserving Europe's Oldest Books: A Papyrus from Mangalia on the Black Sea (P. Callatis 1)0
:Digital Heritage and Archaeology in Practice: Presentation, Teaching, and Engagement0
Urban Transformation in Ancient Molise: The Integration of Larinum into the Roman State By Elizabeth C. Robinson. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. Pp. 368. $99. ISBN 9780190641436 (0
List of Books Received0
Online-Only Content0
:The Saqqara Necropolis Through the New Kingdom: Biography of an Ancient Egyptian Cultural Landscape0
:Grief Made Marble: Funerary Sculpture in Classical Athens0
Sacrificial Ritual and the Palace of Nestor: A Reanalysis of the Ta Tablets0
Centurion: On a Bust in the Knole Collection Sculpted in Rome in the Third Century CE0
Front Matter0
:Dying Young: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Child Health in Roman Britain0
Culti domestici in Italia meridionale ed Etruria By Aura Piccioni. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2020. Pp. 276. €45. ISBN 978-3-7954-3552-3 (cloth).0
Toward a More Dynamic Modeling of Ancient Domestic Space: An Example from First-Millennium BCE Greece0
:Marginalised Populations in the Ancient Greek World: The Bioarchaeology of the Other0
Aedicula Tombs and Statues in Rome: Reconsidering the Monument of Eurysaces0
:Old Age in Greek and Roman Art0
Figural Imagery and Society in the Postpalatial Aegean: Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery from Perati in Its Chronological and Regional Context0
Iron Age Terracotta Figurines from the Southern Levant in Context. Edited by Erin D. Darby and Izaak J. de Hulster (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 125). Leiden: Brill 2021. Pp. xv0
The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd–3rd c. AD) By Damjan Donev (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 61). Oxford: Archaeopress 2019. Pp. viii + 379. $54. ISBN 970
Tracking Color Through Time: Polychromy on Etruscan Urns from Ancient Creation to Modern Intervention0
Early Greek Alphabetic Writing: Text, Context, Material Properties, and Socialization0
Crossing the Alps: Early Urbanism Between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900–400 BC). Edited by Lorenzo Zamboni, Manuel Fernández-Götz, and Carola Metzner-Nebelsick. Leiden: Sidestone Press0
Finding Fairness: From Pleistocene Foragers to Contemporary Capitalists By Justin Jennings. Gainesville: University Press of Florida 2021. Pp. 332. $90. ISBN 9780813066745 (cloth).0
Online-Only Content0
Volume 127 (2023) Index0
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300–525 CE By Robin Fleming. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2021. Pp. 303. $45. ISBN 978-0-8122-5244-6 (cloth).0
The Presentation Scene on the Ivory Pyxis Lid from Mochlos: A Reconstruction and Reinterpretation0
Front Matter0
:Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture: Aesthetics, Semantics and Function0
Front Matter0
:Labouring with Large Stones: A Study into the Investment and Impact of Construction Projects on Mycenaean Communities in Late Bronze Age Greece0
The Torlonia Marbles: Rescue, Restoration, Rehabilitation0
Front Matter0
J.J. Coulton, 1940–20200
:Metal Finds and Coins: Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project II0
The Origins of Concrete Construction in Roman Architecture: Technology and Society in Republican Italy. By Marcello Mogetta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. Pp. xiv + 311. $99.99. I0
Pottery from Tell Khaiber: A Craft Tradition of the First Sealand Dynasty By Daniel Calderbank (Archaeology of Ancient Iraq 1). Ludlow: Moonrise Press 2021. Pp. xii + 282. £ 35. ISBN 978-1-91010
List of Books Received0
Front Matter0
Front Matter0
:Il Foro di Traiano nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento0
Hellenistic Sealings and Archives: Proceedings of The Edfu Connection, an International Conference Edited by Branko F. van Oppen de Ruiter and Ronald Wallenfels. (Studies in Classical Archaeolo0
:La villa dopo la villa 2: Trasformazione di un sistema insediativo ed economico nell’Italia centrale tra tarda Antichità e Medioevo0
:The Arch of Titus: From Jerusalem to Rome—and Back0
The Mycenaean Settlement on Tsoungiza Hill. By James C. Wright and Mary K. Dabney (Nemea Valley Archaeological Project 3). Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2020. Pp. 120
A Letter from the Museum Reviews Editor0
Poteri e strategie familiari di Volterra: Il caso di una comunità etrusca nel mondo romano By Valentina Limina (BAR-IS 3041). Oxford: BAR 2021. Pp. 194. £48. ISBN 9781407357881 (paper).0
Front Cover0
:Becoming Neolithic: The Pivot of Human History0
List of Books Received0
Ecocriticism on the Wall: Roman Landscapes at the San Antonio Museum of Art0
Back Matter0
Front Matter0
Front Matter0
Volume 126 (2022) Index0
:Egyptian Name Scarabs from the 12th to the 15th Dynasty: Geography and Chronology of Production0
:Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age: Sending Out an S.O.S.0
:The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900–600 BCE0
:Late Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Pottery0
Front Cover0
:Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and the Penteskouphia Pinakes0
Cetamura del Chianti. By Nancy Thomson de Grummond (Cities and Communities of the Etruscans). Austin: University of Texas Press 2020. Pp. xxv + 149. $29.95. ISBN 978-1-4773-1993-2 (paper). T0
:Perspectives on Byzantine Archaeology: From Justinian to the Abbasid Age (6th–9th Centuries AD)0
:Eastern Mediterranean Economic Networks in the Age of the Crusades: The Case of the Peloponnese0
Cursing Theophrastos in Paros0
Neolithic Spaces: Social and Sensory Landscapes of the First Farmers of Italy. By Sue Hamilton and Ruth Whitehouse (Neolithic Spaces 1, Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 19.1). London: Accor0
Front Cover0
Back Matter0
A Letter from the Book Reviews Editor0
:Il Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all’egemonia cartaginese: Dinamiche insediative, forme rituali e cultura materiale nel V secolo a.C.0
:Housing in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Material and Textual Approaches0
:From Roman to Early Christian Cyprus: Studies in Religion and Archaeology0
Wine Jars and Jar Makers of Cyprus: The Ethnoarchaeology of Pitharia By Gloria London. Nicosia: Astrom Editions 2020. Pp. 240. €25.44. ISBN 9789925745555 (cloth).0
The Christian Building at Dura-Europos: Rethinking the Archaeology of the World’s Oldest House Church0
From the Editor-in-Chief: New Statement of Purpose for the AJA0
Opening Horizons Between Antiquity and Today at Melbourne Museum0
Two Roman Glass Furnaces Discovered at Reşca-Romula (Romania)0
A Mason’s Mark from the Stelida Peak Sanctuary, Naxos0
:Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy0
Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery By Sheramy D. Bundrick (Wisconsin Studies in Classics). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press 2019. Pp. xv + 330. $119.95. ISBN 9780
:Roman Animals in Ritual and Funerary Contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel 1st–4th February 20180
:Ausgrabungen in der frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung im Heraion von Samos 19660
:Musarna 4: La céramique à paroi fine0
:Fanum Iunonis Melitense: L’area centrale del santuario di Tas-Silġ a Malta in età tardo-repubblicana0
A Possible Amphora Second at Sikyon, Greece0
Hellenistic and Roman Gerasa: The Archaeology and History of a Decapolis City. Edited by Achim Lichtenberger and Rubina Raja. Turnhout: Brepols 2020. Pp. xviii + 390. €110. ISBN 978-2-503-585040
:Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank0
“Probably Alexandria”: Gold-Glass Portraiture and the Allure of Egypt0
The Collecting History of an Early Christian Lead Vessel: From Carthage to the 1867 Paris Universal Exhibition0
Les arrière-pays des cités phéniciennes à l’époque hellénistique (IVe–Ier s. av. N.È.): Approches historique et spatiale d’une aire géoculturelle By Élodie Guillon (Collezione di Studi Fenici 50
Delos and the Late Hellenistic Art Trade: Archaeological Directions0
Nancy C. Wilkie, 1942–20210
:Towards A Social Bioarchaeology of the Mycenaean Period: A Biocultural Analysis of Human Remains from the Voudeni Cemetery, Achaea, Greece0
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Vol. 9, The Monuments of the Eastern Hill By Bonna D. Wescoat, with contributions by Carmen Arnold-Biucchi,0
The Granite Quarry at Xobourgo, Tenos: Patterns of Extraction and Exploitation Through Time0
Villa Estates and Malaria Risk in Roman Central Italy0
:A Social Archaeology of Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Artefacts of Everyday Life0
:Athens at the Margins: Pottery and People in the Early Mediterranean World0
A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief0
The Gallery Enhancements Project at the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago: Everything Old Is New Again0
Destinations in Mind: Portraying Places on the Roman Empire’s Souvenirs By Kimberly Cassibry. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. Pp. xvii + 278. $99. ISBN 9780190921897 (cloth).0
Front Cover0
:Etruscan Literacy in Its Social Context0
Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece By Tyler Jo Smith. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 2021. Pp. 476. $89.95. ISBN 978-0-8122-5281-1 (cloth).0
Repositioning the Sea on the Great Altar of Pergamon: A Demonstration of Hellenistic Boat Construction on the Telephos Frieze0
Central Places and Un-Central Landscapes: Political Economies and Natural Resources in the Longue Durée. Edited by Giorgos Papantoniou and Athanasios Vionis. Land special issue. Pp. 314.0
The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Interaction and Mobility at the Gates of Europe: People, Things, and Networks Around the Southern Adriatic Sea By Francesco Iacono. Pp. xvi + 286. London: Blo0
Front Cover0
:Ritratti privati greci nell’Egitto tolemaico0
An Enchantment of Digital Archaeology: Raising the Dead with Agent-Based Models, Archaeogaming and Artificial Intelligence By Shawn Graham (Digital Archaeology 1). New York: Berghahn Books 20200
Front Cover0
:De tornos y tornillos: Tecnologías de prensado de la uva y la aceituna en el mundo romano y tardoantiguo0
:The Hittites: Lost Civilizations0
The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Lower Danube: Excavations and Survey at Dichin, a Late Roman to Early Byzantine Fort and a Roman Aqueduct By Andrew Poulter, with contributions by Michae0
:Studies on the Urban History of Meninx (Djerba): The Meninx Archaeological Project 2015–20190
Representations of Gender: Recognizing the Role of Feminine Sacrificial Attendants in the Column of Trajan Sacrifice Scenes0
:Souvenirs and the Experience of Empire in Ancient Rome0
Bone Objects as Offerings of Animal Bodies in Archaic Greek Sanctuaries0
Colossus at the Crossroads: Reexamining a Hellenistic Cult Statue of Herakles from Kleonai0
:The Shrine of Eileithyia: Minoan Goddess of Childbirth and Motherhood at the Inatos Cave in Southern Crete. Vol. 1, The Egyptian-Type Artifacts0
Books Available for Review0
Front Cover0
Books Available for Review0
:Athens and Attica in Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, 27–31 May 20150
Online-Only Content0
R. Ross Holloway, 1934–20220
Telling a Story of Two Lands: Perspectives on Ancient Kush, Egypt, and Africa0
List of Books Received0
The Canadian Excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia. By James Russell, with contributions from C.W.J. Eliot, Hector Williams, Sheila Campbell, Nigel Kennell, and Thomas Boyd (Archéologie et Histoi0
Hermes Psychopompos in an Anatolian Grave: The White-Ground Cup from Daskyleion0
Olympia: A Cultural History By Judith M. Barringer. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2021. Pp. 335. $35. ISBN 9780691210476 (cloth).0