
(The TQCC of Ambix is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Machine Reasoning Algorithm for the Digital Analysis of Alchemical Language and its Decknamen5
Lead Poisoning in France around 1840: Managing Proofs and Uncertainties in Laboratories, Courtrooms, and Workplaces3
Patriotic Women: Chemistry and Gender in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish World3
Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Award Scheme 20233
Learning the Chymical Compromise: Paracelsian and Galenic Medicine in Marburg Disputations on Chymiatria2
The Meandering Life of a Research Trajectory: Rare Earths in the Aubervilliers Research Centre (1953–2020)2
A Chemical Satire on the 1809 Change of Government in Britain2
From University to Court: The Reversal of Stahl’s Positions on Gold-Making2
Fragments of Alchemy from a Cairene Synagogue: Context, Codicology, and Contents of the Alchemical Corpus of the Cairo Genizah2
Philosophical Chemistry: Genealogy of a Scientific Field2
In the Melting Pot: Cultural Mixture and the Presentation of Alchemical Knowledge in the Letter from Isis to Horus2
The Varnish and the Glaze: Painting Splendor with Oil, 1100–15002
Beyond Bakelite: Leo Baekeland and the Business of Science and Invention1
Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Award Scheme 20211
How to Sell a Poison How to Sell a Poison . By E lena C onis . Pp. 388, index. Bold Type Books: New1
Alchemy, Sources, and Digital Exploring at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel1
“Men Don’t Like to Work Under a Woman”: Female Chemists in the Photographic Manufacturing Industry, ca. 1918–19501
Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry1
The Alchemy of Conquest: Science, Religion, and the Secrets of the New World1
Fire, Vulcanus , Archeus , and Alchemy: A Hybrid Close-Distant Reading of Paracelsus’s Thought on Active Agents1
Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance1
Exploring the History of Chemistry in Japan1
The Transmutations of Chymistry: Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie Royale des Sciences1
A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century (vol. 5) A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century (vol. 5) . Edited By Peter Ramberg. Pp. xiii1
Making Physicians: Tradition, Teaching, and Trials at Leiden University, 1575–16391
Alchemical Practice: Looking Towards the Chemical Humanities1
The Three Deaths of Cerro de San Pedro: Four Centuries of Extractivism in a Small Mexican Mining Town1
Painting with Fire: Sir Joshua Reynolds, Photography, and the Temporally Evolving Chemical Object1
Biographical Histories of Chemistry1
A Nobel Affair: The Correspondence Between Alfred Nobel and Sofie Hess1
Distilling the Art of Distillation in an Unstudied Manuscript of “Chymicall Notions”1
SHAC Special ICHC13 Award Scheme – Grants to Support Attendance at ICHC13 in Vilnius, May 20231
The Reign of Saturn Transformed into an Age of Gold1
Protecting Academia and Religion: Andreas Libavius’s Criticism of a General Reformation1
The Experimental Fire: Inventing English Alchemy, 1300-17001
The Influence of Louvain Teaching on Jan Baptist Van Helmont’s Adoption of Paracelsianism and Alchemy1
Hathor’s Alchemy: The Ancient Roots of the Hermetic Art1
Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain1
Lady Ranelagh: The Incomparable Life of Robert Boyle’s Sister1
Making Ammonia: Fritz Haber, Walther Nernst, and the Nature of Scientific Discovery Making Ammonia: Fritz Haber, Walther Nernst, and the Nature of Scientific Discovery .1
Gershom Bulkeley, “Saltbox Science,” and the Colonial New England Laboratory1
Good Names but Better Symbols: The Establishment of Chemical Notation as a Nomenclatural Corrective at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century1
The Contamination of the Earth. A History of Pollutions in the Industrial Age1
From Lived Experience to the Written Word: Reconstructing Practical Knowledge in the Early Modern World From Lived Experience to the Written Word: Reconstructing Practical Knowledge in 1
Living Then and Now with Gold and Mercury1
Reconstruction, Replication and Re-enactment in the Humanities and Social Sciences1
Merchants of Medicines. The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century1
Renaissance Goo: Senses and Materials in Early Modern Apothecary Taxonomies and Soft Matter Science1
The Matter of Mimesis: Studies of Mimesis and Materials in Nature, Art and Science1
Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School . By R 1
Changing Colour: Yellow Dyes from Antiquity to Early Modernity1
Making University Fields for Chymistry: A Case Study of Helmstedt University1
Ketens van Fossiele Grondstoffen: Procestechnologie en de transitie naar duurzaamheid1
Glutenophilia: Chemistry and Flour Quality in Nineteenth-century France and Great Britain1
The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery1
The Partington Prize 20231
Deciphering the Hermeticae Philosophiae Medulla : Textual Cultures of Alchemical Secrecy1
Wilhelm Ostwald's Pedagogy: An Analysis of the Nobel Prize Nomination Letters1
At the Origins of the De Perfecto Magisterio: A Translation from Arabic or a Latin Composition?1
Daniel Sennert, Chymistry, and Theological Debates1
A Very “Distilled” Emblem in Baroque Rome: Natural Philosophy, Alchemy, and Atomism in the Academy of the Umoristi1
The Archaeology of Alchemy and Chemistry: Past, Present, and Ideas for the Future1
The Chemical Histories of Soot and Buckminsterfullerene1
Medical Performance and the Alchemy of Plants in the Ventures of Leonhard Thurneisser zum Thurn1
A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Middle Ages (vol. 2) A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Middle Ages (vol. 2) . Edited by Charles Burnett and Sébastien Moureau1
George E. Davis: Editing the Chemical Trade Journal , 1887–19061
The Atom in Seventeenth-Century Poetry1
Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World1
Senses and Utility in the New Chemistry1
Scientific Advice to the Nineteenth-Century British State1
Translating Forbidden Authors: New Evidence on the Alchemical Library of Don Antonio de’ Medici1
Ethics of Chemistry. From Poison Gas to Climate Engineering1
Economic Poisoning: Industrial Waste and the Chemicalization of American Agriculture1
The Changing Visions of Chymistry at Seventeenth-Century Jena: The Two Brendels, Rolfinck, Wedel, and Others1
Tóxicos: pasado y presente. Pensar históricamente un mundo tóxico1
Unwise Relationships and an Unsound Valence Theory: The Chemical Career of Robert Fergus Hunter (1904–1963)1