Accounting Review

(The median citation count of Accounting Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Why is Corporate Virtue in the Eye of The Beholder? The Case of ESG Ratings430
Evolution in Value Relevance of Accounting Information184
Theory Testing and Process Evidence in Accounting Experiments89
Out of Control: The (Over) Use of Controls in Accounting Research82
Policy Uncertainty and Accounting Quality65
The Political Dynamics of Corporate Tax Avoidance: The Chinese Experience65
Deterrent Disclosure61
The Effects of Tax Avoidance News on Employee Perceptions of Managers and Firms: Evidence from Ratings54
Real Effects of Private Country-by-Country Disclosure51
The Disclosure and Consequences of U.S. Critical Audit Matters50
Soft Information in the Financial Press and Analyst Revisions49
The Role of Private Disclosures in Markets with Weak Institutions: Evidence from Market Liberalization in China47
CEO Overconfidence and the Timeliness of Goodwill Impairments43
The Real Effects of Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure: Evidence from Supply Chain Transparency42
The Importance of IRS Enforcement to Stock Price Crash Risk: The Role of CEO Power and Incentives40
Are Lengthy and Boilerplate Risk Factor Disclosures Inadequate? An Examination of Judicial and Regulatory Assessments of Risk Factor Language40
When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers' Mandatory Disclosures on Firms' Voluntary Disclosures37
Do Disruptive Life Events Affect How Analysts Assess Risk? Evidence from Deadly Hurricanes37
Terrorist Attacks, Managerial Sentiment, and Corporate Disclosures35
The Impact of the CEO's Personal Narcissism on Non-GAAP Earnings32
Shareholder Litigation and Conservative Accounting: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws31
Mandatory Internal Control Audits, Audit Adjustments, and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from China31
Product Market Peers and Relative Performance Evaluation30
The Role of Peer Events in Corporate Governance: Evidence from Data Breaches30
Measuring Accounting Fraud and Irregularities Using Public and Private Enforcement27
The Importance of Partner Narcissism to Audit Quality: Evidence from Taiwan26
Real Effects of Financial Reporting on Innovation: Evidence from Tax Law and Accounting Standards24
Repatriation Taxes, Internal Agency Conflicts, and Subsidiary-Level Investment Efficiency24
Industry-Specific Knowledge Transfer in Audit Firms: Evidence from Audit Firm Mergers in China24
The Cost of Fraud Prediction Errors23
The Decreasing Trend in U.S. Cash Effective Tax Rates: The Role of Growth in Pre-Tax Income23
The Revolving Door between Large Audit Firms and the PCAOB: Implications for Future Inspection Reports and Audit Quality23
Examining the Examiners: SEC Error Detection Rates and Human Capital Allocation23
The Regulatory Role of Credit Ratings and Voluntary Disclosure22
Investor Relations, Engagement, and Shareholder Activism22
Another Look at the Macroeconomic Information Content of Aggregate Earnings: Evidence from the Labor Market22
The Pitch: Managers’ Disclosure Choice during Initial Public Offering Roadshows22
Foreign Employment, Income Shifting, and Tax Uncertainty22
Political Bias in the Media's Coverage of Firms' Earnings Announcements22
Information Externalities of SFAS 161: Evidence from Supply Chains22
Human Versus Machine: A Comparison of Robo-Analyst and Traditional Research Analyst Investment Recommendations21
Do Firms Redact Information from Material Contracts to Conceal Bad News?20
Insider Sales under the Threat of Short Sellers: New Hypothesis and New Tests20
The Effect of Auditor Reporting Choice and Audit Committee Oversight on Management Financial Disclosures20
Policeman for the World: The Impact of Extraterritorial FCPA Enforcement on Foreign Investment and Internal Controls20
Spillover Effects in Disclosure-Related Securities Litigation20
From Accounting to Economics: The Role of Aggregate Special Items in Gauging the State of the Economy19
Can FinTech Competition Improve Sell-Side Research Quality?19
The Usefulness of Financial Accounting Information: Evidence from the Field19
Do Rewards Encourage Professional Skepticism? It Depends19
Financial Statement Complexity and Bank Lending19
Tax Loss Carrybacks as Firm Fiscal Stimulus: A Tale of Two Recessions18
Audit Office Labor Market Proximity and Audit Quality18
Effective Tax Planning18
Who Pays Attention to SEC Form 8-K?18
The Determinants and Consequences of Big 4 Lobbying Positions on Proposed Financial Accounting Standards18
CEO Tenure and Firm Value18
Net Operating Loss Carryforwards and Corporate Savings Policies17
Enhancing Auditors' Reliance on Data Analytics under Inspection Risk Using Fixed and Growth Mindsets17
The Role of Audit Firms in Spreading Depositor Contagion17
Emotions and Managerial Judgment: Evidence from Sunshine Exposure17
Credit Information Sharing and Loan Loss Recognition17
The Determinants and Informativeness of Non-GAAP Revenue Disclosures17
Do Director Networks Help Managers Forecast Better?17
The Effect of Staff Auditor Reputation on Audit Quality Enhancing Actions17
Does Board Demographic Diversity Enhance Cognitive Diversity and Monitoring?16
Income Smoothing through R&D Management and Earnings Informativeness16
Cost Structure, Operating Leverage, and CDS Spreads16
Outside Opportunities, Managerial Risk Taking, and CEO Compensation16
Active Funds and Bundled News16
The Possible Weakening of Financial Accounting from Tax Reforms16
Spillover Effects of Tax Avoidance on Peers' Firm Value16
The Impact of Shareholder Litigation Risk on Equity Incentives: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment15
Organized Labor and Inventory Stockpiling15
Can Shareholders Benefit from Consumer Protection Disclosure Mandates? Evidence from Data Breach Disclosure Laws15
Voluntary Disclosure Responses to Mandated Disclosure: Evidence from Australian Corporate Tax Transparency15
Beyond Borders: Uncertainty in Supragovernmental Tax Enforcement and Corporate Investment15
Don't Make Me Look Bad: How the Audit Market Penalizes Auditors for Doing Their Job14
Securities-Based Crowdfunding by Startups: Does Auditor Attestation Matter?14
Fundamental Analysis and Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolios14
Shadow Trading14
Disclosure Speed: Evidence from Nonpublic SEC Investigations14
The Role of Assurance in Equity Crowdfunding14
Do High-Quality Auditors Improve Non-GAAP Reporting?14
Organized Crime and Firms' Financial Statements: Evidence from Criminal Investigations in Italy13
Managerial Response to Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Implications for Firm Profitability13
Do Managers' Nonnative Accents Influence Investment Decisions?13
It's Not Only What You Say … How Communication Style and Team Culture Affect Audit Issue Follow-Up and Auditor Performance Evaluations13
Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation and Non-GAAP Income Statements13
Investment as the Opportunity Cost of Dividend Signaling13
A Tale of Two Enforcement Venues: Determinants and Consequences of the SEC's Choice of Enforcement Venue After the Dodd-Frank Act13
The Deterrent Effect of Insider Trading Enforcement Actions13
Aggressive Tax Avoiders: U.S. Multinationals Shifting Domestic Earnings to Zero12
Are Investors Influenced by the Order of Information in Earnings Press Releases?12
The Role of Gender in the Aggressive Questioning of CEOs During Earnings Conference Calls12
The Informational Role of Investor Relations: Evidence from the Debt Market12
Audit Committee Accounting Expertise and the Mitigation of Strategic Auditor Behavior12
Legal Expertise and the Role of Litigation Risk in Firms' Conservatism Choices11
How Costly is Tax Avoidance? Evidence from Structural Estimation11
Why Do Large Positive Non-GAAP Earnings Adjustments Predict Abnormally High CEO Pay?11
The Impact of Partners' Economic Incentives on Audit Quality in Big 4 Partnerships11
The Dark Side of Investor Conferences: Evidence of Managerial Opportunism11
Debt and Voluntary Disclosure11
Interplay between Accounting and Prudential Regulation11
The Effects of Critical Audit Matter Disclosure on Audit Effort, Investor Scrutiny, and Investment Efficiency11
Investor Disagreement, Disclosure Processing Costs, and Trading Volume Evidence from Social Media11
Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Quantitative versus Qualitative Inputs to Analyst Risk Forecasts10
Are Level 3 Fair Value Remeasurements Useful? Evidence from ASC 820 Rollforward Disclosures10
Auditor Actions and the Deterrence of Manager Opportunism: The Importance of Communication to the Board and Consistency with Peer Behavior10
Taxes and Haven Activities: Evidence from Linguistic Cues10
Do Internal Control Weaknesses Affect Firms’ Demand for Accounting Skills? Evidence from U.S. Job Postings10
The Role of Subjectivity in Mitigating Incentive Contracting Risks10
Managers’ Strategic Use of Concurrent Disclosure: Evidence from 8-K Filings and Press Releases10
Bank Competition and Borrower Conservatism10
Can Employees Exercise Control Over Managers? The Role of the Employees' Knowledge of Manager Behavior and Manager Discretion10
The Value of Eliciting Information: Evidence from Sell-Side Analysts9
Economic Determinants and Consequences of Performance Target Difficulty9
Analyst Dividend Forecasts and Their Usefulness to Investors9
The Spillover Effect of Consolidating Securitization Entities on Small Business Lending9
Financial Reporting, Auditing, Analyst Scrutiny, and Investment Efficiency9
Nonprofessional Investor Judgments: Linking Dependent Measures to Constructs9
Are Tax Havens and Offshore Financial Centers Cracked Down On? A Study on the International Standard of Exchange of Information on Request9
Are SPAC Revenue Forecasts Informative?9
Understanding and Deterring Misreporting in Nonprofits: The Joint Effects of Pay Level and Penalty Type9
Information, Incentives, and Attention: A Field Experiment on the Interaction of Management Controls9
Expected Stock Returns Worldwide: A Log-Linear Present-Value Approach9
Using Economic Links between Firms to Detect Accounting Fraud9
Do Depositors Respond to Banks’ Social Performance?9
Corporate Governance and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from U.S. Cross-Listing9
Wearing out the Watchdog: The Impact of SEC Case Backlog on the Formal Investigation Process9
The Informational Value of Segment Data Disaggregated by Underlying Industry: Evidence from the Textual Features of Business Descriptions9
The Effects of Income Tax Timing on Retirement Investment Decisions9
Accounting Reporting Complexity and Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure9
Fair Value Measurement Discretion and Opportunistic Avoidance of Impairment Loss Recognition8
The Effect of Accrual Heterogeneity on Accrual Quality Inferences8
Corporate Control Contests and the Asymmetric Disclosure of Bad News: Evidence from Peer Firm Disclosure Response to Takeover Threat8
Cheating for the Cause: The Effects of Performance-Based Pay on Socially Oriented Misreporting8
Does Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Regulatory Enforcement Deter Low-Quality Audits?8
Lender Monitoring and the Efficacy of Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives8
Contracting with Controllable Risk8
Auditor Integration of IT Specialist Input on Internal Control Issues: How a Weaker Team Identity Can Be Beneficial8
Blame Attribution and Disclosure Propensity8
Do Managers Learn from Analysts about Investing? Evidence from Internal Capital Allocation8
Measuring Multidimensional Investment Opportunity Sets with 10-K Text8
Is It Better to Kill Two Birds with One Stone? Internal Control Audit Quality and Audit Costs for Integrated versus Nonintegrated Audits8
Accounting Quality and Alliance Contract Provisions8
Contemporary Conflicts in Perspectives on Work Hours across Hierarchical Levels in Public Accounting8
Bond Market Transparency and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from a Natural Experiment8
Growth Matters: Disclosure and Risk Premium8
Leading by Example in Socially Driven Organizations: The Effect of Transparent Leader Compensation Contracts on Following7
Entity Structure and Taxes: An Analysis of Embedded Pass-Through Entities7
What Happens When Managers Are Informed? Effects of Critical Audit Matter Awareness and Auditor Relationship on Managers' Accounting Estimates7
Dark Market Share around Earnings Announcements and Speed of Resolution of Investor Disagreement7
Financial Reporting Discretion, Managerial Myopia, and Investment Efficiency7
Do Digital Technology Firms Earn Excess Profits? Alternative Perspectives7
Proprietary Costs: Why Do R&D-Active Firms Choose Single-Lender Financing?7
Disclosure to Regulate Learning in Product Markets from the Stock Market7
Consequences of Prescribed Disclosure Timeliness: Evidence from Acceleration of the Form 8-K Filing Deadline7
Peer Effects and Disclosure Timing: Evidence from Earnings Announcements7
Disciplining Role of Auditor Tenure and Mandatory Auditor Rotation7
Disclosure Regulation and Competitive Interactions: Evidence from the Oil and Gas Industry7
Auditor Specialization and Information Spillovers7
Understanding the Sustainability Reporting Landscape and Research Opportunities in Accounting7
Strategic Choice of Presentation Format: The Case of ETR Reconciliations7
Private Lenders' Use of Analyst Earnings Forecasts When Establishing Debt Covenant Thresholds7
Institutional Dual-Holders and Managers' Earnings Disclosure7
The Effect of Innovation Box Regimes on Investment and Employment Activity7
The Effect of Market Transparency on Corporate Disclosure: Evidence from the Observability of Bond Prices and Trading7
Forecast Withdrawals and Reporting Reputation7
The Effect of Supervisors’ Prior Task Performance on Employees’ Targets6
How Social Norms and Social Identification Constrain Aggressive Reporting Behavior6
Career Concerns, Investment, and Management Forecasts6
Construct Validity in Accruals Quality Research6
Strategic Timing of IPOs and Disclosure: A Dynamic Model of Multiple Firms6
Disclosure and Investor Inattention: Theory and Evidence6
The Effect of Financial Statement Incomparability on Investment Decisions6
When Does the Internal Audit Function Enhance Audit Committee Effectiveness?6
Auditor Style and Common Disclosure Issues: Evidence from SEC Comment Letters6
Ambiguous Sticks and Carrots: The Effect of Contract Framing and Payoff Ambiguity on Employee Effort6
Do Corporate Taxes Affect Executive Compensation?6
How Does SEC Review Correspondence Affect Investors' Judgments? The Role of Access Costs and Review Ambiguity6
Law Firms as Tax Planning Service Providers6
Do Shared Auditors Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from Banking Relationships6
Audit Efficiency and Effectiveness Consequences of Accounting System Homogeneity across Audit Clients: A New Form of Knowledge Spillover?6
Financial Reporting Quality and Myopic Investments: Theory and Evidence6
Simplifying Complex Disclosures: Evidence from Disclosure Regulation in the Mortgage Markets5
Reporting of Investment Expenditure: Should It Be Aggregated with Operating Cash Flows?5
Do Firms Respond to Peer Disclosures? Evidence from Disclosures of Clinical Trial Results5
Expected Loan Loss Provisioning: An Empirical Model5
Private Pre-Decision Information and the Pay–Performance Relation5
Ending at the Wrong Time: The Financial Reporting Consequences of a Uniform Fiscal Year-End5
Losers of CEO Tournaments: Incentives, Turnover, and Career Outcomes5
CFO Gaps: Determinants and Impact on the Corporate Information Environment5
Does Seeking Audit Evidence Impede the Willingness to Impose Audit Adjustments?5
Decision Facilitating Information and Induced Volatility: A Study of Tradeoffs in Accounting Disclosure5
Accounting for Leases and Corporate Investment5
The Information Content of Publicly Accessible Federal Court Documents5
Regulator Continuity and Decision-Making Quality: Evidence from SEC Comment Letters5
Relative Performance Evaluation and Strategic Differentiation5
Accounting Restatements and Bank Liquidity Creation5
The Effect of Telecommuting on Information Acquisition: Evidence from the U.S. Patent Office5
Working Longer but Not Harder: The Effects of Incentivizing Inputs versus Outputs in a Heterogeneous Workforce5
Improving Performance on Low-Level Audit Tasks: The Interactive Effect of Regulatory Fit and Professional Identity5
Understanding the Ecosystem of Enterprise Risk Governance5
Non-Price and Price Performance Vesting Provisions and CEO Incentives5
The Effect of Mandatory Disclosure Dissemination on Information Asymmetry among Investors: Evidence from the Implementation of the EDGAR System5
Do Companies Redact Material Information from Confidential SEC Filings? Evidence from the FAST Act5
Anticipatory Effects around Proposed Regulation: Evidence from Basel III5
Stock Price Management and Share Issuance: Evidence from Equity Warrants4
Private Information Acquisition via Freedom of Information Act Requests Made to the Securities and Exchange Commission4
Charitable Contribution Matching and Effort-Elicitation4
Withholding Taxes, Compliance Cost, and Foreign Portfolio Investment4
Client Consulting Opportunities and the Reemergence of Big 4 Consulting Practices: Implications for the Audit Market4
Changes in Risk Factor Disclosures and the Variance Risk Premium4
A Habit Strength-Based Explanation for Auditors' Use of Simple Cognitive Processes for Complex Tasks4
How Useful Are Tax Disclosures in Predicting Effective Tax Rates? A Machine Learning Approach4
The Role of Social Bonds in Understanding the Pre- and Post-Recognition Effects of Recognition Visibility4
What Matters for In-House Tax Planning: Tax Function Power and Status4
Measuring Accounting Asset Informativeness4
Management’s Reporting Motives and the Leniency of Auditors’ Internal Control Evaluations: The Role of Organizational Identification and Auditor-Type4
The Effect of Audit Firm Internal Inspections on Auditor Effort and Financial Reporting Quality4
The Spillover Effect of Peer CEO Turnover on Real Earnings Management4
The Value of Auditor Industry Specialization: Evidence from a Structural Model4
The Influence of Institutional Differences on Control Mechanisms in Alliances4
How Controlling Failure Perceptions Affects Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment4
Complementarity between Audited Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of Former Andersen Clients4
Short-Selling and Information Arrival around Earnings Announcements: Evidence from Regulation SHO4
Measuring the Information Content of Disclosures: The Role of Return Noise4
Interactive Auditor-Client Negotiations: The Effects of the Accumulating Nature and Direction of Audit Differences4
Management Going Concern Disclosure, Mitigation Plan, and Failure Prediction—Implications from ASU 2014-154
Asymmetric Disclosure, Noise Trade, and Firm Valuation4
Initial Task Engagement: Unlocking the Value of Fit and Non-Fit to Improve Audit Judgments3
Revising A Voluntary Disclosure Decision3
Audit Quality and Investment Efficiency with Endogenous Analyst Information3
Tax Competition and Employment3
Insider Trading in News Deserts3
Performance-Vesting Share Award Outcomes and CEO Incentives3
Strategic Nondisclosure in Takeovers3
Formalizing the Informal: Adopting a Formal Culture-Fit Measurement System in the Employee-Selection Process3
Leader Effects in Competition among Teams: Evidence from a Field Intervention3
The Economics of Audit Production: What Matters for Audit Quality? An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Midlevel Managers within the Audit Firm3
Internal Performance Measures and Earnings Management: Evidence from Segment Earnings3
Dressing for the Occasion? Audit Quality in the Presence of Competition for New Clients3
Do Enterprise Risk Assessments Affect Tax Aggressiveness? Evidence from U.S. ORSA Regulation3
Do Firms Mimic Industry Leaders’ Accounting? Evidence from Financial Statement Comparability3
The Usefulness of Corporate Income Tax Accounting: Evidence from Pension Returns3
Incorporating Financial Statement Information to Improve Forecasts of Corporate Taxable Income3
Non-GAAP Reporting and Investment3
Subject Matter Complexity and Disclosure Channel Richness3
Lower Defeat Thresholds for Minority Shareholders and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Australian “Two-Strikes” Rule3