Acta Psychologica

(The TQCC of Acta Psychologica is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Specification curve analysis shows that social media use is linked to poor mental health, especially among girls51
The relationships between social support and loneliness: A meta-analysis and review36
Dark triads, tetrads, tents, and cores: Why navigate (research) the jungle of dark personality models without a compass (criterion)?36
Gamification for behavior change: A scientometric review31
Psychometric properties of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among different Chinese populations: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis29
The psychological and behavioural correlates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Ireland and the UK26
Laughing at funerals and frowning at weddings: Top-down influences of context-driven social judgments on emotional mimicry25
Social media use in female adolescents: Associations with anxiety, loneliness, and sleep disturbances25
The intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences of interpersonal synchrony24
Do you listen to music while studying? A portrait of how people use music to optimize their cognitive performance23
The psychometric properties of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) Bangla version22
Loneliness unlocked: Associations with smartphone use and personality22
The effect of aging on facial attractiveness: An empirical and computational investigation22
University students' mental well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of resilience between meaning in life and mental well-being22
COVID-19 information overload: Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relationship between frequency of internet searching and fear of COVID-1922
Attention and memory after COVID-19 as measured by neuropsychological tests: Systematic review and meta-analysis21
Factors affecting social TV acceptance among Generation Z in Jordan21
Is the n-back task a measure of unstructured working memory capacity? Towards understanding its connection to other working memory tasks20
The relationship between internet addiction and aggressive behavior among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Anxiety as a mediator20
Investigating individual differences in emotion recognition ability using the ERAM test20
Adolescents and social media: The effects of frequency of use, self-presentation, social comparison, and self esteem on possible self imagery19
Evidence for associations between Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test and motor skill learning in older adults18
Parasocial relations and social media influencers' persuasive power. Exploring the moderating role of product involvement18
The role of valence in word processing: Evidence from lexical decision and emotional Stroop tasks18
Self-motivated and directed learning across the lifespan18
Mental health in the post-lockdown pandemic phase: Relief or exacerbation of psychological distress? A cross-sectional study in the general population in Italy18
Depression and anxiety among individuals with medical conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a nationwide survey in Bangladesh18
Effects of cognitive-motor dual task training on cognitive and physical performance in healthy children and adolescents: A scoping review18
Normality mediates the effect of symmetry on facial attractiveness18
Becoming “us” in digital spaces: How online users creatively and strategically exploit social media affordances to build up social identity17
The acute effects of mental fatigue on balance performance in healthy young and older adults – A systematic review and meta-analysis17
Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches17
Dissociation of proprioceptive drift and feelings of ownership in the somatic rubber hand illusion17
Let the beat flow: How game difficulty in virtual reality affects flow17
Explaining the high working memory capacity of gifted children: Contributions of processing skills and executive control16
Psychological well-being, risk factors, and coping strategies with social isolation and new challenges in times of adversity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic16
The motor-related brain activity that supports joint action: A review15
The role of executive functions in the effects of lying on memory15
Conspiracy beliefs of Italian voters for populist parties: The moderated mediational role of political interest and ideological attitudes15
Leaving without a word: Ghosting and the Dark Triad traits15
Understanding smart education continuance intention in a delayed benefit context: An integration of sensory stimuli, UTAUT, and flow theory15
Simultaneous self-other integration and segregation support real-time interpersonal coordination in a musical joint action task15
Perceived risk factors for severe Covid-19 symptoms and their association with health behaviours: Findings from the HEBECO study15
Variation in the “coefficient of variation”: Rethinking the violation of the scalar property in time-duration judgments14
Nonliteral language processing across the lifespan14
Does body posture reduce the Stroop effect? Evidence from two conceptual replications and a meta-analysis14
Theories of motivation: A comprehensive analysis of human behavior drivers14
Shadow of cyber ostracism over remote environment: Implication on remote work challenges, virtual work environment and employee mental well-being during a Covid-19 pandemic14
Does emotional valence modulate word recognition? A behavioral study manipulating frequency and arousal14
Tourist behaviour: The role of digital marketing and social media14
How poetry evokes emotions13
Intensive mothering and the perpetuation of gender inequality: Evidence from a mixed methods research13
The action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE): Meta-analysis of a benchmark finding for embodiment13
Excessive enterprise social media usage and employee creativity: An application of the transactional theory of stress and coping13
The problem with the internet: An affordance-based approach for psychological research on networked technologies13
Tennis expertise reduces costs in cognition but not in motor skills in a cognitive-motor dual-task condition13
Semi-structured interview for self-esteem regulation research13
Willingness to accept (WTA), willingness to pay (WTP), and the WTA/WTP disparity in Chinese social media platforms: Descriptive statistics and associations with personality and social media use13
Light and Dark core of personality and the adherence to COVID-19 containment measures: The roles of motivation and trust in government13
The effectiveness of dual-task interventions for modulating emotional memories in the laboratory: A meta-analysis13
Investigating COVID-19 risk perception and preventive behaviours in third-level students in Ireland12
Consequences of local culinary memorable experience: Evidence from TikTok influencers12
Happiness, domains of life satisfaction, perceptions, and valuation differences across genders12
Exploring the sex and gender correlates of cognitive sex differences12
Unpacking the mediating role of classroom interaction between student satisfaction and perceived online learning among Chinese EFL tertiary learners in the new normal of post-COVID-1912
Trust in science and belief in misinformation mediate the effects of political orientation on vaccine hesitancy and intention to be vaccinated12
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the neuropsychological assessment of spatial memory: A systematic review12
Addressing joint action challenges in HRI: Insights from psychology and philosophy12
Big Five personality traits predict illegal drug use in young people12
How humans impair automated deception detection performance12
Recognizing biased reasoning: Conflict detection during decision-making and decision-evaluation11
The effects of childhood maltreatment on cyberbullying in college students: The roles of cognitive processes11
ERP markers of action planning and outcome monitoring in human – robot interaction11
Using behavioural science in public health settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experience of public health practitioners and behavioural scientists11
“I don't fit into any category”: Adult perspectives on the dynamics of past sexual acts between siblings in Jewish Orthodox society11
Attachment anxiety and resilience: The mediating role of coping11
Tracking statistical learning online: Word segmentation in a target detection task10
Movers and shakers of cognition: Hand movements, speech, task properties, and variability10
Tracking the Irish adult population during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: A methodological report of the COVID-19 psychological research consortium (C19PRC) study in Ireland10
Positive emotions, self-regulatory capacity, and EFL performance in the Chinese senior high school context10
The dark side of sports: Personality, values, and athletic aggression10
Context but not reading speed modulates transposed-word effects in Chinese reading10
On the association between personality, fear of missing out (FoMO) and problematic social media use tendencies in European and Arabian samples10
The effects of adverse and advantageous childhood experiences on adult health in a low-income sample10
A Gratton-like effect concerning task order in dual-task situations10
Sex differences in emotional and meta-emotional intelligence in pre-adolescents and adolescents10
Social information rapidly prioritizes overt but not covert attention in a joint spatial cueing task10
Depression and learning problems in children: Executive function impairments and inattention as mediators10
Should I focus on self-language actions or should I follow others? Cross-language interference effects in voluntary and cued language switching10
The validation of the English Impostor-Profile 30 and the exploratory formulation of the learned helplessness model of the impostor phenomenon10
The epidemiology and effects of video game addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
Psychological resilience in athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative insight9
Social pain by non-social agents: Exclusion hurts and provokes punishment even if the excluding source is a computer9
Improving vaccination intent among skeptics through confidence in governments' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic9
Stress, and coping strategy of university students during COVID-19 in Korea: The mediating role of ego-resiliency9
Hand dominance in the performance and perceptions of virtual reach control9
The role of anxious attachment in the continuation of abusive relationships: The potential for strengthening a secure attachment schema as a tool of empowerment9
Humans share task load with a computer partner if (they believe that) it acts human-like9
Cognitive functioning and social media: Has technology changed us?9
Automatic imitation is reduced in narcissists but only in egocentric perspective-takers9
The effects of sketching while narrating on information elicitation and deception detection in multiple interviews9
Fear trumps the common good: Psychological antecedents of vaccination attitudes and behaviour9
Associations between self-disgust, depression, and anxiety: A three-level meta-analytic review9
Social categorization and joint attention: Interacting effects of age, sex, and social status9
The network structure of dysfunctional metacognition: Analysis of the MCQ-309
Learning mathematics with shackles: How lower reading comprehension in the language of mathematics instruction accounts for lower mathematics achievement in speakers of different home languages9
The association between smartphone and tablet usage and children development9
General academic anxiety and math anxiety in primary school. The impact of math anxiety on calculation skills9
The effects of self-relevance vs. reward value on facial mimicry9
A pre-existing self-referential anchor is not necessary for self-prioritisation9
Deciding while moving: Cognitive interference biases value-based decisions9
Correlates of belief in climate change: Demographics, ideology and belief systems9
Prevalence and associated factors of depressive symptoms among the young adults during the post-epidemic period — Evidence from the first wave of COVID-19 in Hubei Province, China9
The influence of parental autonomy support on cyberbullying victimization of high school students: A latent moderation analysis9
Females' negative affective valence to math-related words9
The SNARC effect occurs in the response-selection stage9
Teaching after the pandemic: The role of technostress and organizational support on intentions to adopt remote teaching technologies9
Beauty, the feeling9
Spontaneous strategy use during a working memory updating task8
Emotion matters: Different psychophysiological responses to expressive and non-expressive full-body movements8
The influence of duration, arm crossing style, gender, and emotional closeness on hugging behaviour8
Structuralist mental representation of dual-action demands: Evidence for compositional coding from dual tasks with low cross-task dimensional overlap8
The Development of a Parental Questionnaire (QQ-MediaSEED) on Bilingual Children’s Quantity and Quality of Digital Media Use at Home8
The associations between academic stress and depression among college students: A moderated chain mediation model of negative affect, sleep quality, and social support8
Remembering more than you can say: Re-examining “amnesia” of attended attributes8
Sharing is caring: How sharing opinions online can connect people into groups and foster identification8
Pragmatic and knowledge range lenience towards foreigners8
Prototypical autism: New diagnostic criteria and asymmetrical bifurcation model8
Determinants of health behaviours intended to prevent spread of respiratory pathogens that have pandemic potential: A rapid review8
Fine motor skills and finger gnosia contribute to preschool children's numerical competencies8
Exploring the relationship between social exclusion and social media addiction: The mediating roles of anger and impulsivity8
Employing a sort of “we” based VBN model to gauge Chinese tourists' intentions to support low-carbon tourism8
How explicit warnings reduce the truth effect: A multinomial modeling approach8
Social influences in the digital era: When do people conform more to a human being or an artificial intelligence?8
Validation of the COVID-19 Disbelief Scale: Conditional indirect effects of religiosity and COVID-19 fear on intent to vaccinate8
The reciprocal relationship between mobile phone dependence and school adaptation in Korean adolescents: Autoregressive cross-lagged modeling8
How are mothers negatively affected and supported by following parenting-related Instagram profiles? A mixed-methods study8
Direct and indirect effects from parenting self-efficacy and parenting practices to social-emotional adjustment in 3- to 5-year-old children8
Verbal count sequence knowledge underpins numeral order processing in children8
Table tennis expertise influences dual-task costs in timed and self-initiated tasks8
Task demands determine whether shape or arousal of a stimulus modulates competition for visual working memory resources8
The tangled webs they weave: A scoping review of deception detection and production in relation to Dark Triad traits7
Curiosity did not kill the cat: It made it stronger and happy, but only if the cat was not “dark”7
Evaluating voice samples as a potential source of information about personality7
Factors associated with body image perception of adolescents7
The startle reflex as an indicator of psychopathic personality from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review7
Pathways to healthy aging – Exploring the determinants of self-rated health in older adults7
Predicting social media use intensity in late adolescence: The role of attachment to friends and fear of missing out7
What colour should I wear? How clothing colour affects women's judgement of other women's body attractiveness and body size7
To start or stop an action depends on which movement we perform: An appraisal of the horse–race model7
“I'm getting too old for this stuff”: The conceptual structure of tattoo aesthetics7
Primary vs. secondary knowledge contents in reasoning: Motivated and efficient vs. overburdened7
The impact of Confucianism on social and emotional health of Vietnamese adolescents: A phenomenological study7
Investigating the contributions of active, playful learning to student interest and educational outcomes7
Neuroticism, stress, and rumination in anxiety and depression of people with Vitiligo: An explanatory model7
Selection of determinants of students' adherence to COVID-19 guidelines and translation into a brief intervention7
The psychosocial impact of losing an eye through traumatic injury and living with prosthetic restoration: A thematic analysis7
The effects of mood disorders and childhood trauma on fear of positive and negative evaluation7
Femitags for feminist connected crowds in Latin America and Spain7
Unveiling Chinese senior high school EFL students' burnout and engagement: Profiles and antecedents7
Effectiveness of family-centered program for enhancing competencies of responsive parenting among caregivers for early childhood development in rural India6
Clinician perspectives on how digital phenotyping can inform client treatment6
Judging emoji by occupation: A case of emoji-based sarcasm interpretation6
Feeling rushed? Perceived time pressure impacts executive function and stress.6
Perceptual-motor skill transfer: Multidimensionality and specificity of both general and specific transfers6
Facing stress: No effect of acute stress at encoding or retrieval on face recognition memory6
On the indicators for perceiving empty sets as zero6
Embodiment: I sat, I felt, I performed – Posture effects on mood and cognitive performance6
Memory improvement in aging as a function of exposure to mood-matching music6
Introducing the Basic Psychological Needs Frustration in Second Language Scale (BPNF-L2): Examining its factor structure and effect on L2 motivation and achievement6
Why do children struggle on analogical reasoning tasks? Considering the role of problem format by measuring visual attention6
Integration of newly learned L2 words into the mental lexicon is modulated by vocabulary learning method6
Cognitive style predicts how people explain mental magic tricks6
Socio-cognitive training impacts emotional and perceptual self-salience but not self-other distinction6
I was being sarcastic!: The effect of foreign accent and political ideology on irony (mis)understanding6
The Dark Side of Humanity Scale: A reconstruction of the Dark Tetrad constructs6
An exploration of the role played by attachment factors in the formation of social media addiction from a cognition-affect-conation perspective6
Overlooked advantages of interactive book reading in early childhood? A systematic review and research agenda6
Preschoolers' engagement with screen content and associations with sleep and cognitive development6
Fitts’ law when errors are not allowed: Quantification of reciprocating trajectories and estimating information processing6
Impairments of interpersonal synchrony evident in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)6
The association between attachment orientations and empathy: The mediation effect of self-concept clarity6
The influence of childhood emotional neglect on emotional face processing in young adults6
Impact of you only live once: A resilience-based HIV prevention intervention to reduce risky sexual behaviour among youth in South Africa6
Unlocking luxury purchase intentions in China: A study of consumer attitude, perceived value, and the moderating effect of perceived enjoyment6
Judging me and you: Task design modulates self-prioritization6
Exploring the role of verbal-semantic overlap in response-effect compatibility5
How do we process feedback? The role of self-esteem in processing self-related and other-related information5
Facial mimicry is independent of stimulus format: Evidence for facial mimicry of stick figures and photographs5
Negative time perspective predicts the self-perceived affective and physical components of pain independently from depression, anxiety, and early life circumstances5
Stigmatization, panic disorder, and death anxiety among patients of Covid-19: Fourth wave of pandemic in Pakistan5
Top-down social modulation of perception-action coupling5
Summing up: A functional role of eye movements along the mental number line for arithmetic5
Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages5
Prospective effects of social support on self-actualization at work – The mediating role of basic psychological need fulfillment5
Examining the relevance of basic numerical skills for mathematical achievement in secondary school using a within-task assessment approach5
Beach balls: Assessing frustration tolerance in young children using a computerized task5
A sequential mediation model of perceived social support, mindfulness, perceived hope, and mental health literacy: An empirical study on Taiwanese university students5
Coordination effort in joint action is reflected in pupil size5
Effect of stimulus dimension on perception and cognition5
Testing alternative models and predictive utility of the Death Anxiety Inventory-Revised: A COVID-19 related longitudinal population based study5
Practices regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and life satisfaction: A moderated mediation model of psychological distress and fear of Covid-195
Influence of current physical exercise on the relationship between aging and episodic memory and fluid intelligence5
Reaction time and working memory in middle-aged gamers and non-gamers5
Withdrawing from job search: The effect of age discrimination on occupational future time perspective, career exploration, and retirement intentions5
Positive and negative action-effects improve task-switching performance5
Relationship between stress response and depression in vocational medical school students in the COVID-19 epidemic: A moderated mediation model5
Trait resilience and resilient behavior at work: The mediating role of the learning climate5
Does anxiety induced by social interaction influence the perception of bistable biological motion?5
Get creative to get ahead? How personality contributes to creative performance and perceptions by supervisors at work5
Negative urgency is related to impaired response inhibition during threatening conditions5
Alexithymia and internet gaming disorder in the light of depression: A cross-sectional clinical study5
Emotion regulation in blind and visually impaired children aged 3 to 12 years assessed by a parental questionnaire5
Does social media usage contribute to cross-border social commerce? An empirical evidence from SEM and fsQCA analysis5
Which group matters more: The relative strength of minimal vs. gender and race group memberships in children's intergroup thinking5
Re-examining the relationship between interpersonal reactivity index sub-scales and mental well-being: Implications of the pandemic5
The effect of medical staff's professional identity on psychological stress during public health emergencies: The role of intolerance of uncertainty and adversity appraisal5
The new unbounded number line estimation task: A systematic literature review5
Misattribution of duties as free choices: The role of emotional awareness in self-infiltration5
The acute effects of continuous and intermittent cycling on executive function in children5
Crossmodal correspondences as common ground for joint action5
The mediating role of emotions in the relation between beliefs and teachers' job satisfaction5
Social context effects on emotional language: The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional evaluation of words5
The part-list cuing effect in working memory: The influence of task presentation mode5
Experimental control of conflict in a predictive visual probe task: Highly reliable bias scores related to anxiety5
The interconnections among the intensity of social network use, anxiety, smartphone addiction and the parent-child relationship of adolescents: A moderated mediation effect5
The moderating role of resilience in the relationship between state and trait anxiety and post-traumatic growth of medical freshmen5
Exploring the impact of social media on tourist behavior in rural mountain tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of perceived risk and community participation5
Imitation and interindividual differences: Belief in free will is not related to automatic imitation5
Establishing conversational engagement and being effective: The role of body movement in mediated communication5
Types of interference and their resolution in monolingual word production5
Assessing stress causing factors and language related challenges among first year students in higher institutions in Pakistan5
Shaping the aesthetical landscape by using image statistics measures5
Given the option, people avoid incongruent responses in a dual-tasking situation4
Children perform better on left than right targets in an ordinal task4
Impact of COVID-19 anxiety on loneliness and sleep quality of students and professionals in Bangladesh4
Numerosity sense correlates with fluent mathematical abilities4
The relationship between neuroticism and passive use of mobile social networks among Chinese young adults: The mediating role of fear of missing out and online social support4
Linear correlation is insufficient as the sole measure of associations: The case of technology use and mental health4
Dual-task interference in action programming and action planning — Evidence from the end-state comfort effect4
Pictorial vs. linguistic negation: Investigating negation in imperatives across different symbol domains4
Digital joint action: Avatar-mediated social interaction in digital spaces4
Mediating process between fine motor skills, finger gnosis, and calculation abilities in preschool children4
Workplace ostracism influencing turnover intentions: Moderating roles of perceptions of organizational virtuousness and authentic leadership4
Revealing the hierarchical structure of temperamental constructs distinguished in eight theories4
Interaction mechanism between location and sequence in letter cognition4
Spatial-numerical associations without a motor response? Grip force says ‘Yes’4
Imitation in one's own presence: No specific effect of self-focus on imitation4
Unequal home literacy environments between preschool-age boys and girls predict unequal language and preliteracy outcomes4
Effect of temporal distance and goal type on predictions of future information security: Focus on moderation of self-efficacy and social responsibility4