Algebra Universalis

(The TQCC of Algebra Universalis is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Equational theories of upper triangular tropical matrix semigroups8
Lattice characterization of finite nilpotent groups7
G. Czédli’s tolerance factor lattice construction and weak ordered relations6
Canonical extensions, free completely distributive lattices, and complete retracts5
On the cardinality of non-isomorphic intermediate rings of C(X)5
On the variety generated by generalized subreducts of Tarski’s algebras of relations4
Minimum proper extensions in some lattices of subalgebras4
Automorphisms and strongly invariant relations4
Reversibility of disconnected structures4
Constructing illoyal algebra-valued models of set theory3
Nuclear ranges in implicative semilattices3
Universal slices of the category of graphs3
Joins and meets in effect algebras3
Characterizations of pseudocomplemented lattices by excluded 0-sublattices3
Multisorted Boolean clones determined by binary relations up to minion homomorphisms3
Perfect extensions of de Morgan algebras3
On a statement of O. Frink about free pseudo-complemented meet-semilattices3
On joins of complemented sublocales3
Near-unanimity-closed minions of Boolean functions2
Canonical extensions of lattices are more than perfect2
Jónsson Jónsson–Tarski algebras2
The “zero-two” law in Orlicz–Kantorovich spaces2
On the representation of ordered semigroups by transformations of ordered sets2
Choice-free duality for orthocomplemented lattices by means of spectral spaces2
Riesz and pre-Riesz monoids2
Lattices with normal elements2
Submaximal clones over a three-element set up to minor-equivalence2
Adjoint maps between implicative semilattices and continuity of localic maps2
Three roads to complete lattices: orders, compatibility, polarity2
Admissible subsets and completions of ordered algebras2
Connected topological lattice-ordered groups2
Two results on Fremlin’s Archimedean Riesz space tensor product2
Axioms for signatures with domain and demonic composition1
On the complexity of equational decision problems for finite height complemented and orthocomplemented modular lattices1
Unilinear residuated lattices: axiomatization, varieties and FEP1
On the Boolean algebra induced by a unital $$\ell $$-group1
On a new construction of pseudocomplemented semilattices1
Projectivity in (bounded) commutative integral residuated lattices1
The lattice of monomial clones on finite fields1
An algebraic theory of clones1
Homomorphic images of affine quandles1
Free-lattice functors weakly preserve epi-pullbacks1
Weakly Schreier extensions for general algebras1
Odd and even Fibonacci lattices arising from a Garside monoid1
A frame-theoretic perspective on Esakia duality1
Semiring identities of the Brandt monoid1
Idempotent identities in f-rings1
Localic transitivity1
Coextensive varieties via central elements1
On z-elements of multiplicative lattices1
On complete lattices of radical submodules and $$ z $$-submodules1
The complexity of homomorphism factorization1
On regularity and injectivity of the ring of real-continuous functions on a topoframe1
A relatively finite-to-finite universal but not Q-universal quasivariety1
Abstractly constructed prime spectra1
The structure of finite commutative idempotent involutive residuated lattices1
Characterization of self-majorizing elements in Archimedean vector lattices1
Extremality, left-modularity and semidistributivity1
The number of languages with maximum state complexity1
A structure theorem for truncations on an Archimedean vector lattice1
Algebras from congruences1
Right-cancellable protomodular algebras1
On the number of universal algebraic geometries1
Difference–restriction algebras of partial functions: axiomatisations and representations1
Exploring new topologies for the theory of clones1