
(The TQCC of Agrochimica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Effect of two different sources of organic amendment on soil characteristics and chemical forms of cadmium13
L-Ascorbic acid in plants: from biosynthesis to its role in plant development and stress response9
The influence of humic deposit (gyttja) application on some selected soil properties and yield-quality of hazelnut in acid conditions6
Biochemical and physiological response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants to copper oxide nanoparticle stress5
Ultrasound assisted removal of cadmium ions from wastewater using ionic liquid modified aluminium isopropoxide4
Impact of different packaging and capping systems on the secondary shelf-life of white wine4
Influence of storage conditions on selected quality characteristics of blue honeysuckle berry juice4
The Faculty of Agricolture Science in the University of Pisa: 180 Years of Scientific Excellence4
Expression of genes involved in metabolism and transport of soluble carbohydrates during fruit ripening in two cultivars of Ficus carica L.3
Wood distillate, a review over past application and future perspective on soil and plant research2
Urban lighting alters chlorophyll metabolism and romotes CO2 assimilation during the night in Tilia plathyphyllos Scop. and Platanus x acerifolia (Aiton) Willd2
Visual quality and nutraceutical properties upon storage of Sanguisorba minor Scop. proposed as a new fresh-cut product2
Effects of light modulation on plant photosynthesis process and secondary metabolism1
Modelling dynamics of soil organic carbon under different tillage systems1
Impact of nutrient management options on biochemical properties of an acidic soil1
Red grips the mind: Potential horticultural techniques to increase anthocyanins in fruit skin and pulp1
Salinity effects on electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation, sugars, and ascorbate pool in Foeniculum vulgare Mill1
Sprouting characteristics and associated changes in antioxidant activities and phenolic composition of faba bean cultivars1
Opportunities and challenges in the potential food uses of edible Mediterranean halophytes1
Grain carbon metabolism and stem reserve mobilization compensate high temperature stress in wheat1
Carbon sequestration potential of rice-based cropping systems under different tillage practices1
Plant factory with artificial light: pros and cons1
Fungal plant pathogens as potential (myco)herbicides: Verticillium/Ailanthus as a case study1
Assessing the effect of Azospirillum baldaniorum Sp245 on rooting ability of olive cuttings (Olea europaea L., cultivar Santa Caterina)1