Agricultural History

(The TQCC of Agricultural History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Shifting Nature of Subsistence on the Hopi Indian Reservation3
War in the Mountains: Peasant Society and Counterinsurgency in Algeria, 1918–19582
Fighting for Farmers1
Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work, and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland1
Reflections on the 1980s and After: An Interview by Pamela Riney-Kehrberg with Paul Lasley and David Ostendorf, February 24, 20221
False Gospels of Efficiency1
Hurricane Jim Crow: How the Great Sea Island Storm of 1893 Shaped the Lowcountry South1
American Slavery, American Imperialism: US Perceptions of Global Servitude, 1870–19141
Frederick Watts and the Founding of Penn State1
Exploring Agriculture in the Age of Industrial Capitalism1
Bending the “Iron Triangle”1
Reconstructing the Landscapes of Slavery: A Visual History of the Plantation in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World1
Lone Star Suburbs: Life on the Texas Metropolitan Frontier1
Bread or Iron? Competing Visions of American Aid to Soviet Russia, 1921–19230
Let's Talk about Momentum0
Reimagining Agricultural Embodiment with Feminist Foundations0
Eliza Lucas Pinckney: An Independent Woman in the Age of Revolution0
Agriculture's Energy: The Trouble with Ethanol in Brazil's Green Revolution0
Farming with Petroleum0
Medieval Fare: Food and Culture in Medieval Iberia0
Peculiar Places: A Queer Crip History of White Rural Nonconformity0
Losing the Thread: Cotton, Liverpool and the American Civil War0
Mapping Food Riots—Teaching Global Connections0
An Engaging and Popular Primary Source0
The People's Revolt: Texas Populists and the Rise of American Liberalism0
An Empire Transformed: Remolding Bodies and Landscapes in the Restoration Atlantic0
Razing Kids: Youth, Environment, and the Postwar American West0
Cooperative Rule: Community Development in Britain's Late Empire0
The Curious Case of Oscar Lorick: Race, Markets, and Militancy during the Farm Crisis0
Agricultural Public History, Reimagined0
A Traitor to His Species: Henry Bergh and the Birth of the Animal Rights Movement0
The Enclosure of Knowledge: Books, Power, and Agrarian Capitalism in Britain, 1660–18000
American Slavery and Russian Serfdom in the Post-emancipation Imagination0
Grasslands Grown: Creating Place on the U.S. Northern Plains and Canadian Prairies0
Red Harvests: Agrarian Capitalism and Genocide in Democratic Kampuchea0
Animality and Colonial Subjecthood in Africa: The Human and Nonhuman Creatures of Nigeria0
Guaraná: How Brazil Embraced the World's Most Caffeine-Rich Plant0
Nationalizing Nature: Iguazu Falls and National Parks at the Brazil-Argentina Border0
Endangered Maize: Industrial Agriculture and the Crisis of Extinction0
Wonder Foods: The Science and Commerce of Nutrition0
The Rise and Fall of United Grain Growers: Cooperatives, Market Regulation, and Free Enterprise0
Hybrid Teaching0
Teaching US History through Land-Grant Universities and Agriculture Education0
The Dread Plague and the Cow Killers: The Politics of Animal Disease in Mexico and the World0
Pipeline Populism: Grassroots Environmentalism in the Twenty-First Century0
Histories of People and Landscape: Essays on the Sheffield Region in Memory of David Hey0
Plunder for Profit: A Socio-environmental History of Tobacco Farming in Southern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe0
The Doctor's Garden: Medicine, Science, and Horticulture in Britain0
With and against the Grain0
Sulphuric Utopias: A History of Maritime Fumigation0
Freedom's Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific0
Animals and Society in Brazil: From the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries0
Threatening Property: Race, Class, and Campaigns to Legislate Jim Crow Neighborhoods0
Feeding Cahokia: Early Agriculture in the North American Heartland0
The People of Rose Hill: Black and White Life on a Maryland Plantation0
Teaching Dissent and Power in South Asia0
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation0
Material Stories, Old and New0
The Indentured Archipelago: Experiences of Indian Labour in Mauritius and Fiji, 1871–19160
Russian Grain Procurement in a Revolutionary State0
From Old Regime to Industrial State: A History of German Industrialization from the Eighteenth Century to World War I0
Powering American Farms: The Overlooked Origins of Rural Electrification0
Managing the Farm0
Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America0
Enslavers’ Big Lie0
The Marginalization of the Environment in Agricultural Policy0
Coconut Colonialism: Workers and the Globalization of Samoa0
Unpacked: A History of Caribbean Tourism0
The Glasgow Sugar Aristocracy: Scotland and Slavery, 1775–18380
The Settler Sea: California's Salton Sea and the Consequences of Colonialism0
Hoboes, Wheat, and Climate Precarity, 1870–19220
New Materialism and the History of Agribusiness0
The Formative Years of Atomic Agriculture in Pakistan in a Long-Term Perspective0
Heartland River: A Cultural and Environmental History of the Big Sioux River Valley0
In Memoriam: Mats Morell0
The Honey Pond and the Flapjack Tree0
Locusts of Power: Borders, Empire, and Environment in the Modern Middle East0
Milk and Honey: Technologies of Plenty in the Making of a Holy Land0
Histories of Global Wine0
Hillbilly Maidens, Okies, and Cowgirls: Women's Country Music, 1930–19600
William Ellis: Eighteenth-Century Farmer, Journalist, and Entrepreneur0
Dividing Paradise: Rural Inequality and the Diminishing American Dream0
The Tropical Turn: Agricultural Innovation in the Ancient Middle East and the Mediterranean0
On the Matter of Enchantment0
Without Anger and Partiality”0
Farm Fields as Toxic Sinkhole0
Atomic Spaghetti”0
North American Beef Breeding and the Modernization of the International Cattle Breeding Industries, 1950–20000
Harvesting History: McCormick's Reaper, Heritage Branding, and Historical Forgery0
Natural Partners0
Growing Gardens, Building Power: Food Justice and Urban Agriculture in Brooklyn0
Creating “Iron Triangles”0
Matters of Justice: Pueblos, the Judiciary, and Agrarian Reform in Revolutionary Mexico0
Herbs and Roots: A History of Chinese Doctors in the American Medical Marketplace0
The World of Plymouth Plantation0
The Nature of Illinois0
Abandoning Their Beloved Land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico0
The Defoliation of America: Agent Orange Chemicals, Citizens, and Protests0
The Battle Rages On0
Diversifying Description0
Black Earth, White Bread: A Technopolitical History of Russian Agriculture and Food0
Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India0
Pushed Out: Contested Development and Rural Gentrification in the US West0
Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border0
The Greater Plains: Rethinking a Region's Environmental Histories0
How to Feed an Empire?0
Wheat Flows and Empire-Making0
Riding against the Past0
The Orchards of Eastern England: History, Ecology, and Place0
Desert Edens: Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety0
From Bread to Cake0
American Chestnut: An Environmental History0
The Real Agricultural Revolution: The Transformation of English Farming, 1939–19850
Mennonite Farmers: A Global History of Place and Sustainability0
Embodied Engineering: Gendered Labor, Food Security, and Taste in Twentieth-Century Mali0
When a Dream Dies: Agriculture, Iowa, and the Farm Crisis of the 1980s0
Cattle Country: Livestock in the Cultural Imagination0
The North American West in the Twenty-First Century0
Oil Palm: A Global History0
Land without Masters: Agrarian Reform and Political Change under Peru's Military Government0
Beekeeping from the South0
Curating the American Past: A Memoir of a Quarter Century at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History0
Water and Agriculture in Colorado and the American West: First in Line for the Rio Grande0
Complexion of Empire in Natchez: Race and Slavery in the Mississippi Borderlands0
Palm Oil Diaspora: Afro-Brazilian Landscapes and Economies on Bahia's Dendê Coast0
The Foundations of Glen Canyon Dam: Infrastructures of Dispossession on the Colorado Plateau0
Fragrant Frontier: Global Spice Entanglements from the Sino-Vietnamese Uplands0
A Moral Duty to Uphold the Family Farm”: The Religious Response to the 1980s Farm Crisis0
In Service and Observation of the State0
The Cow: A Natural and Cultural History0
Better Living by Their Own Bootstraps: Black Women's Activism in Rural Arkansas, 1914–19650
Harvesting State Support: Institutional Change and Local Agency in Japanese Agriculture0
Cattle Beet Capital: Making Industrial Agriculture in Northern Colorado0
Civilised by Beasts: Animals and Urban Change in Nineteenth-Century Dublin0
Ginseng Diggers: A History of Root and Herb Gathering in Appalachia0
The King's Harvest: A Political Ecology of China from the First Farmers to the First Empire0
Beauty or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900–20000
A Weary Land: Slavery on the Ground in Arkansas0
What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make0
West of Slavery: The Southern Dream of a Transcontinental Empire0
Irish Canallers and the Second Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley0
Field Trip!0
Crafting Rice Assignments0
Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands0
War and Peace on the Rio Grande Frontier, 1830–18800
Green with Milk and Sugar: When Japan Filled America's Tea Cups0
The Iron Mess0
Motor City Green: A Century of Landscapes and Environmentalism in Detroit0
The Wizard and the Prophet: Two Remarkable Scientists and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow's World0
Noxious Nicotine0
Okinawa Agriculture and the Sterile Insect Technique0
State of Nature0
Sweet Fuel: A Political and Environmental History of Brazilian Ethanol0
The Kingdom of Rye: A Brief History of Russian Food0
“Women Work Particularly Well in Community Organizations”0
Sowing the Sacred: Mexican Pentecostal Farmworkers in California0
The Washington Apple: Orchards and the Development of Industrial Agriculture0
In Pursuit of “Man-Made Evolution”0
Colonial Impotence: Virtue and Violence in a Congolese Concession (1911–1940)0
Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the United States: Restoring Cultural Knowledge, Protecting Environments, and Regaining Health0
Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar0
Farming for the Overseas Market under the Maoist State0
American Agriculture: From Farm Families to Agribusiness0
Growing Wild: Visions of Wildlife Management as Agricultural Science in American Forests and Fields0
GATT and Global Order in the Postwar Era0
On the Farm Front with the Victory Farm Volunteers0
Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic0
Wetlands in a Dry Land: More-Than-Human Histories of Australia's Murray-Darling Basin0
Weather or Not0
Winds of Change: Plant Pathology, Transnational Wheat Rust, and the Environmental Origins of the Green Revolution, 1904–19530
Legions of Pigs in the Early Medieval West0
The Sustainability Crisis . . . Again0
Redemption from Tyranny: Herman Husband's American Revolution0
Charting the Plantation Landscape from Natchez to New Orleans0
Saving Nature under Socialism: Transnational Environmentalism in East Germany, 1968–19900
Phosphorus: Past and Future0
Japanese Americans at Heart Mountain: Networks, Power, and Everyday Life0
Washington at the Plow: The Founding Farmer and the Question of Slavery0
The Green Revolution, Plant Breeding, and Wide Adaptation: Marci Baranski's The Globalization of Wheat0
Soil as the Archive0
For Land and Liberty: Black Struggles in Rural Brazil0
In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy0
The Idea of Development in Africa: A History0
Gardening at the Margins: Convivial Labor, Community, and Resistance0
Running Out: In Search of Water on the High Plains0
After Populism: The Agrarian Left on the Northern Plains, 1900–19600
Searching for Stability0
“How to Not Win Friends”0
The Unraveling of Agrarian America: A Retrospective on the 1980s0
The Frontier Complex: Geopolitics and the Making of the India-China Border, 1846–19620
Making Machines of Animals: The International Livestock Exposition0
The Second Hungarian Conquest of the Carpathian Basin0
A History of Contested Expertise0
An Invitation to Dance0
Don't Just Learn the Lesson, Live the Lesson0
Basque Immigrants and Nevada's Sheep Industry: Geopolitics and the Making of an Agricultural Workforce, 1880–19540
They Took the Best Farms0
The Heartland: An American History0
Local Lives, Parallel Histories: Villagers and Everyday Life in Divided Germany0
The Devil's Fruit: Farmworkers, Health, and Environmental Justice0
The Uses and Limits of Materialist Approaches0
Deutschlands Ölfelder: Eine Stoffgeschichte der Kulturpflanze Raps (1897–2017)0
Farm Crisis/Identity Crisis: Letters from 1980s Iowa0
Seed Money: Monsanto's Past and Our Food Future0
Acquired Tastes: Stories about the Origins of Modern Food0
Common Land in Britain: A History from the Middle Ages to the Present Day0
Inquiétude dans les champs: Essai sur la gestion des exploitations agricoles dans l'espace francophone (vers 1730–vers 1830)0
Deep Culture0
Black Resettlement and the American Civil War0
Scorched Earth: Environmental Warfare as a Crime against Humanity and Nature0
The Fishmeal Revolution: The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem0
Wild by Design: The Rise of Ecological Restoration0
Tiny Engines of Abundance: A History of Peasant Productivity and Repression0
Slow Cooked: An Unexpected Life in Food Politics0
Translating Food Sovereignty: Cultivating Justice in an Age of Transnational Governance0
The Global Ascension of Corn and Soybeans0
New Materialisms, Familiar Challenges0
Cultivating Community: Women and Agricultural Fairs in Ontario0
Food and Revolution: Fighting Hunger in Nicaragua, 1960–19930
Carolina's Golden Fields: Inland Rice Cultivation in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1670–18600
From Breeding and Feeding to Medicalization: Animal Farming, Veterinarization, and Consumers in Twentieth-Century Western Europe0
From Thrift to Improvement0
Fresh Fruit and Rotten Railroads0
The Making of Mămăligă: Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish0
Soils as Archives0
The Good Country: A History of the American Midwest 1800–19000
Bring Us in Good Ale0
Beyond Bananas0
The Strikers of Coachella: A Rank-and-File History of the UFW Movement0
Peak Pursuits: The Emergence of Mountaineering in the Nineteenth Century0
Transborder Los Angeles: An Unknown Transpacific History of Japanese-Mexican Relations0
The 1980s Farm Crisis: A Boots-on-the-Ground Retrospective0
Country of the Cursed and the Driven: Slavery and the Texas Borderlands0
The Ballad of Robert Charles: Searching for the New Orleans Riot of 19000
Radiating South0
Porkopolis: American Animality, Standardized Life, and the Factory Farm0
Disturbing Development in the Jim Crow South0
Fruit, Fiber, and Fire: A History of Modern Agriculture in New Mexico0
Continental Reckoning: The American West in the Age of Expansion0
Nature at War: American Environments and World War II0
Australia's Entanglement in Global Cotton0
Technology and Gender in Swedish Agriculture0
Unfree Markets: The Slaves’ Economy and the Rise of Capitalism in South Carolina0
Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone0