
(The TQCC of Agrochimica is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Attenuation of impact of rimsulfuron in maize by priming of grains with branched-chain amino acids or dressing with naphthalic anhydride13
Small autonomous machines for sustainable soil management in vegetable crops and orchards4
Enemies and allies: the different roles of insects towards fruit and vegetable loss and waste4
Dietary strategies aiming to reduce the environmental impact of ruminants4
Editorial - Sustainable development and climate change: 30 years after the Honoris Causa degree in Agricultural Sciences awarded to Lester Russell Brown2
Conjoint use of Rhizobium and PGPR in mung bean boosted soil health and productivity of succeeding wheat2
Assessing the effect of Azospirillum baldaniorum Sp245 on rooting ability of olive cuttings (Olea europaea L., cultivar Santa Caterina)1
Identification and expression analysis of furanocoumarins - and terpenoids-related genes of fig (Ficuscarica L.)1
Chemical composition, antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of essential oil from Tunisian Ephedra alata aerial parts1
Efficacy of sulphuric acid and gypsum amendments on sodic soil reclamation under various water regimes1
How much carbon does a guava orchard sequester in its lifetime under seasonally dry tropical savanna climate on an Alfisol?1
Changes in the nutritional values of pea (Pisum sativum L.) grains under the effect of biostimulant application1
Interaction between phosphorus and zinc in Arabidopsis thaliana1
Nutritional and nutraceutical quality of Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium corymbosum fruits treated with UV-B radiation1
Insights to the hidden facets of Fe depletion conditions : effects on photosynthetic performance, mineral uptake and non-enzymatic antioxidant potentialities in Anethum graveolens L.1
Ultrasound assisted removal of cadmium ions from wastewater using ionic liquid modified aluminium isopropoxide0
Effects of different Mesorhizobium sp. isolates having multiple plant growth promotory traits on nodulation, growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and soil properties in a Mollisol0
Wood distillate, a review over past application and future perspective on soil and plant research0
Effects of light modulation on plant photosynthesis process and secondary metabolism0
Appraisal of carbon capture by pomegranate orchard in semiarid regions of India0
Occurrence of Grapevine Pinot gris virus in Chianti vineyards0
Impact of paper mill treated wastewater, sludge and sludge vermicompost on soil properties and Ragi yield (Eleusine coracana)0
Opportunities and challenges in the potential food uses of edible Mediterranean halophytes0
Modelling the release of Zn from soil and soilless growing media mixtures0
Urban lighting alters chlorophyll metabolism and romotes CO2 assimilation during the night in Tilia plathyphyllos Scop. and Platanus x acerifolia (Aiton) Willd0
Effect of two different sources of organic amendment on soil characteristics and chemical forms of cadmium0
Aerosol devices for pheromone-based mating disruption: a sustainable approach for managing Lobesia botrana?0
Antoxidant activiy of Pulicaria odora extract and its impact on margarine oxidation0
Enhancing drought tolerance of flax and improving oil quality features by priming seeds in folic acid0
A journey into eco-friendly approaches towards super-fruits and vegetables: from sustainable production to the best light regime to waste recycling0
Soil carbon stock and floristic biomass carbon under different agroforestry systems along an elevation gradient0
Spectroscopic detection and monitoring of plant diseases and stress: principles, case studies on fruit and vegetable crops, and perspectives0
Red grips the mind: Potential horticultural techniques to increase anthocyanins in fruit skin and pulp0
Climate-smart seed preconditioning improves waterdeficit acclamatory performance in wheat seedlings0
Effect of seed halopriming on antioxidation efficiency in lentil (Lens culinaris L.) seedlings0
Variation in morphological traits, net photosynthesis and expression of some genes in relation to drought resistance of seven rice genotypes0
Conclusive remarks to Lester Russell Brown's celebrative congress (Pisa, October 19-20, 2022)0
Impact of different packaging and capping systems on the secondary shelf-life of white wine0
Beneficial soil bacteria enhancing the functional value of fruits and vegetables0
Beneficial soil microbiota as drivers of sustainable crop production0
Effect of vanadium in irrigation water on sunflower and soybean0
Sensory and phytonutritional characteristic of ornamental flowers as new functional foods0
Fungal plant pathogens as potential (myco)herbicides: Verticillium/Ailanthus as a case study0
Fostering local food systems through policy and governance. A case study of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica0
Genomics and breeding of the fig tree, an ancient crop with promising perspectives0
Modelling dynamics of soil organic carbon under different tillage systems0
The role of agriculture in the ecological transition0
By-products and waste from the plant supply chain as a source of bioactive compounds in ruminant feeding0
Phosphorus release kinetics in slightly and moderately calcareous soils induced by low molecular weight organic acids and amino acids0
Kinetic modeling to describe the potentials of single super phosphate and lime to remove Pb from contaminated waters0
The chemical side of sustainability: the contribution of the agricultural chemistry team of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment for a greener future0
Salinity effects on electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation, sugars, and ascorbate pool in Foeniculum vulgare Mill0
Cropping system diversification as agroecological strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation: Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz as case study0
Ancient apple cultivars from Casentino (Italy): rediscovering a reservoir of healthy compounds0
Dendrocalamus brandisii agroforestry practice : Impact on soil physico-chemical characteristics0
Plant factory with artificial light: pros and cons0
Impact of municipal solid waste compost amendment and mineral fertilization on soil properties and Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo var. cantalupensis crop quality0
The Faculty of Agricolture Science in the University of Pisa: 180 Years of Scientific Excellence0
Spinach-strawberry (Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Asch.) as a functional food : leaves, fruits or both?0
Precision agriculture to improve the monitoring and management of tomato insect pests0
The effects of environmental factors and storage temperatures on two tomato varieties (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) growing under greenhouse and open-field systems : a multi-trait comparison study0
Comparative analysis of the antioxidant capacity of wheat genotypes at different temperatures in polytunnel0
Efficacy of phenolic compounds from bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) as natural antioxidants in the enhancement of edible oil thermo-resistance0
Arbuscular symbiosis affects transcriptomic regulation of primary metabolism in leaves of soilless cultivated lettuces0
Sprouting characteristics and associated changes in antioxidant activities and phenolic composition of faba bean cultivars0
Coated multi-nutrient fertilizers : effect on kernel yield, biochemical constituents and antioxidant enzymes in groundnut grown on a calcareous soil0