Journal of Nursing Administration

(The TQCC of Journal of Nursing Administration is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Perceptions From Non-Magnet® Organizations96
A Single-Site Approach43
A Preliminary Qualitative Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Presenteeism Among Taiwanese Nursing Staff37
Visibility, Physical Work Environment, and Stress in ICU Nurses28
Psychological Distress as a Mediator Between Work-Family Conflict and Nurse Managers' Professional and Organizational Turnover Intentions28
Clinical Nurse Peer Review25
The Impact of Transitional Shock on Newer Nurses in a Contemporary Healthcare Environment21
Qualifications of Executive Nurses for Service on Hospital Boards19
Factors That Influence Millennial Generation Nurses' Intention to Stay18
The Global Pandemic18
Assessing Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge: An Innovative Approach by a Nursing Research Council18
Elevating the Contribution of the Clinical Nurse18
A Framework for National Collaboration to Reduce Documentation Burden and Design for Usable and Reusable Data16
Strengthening Healthy Work Environment Outcomes Via Interprofessional Direct Care Champion Roles16
An Exploration of Factors Associated With Nurses' Perceptions of Decisional Involvement15
Implementing a Peer Support Network to Promote Compassion Without Fatigue14
An Interview With Judy Davidson14
Analyzing the Cost of Hospital Contact Isolation Practices14
An Exploration of Factors Associated With Nurses' Perceptions of Decisional Involvement14
Future Catastrophic Event Preparation14
The Effectiveness of Charge Nurse Training on Leadership Style and Resiliency13
The Importance of Board Certification13
Addressing Occupational Fatigue in Nurses13
Coaching to Bedside Shift Report and Its Correlation to Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems and Value-Based Purchasing Dimension Scores12
A 4-Part Strategy to Engage Frontline Nurses in Cultural Humility12
Editorial Thank You12
The Healthy Disruption of Anger12
Human-Centered Design Innovation to Help All Patients THRIVE12
Joy at Work: Creating a Culture of Resilience12
Developing Effective Senior Nurse Leaders12
Nurses' Perspectives of Their Impact While Serving on Boards11
Using Data from a 360° Leadership Assessment to Enhance Nurse Manager Transformational Leadership Skills11
Preparing Nurse Leaders for Value-Based Care11
Fellow Designations of Interest to Nurse Leaders11
Workplace Exposures and Prescription Drug Misuse Among Nurses10
The Value of Nursing Professional Governance10
Transitioning from Nurse-Patient Ratios to Workload Intensity Staffing10
An Interview With Janeane N. Anderson Regarding Patient-Provider Communication and Health Disparities10
Dispelling Magnet® Myths10
The Nurse Empowerment Program for Nurses in Direct Care Positions9
Addressing Nurses' Well-being in the 2023 Magnet® Application Manual9
Nurse Leader Preparation for Disasters9
The Relationship Between Practice Environment Variables and Nurse Manager Perceptions of Workplace Mistreatment to Identify Factors Amenable to Change9
Ambulatory Oncology Nurses Weigh in About 12-Hour Shifts8
Readiness Tests8
Celebrating Magnet® Nursing Excellence – Meet the Recipients of the 2022 National Magnet Nurse of the Year Awards and ANCC Magnet Prize8
Reconnecting Nurses to Their Passion and Enhancing the Patient and Family Experience8
Data Needs and Availability for Specialty Certification Research8
Full Practice Authority for APRNs to Meet the Needs of Underserved Communities: An Interview With Monica O'Reilly-Jacob8
An Intervention to Enhance Recognition of Nursing Assistant Roles and Enhance Information-Sharing7
Building Nurse Manager Well-being by Reducing Healthcare System Demands7
Exploring Hybrid Leadership7
The Effect of Work Stressors on RN Exhaustion7
Legislating Nurse Staffing7
Reinventing the Delivery of Care in a New Women and Children's Center Using an Integrated Lean Model7
Qualitative Research on Mindfulness Interventions for Staff Nurses7
Comparing the Nurse Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Intent to Leave Among Military, Magnet®, Magnet-Aspiring, and Non-Magnet Civilian Hospitals7
Creating a Model for Advanced Practice Provider Mentorship7
Leveraging Professional Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic7
Nurse Leaders' Experiences and Learnings Navigating Through the Chaos of a Pandemic7
The Impact of Patient Assaults and Aggressive Behaviors on Nursing Personnel's Stress, Well-being, and Intention to Leave Post–COVID-19 Pandemic7
The Impact of a Nursing-Led Intervention Bundle With a Bedside Checklist to Reduce Mortality During the Initial COVID-19 Pandemic and Implications for Future Emergencies7
Veterans Day7
Chronic Fatigue Predicts Hospital Nurse Turnover Intentions6
An Innovative Assistant Nurse Manager Residency Program Focused on Participation, Satisfaction, Promotion, and Retention6
Understanding Inpatient Surgical Nurses' Meaningful Recognition Preferences6
Survey Research6
Leaders Benefit From Organizational Membership6
Nursing's Staffing Mandate6
A Scoping Review of the Impact of Downsizing on Survivors6
The Verran Professional Governance Scale6
The Impact of DNP Scholarly Projects on Healthcare Organizations5
Advanced Practice RN Student Practicum Placements5
Evaluating and Enhancing Nursing Caregiver Well-being Using a Systematic Approach5
Nurse Resiliency and Health in Practicing Nurses Before and During COVID-195
A Comparison of Evidence-Based Practice Training With and Without Postimmersion Follow-up5
Creating and Implementing a Nurse Mentoring Program: A Team Approach5
Transformational and Unifying Leadership5
Board Leaders' Perspectives of the Impact of Nurses on Boards5
Combatting Social Isolation, Anxiety, and Loneliness in Hospitalized Patients5
Racism and Nursing Leadership in Massachusetts5
Assessing Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge: An Innovative Approach by a Nursing Research Council5
Contemporary Tools for Leadership Growth5
The Business Case for Magnet® in an International Hospital5
Why They Stay and Why They Leave5
Implementation of a Violence Risk Assessment and Interventions Aimed at the Prevention of Patient-Perpetrated Violent Events Across Care Settings5
The Impact of Moral Injury on Self-reported Work Performance in Hospital Nurses Following the Global Pandemic Surge4
Components of Professional Practice Models4
Ethical Decision-Making Confidence and Professional Values Among Nurse Leaders4
Advanced Practice Provider Onboarding4
Facilitating the Transition From New Graduate to Practicing Advanced Practice RN4
First Year Outcomes4
An Integrative Review of Organizational Factors Influencing Successful Large-Scale Changes in Healthcare4
Redesigning a Clinical Advancement Program to Promote and Strengthen Competencies of Clinical Nurses4
Highlighting an Advanced Practice Fellowship for Leadership Transition4
Reducing Anxiety Among Nurse Leaders Through Virtual Animal-Related Engagement4
Adaption of the Casey-Fink Survey Tool for Nurse Residency Programs4
Strategies to Stay: Role Enrichment Models for Retaining Millennial Nurses4
Exploration of Lived Experiences and Measurement of Burnout Among US Clinical Research Nurses4
Does Hospital Accreditation or Certification Impact Patient Outcomes? Findings From a Scoping Review for Healthcare Industry Leaders4
Building a Nurse-Led Collaborative Care Delivery Model for Behavioral Health Patients Boarding on a Pediatric Medical Unit4
Organizational Impact on Healthcare Workers' Moral Injury During COVID-194
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Nurse Manager Decision-Making Associated With RN Hiring4
Nurse Practitioners Are Stepping Up to Meet Access to Primary Care Services Across the United States4
Developing the Baptist Health Injury Risk Assessment Phase 14
A Qualitative Study of Midlevel Nurse Managers' Perspectives of Scholarly Inquiry4
The Digital Evolution in Healthcare4
Shared Governance in Times of Change4
Delegation of Work Within a Patient-Centered Medical Home4
Development and Testing of the Relational and Structural Components of Innovativeness Across Academia and Practice for Healthcare Progress Scale4
Effect of Shared Governance on Nurse-Sensitive Indicator and Satisfaction Outcomes: An International Comparison4
The State of Rest Break Practices Among 12-Hour Shift Hospital Nurses in the United States4
Perceptions of Live Streaming Compared With an In-Person Nursing Conference3
Organizational Climate for Inclusion Among Nurses3
Nurse Performance Metrics3
7 Executive Strategies to Stabilize the Nursing Workforce3
Magnet® Empirical Outcomes3
Revisions to the Casey-Fink Graduate Nurse Experience Survey Reflect Current Healthcare Trends3
Chief Nursing Officers3
Development and Psychometric Testing of a Leadership Competency Assessment3
Today’s Advanced Practice Leader3
Facing Challenges, Creating Connections3
A Qualitative Study Describing Nurses' Experiences With Presenteeism3
The Relationship Between Social Media Use, Nurse Characteristics, and Job Decision-Making3
Academy of Clinical Essentials3
Factors Associated With Job Satisfaction in Medical Oncology Practices3
Meaningful Recognition for Nurse Managers3
Leadership Implications Related to Bullying and Intent to Leave Among Licensed Practical Nurses3
Chief Nursing Officer Perspectives on Nursing Theory-Guided Practice3
Supporting the Health of Our Nurses Using the 4A Model3
A Descriptive Study of Resiliency and Health in Practicing Nurses3
Reflections From the Middle3
Nurse Leaders Employ Contemplative Practices to Promote Healthcare Professional Well-being and Decrease Anxiety3
Using the Expertise of a Clinical Nurse Specialist to Lead a Neonatal Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Team to Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection Reduction and Cost-Efficiency Through3
Newly Licensed Nurse Perceived Incivility: A Valid and Reliable Assessment Tool3
Differences in Nurse Practitioner Work Effectiveness by Level of Education and Work Experience3
Critical Care Nursing3
Non–Direct Care Nurses3
Laudato Si Lessons3
Leveraging Academic-Clinical Partnerships to Create an Operating Room Nurse Pipeline3
Patient Experience Coordinator3
Transforming Advanced Practice RN Compensation3