Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

(The TQCC of Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Time Variations in the Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol in Moscow in Spring 202018
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Multi-Year Wildfires and Emissions of Trace Gases and Aerosols in Russia Based on Satellite Data15
Modern Arctic Climate Research: Progress, Change of Concepts, and Urgent Problems15
Spatiotemporal Variations in the Content of Pollutants in the Moscow Air Basin and Their Emissions14
Deformation Consequences of the Development оf Oil and Gas Field14
Changes in the Column Content and Vertical Distribution of NO2 According to the Results of 30-Year Measurements at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physi12
Transfer of the Substance of a Colored Drop in a Liquid Layer with Travelling Plane Gravity–Capillary Waves12
Anomalous Wildfires in Siberia in Summer 201912
Long-Term Tendencies of Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere of the Moscow Megapolis12
Simulated Pathways of the Northwestern Pacific Water in the Okhotsk Sea11
Search and Detection of Natural Oil Seeps in the Seas Surrounding the Russian Federation Using Spaseborne SAR Imagery9
Traces of Seismic Activity in Architectural Monuments in Derbent, Dagestan9
Geocryological and Hydrogeological Conditions of the Western Part of Nordenskiold Land (Spitsbergen Archipelago)9
Dynamic Processes of the Arctic Stratosphere in the 2020–2021 Winter9
Thermal Inversions and Their Influence on the Composition of the Surface Air Layer over Moscow9
The Appearance of Negative Values of the Skewness of Sea-Surface Waves8
Simulation of Present-Day Climate with the INMCM60 Model8
Helicity and Turbulence in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer8
Seasonal Dynamics of Red Blood Parameters in Healthy People in Regions with Different Types of Climate: a Meta-Analysis7
Impact of Inclusion of the Indirect Effects of Sulfate Aerosol on Radiation and Cloudiness in the INMCM Model7
Iterative Algorithm for Time Series Decomposition into Trend and Seasonality: Testing Using the Example of CO2 Concentrations in the Atmosphere7
Influence of the Shape of the Earth on the Characteristics of the Irradiation of the Earth7
Potential Vorticity in the Ocean: Ertel and Rossby Approaches with Estimates for the Lofoten Vortex7
Role of the Radiation Factor in Global Climatic Events of the Late Holocene7
Changes in the Frequency of Phase Transitions of Different Types of El NIño Phenomena in Recent Decades7
Lagrange Studies of Anomalously Stable Arctic Stratospheric Vortex Observed in Winter 2019–20207
Study of Thermal Fields before Strong Earthquakes in Turkey on March 8, 2010 (M = 6.1), and January 24, 2020 (M = 6.7)7
Analysis of the Variability of Stratospheric Gases Near St. Petersburg Using Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements7
Currents in the Bransfield Strait Based on Geostrophic Calculations and Data of Instrumental Measurements7
Oceanic Tide Model FES2014b: Comparison with Gravity Measurements7
Modeling the Influence of Ions on the Dynamics of Formation of Atmospheric Aerosol7
On the Change in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Benguela Upwelling Region: Part II. Long-Term Tendencies7
Internal Gravity Waves from an Oscillating Source in the Ocean7
Vertical Turbulent Dust-Aerosol Fluxes6
Frequency of Summer Atmospheric Blockings in the Northern Hemisphere in Different Phases of El Niño and Pacific Decadal and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations6
Trench Eddies in the Northwest Pacific: An Overview6
Vertical Distribution of Aleurite and Sand Particles in Windsand Flux over a Desertified Area6
Joint Analysis of Anomalies of Different Geophysical Fields, Recorded from Space before Strong Earthquakes in California6
Variability of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation in Different Phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation from Ocean Objective Analyses and Reanalyses6
Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Turbulence Measurements in the Atmosphere6
Possible Use of Satellite Geomagnetic Observations in Geological and Tectonic Studies of Lithosphere Structure6
Impact of Climatic Stresses and Volcanism on the Tendencies of the Cultural Process in the North Caucasus during the Late Pleistocene6
Improving the Calculation of the Sulfate Aerosol Evolution and Radiative Effects in the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Climate Model6
Lagrangian Analysis of Pacific Waters in the Sea of Okhotsk Based on Satellite Data in Application to the Walleye Pollock Fishery6
Concentration of Black Carbon in the Near-Surface Atmosphere in the Pechora-Ilych Natural Reserve: Measurements and Merra-2 Reanalysis6
Retrieving Sea Wave Spectra Based on High Resolution Satellite Imagery under Different Conditions of Wave Generation5
Circulation of Waters in the Northwestern Part of the Bering Sea According to Satellite Data5
Statistical Model of the Time Variability of the Characteristics of High-Altitude Jet Currents in the Northern Hemisphere Based on Satellite Measurements5
Bacterial Communities of Frozen Quaternary Sediments of Marine Origin on the Coast of Western Spitsbergen5
Experience of Studying the Turbulent Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle5
Equilibrium Sensitivity of a Climate Model to an Increase in the Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Using Different Methods to Account for Cloudiness5
Structural Control of Gold Mineralization of the Central Part of the Malouralsky Volcano–Plutonic Belt (the Polar Urals), Based on an Analysis of Multispectral Images from the Landsat 8 Spacecraft5
Parametric Structural Approach to Constructing Digital Models of the Relief and Gravitational Field of the Earth Using Analytical S-Approximations5
New Circulation Features in the Okhotsk Sea from a Numerical Model5
Cloud Detection from the Himawari-8 Satellite Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network5
Using the Load/Unload Response Ratio and Self-Developing Processes Methods of Analyzing Seismic Sequences to Predict Earthquakes in Sakhalin5
Remotely Registering Anomalous Variations in Lineament Systems of the Baikal Rift Zone during the M = 5.6 Earthquake of September 21, 20205
Application of Radar Polarimetry to Monitor Changes in Backscattering Mechanisms in Landslide Zones Using the Example of the Collapse of the Bureya River Bank5
Monitoring Landslide Processes by Means of L-Band Radar Interferometric Observations: Using the Example of the Bureya River Bank Caving5
Integral Index of Atmospheric Blocking Activity in the Northern Hemisphere in Recent Decades5
Seismic Effects and Anomalous Animal Behavior: Case Study of the September 21, 2020, Mw 5.5 Bystraya Earthquake (Southern Baikal Region)5
Influence of Wind Direction on the Size Distribution of Aeolian Microparticles5
Experimental Estimates of Integral Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions in the City of St. Petersburg5
An Optical Backscattersonde for Balloon Aerological Measurements5
Mapping and Assessing Landfills Surface Temperature Using Landsat 8 Satellite Data. A Case Study in Vietnam4
Variability of Extreme Air Temperatures and Precipitation in Different Natural Zones in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries According to ERA5 Reanalysis Data4
Stratified Flows Due to Spatial Inhomogeneities of Exchange Coefficients4
Relationship between Saury Fishing Grounds and Large-Scale Coherent Structures in the Ocean, According to Satellite Data4
Relationship between the Atmosphere Humidity Fields in the Gulf of Mexico and the Processes of Hurricane Origin and Development4
The Relationship between Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent and Temperature Changes in the Northern Hemisphere Based on Data for Recent Decades4
Observations of the Atmospheric Composition over Russia: TROICA Experiments4
Seasonal Variability and Annual Primary Production of Phytoplankton in the Laptev Sea Assessed by MODIS-Aqua Data4
Relationship between Natural Climate Variability and Equilibrium Sensitivity in the Climate Model of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Increasing СО24
Geographic Reference of MTVZA-GYa Radiometric Remote-Sensing Data4
Assessment of Land-Use Efficiency in Agriculture with the Application of GIS Technologies4
Some Features of the Intra-Annual Variability of Heat Fluxes in the North Atlantic4
Influence of Thermal Air Pollution on the Urban Climate (Estimates Using the COSMO-CLM Model)4
Field Tests of the Procedure for a Photogrammetric Estimation of Snow-Glacial Surface Albedo4
Clouds and Turbulence Theory: Peculiar Self-Similarity, 4/3 Fractal Exponent and Invariants4
Two-Dimensional Periodic Waves in an Inviscid Continuously Stratified Fluid4
Estimation of Radiative Forcing from Snow Darkening with Black Carbon Using Climate Model Data4
On the Dynamics of Inertial Particles in an Intensive Atmospheric Vortex4
Long-Term Tendencies of Intensity of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Assessed from Different Satellite Data. Part 1: Atlantic Upwellings4
Latitudinal Distribution of the Parameters of Internal Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere Derived from Amplitude Fluctuations of Radio Occultation Signals4
Connection between the Intellectual Excitability of Internet Users and Increases in Solar Activity4
On Taking into Consideration the Upper Layers of the Atmosphere to Simulate Orographic Disturbances in the Troposphere4
Estimating Agulhas Leakage by Means of Satellite Altimetry and Argo Data4
Analysis of Methane Concentration Anomalies over Burned Areas of the Boreal and Arctic Zone of Eastern Siberia in 2018–2019 Using TROPOMI Data4
Effects of Friction and Buoyancy Diffusion on the Dynamics of Geostrophic Oceanic Currents with a Linear Vertical Velocity Profile4
Results of Russian Studies of Polar Meteorology in 2015–20184
Satellite Monitoring of Multiyear Wildfires and Related Emissions of Harmful Trace Gases into the Air Environment of Australia4
Modeling Seasonal Variations in the Intensity of Internal Gravity Waves in the Lower Thermosphere3
Estimation of Carbon Balance in Steppe Ecosystems of Russia3
Medium-Term Earthquake Forecast Method Map of Expected Earthquakes: Results and Prospects3
The 580-Year Cycle of Lunar and Solar Eclipses as an Indicator of Climatic Oscillations for the Same Period3
Variation of Northern Hemispheric Wintertime Storm Tracks under Future Climate Change in INM-CM5 Simulations3
On the Development of Wave Disturbances of the Bottom Surface in Rivers and Channels3
On the Influence of Global Warming on the Ozone Layer and UVB Radiation3
Characterization of the Noise Covariance Matrix of the IKFS-2 Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer Measurements3
Frequency Spectra and Laws of Growth of Sea Waves from the Viewpoint of the Probabilistic Laws of A.N. Kolmogorov and His School3
On the Transfer of Microbubbles by Surface Waves3
Heterogeneities of the Short-Period S-Wave Attenuation Field in the Lithosphere of SouthWestern Japan3
Features of the Intrinsic L-Band Radiation of the Gulf of Ob during the Freeze-Up Period3
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Kola SG-3 Superdeep Borehole3
Statistical Analysis of Intra- and Interannual Variability of Extreme Values of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes in the North Atlantic in 1979–20213
Earthquake of February 3, 2016 in the Middle Baikal Region: Source Parameters and Macroseismic Effects3
Physical Foundations of Recent Geodynamics3
About the Annual Course of Moscow Heat Island and the Impact on It of the Quarantine Measures to Prevent the COVID-19 Pandemic in 20203
Detecting Lineament System Anomalies during Strong 6.4 and 7.1 Earthquakes in California from Satellite Imagery3
Cloud Radiative Forcing over Sea Ice in the Arctic during the Polar Night According to North Pole-37, -39, and -40 Drifting Stations3
The Use of Mini-Drifters in Coastal Current Measurements Conducted Concurrently with Satellite Imaging3
A New Theory of Change in the Insolation of the Earth over Millions of Years against Marine Isotope Stages3
Deformations in the Episcopal Basilica in Varna: Evidences of Strong Historical Earthquakes in Northwestern Bulgaria3
Reflection of Mantle-Plume Magmatism Processes in Lithospheric Magnetic Anomalies according to CHAMP Satellite Data3
Estate on Maslyanaya Mountain in the Chora of Tauric Chersonesos and Evidence of a Destructive Earthquake in Antiquity3
Registering from Space the Features of Deep Wastewater Outfalls into Coastal Water Areas Due to Discharge Collector Breaks3
The Influence of Moon Phases on the Frequency of Admissions to a Psychiatric Hospital3
Action as an Integral Characteristic of Atmospheric (Climatic) Structures: Estimates for Tropical Cyclones3
Constructing 3D Models of Rigid Objects from Satellite Images with High Spatial Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Networks3
Far Fields at the Interface between an Infinitely Deep Ocean and Ice Generated by a Localized Source3
Climate-Related Changes in the Vegetation Cover of the Taiga and Tundra of West Siberia over the Period of 1982–2015 Based on Satellite Data3
Determining Both Tropospheric and Stratospheric СО2 Contents Using a Ground-Based IR Spectroscopic Method3
Combined Analysis of Anomalous Variations in Various Geophysical Fields during Preparation of the M5.6 Earthquake near Lake Baikal on September 22, 2020, Based on Satellite Data3
An Algorithm for Adaptive Assessment in Time Series Seasonal Oscillations and Its Testing Based on the Example of Variations in the CO2 Concentration in the Atmosphere3
Multipoint Measurements of Temperature and Wind in the Surface Layer3
Oil Pollution in the Kerch Strait Based on Five-Year Monitoring with Synthetic Aperture Radar: Current Status and Main Sources3
Monitoring the State of the Landslide Zone on the Bureya River in 2018–2019 with Radar and Optical Satellite Images3
MaxEnt Modeling for Predicting Suitable Habitats in the North Caucasus (Russian Part) for Persian Leopard (P. p. ciscaucasica) Based on GPS Data from Collared and Released Animals3
Climate-Forced Changes of Bioproductivity of Terrestrial Ecosystems in Belarus3
Suicides and Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases Due to Space-Weather Factors in High Latitudes3
Algorithm for the Atmospheric Correction of Shortwave Channels of the MSU-MR Radiometer of the Meteor-M No. 2 Satellite3
Structural Elements of the Sea of Japan’s Basin and Adjacent Continental and Island Dry Land, According to Data from Space-Based Geological Investigations2
Nature of the Kergelen Plateau and Its Place in the Structural Plan of the Southern Sector of the Indian Ocean2
Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions in the Barents Sea from Reanalyses Data2
Seasonal and Diurnal Variability of the Thermal Skin Layer Characteristics Based on a Comparison of Satellite Measurements by SEVIRI and Data from Temperature-Profiling Drifters2
On the Theory of Symmetric Instability of Time-Periodic Flows with a Complete Account for the Coriolis Force2
Evolution of the Atmospheric Pressure Signal from the Tonga Volcano with Distance from It2
Seasonal Variability of Temperature Fronts in the Black Sea from Satellite Data2
Detection from Space of Anomalous Variations in Thermal Fields during Seismic Events in the Northern Caucasus in 2017–20222
On Vivid Manifestations of Perigean Spring Tides in the Atmosphere2
Megacity Aerosol Pollution and Atmospheric Electric Field Disturbances2
Potential Climate Impacts of Afforestation and Waterlogging in Belarus2
Methodological Approaches and Results of an Analysis of the Climatic Seasonal Course of Stable Stratification Parameters of a Dimictic Lake (Case Study of the Central Part of Lake Ladoga)2
Depth of Diagenetic Processes and Lower Boundary of the Biosphere in the South Caspian Basin2
Specifics of the Formation and Syngenetic Deformations of the Sharvaozero Kame (North Karelia)2
Using SRTM Elevation Matrices in Preliminary Calculations and Mapping of the Depths of the Potential Flood Inundation of Fluvial Plains2
Sea Ice Cover Detection of the Far Eastern Seas by Data of the MSU-MR Radiometer of the Meteor-M No. 2 Satellite2
Lithospheric Magnetic Anomalies over Large Igneous Province Territories2
Modified Technique for Calculating the Parameters of Climatic Variability of Upwelling by Thermal Index2
Mesoscale Circulation of Waters in the Region of the East Sakhalin Current (the Sea of Okhotsk)2
Parameterization of the Interaction between the Atmosphere and the Urban Surface: Current State and Prospects2
Analysis of the Reemergence of Winter Anomalies of Upper Ocean Characteristics in the North Atlantic from Reanalysis Data2
Climatic Criteria of the Need for Preventive Adaptation2
Submesoscale Eddies in the White Sea Based on Satellite Radar Measurements2
Large-Eddy Simulation and Parameterization of Decaying Turbulence in the Evening Transition of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer2
Laboratory and Numerical Study of the Peculiarities of Sea Surface Cooling in Coastal Waters2
Detection and Evaluation of the Slichter Mode Based on Long-Term Strain Observations2
On Ozone Depletion in the Mesosphere2
Assessment of Suspended Sediment Budget of the Lena River Delta Based on the Remote Sensing Dataset2
The Use of Artificial Neuron Networks for Retrieval Temperature and Humidity Sounding of the Atmosphere According to the Data of the MTVZA-GY Microwave Radiometer Installed on the Meteor-M No. 2-2 Sat2
Dusty Plasma of a Wind-Sand Flux in Desertified Areas2
Space Weather and Social Instability: Verifying D.O. Svyatskii and A.L. Chizhevskii’s Research Findings as a Case Study of the 12th–17th Centuries2
Transfer of Laser Pulses through the Atmosphere into Space in the Presence of Clouds of the Upper and Middle Tiers2
Distribution of Earthquake Foci with Depth as a Manifestation of the Nature of Deformation of the Continental Crust2
Analysis of Long-Term Measurements of Tropospheric Ozone at the St. Petersburg State University Observational Site in Peterhof2
Analyzing Causes for the Environmental Disaster in Kamchatka in Autumn 2020 Due to a Red Tide Based on Satellite Data2
The Relationship between the Seasonal Dynamics of Surface Temperature and NDVI in Urbanized Areas of an Arid Zone. The Case of the Volgograd Agglomeration2
Peculiarities of the Rock–Fluid System of the Subduction Zone in the South Caspian Basin2
Analysis of Sea-Ice Areas Undetectable by the ASI Algorithm Based on Satellite Microwave Radiometry in the Arctic Ocean2
Diurnal Variations of the Electric Field in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer2
Mesoscale Eddies in the Bering Sea from Satellite Altimetry Data2
Application of Models of the Earth’s Crust-Depth Structure Based on GOCE Satellite Gravitational Data for Forecasting and Prospecting Pb–Zn Deposits in the Arctic Zone of Russia2
Use of GIS Technologies to Create a Local Geoinformation System for Irrigated Land Accounting2
Spatial and Temporal Variations in CO2 Concentration in the Surface Atmospheric Layer of the Territory of the Russian Federation Based on the CAMS Database2
Ground-Based Spectroscopic Measurements of the Total Ammonia Content in the Vicinity of St. Petersburg2
Estimating Contributions of Natural Climate Variability Modes and Greenhouse Gases to Surface Temperature Trends in the Southern Hemisphere from Observations2
Heliogeophysical Conditions in Moscow during the Covid-19 Pandemic2
A Simple Description of the Turbulent Transport in a Stratified Shear Flow as Applied to the Description of Thermohydrodynamics of Inland Water Bodies2
Historical and Modern Seismicity of the Semipalatinsk Test Site2
Dependence of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Level on the Spatial Structure of the Landscape and Its Time Variability Using the Example of the West End of the Crimean Peninsula (Tarkhankut2
Numerical Modeling of the Influence of the Atmospheric Wind Field Structure on the Macro- and Microstructure Characteristics of Convective Clouds2
Variations in Sea Level and Geostrophic Currents in the East Siberian Sea and Laptev Sea under the Influence of Wind and Runoff of the Lena River2
Reflectionless Internal-Wave Propagation in a Channel with Variable Cross Section and Current2
Sub-Mesoscale Vortex Streets in the Region of the Shantar Islands (Sea of Okhotsk), According to Satellite Remote Sensing Data2
High-Performance Registration of Sea-Wave Spatial Spectra during the Operational Space Monitoring of Vast Water Areas2
Assessment of Anomalous Geodynamics before the 2023 Mw 7.8 Earthquake in Turkey by Stacking-InSAR Method2
Features of the Spatiotemporal Variability of the Advective Heat Transfer in the Troposphere over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in the Northern Hemisphere for 1979–20182
Strong Wildfires in the Russian Federation in 2021 Detected Using Satellite Data2
Determining the Concentration of Suspended Sediment in the Lower Đáy River (Northern Vietnam) Using MSI Sentinel 2 High Spatial Resolution Data2
Strong Earthquakes on the Southern Slope of the Kungei Ala-Too Range, Northern Tien Shan, and Their Structural Position in the Earth’s Crust2
On the Role of the Explosive Interaction of Three Surface Waves at the Initial Stage of Spray Generation in Strong Winds2
Identifying a Fundamental Climatic Oscillation Using Wavelet Analysis of the Combined Data of Ground and Satellite Observations2
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Bering Sea Found from Satellite Data2
The Primorskoe Current at Standard Sections and in Satellite Images of the Sea of Japan’s Surface2
Comparative Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Area Derived from Satellite Microwave Radiometry Data (VASIA2 Algorithm) with Ice Charts of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute2
Retrieving Spectra of Spatially Inhomogeneous Sea Waves during the Satellite Monitoring of Vast Water Areas2
Use of Modern Communication Technologies during Earthquakes: How to Increase the Efficiency of Macroseismic Data Collection2
Information Content of Spectral Vegetation Indices for Assessing the Weed Infestation of Crops Using Ground-Based and Satellite Data2
Comparison of Ground-Based Measurement Results of Total Ozone near St. Petersburg2