Acta Sociologica

(The median citation count of Acta Sociologica is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Gender differences in child and adolescent daily activities: A cross-national time use study14
Has the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo fuelled resistance towards Muslim immigrants in Europe? Results from a natural experiment in six European countries14
The welfare state criticism of the losers of modernization: How social experiences of resentment shape populist welfare critique12
Too many immigrants: How does local diversity contribute to attitudes toward immigration?12
Unemployment and political trust across 24 Western democracies: Evidence on a welfare state paradox12
Narratives of the mystical among users of psychedelics11
The opportunity structure of segregation: School choice and school segregation in Sweden10
Understanding the immigrant-native gap in childcare use: An empirical exploration for 21 European countries8
Constructing fatherhood in the North and South: Paid parental leave, work and care in Iceland and Spain7
Science, religion, and nonreligion: Engaging subdisciplines to move further beyond mythbusting6
Big data, big problems: Why scientists should refrain from using Google Trends6
Employment among female immigrants to Europe6
How does parental time relate to social class in a Nordic welfare state?6
Gender differences and similarities in work preferences: Results from a factorial survey experiment5
How material deprivation impacted economic stress across European countries during the great recession. A lesson on social comparisons5
Career stability in turbulent times: A cross-cohort study of mid-careers in Finland5
A downside to high aspirations: Immigrants’ (non-)success in tertiary education5
Growing inequality during the Great Recession: Labour market institutions and the education gap in unemployment across Europe and in the United States5
Ambivalent perceptions of the Other: Towards a dual-process sociology of intercultural relations4
A diagnosis of society and Nordic sociology3
The impact of having a child with special needs: Labour market adaptations of immigrant and majority mothers3
The effects of parenting on early adolescents’ noncognitive skills: Evidence from a sample of twins in Germany3
The unwilling foils of the political right: The cultural elite in Swedish and Norwegian newspapers3
Need, competence and compliance: Selective empowering in the distribution of medical technologies in the Norwegian health care system3
Divorce among exogamous couples: The role of language convergence2
Biopolitical and juridical creations of the quarantine hotel: A discourse analysis of the Norwegian case2
Partisanship and perceptions of the consequences of welfare service privatization from left to right (-wing populism)2
The role of partnering and assortative mating for income inequality: The case of Finland, 1991–20142
Divorce and female labour force participation: Do women who expect an upcoming divorce increase their employment? Evidence from Flanders2
Professional talk on cybervetting: Accounting for a contested practise2
It's not all about the peers: Reintroducing school context to the school segregation literature2
Dualisation versus targeting? Public transfers and poverty risks among the unemployed in Germany and Great Britain2
Public support for affirmative action policies favouring women and migrants in recruitment processes: An international survey experiment2
Formal commitments versus actual practices? Narratives as tools of epistemic governance in the debate over Finnish forestry2
A need to be recognised: On the importance of shared semantics for young adults while not in education or employment2
From artistic consecration to degradation: The case of Sven Hassel2
The increasing educational divide in the life course development of subjective wellbeing across cohorts2
Long-term scarring from institutional labelling: The risk of NEET of students from schools for learning disability in Germany2
Resisting or maintaining gender inequality? Wedding traditions among Norwegian millennials2
Searching for lasting biculturalism: An Imitation Game inquiry2
Elites on Equality: Room for Gender Balance and Ethnic Diversity in Leadership Positions?1
The natural dividend: An introduction to resource rents1
Young people’s job-search strategies in the German apprenticeship market: Who relies on referrals by strong ties and why?1
Social background and school track choice: An analysis informed by the rational choice framework1
When Baehr met Steffen: Appraising classicality through the lens of neglect1
Conflict narrative, stigmatisation and strategic behaviour of religious scientists in the Argentinean scientific field1
Migration and partisan identification as British Unionists or Irish Nationalists in Northern Ireland1
Sweden's ‘complicated’ relationship with genocide recognition1
Is there a welfare trap? Duration dependence in social assistance recipiency among young Finns1
Towards a renewed understanding of barriers to immigrant parents’ involvement in education1
Special issue: ‘Social investment in action’1
Contested European citizenship: Results from a 13 country survey1
Are women from man-older unions economically disadvantaged following separation? Sweden 1997–20151
Effective subunits in ineffective systems: Simultaneous tight and loose coupling in higher education data use1
Exploring sources of heterogeneity in immigrant crime: Evidence from Norway1
Constellation research and sociology of philosophy1
Politics with objects? On the affective materiality of contentious politics1
Null effects of neighbourhood increases in visible minorities on radical right wing party mobilisation1
Ritual pathways and dramaturgical efforts: Negotiating the meaning of organized play in Norwegian children's sports1
Privatization of preschool education: The implications for educational inequalities in cross-national perspective1
Mindset as a potential link between family background and high-school achievement1
Political icon and role model: Dimensions of the perceived ‘Greta effect’ among climate activists as aspects of contemporary social movement leadership1
Transmission of child removal stories Among Norwegian Somalis: An interactionist analysis of ethnic minority parents’ fears of child welfare services1
The impact of the parental division of paid labour on depressive symptoms: The moderating role of social policies1
The long reach of class origin on financial investments and net worth1
Cultural reproduction in Finland: Symmetric intergenerational transmission of cultural orientations1
Gendered ethnic discrimination and the role of recruiter gender. A field experiment1
Labour market disadvantage or poor health upon arrival? An examination of the native–immigrant gap in early retirement on a disability pension1
No substitute for the real thing? Physical and digital cultural participation in Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Generational differences in attitudes to meritocracy: Sources of change in valuing education, innate abilities, and hard work in Poland0
Book Review: Pioneers of Sociological Science: Statistical Foundations and the Theory of Action0
Labour leaders as identity entrepreneurs: Identity formation in the Swedish trade union movement in the 1920s0
Civil society ethos? Attitude differences between civil society elites and the population in Sweden0
Of babies, bathwater, and big data: Going beneath the surface of Franzén’s (2023) Google Trends recommendations0
Book Review: Pandemic Surveillance0
Book Review: Creative Control: The Ambivalence of Work in the Culture Industries0
The unequal conversion of intended redistribution into factual redistribution in Europe and its impact on social inequalities between families0
Book Review: Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty0
Book Review: Civilization, Modernity, and Critique: Engaging Jóhann P. Árnason’s Macro-Social Theory0
Book Review: The New Patriarchs of Digital Capitalism: Celebrity Tech Founders and Networks of Power0
Book Review: The Emotional Life of Populism: How Fear, Disgust, Resentment, and Love Undermine Democracy, Polity0
Book Review: Intoxication: An Ethnography of Effervescent Revelry0
Intergenerational social mobility of cohorts born from 1951 to 1980 in Finland0
Who deserves to be sanctioned? A vignette experiment of ethnic discrimination among street-level bureaucrats0
Book Review: Post-Democracy: After the Crises0
Is there a rating bias of job candidates based on gender and parenthood? A laboratory experiment on hiring for an accounting job0
Who thinks ideologically about welfare state reform? Partisanship and attitude consistency in politicians’ and mass public perceptions about the consequences of welfare service privatization in Sweden0
The role of education and social background in the changing political involvement of adolescents – a comparative approach0
A step up? Why taxi platform drivers in Oslo, Norway started to drive0
Letter from the incoming editors0
Book Review: The Scandinavian Prison Study by Stanton Wheeler, Hugh F Cline and David J Armor0
Book Review: The New Handbook of Political Sociology0
Book Review: The Calling of Social Thought: Rediscovering the Work of Edward Shils0
Interlocking institutions and elite networks in democratic organizations. Social network analysis of elected representatives in massive membership organizations in the greater Helsinki region0
Criminal justice involvement, transition to fatherhood, and the demographic foundation of the intergenerational transmission of crime0
Book Review: Affect, Alienation, and Politics in Therapeutic Culture: Capitalism on the Skin0
Book Review: The Revolutionary City: Urbanization and the Global Transformation of Rebellion0
Social theory and the digital: The institutionalisation of digital sociology0
Book Review: Nordic Homicide in Deep Time; Lethal Violence in the Early Modern Era and Present Times0
Book Review: The Performance Complex: Competition and Competitions in Social Life0
Shackled by double disadvantage? Gender, segregation and immigrants’ occupational attainments0
Book Review: Diversity Regimes: Why Talk is Not Enough to Fix Racial Inequality at Universities0
Dark resonance: On the possibility of resonance with death0
Book Review: Agents of Reform: Child Labor and the Origins of the Welfare State0
“Unless I could be like the typical dad”: Exploring parenthood through the perspective of the voluntarily childfree0
Book Review: Charisma and Disenchantment: The Vocation Lectures by Max Weber0
Balancing acts of kindness: Reassessing the relationship between informal helping and formal volunteering0
Book Review: War, Survival Units and Citizenship: A Neo-Eliasian Process-Relational Perspective0
Feminist alliances against precarity or capitalism? A continuation of the Butler–Fraser debate0
Political changemakers in Norway: The strategies and political ideas of welfare providers0
Multiple jeopardy, national wealth and perceived discrimination: Subjective health of intersecting minority groups across 28 countries0
Book Review: The Racialized Social System0
Book Review: COVID-19: Social Inequalities and Human Possibilities0
Book Review: Modern Folk Devils: Contemporary Constructions of Evil0
Book Review: What Is Cultural Sociology?0
Researching high-skilled migrants between social stratification and methodological nationalism0
Book Review: The Sociology of Identity: Authenticity, Multidimensionality, and Mobility0
Parental unemployment and children's well-being at school: The role of duration, reemployment, and socioeconomic status0
Elites and ordinariness in cross-status encounters: Adding Goffman's ritual interaction order to sociological interpretations0
Automation risks of vocational training programs and early careers in the Netherlands0
Impact of family structure on the quality of life of older adults, its stability, and gender differences in the European context0
Special issue: ‘Authoritarianism and culture’0
Book Review: Made to Work: Mobilising Contemporary Worklives0
New publication formats, call for special issues, and a new transparency and research data policy0
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Generation Now by Tim Ingold0
Towards ‘augmented sociology’? A practice-oriented framework for using large language model-powered chatbots0
Her class and his class: Does social class matter for fertility?0
Book Review: Horizontal Europeanisation: The Transnationalisation of Daily Life and Social Fields in Europe0
Book Review: Social Capital0
Book Review: Making a Scene: Urban Landscapes, Gentrification, and Social Movements in Sweden0
Book Review: Globalizing Issues: How Claims, Frames, and Problems Cross Borders0
Early home-leaving (HL) and educational attainment: The moderating role of HL in the intergenerational transmission of education0
Book Review: Russian Modernization: A New Paradigm0
Book Review: Social Class in Europe: New Inequalities in the Old World0
Book Review: Revolutionary Social Democracy: Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882–1917)0
Rally around the flag? Explaining changes in Swedish public opinion toward NATO membership after Russia's invasion of Ukraine0
Not all men, nor all women: Strength of gender identification and social spending preferences in Sweden0
Are general skills important for vocationally educated?0
Book Review: Civic Engagement in Scandinavia: Volunteering, Informal Help and Giving in Denmark, Norway and Sweden0
Book Review: Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets0
Book Review: Interactional Justice: The Role of Emotions in the Performance of Loyalty0
Book Review: Poverty Propaganda: Exploring the Myths0
After the organization: Symbolic capital and negative expert knowledge in post-whistleblowing careers0
Book Review: The Bourdieu Paradigm: The Origins and Evolution of an Intellectual Social Project0
Crime, culture or war? Justifying military responses to violence against civilians0
Co-occurring occupations among siblings in Norway0
Book Review: Accidental Feminism: Gender Parity and Selective Mobility Among India’s Professional Elite0
Book Review: Territory and democratic politics. A critical introduction0
Book Review: Sandinista Narratives: Religion, Sandinismo, and Emotions in the Making of the Nicaraguan Insurrection and Revolution0