Academy of Management Journal

(The median citation count of Academy of Management Journal is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Gaining Legitimacy by Being Different: Optimal Distinctiveness in Crowdfunding Platforms161
Distinguishing Voice and Silence at Work: Unique Relationships with Perceived Impact, Psychological Safety, and Burnout136
A Dual-Agency Model of Firm CSR in Response to Institutional Pressure: Evidence from Chinese Publicly Listed Firms108
Why Activist Hedge Funds Target Socially Responsible Firms: The Reaction Costs of Signaling Corporate Social Responsibility94
Office Chitchat as a Social Ritual: The Uplifting Yet Distracting Effects of Daily Small Talk at Work93
When Victims Help Their Abusive Supervisors: The Role of LMX, Self-Blame, and Guilt72
Balancing the Yin and Yang: TMT Gender Diversity, Psychological Safety, and Firm Ambidextrous Strategic Orientation in Chinese High-Tech SMEs69
Playing It Safe for My Family: Exploring the Dual Effects of Family Motivation on Employee Productivity and Creativity65
When Do Novel Business Models Lead to High Performance? A Configurational Approach to Value Drivers, Competitive Strategy, and Firm Environment64
Networks, Creativity, and Time: Staying Creative through Brokerage and Network Rejuvenation62
Portfolio Spillover of Institutional Investor Activism: An Awareness–Motivation–Capability Perspective61
Customer Concentration, Executive Attention, and Firm Search Behavior60
Paradoxical Leadership and Innovation in Work Teams: The Multilevel Mediating Role of Ambidexterity and Leader Vision as a Boundary Condition60
When Conscientious Employees Meet Intelligent Machines: An Integrative Approach Inspired by Complementarity Theory and Role Theory58
Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside Director Monitoring57
Unpacking Political Ideology: CEO Social and Economic Ideologies, Strategic Decision-Making Processes, and Corporate Entrepreneurship53
Microfoundations of Framing: The Interactional Production of Collective Action Frames in the Occupy Movement52
What Changes after Women Enter Top Management Teams? A Gender-Based Model of Strategic Renewal50
How Temporal Focus Shapes the Influence of Executive Compensation on Risk Taking48
When and How Artificial Intelligence Augments Employee Creativity48
Sizing Up Entrepreneurial Potential: Gender Differences in Communication and Investor Perceptions of Long-Term Growth and Scalability48
Resource Dependence, Uncertainty, and the Allocation of Corporate Political Activity across Multiple Jurisdictions48
Salient Expectations? Incongruence across Capability and Integrity Signals and Investor Reactions to Organizational Misconduct48
When Putting Work Off Pays Off: The Curvilinear Relationship between Procrastination and Creativity47
Constraints and Opportunities of Stigma: Entrepreneurial Emancipation in the Sex Industry47
Keep Your Eye on the Ball or on the Field? Exploring the Performance Implications of Executive Strategic Attention46
Unpacking Firm External Dependence: How Government Contract Dependence Affects Firm Investments and Market Performance45
Best Not to Know: Pay Secrecy, Employee Voluntary Turnover, and the Conditioning Effect of Distributive Justice42
Discovery as an Abductive Mechanism for Reorienting Habits within Organizational Change42
Applying Coleman’s Boat in Management Research: Opportunities and Challenges in Bridging Macro and Micro Theory42
Undertrusted, Overtrusted, or Just Right? The Fairness of (In)Congruence between Trust Wanted and Trust Received42
How Other- and Self-Compassion Reduce Burnout through Resource Replenishment42
Amplifying Voice in Organizations39
Performance Benefits of Reciprocal Vicarious Learning in Teams39
Minimal and Adaptive Coordination: How Hackathons’ Projects Accelerate Innovation without Killing it39
Do the Hustle! Empowerment from Side-Hustles and Its Effects on Full-Time Work Performance38
Toward a Configural Theory of Job Demands and Resources37
Pumping the Brakes: Examining the Impact of CEO Political Ideology Divergence on Firm Responses37
“Am I Next?” The Spillover Effects of Mega-Threats on Avoidant Behaviors at Work35
Forming Entrepreneurial Teams: Mixing Business and Friendship to Create Transactive Memory Systems for Enhanced Success35
Once in Orange Always in Orange? Identity Paralysis and the Enduring Influence of Institutional Logics on Identity35
Motivation Purity Bias: Expression of Extrinsic Motivation Undermines Perceived Intrinsic Motivation and Engenders Bias in Selection Decisions34
The Hidden Cost of Prayer: Religiosity and the Gender Wage Gap34
The Dynamics of Framing: Image, Emotion, and the European Migration Crisis33
Maintaining Strategic Ambiguity for Protection: Struggles over Opacity, Equivocality, and Absurdity around the Sicilian Mafia33
Living Up to the Hype: How New Ventures Manage the Resource and Liability of Future-Oriented Visions within the Nascent Market of Impact Investing32
Recognizing and Utilizing Novel Research Opportunities with Artificial Intelligence32
Guilt and Corporate Philanthropy: The Case of the Privatization in China32
How Technological Overlap between Spinouts and Parent Firms Affects Corporate Venture Capital Investments in Spinouts: The Role of Competitive Tension32
Joining Forces: How Can Founding Members’ Prior Experience Variety and Shared Experience Increase Startup Survival?32
When Does Pay for Performance Motivate Employee Helping Behavior? The Contextual Influence of Performance Subjectivity32
Going Viral or Growing Like an Oak Tree? Towards Sustainable Local Development Through Entrepreneurship31
The Past Is Prologue? Venture-Capital Syndicates’ Collaborative Experience and Start-Up Exits31
Big Fish versus Big Pond? Entrepreneurs, Established Firms, and Antecedents of Tie Formation31
Which Ideas for Change Are Endorsed? How Agentic and Communal Voice Affects Endorsement Differently for Men and for Women29
The Effects of Racial Diversity Congruence between Upper Management and Lower Management on Firm Productivity29
The Impact of Executive Verbal Communication on the Convergence of Investors’ Opinions29
When Helping Hurts Helpers: Anticipatory versus Reactive Helping, Helper’s Relative Status, and Recipient Self-Threat29
High Risk, Low Return (and Vice Versa): The Effect of Product Innovation on Firm Performance in a Transition Economy29
The Impact of Communist Ideology on the Patenting Activity of Chinese Firms28
Regulating Top Managers’ Emotions during Strategy Making: Nokia’s Socially Distributed Approach Enabling Radical Change from Mobile Phones to Networks in 2007–201327
The Push and Pull of Attaining CEO Celebrity: A Media Routines Perspective27
Too Much on the Plate? How Executive Job Demands Harm Firm Innovation and Reduce Share of Exploratory Innovations27
Strategic Nepotism in Family Director Appointments: Evidence from Family Business Groups in South Korea26
How Voice Emerges and Develops in Newly Formed Supervisor–Employee Dyads26
“Invisible” Discrimination: Divergent Outcomes for the Nonprototypicality of Black Women26
How Do Investors Evaluate Past Entrepreneurial Failure? Unpacking Failure Due to Lack of Skill versus Bad Luck26
Workplace Interpersonal Capitalization: Employee Reactions to Coworker Positive Event Disclosures26
From the Editors—Achieving Fit and Avoiding Misfit in Qualitative Research25
Covering in Cover Letters: Gender and Self-Presentation in Job Applications25
Social Network and Temporal Myopia25
Enabling Rapid Financial Response to Disasters: Knotting and Reknotting Multiple Paradoxes in Interorganizational Systems24
“Who Are You Going to Call?” Network Activation in Creative Idea Generation and Elaboration24
How Work Orientation Impacts Objective Career Outcomes via Managerial (Mis)perceptions24
Political Risk and Alliance Diversity: A Two-Stage Model of Partner Selection in Multipartner Alliances24
Antecedents and Consequences of Employee and Asset Restructuring24
From Grace to Violence: Stigmatizing the Medical Profession in China24
Who Will Board a Sinking Ship? a Firm–Director Interdependence Perspective of Mutual Selection between Declining Firms and Director Candidates23
The Impostor Phenomenon Revisited: Examining the Relationship between Workplace Impostor Thoughts and Interpersonal Effectiveness at Work23
Historical Origins of Firm Ownership Structure: The Persistent Effects of the African Slave Trade23
The Two Towers (or Somewhere in Between): The Behavioral Consequences of Positional Inconsistency across Status Hierarchies23
In With the Old? Examining When Boomerang Employees Outperform New Hires23
There Is a Time to Be Creative: The Alignment between Chronotype and Time of Day23
Marriage of Unequals? Investment Quality Heterogeneity, Market Heat, and the Formation of Status-Asymmetric Ties in the Venture Capital Industry22
Paradox Peers: A Relational Approach to Navigating a Business–Society Paradox22
Intersectionality in Intractable Dirty Work: How Mumbai Ragpickers Make Meaning of Their Work and Lives22
Remaking Capitalism: The Strength of Weak Legislation in Mobilizing B Corporation Certification22
Stakeholder Orientation and Divestiture Activity22
No Change Is an Island: How Interferences between Change Initiatives Evoke Inconsistencies That Undermine Implementation22
Leading by Doing: Does Leading by Example Impact Productivity and Service Quality?21
OMG! My Boss Just Friended Me: How Evaluations of Colleagues’ Disclosure, Gender, and Rank Shape Personal/Professional Boundary Blurring Online21
Leader Perfectionism—Friend or Foe of Employee Creativity? Locus of Control as a Key Contingency21
Publishing Multimethod Research in AMJ: A Review and Best-Practice Recommendations21
Institutional Translation Gone Wrong: The Case ofVillages for Africain Rural Tanzania20
Free to Be Me? Evolving Gender Expression and the Dynamic Interplay between Authenticity and the Desire to Be Accepted at Work20
Clustering and Connectedness: How Inventor Network Configurations within Incumbent Firms Influence Their Assimilation and Absorption of New Venture Technologies20
Double Weaving: A Bottom-Up Process of Connecting Locations and Scales to Mitigate Grand Challenges20
Meaning, Mission, and Measurement: How Organizational Performance Measurement Shapes Perceptions of Work as Worthy19
From the Editors—Improving the Transparency of Empirical Research Published in AMJ19
How Global Leaders Gain Power through Downward Deference and Reduction of Social Distance19
Lenient Reactions to Misconduct: Examining the Self-Conscious Process of Being Lenient to Others at Work19
Seeing the Glass as Half Full or Half Empty: The Role of Affect-Induced Optimistic and Pessimistic States on Justice Perceptions and Outcomes19
Prosocial Occupations, Work Autonomy, and the Origins of the Social Class Pay Gap18
“We Can’t Compete on Human Rights”: Creating Market-Protected Spaces to Institutionalize the Emerging Logic of Responsible Management18
Zoning Out or Breaking Through? Linking Daydreaming to Creativity in the Workplace18
With Head and Heart: How Emotions Shape Paradox Navigation in Veterinary Work18
I Don’t Need a Degree, I’ve Got Abs: Influencer Warmth and Competence, Communication Mode, and Stakeholder Engagement on Social Media18
Appraising and Reacting to Perceived Pay For Performance: Leader Competence and Warmth as Critical Contingencies17
The Analogical Construction of Stigma as a Moral Dualism: The Case of the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement17
Creating and Sustaining Stakeholder Emotional Resonance with Organizational Identity in Social Mission-Driven Organizations17
Increasing Dispositional Legitimacy: Progressive Legitimation Dynamics in a Trajectory of Settlements17
Seeing Oneself as a Valued Contributor: Social Worth Affirmation Improves Team Information Sharing17
Here Comes the Sun: The Impact of Incidental Contextual Factors on Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition17
Understanding When and Why Cover-Ups Are Punished Less Severely17
Ritual Work and the Formation of a Shared Sense of Meaningfulness17
The Social Aftershocks of Voice: An Investigation of Employees’ Affective and Interpersonal Reactions after Speaking Up17
From the Editors: Publishing Practical and Responsible Research in AMJ16
Addressing Performance Tensions in Multiteam Systems: Balancing Informal Mechanisms of Coordination within and between Teams16
Turned Down and Taking Off? Rejection and Turnover in Internal Talent Markets16
Deploying Human Capital Resources: Accentuating Effects of Situational Alignment and Social Capital Resources16
“Tapping” into Goodwill: Enhancing Corporate Reputation through Customer Volunteering16
A Trojan Horse Inside the Gates? Knowledge Spillovers During Patent Litigation16
Institutional Intermediaries and Firm Choices in Response to Regulations15
Employer–Employee Matching and Complementary Assets: The Role of Cross-Organization Collaborations15
Do I Dare? The Psychodynamics of Anticipated Image Risk, Leader-Identity Endorsement, and Leader Emergence15
The Role of Discernment and Modulation in Enacting Occupational Values: How Career Advising Professionals Navigate Tensions with Clients14
Identity–Society (Mis)Alignment and the Instrumentalization of Firm Creation: Creative Destruction and Creative Reconstruction14
Upward Mobility, the Cleft Habitus, and Speaking Up: How Class Transitions Relate to Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Voice14
From Scarcity to Abundance: Scholars and Scholarship in an Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence14
Receiving Service from a Person with a Disability: Stereotypes, Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Opportunity for Increased Corporate Reputation14
May I Please Go the Extra Mile? Citizenship Communication Strategies and Their Effect on Individual Initiative OCB, Work–Family Conflict, and Partner Satisfaction14
From Sheltered to Included: The Emancipation of Disabled Workers from Benevolent Marginalization14
It’s Not Always Sunny in Relationally Rich Jobs: The Influence of Negative Beneficiary Contact14
Getting the Picture Too Late: Handoffs and the Effectiveness of Idea Implementation in Creative Work14
Kin Ties and the Performance of New Firms: A Structural Approach13
When Do Outside CEOs Underperform? From a CEO-Centric to a Stakeholder-Centric Perspective of Post-Succession Performance13
Advancing Reform: Embedded Activism to Develop Climate Solutions13
Swift Sense of Community: Resourcing Artifacts for Rapid Community Emergence in a Temporary Organization13
Network Stability: The Role of Geography and Brokerage Structure Inequity13
Creative Jolts: Exploring How Entrepreneurs Let Go of Ideas During Creative Revision13
From the Editors—An Innovative Journal during Transformational Times: Embarking on the 23rd Editorial Term12
The Benefits and Burdens of Work Moralization on Creativity12
Triggers, Traps, and Disconnect: How Governance Obstacles Hinder Progress on Grand Challenges12
The Catch-22 of Countering a Moral Occupational Stigma in Employee-Customer Interactions12
How Leaders with Divergent Visions Generate Novel Strategy: Navigating the Paradox of Preservation and Modernization in Swiss Watchmaking12
The Use of Strategic Noise in Reactive Impression Management: How Do Market Reactions Matter?12
The Downside of CFO Function-Based Language Incongruity12
Too Hot to Handle and Too Valuable to Drop: An Expanded Conceptualization of Firms’ Reactions to Exchange Partner Misconduct12
Distinct but Not Apart? Stigma Reduction and Cross-Industry Evaluative Spillovers: The Case of Medical Marijuana Legalization12
Investing In Communities: Forging New Ground in Corporate Community Codevelopment through Relational and Psychological Pathways12
The Double-Edged Sword of Leadership Task Transitions in Emergency Response Multiteam Systems11
The Experimental Hand: How Platform-Based Experimentation Reconfigures Worker Autonomy11
Top Management Team Experiential Variety, Competitive Repertoires, and Firm Performance: Examining the Law of Requisite Variety in the 3D Printing Industry (1986–2017)11
Strength and Weakness in Numbers? Unpacking the Role of Prevalence in the Diffusion of Reverse Mergers11
The Distinct Effects of Wealth- and CSR-Oriented Shareholder Unrest on CEO Career Outcomes: A New Lens on Settling Up and Executive Job Demands11
Mother’s Reentry: A Relative Contribution Perspective of Dual-Earner Parents’ Roles, Resources, and Outcomes11
To Catch a Predator: The Lived Experience of Extreme Practices11
Longing for the Road Not Taken: The Affective and Behavioral Consequences of Forgone Identity Dwelling11
Balancing “Protective Disguise” with “Harmonious Advocacy”: Social Venture Legitimation in Authoritarian Contexts11
From the Editors—Joining Societal Conversations on Management and Organizations11
Political Dynamics in Organizational Identity Breach and Reconstruction: Findings from the Crisis in UNICEF Germany11
Signaling Legitimacy: Why Mixed-Gender Coalitions Outperform Single-Gender Coalitions in Advocating for Gender Equity11