Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

(The TQCC of Journal of the Acoustical Society of America is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Acoustic effects of medical, cloth, and transparent face masks on speech signals192
A survey of sound source localization with deep learning methods138
Effects of face masks on acoustic analysis and speech perception: Implications for peri-pandemic protocols123
Effect of masks on speech intelligibility in auralized classrooms75
Generative adversarial networks for the design of acoustic metamaterials68
Impact of face masks on voice radiation56
How loud is the underwater noise from operating offshore wind turbines?49
Face masks and speaking style affect audio-visual word recognition and memory of native and non-native speech45
An investigation on noise attenuation by acoustic liner constructed by Helmholtz resonators with extended necks43
Gaussian processes for sound field reconstruction42
Experimental investigation of low Reynolds number rotor noise41
Deep transfer learning for underwater direction of arrival using one vector sensor41
Substrate vibrations and their potential effects upon fishes and invertebrates39
Psychoacoustic analysis of contra-rotating propeller noise for unmanned aerial vehicles38
Offshore wind energy development: Research priorities for sound and vibration effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates38
Benchmark problems for transcranial ultrasound simulation: Intercomparison of compressional wave models37
Deep learning applied to lung ultrasound videos for scoring COVID-19 patients: A multicenter study35
Lung ultrasound: The future ahead and the lessons learned from COVID-1935
The impact of face masks on the recall of spoken sentences34
The voice of COVID-19: Acoustic correlates of infection in sustained vowels34
Preliminary assessment of ship detection and trajectory evaluation using distributed acoustic sensing on an optical fiber telecom cable33
Acoustic effects of non-transparent and transparent face coverings32
Modeling acoustic metamaterials based on reused buttons using data fitting with neural network32
Underwater single-channel acoustic signal multitarget recognition using convolutional neural networks30
Reinforcement learning applied to metamaterial design30
Remote sociophonetic data collection: Vowels and nasalization over video conferencing apps30
Sound absorption by a metasurface comprising hard spheres in a soft medium30
Use of the auditory brainstem response for assessment of cochlear synaptopathy in humans30
Noise annoyance during COVID-19 lockdown: A research of public opinion before and during the pandemic30
Portable Automated Rapid Testing (PART) for auditory assessment: Validation in a young adult normal-hearing population29
Comparing acoustic analyses of speech data collected remotely29
Deep embedded clustering of coral reef bioacoustics28
Estimation of all six parameters of Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge model for acoustical porous materials from impedance tube measurements28
How the waveguide acoustic black hole works: A study of possible damping mechanisms27
Matched-field geoacoustic inversion based on radial basis function neural network27
Model-based convolutional neural network approach to underwater source-range estimation26
Learning location and seabed type from a moving mid-frequency source26
Source depth estimation using spectral transformations and convolutional neural network in a deep-sea environment26
Changes in the soundscape of Girona during the COVID lockdown26
Nonlinear ultrasound simulation in an axisymmetric coordinate system using a k-space pseudospectral method26
Automatic detection and classification of baleen whale social calls using convolutional neural networks25
Supersonic jet noise from launch vehicles: 50 years since NASA SP-807225
Acoustophoresis in polymer-based microfluidic devices: Modeling and experimental validation25
Investigating urban soundscapes of the COVID-19 lockdown: A predictive soundscape modeling approach25
Maximizing the accuracy of finite element simulation of elastic wave propagation in polycrystals25
Sequential sparse Bayesian learning for time-varying direction of arrival25
Robust North Atlantic right whale detection using deep learning models for denoising24
Steady active control of noise radiation from highly heated supersonic jets24
Artificial intelligence enabled preliminary diagnosis for COVID-19 from voice cues and questionnaires24
Anthropause on audio: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on church bell ringing and associated soundscapes in New South Wales (Australia)24
Detection of initiation of corrosion induced damage in concrete structures using nonlinear ultrasonic techniques24
The combined importance of finite dimensions, anisotropy, and pre-stress in acoustoelastography23
An empirical model for wind-generated ocean noise23
A light-weight periodic plate with embedded acoustic black holes and bandgaps for broadband sound radiation reduction22
Seabed type and source parameters predictions using ship spectrograms in convolutional neural networks22
Measurement of the ultrasound attenuation and dispersion in 3D-printed photopolymer materials from 1 to 3.5 MHz22
Equivalence between angular spectrum-based and multipole expansion-based formulas of the acoustic radiation force and torque22
Speech emotion recognition based on transfer learning from the FaceNet framework22
Resolvent-based modeling of turbulent jet noise21
Theory of pressure acoustics with thermoviscous boundary layers and streaming in elastic cavities21
A place to share teaching resources: Speech and language resource bank21
Perfect low-frequency sound absorption of rough neck embedded Helmholtz resonators21
Design and characterization of a three-dimensional anisotropic additively manufactured pentamode material21
An extra-broadband compact sound-absorbing structure composing of double-layer resonator with multiple perforations21
The myth of categorical perception20
How could operational underwater sound from future offshore wind turbines impact marine life?20
Estimating target strength and physical characteristics of gas-bearing mesopelagic fish from wideband in situ echoes using a viscous-elastic scattering model20
Nonlinear ultrasonic technique for the characterization of microstructure in additive materials20
The near field, Westervelt far field, and inverse-law far field of the audio sound generated by parametric array loudspeakers20
Urban noise measurements in the City of Buenos Aires during the mandatory quarantine19
Detecting, classifying, and counting blue whale calls with Siamese neural networks19
A deep learning approach for the fast generation of acoustic holograms19
Spherical oscillations of encapsulated microbubbles: Effect of shell compressibility and anisotropy19
Acoustic detection range and population density of Cuvier's beaked whales estimated from near-surface hydrophones19
The Royal Tajo Opera Theatre of Lisbon: From architecture to acoustics19
Time-domain room acoustic simulations with extended-reacting porous absorbers using the discontinuous Galerkin method19
Dependence of lung ultrasound vertical artifacts on frequency, bandwidth, focus and angle of incidence: An in vitro study19
Validating a psychoacoustic model of voice quality19
Acoustic radiation torque on a particle in a fluid: An angular spectrum based compact expression19
Extended high-frequency audiometry in research and clinical practice19
The effect of Mandarin listeners' musical and pitch aptitude on perceptual learning of Cantonese level-tones18
In situ characterization of laser-generated melt pools using synchronized ultrasound and high-speed X-ray imaging18
Numerical investigation of wave steepening and shock coalescence near a cold Mach 3 jet18
Multiple source localization using learning-based sparse estimation in deep ocean18
Scaleable production of microbubbles using an ultrasound-modulated microfluidic device18
Acoustic radiation from a cylindrical shell with a voided soft elastic coating18
Effects of Pacific Summer Water layer variations and ice cover on Beaufort Sea underwater sound ducting18
Numerical study on lung ultrasound B-line formation as a function of imaging frequency and alveolar geometries18
FORUM: Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics18
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics18
Conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial networks applied to acoustic metamaterial design18
Attenuation of Rayleigh waves due to surface roughness18
Low-frequency multi-order acoustic absorber based on spiral metasurface17
Phase shift approach for engineering desired radiation force: Acoustic pulling force example17
Longitudinal wave attenuation in polycrystals with elongated grains: 3D numerical and analytical modeling17
A review on B/A measurement methods with a clinical perspective17
Acoustic and thermoacoustic properties of an additive manufactured lattice structure17
Perceptual implications of different Ambisonics-based methods for binaural reverberation17
Investigating age, hearing loss, and background noise effects on speaker-targeted head and eye movements in three-way conversations17
Detection of envelope modulation and direction of arrival estimation of multiple noise sources with an acoustic vector sensor17
Deep perceptual embeddings for unlabelled animal sound events17
Perception of the acoustic environment during COVID-19 lockdown in Argentina17
Intelligibility and recall of sentences spoken by adult and child talkers wearing face masks17
Multidimensional analyses of the noise impacts of COVID-19 lockdown16
Evaluation of numerical predictions of sonic boom level variability due to atmospheric turbulence16
Automatic detection and classification of bearded seal vocalizations in the northeastern Chukchi Sea using convolutional neural networks16
Deep learning assisted sound source localization using two orthogonal first-order differential microphone arrays16
Repetition detection and rapid auditory learning for stochastic tone clouds16
Sound field reconstruction using block sparse Bayesian learning equivalent source method16
Deep learning-based high-frequency source depth estimation using a single sensor16
Acoustic trapping based on surface displacement of resonance modes16
Perceptual similarity between piano notes: Simulations with a template-based perception model16
A landmark article on nonlinear time-domain modeling in musical acoustics16
A fast computational model for near- and far-field noise prediction due to offshore pile driving16
Visual geometry Group-UNet: Deep learning ultrasonic image reconstruction for curved parts16
Observations of upper ocean sound-speed structures in the North Pacific and their effects on long-range acoustic propagation at low and mid-frequencies16
Deconvolved frequency-difference beamforming for a linear array16
Sideband peak count-index technique for monitoring multiple cracks in plate structures using ordinary state-based peri-ultrasound theory16
Spatial reconstruction of sound fields using local and data-driven functions16
Eigenfrequency optimisation of free violin plates16
How electrically evoked compound action potentials in chronically implanted guinea pigs relate to auditory nerve health and electrode impedance16
Elastic wave velocity dispersion in polycrystals with elongated grains: Theoretical and numerical analysis16
Speech compensation responses and sensorimotor adaptation to formant feedback perturbations15
Head-related transfer function recommendation based on perceptual similarities and anthropometric features15
Validation of cepstral peak prominence in assessing early voice changes of Parkinson's disease: Effect of speaking task and ambient noise15
Psychoacoustic modelling of rotor noise15
Meta-learning-aided orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for underwater acoustic communications15
Acoustical properties of 3D printed thermoplastics15
Acoustic study of the Roman theatre of Pompeii: Comparison between existing condition and future installation of two parametric acoustic shells15
Signatures of microstreaming patterns induced by non-spherically oscillating bubbles15
The influence of irregular terrain on infrasonic propagation in the troposphere15
Acoustic radiation force and torque on spheroidal particles in an ideal cylindrical chamber15
Using machine learning to automate ultrasound-based classification of butt-fused joints in medium-density polyethylene gas pipes15
A binaural model implementing an internal noise to predict the effect of hearing impairment on speech intelligibility in non-stationary noises15
Evaluation method for acoustic underwater propulsion systems15
Classification of broadband target spectra in the mesopelagic using physics-informed machine learning15
Predicting synapse counts in living humans by combining computational models with auditory physiology15
Predicting transmission loss in underwater acoustics using convolutional recurrent autoencoder network14
Multitask convolutional neural network for acoustic localization of a transiting broadband source using a hydrophone array14
Use of multipath time-delay ratio for source depth estimation with a vertical line array in deep water14
How reliable are online speech intelligibility studies with known listener cohorts?14
Investigating phoneme-dependencies of spherical voice directivity patterns14
The influence of droplet concentration on phase change and inertial cavitation thresholds associated with acoustic droplet vaporization14
An acoustic investigation of non-uniformly structured porous coated cylinders in uniform flow14
Role of semantic context and talker variability in speech perception of cochlear-implant users and normal-hearing listeners14
Tensor-based basis function learning for three-dimensional sound speed fields14
Broadband square cloak in elastic wave metamaterial plate with active control14
Musicians show enhanced perception, but not production, of native lexical tones14
Automated extraction of dolphin whistles—A sequential Monte Carlo probability hypothesis density approach14
Data augmentation for the classification of North Atlantic right whales upcalls14
Unsupervised analysis of background noise sources in active offices14
Contribution of laryngeal size to differences between male and female voice production14
A feature-based data association method for multiple acoustic source localization in a distributed microphone array14
Audiovisual speech perception: Moving beyond McGurk14
An effectively causal deep learning algorithm to increase intelligibility in untrained noises for hearing-impaired listeners14
Origin and mitigation of wind noise on balloon-borne infrasound microbarometers14
Brightness perception for musical instrument sounds: Relation to timbre dissimilarity and source-cause categories14
Iterative channel estimation-based soft successive interference cancellation for multiuser underwater acoustic communications14
Use of the filtered-x least-mean-squares algorithm to adapt personal sound zones in a car cabin14
BeamLearning: An end-to-end deep learning approach for the angular localization of sound sources using raw multichannel acoustic pressure data14
High-resolution spherical directivity of live speech from a multiple-capture transfer function method14
Study on acoustic radiation force of an elastic sphere in an off-axial Gaussian beam using localized approximation13
Shear wave dispersion analysis of incompressible waveguides13
Acoustoelasticity in transversely isotropic soft tissues: Quantification of muscle nonlinear elasticity13
A porous medium model for mud13
Necessary and sufficient conditions for resonant mixing of plane waves in elastic solids with quadratic nonlinearity13
Underwater-art: Expanding information perspectives with text templates for underwater acoustic target recognition13
Lung mass density prediction using machine learning based on ultrasound surface wave elastography and pulmonary function testing13
Speech and noise levels measured in occupied K–12 classrooms13
A temporal-spectral generative adversarial network based end-to-end packet loss concealment for wideband speech transmission13
An entirely reverse-engineered finite element model of a classical guitar in comparison with experimental data13
Noise of underwater explosions in the North Sea. A comparison of experimental data and model predictions13
Effects of multiaxial pre-stress on Lamb and shear horizontal guided waves13
Using deep learning for acoustic event classification: The case of natural disasters13
Generative models for sound field reconstruction13
Fast multipole accelerated boundary element methods for room acoustics13
Lima soundscape before confinement and during curfew. Airplane flights suppressions because of Peruvian lockdown13
The effect of leading edge porosity on airfoil turbulence interaction noise13
Sound detection by Atlantic cod: An overview13
Vocal fold dynamics in a synthetic self-oscillating model: Intraglottal aerodynamic pressure and energy13
An iterative approach to optimize loudspeaker placement for multi-zone sound field reproduction13
Individual variability in auditory feedback processing: Responses to real-time formant perturbations and their relation to perceptual acuity13
Mean acoustic fields exerted on a subwavelength axisymmetric particle13
Investigating training-test data splitting strategies for automated segmentation and scoring of COVID-19 lung ultrasound images13
Vertical and slanted sound propagation in the near-ground atmosphere: Amplitude and phase fluctuations13
Amplitude modulated wind farm noise relationship with annoyance: A year-long field study13
Effects of cricothyroid and thyroarytenoid interaction on voice control: Muscle activity, vocal fold biomechanics, flow, and acoustics12
Source level and vocalizing depth estimation of two blue whale subspecies in the western Indian Ocean from single sensor observations12
Automated two-dimensional localization of underwater acoustic transient impulses using vector sensor image processing (vector sensor localization)12
Anthropogenic noise variation in Indian cities due to the COVID-19 lockdown during March-to-May 202012
Tracking time differences of arrivals of multiple sound sources in the presence of clutter and missed detections12
Model-based localization of deep-diving cetaceans using towed line array acoustic data12
General adaptation to accented English: Speech intelligibility unaffected by perceived source of non-native accent12
The effects of lexical content, acoustic and linguistic variability, and vocoding on voice cue perception12
Engineering three-dimensional labyrinthine fractal acoustic metamaterials with low-frequency multi-band sound suppression12
Active acoustic cloaking and illusions of sound-hard bodies using the boundary element method12
Ultra-sparse metamaterials absorber for broadband low-frequency sound with free ventilation12
Spectral envelope position and shape in sustained musical instrument sounds12
The acoustical properties of tetraethyl orthosilicate based granular silica aerogels12
Elastic wave cloak and invisibility of piezoelectric/piezomagnetic mechanical metamaterials12
Nonplanar metasurface for perfect absorption of sound waves12
A neurotrophic approach to treating hearing loss: Translation from animal models to clinical proof-of-concept12
Drone noise directivity and psychoacoustic evaluation using a hemispherical microphone array12
Fluid-structure-acoustic interactions in an ex vivo porcine phonation model12
Plate-type acoustic metamaterials with strip masses12
Annoyance, perception, and physiological effects of wind turbine infrasound12
Sonar target representation using two-dimensional Gabor wavelet features12
Ultrasound characterization of bioinspired functionally graded soft-to-hard composites: Experiment and modeling12
Physical effects of sound exposure from underwater explosions on Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus): Effects on non-auditory tissues12
Theoretical analysis of a contactless transportation system for cylindrical objects based on ultrasonic levitation12
Are source-filter interactions detectable in classical singing during vowel glides?12
Polarization of ocean acoustic normal modes12
A functional regression analysis of vessel source level measurements from the Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) database12
Characteristics of thermospheric infrasound predicted using ray tracing and weakly non-linear waveform analyses12
Click evoked middle ear muscle reflex: Spectral and temporal aspects12
Weighted pressure matching with windowed targets for personal sound zones12
School-age children benefit from voice gender cue differences for the perception of speech in competing speech12
Observations of sound-speed fluctuations in the Beaufort Sea from summer 2016 to summer 201712
Speech recognition as a function of the number of channels for an array with large inter-electrode distances12
Distinctions between single and twin impinging jet dynamics12
Mel frequency cepstral coefficient temporal feature integration for classifying squeak and rattle noise12
Sensitivity analysis of acoustic eigenfrequencies by using a boundary element method12
Frequency-difference autoproduct cross-term analysis and cancellation for improved ambiguity surface robustness12
Study of a thermoacoustic-Stirling engine connected to a piston-crank-flywheel assembly12
Perceptual analysis of directional late reverberation12
Seabed classification from merchant ship-radiated noise using a physics-based ensemble of deep learning algorithms12
Tank acoustics substantially distort broadband sounds produced by marine crustaceans12
Analysis of correlation between window duration for kurtosis computation and accuracy of noise-induced hearing loss prediction12
North Sea soundscapes from a fish perspective: Directional patterns in particle motion and masking potential from anthropogenic noise12
Modeling three-dimensional underwater acoustic propagation over multi-layered fluid seabeds using the equivalent source method12
Sensitivity analysis of pinna morphology on head-related transfer functions simulated via a parametric pinna model12
Closed-form existence conditions for bandgap resonances in a finite periodic chain under general boundary conditions11
Nonlinear crosstalk in broadband multi-channel echosounders11
Deep-learning geoacoustic inversion using multi-range vertical array data in shallow water11
Aliasing-free broadband direction of arrival estimation using a frequency-difference technique11
Multiband asymmetric sound absorber enabled by ultrasparse Mie resonators11
Speech intelligibility for various head orientations of a listener in an automobile using the speech transmission index11
Modeling propagation in shallow water with the range-dependent sea surfaces and fluid seabeds using the equivalent source method11
Extreme anisotropy and dispersion engineering in locally resonant acoustic metamaterials11
Performance metrics for marine mammal signal detection and classification11
Interferometric processing of hydroacoustic signals for the purpose of source localization11
Do you have COVID-19? An artificial intelligence-based screening tool for COVID-19 using acoustic parameters11
On the use of the Lloyd's Mirror effect to infer the depth of vocalizing fin whales11
Evaluation of aspiration problems in L2 English pronunciation employing machine learning11
Reduction of roadway noise in a coastal city underwater soundscape during COVID-19 confinement11
A subjective and objective evaluation of a codec for the electrical stimulation patterns of cochlear implants11
Gridless three-dimensional compressive beamforming with the Sliding Frank-Wolfe algorithm11
Influence of nasal cavities on voice quality: Computer simulations and experiments11
Don't force it! Gradient speech categorization calls for continuous categorization tasks11
The acoustic realization of language-specific phonological categories despite dynamic cross-linguistic influence in bilingual and trilingual speech11