Accounting Review

(The H4-Index of Accounting Review is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Why is Corporate Virtue in the Eye of The Beholder? The Case of ESG Ratings430
Evolution in Value Relevance of Accounting Information184
Theory Testing and Process Evidence in Accounting Experiments89
Out of Control: The (Over) Use of Controls in Accounting Research82
The Political Dynamics of Corporate Tax Avoidance: The Chinese Experience65
Policy Uncertainty and Accounting Quality65
Deterrent Disclosure61
The Effects of Tax Avoidance News on Employee Perceptions of Managers and Firms: Evidence from Ratings54
Real Effects of Private Country-by-Country Disclosure51
The Disclosure and Consequences of U.S. Critical Audit Matters50
Soft Information in the Financial Press and Analyst Revisions49
The Role of Private Disclosures in Markets with Weak Institutions: Evidence from Market Liberalization in China47
CEO Overconfidence and the Timeliness of Goodwill Impairments43
The Real Effects of Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure: Evidence from Supply Chain Transparency42
Are Lengthy and Boilerplate Risk Factor Disclosures Inadequate? An Examination of Judicial and Regulatory Assessments of Risk Factor Language40
The Importance of IRS Enforcement to Stock Price Crash Risk: The Role of CEO Power and Incentives40
When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers' Mandatory Disclosures on Firms' Voluntary Disclosures37
Do Disruptive Life Events Affect How Analysts Assess Risk? Evidence from Deadly Hurricanes37
Terrorist Attacks, Managerial Sentiment, and Corporate Disclosures35
The Impact of the CEO's Personal Narcissism on Non-GAAP Earnings32
Mandatory Internal Control Audits, Audit Adjustments, and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from China31
Shareholder Litigation and Conservative Accounting: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws31
Product Market Peers and Relative Performance Evaluation30
The Role of Peer Events in Corporate Governance: Evidence from Data Breaches30
Measuring Accounting Fraud and Irregularities Using Public and Private Enforcement27
The Importance of Partner Narcissism to Audit Quality: Evidence from Taiwan26