AIAA Journal

(The TQCC of AIAA Journal is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Computer-Graphics-Based Optical Tracking for Hypersonic Free-Flight Experiments87
Latent Representation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Meshes and Application to Airfoil Aerodynamics62
Measurement of Wall-Cooling Effects on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition Using Focused Laser Differential Interferometry60
Wall Pressure Fluctuations Beneath Hypersonic Boundary Layer over Plate52
Synthetic Turbulence Generation for High-Order Scale-Resolving Simulations on Unstructured Grids48
Effect of Nozzle Spacing in Supersonic Twin Impinging Jets45
Feature Selection, Clustering, and Prototype Placement for Turbulence Datasets41
Tip Sharpness Criterion for Hypersonic Wind-Tunnel Experiments41
Low-Reynolds Number Behavior of the Leading-Edge Suction Parameter at Low Pitch Rates40
Direct Eigenstructure Assignment for Model Updating39
Flow Dynamics of a Contra-Rotating Axial Fan Under Windmilling and Locked Conditions38
Conformally Decambered Natural Laminar Flow Blades for Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines35
Development of a Shock-Stable and Contact-Preserving Scheme for Multidimensional Euler Equations35
Time-Varying Aeroelastic Modeling and Analysis for a Morphing Wing34
Validated Dynamic Stall Simulation of Pitching Low Reynolds Number Airfoils33
Benchmarking of Aerodynamic Models for Isolated Propellers Operating at Positive and Negative Thrust32
Wind-Tunnel-in-the-Loop Exploration and Optimization of Active Flow Control Parameters31
Multi-Objective Reverse Design and Pattern Analysis of Solid Propellant Grains30
Schlieren-Based Analysis of Supersonic Multistream Control Using Data-Driven and Filtering Techniques29
Analytical Linearization of Aerodynamic Loads in Unsteady Vortex-Lattice Method for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Applications29
Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Optimization of Leading-Edge Undulation of a NACA 65(12)-10 Airfoil28
Meta-Importance Sampling Fuzzy Simulation Combined with Kriging Model for Fuzzy Reliability Analysis27
Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer for Air Inlet Testing in Crossflow27
Simple, Fast Nitric Oxide Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Model for Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications26
SPARK: Implicit Time-Accurate Algorithm for All-Speed Viscous Flows26
Isogeometric Dynamic Buckling Analysis of Trimmed and Multipatch Thin-Shell Structures26
Gradient-Based Optimization of Chaotic Panel Flutter25
Efficiency of Mixed-Element USM3D for Benchmark Three-Dimensional Flows25
Programmed Out-of-Plane Curvature to Enhance Multimodal Stiffness of Bending-Dominated Composite Lattices24
Laminar Boundary-Layer Response to Step Input by an Array of Plasma Actuators24
Verification of Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Unsteady Mixing and Reacting flow23
Enhancing the Power-Extraction Efficiency of a Flapping Foil by Active Morphing23
Defining the Design Space for Double–Double Laminates by Considering Homogenization Criterion23
High-Performance Froth Singlet Oxygen Generator22
Active Vibration Control of Helicopter Fuselage with Large Dynamic Modeling Errors22
Pneumatic-Probe Measurement Errors Caused by Fluctuating Flow Angles22
Technique Development for Investigating Axisymmetric Ablation Models in Hypersonic Impulse Facilities21
Sticking–Erosion Model for Ice Crystal Icing Using Particle Size Distribution21
Characteristics of a Low-Pressure Carbon-Dioxide Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Ion-Wind Thruster21
Effect of Short-Fiber Orientation on the Tensile Strength of Epoxy Adhesives20
Focused Laser Differential Interferometry with Contoured Tunnel Windows20
Links Between Steepened Mach Waves and Coherent Structures for a Supersonic Jet20
Monte Carlo Simulation of Inlet Flows in Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion20
Post-Impact Fatigue Durability Assessment of Composite Laminates for Enhanced Aircraft Sustainment20
Modified Iterative-Order-Reduction Substructuring Method with Interface Boundary Reduction20
Structural Static/Fatigue/Damage Tolerance Comprehensive Design Optimization of Composite Laminate19
Novel Thermally Stable Segmented Solid Paraboloid Antenna for High Surface Accuracy19
Database Development and Component Design with Two-Dimensional Trusslike Microstructures19
Radio Communication Blackout Mitigation: Analyzing Magnetic Field Effects via Ray-Tracing Analysis19
Efficient Global Optimization of Advanced Drop-Hinged Flap19
Two-Way Blade Modeling Method for Structural Redesign of Compressor Blades19
High-Order Cut-Cell Discontinuous Galerkin Difference Discretization19
Fluid and Combustion Dynamics in Axisymmetric and Perisymmetric Supersonic Combustion Flowpaths19
Three-Dimensional Particle Tracing Analysis of a Rotational Magnetic Sail19
Inviscid Nonlinear Modeling of Vibration-Induced Acoustic Resonance of a Linear Cascade19
Influence of Complex Geometries on Damage Tolerance of Porous Carbon Fiber Network19
Experimental Investigation of Nonslender Delta-Wing Steadily Translating at Large Angles of Attack19
On the Reynolds-Number Sensitivity of Inlet Flow at Mach Numbers Beyond 718
Electrothermal Coupling Methodologies and Their Influence on the Optimization of Aircraft Electric Motors18
Line-of-Sight Jitter for Advanced Tactical Laser18
Coupled Simulation of Hypersonic Fluid–Structure Interaction with Plastic Deformation18
Improved Transition Model with Mechanical Considerations for Hypersonic Flow18
Prediction of Intermittent Fluctuations from Surface Pressure Measurements on a Turbulent Airfoil18
Debris Blocker and Flow Terminator for a Shock Tunnel18
Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions on an Axisymmetric Body at Mach 218
Momentum Coefficient Governing Discrete Jet Actuation for Separation Control18
Aeroacoustic Source Potential Based on Poisson’s Equation18
Global–Local Collaborative Optimization Method for Stiffened Cylindrical Shells with Cutout18
Investigating Arcjet Mixing and Enthalpy Loss Using Atomic Oxygen Laser Absorption Spectroscopy18
Deep Learning Closure of the Navier–Stokes Equations for Transition-Continuum Flows18
Effects of Expansion Ratio and Nozzle Asymmetry on Flowfield of Diamond Jets17
Nitric Oxide and Temperature Measurement Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in Arc-Heater Plenum17
Three-Dimensional Nature of Low-Frequency Unsteadiness in a Turbulent Separation Bubble17
Analytical Investigation on Elastic–Plastic Deformation of Reentrant Honeycomb Structures17
Optimization of Hybrid Composite Laminates with Distinct Ply Thicknesses Using Integer Programming17
Measurements of Reflected Shock Tunnel Freestream Nitric Oxide Temperatures and Partial Pressure17
Aeroelastic Optimization of Aircraft Wings Using a Coupled Three-Dimensional Panel-Beam Model17
Study of Mixing Enhancement in Helium Jet/Shock Interaction by Laser Pulses17
Experimental Validation of the Modified Holmén Vortex Identification Method17
On the Use of Power-Based Parameters for Blowing Active Flow Control Systems17
Effect of Gas Addition on Liquid Kerosene Combustion in a Scramjet Combustor17
Evaluation of Uncertainties of Pressure Gain Measurements in Rotating Detonation Combustor16
Adjoint-Free Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing16
Compounding Transient Airfoil Motions and the Effectiveness of Linear Superposition16
Response of Jointed Structures in Shock-Induced Flow: Surface Pressure and Structural Measurements with Finite Element Modeling16
New Analytical Solutions for Elastoplastic Buckling of Non-Lévy‐Type Rectangular Plates16
Novel High-Precision and Efficient Momentum Source Method16
Bayesian Support Vector Regression for Reliability-Based Design Optimization16
Modeling Swirl Evolution Inside Annular Nozzles Under Compressible Effect16
Study of Effect of Aerodynamic Interference on Transonic Flutter Characteristics of Airfoil16
Performance Comparison Between Piezoelectrically Induced Stresses and Active Control for Aeroelastic Stability Augmentation15
Detecting Under-Resolved Flow Physics Using Supervised Machine Learning15
Three-Dimensional Flowfield in a Fin-Generated Shock Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction Using Tomographic PIV15
Static Eccentricity Fault of Elastic Ring Squeeze Film Damper for Aeroengine15
NM-MF: Non-Myopic Multifidelity Framework for Constrained Multi-Regime Aerodynamic Optimization15
Structural Damping Model for Composite Rotorcraft Blades with Carbon Nanotube Interlayers15
Characterization of Disturbance Resonance in Postshock of Blunt Body in Hypersonic Flow15
Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer with Spatially Varying Pressure Gradients15
Homogenized Flux-Body Force Treatment of Compressible Viscous Porous Wall Boundary Conditions14
Exergy Balance Decomposition Between Mechanically- and Thermally-Recoverable Exergy Outflows14
Reynolds Number and Mach Number Effects on the Shock-Induced Separation14
The Doubling-Diameter Method for Detecting the Presence of Rig Noise in Jet-Noise Measurements14
Analysis of Effect of Ground Experiment Environment on Plasma Contactor Performance14
Analytical Modeling for Flapping Wing Deformation and Kinematics with Beam Flexibility14
Sound Transmission Loss of a Two-Layered Pyramidal Structure Lined with Porous Material14
Balancing Laminar Extension and Wave Drag for Transonic Swept Wings14
Direct Numerical Simulation of High-Enthalpy Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flow with Light Gas Injections14
Numerical Simulation Framework for Fluid–Structure Interaction of Flapping Flight14
Variation of Acoustic Energy Across Sudden Area Expansions Sustaining a Subsonic Flow14
Deployment Simulation of Foldable Membranes Using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation and Validation14
Edge-Based Viscous Method for Mixed-Element Node-Centered Finite-Volume Solvers14
Lateral and Axisymmetric Ferrofluid Oscillations in a Cylindrical Tank in Microgravity14
Tomographic Reconstruction of Hypersonic Aircraft Flowfields in Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Experiments14
Combustion Oscillations in Scramjet Combustor with Different Fuel Injection Schemes14
Comparative Study of Using Superhydrophobic and Icephobic Surface Coatings for Aircraft Icing Mitigation14
Injection-Coupling Instabilities in the BKD Combustor: Acoustic Analysis of the Isolated Injectors14
Edge-Based Viscous Method for Node-Centered Finite-Volume Formulation on Tetrahedra14
Analysis of Stresses in Metal Sheathed Thermocouples in High-Temperature Flows14
Panel Aeroelastic Hysteresis Induced by Shock-Reflection Transition13
Experimental Verification of the Thermal Flutter Criterion for a Slender Cantilever Boom13
Inverse Design Method for Low-Boom Supersonic Transport with Lift Constraint13
Effects of a Nonlinear Boundary Condition on the Steady Aerodynamics of Porous Airfoils13
Numerical Study of Circular-Cylinder Disturbance Generators with Rigid Splitter Plates13
Effect of Argon on CO2 Decomposition in Micro-Slit Sustained Glow Discharge Reactor13
Turbulence Modeling in Hypersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers Subject to Convex Wall Curvature13
Efficient One-Shot Technique for Adjoint-Based Unsteady Optimization13
Hilbert–Huang Spectral Analysis of Cavity Flows Incorporating Fluidic Spoilers13
Time-Domain Boundary Element Method with Broadband Impedance Boundary Condition13
Analysis of Aero-Optical Jitter in Convective Turbulent Flows Using Stitching Method13
Vibration Behavior of Dual-Rotor Caused by Maneuver Load and Intershaft Bearing Defect13
Investigation of a Near-Field Cylinder Wake in the Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Regimes13
Assessment of Compressibility Corrections on Spalart–Allmaras Turbulence Model for High-Mach-Number Flows13
Large-Eddy Simulation for Slowly Oscillating Turbulent Flow Using Harmonic Balance Approach13
Space-Time Characterization of Ship Airwakes13
Sharp-Interface Immersed-Boundary Method for Compressible Flows with Shock–Particle Interaction13
Aircraft to Ground Profiling: Turbulence Measurements and Optical System Performance Modeling13
Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow over a Triangular Airfoil Under Martian Conditions13
Collective Sensitivity of Artificial Hair Sensors to Flow Direction12
Three-Dimensional Receptivity of a Blunt-Cone Boundary Layer to Incident Slow Acoustic Waves12
Acoustic Modes in a Plenum Downstream of a Multitube Pulse Detonation Combustor12
Convolution/Volterra Reduced-Order Modeling for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Limit Cycle Oscillation Analysis and Control12
Robust Airfoil Optimization Using a Conditional Expected Maximum Value Approach12
Analytical Approach on Buckling Mode and Critical Stress of Composite Sandwich Shells12
Application of Phase-Averaging Methods to Sweeping Supersonic Jets12
Energy-Preserving Perturbation Method for Thermally Induced Dynamics in Aerospace Tensegrity Structures12
Design and Implementation of a Ka-band Folding Rib Mesh Antenna for CubeSats12
Experimental Study on Combustion Modes and Oscillations in a Cavity-Based Scramjet Combustor12
Spatial Structure Similarity Analysis of Aero-Optical Wavefront Induced by Supersonic Film Cooling12
Comprehensive Load Relief of Launch Vehicle with the Constraints of Legacy Stages12
Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics for Curved Deforming Blades12
Development of a Low-Noise and High-Efficiency Propeller Using Divergent Riblet Surface Pattern12
Bending Analysis of Sandwich Plate Under Concentrated Force Using Quasi-Three-Dimensional Theory12
Design and Analysis of Large-Area Membrane Antenna Reflector for CubeSats12
Pitch/Plunge Equivalence for Dynamic Stall of Unswept Finite Wings12
Domain Decomposition Strategy for Combining Nonlinear and Linear Reduced-Order Models12
Cavities Improve the Power Factor of Low-Reynolds-Number Airfoils and Wings12
Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling of Heated Structures with Temperature-Dependent Properties12
Characterization of Slat Noise Radiation from a High-Lift Common Research Model12
Effects of Transverse Normal Stress on Hygrothermomechanical Analysis of Laminated Shallow Shells12
Onset of Oblique Detonation Waves for a Cavity-Based Wedge12
Event-Based Measurement of Aeroelastic Structure in High-Speed Flow12
Aeroelastic Characterization of a Flexible Wing Using Particle Tracking Velocimetry Measurements12
Effect of Swept Shockwave Boundary-Layer Interaction Strength on Surface Skin Friction12
Dynamic Stall over a Pitching Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil12
Smooth Gradation of Anisotropic Meshes Using Log–Euclidean Metrics12
Purely Elastic Deformation Calculation of Free–Free Structure with Self-Equilibrium Loadings12
Probabilistic Approach for the Fatigue Strength Prediction of Polymers11
Modeling of Transonic Transitional Three-Dimensional Flows for Aerodynamic Applications11
Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Multidirectional Porous Functionally Graded Panel Under Thermal Environment11
Assessment of Regularized Ensemble Kalman Method for Inversion of Turbulence Quantity Fields11
Nonlinear Buckling and Postbuckling Analysis of Tow-Steered Composite Cylinders with Cutouts11
Nonlinear System Identification Using Audio-Inspired WaveNet Deep Neural Networks11
Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Jet Noise with Discontinuous Galerkin Methods11
Deflected Synthetic Jet due to Vortices Induced by a Tri-Electrode Plasma Actuator11
Oblique Detonation Initiation by an Instantaneous Energy Source in High-Speed Wedge Flows11
Fluctuating Pressure Beneath Smooth Wall Boundary Layers in Nonequilibrium Pressure Gradients11
Effective Permeability of Carbon Composites Under Reentry Conditions11
Shock-Induced Pressure/Heating Loads on V-Shaped Leading Edges with Nonuniform Bluntness11
Global Stability Analysis of Flow Behind an Upswept Aftbody11
Numerical Investigation on Combustion-Enhancement Strategy in Shock–Fuel Jet Interaction11
Effect of Trailing-Edge Morphing on Flow Characteristics Around a Pitching Airfoil11
Influence of Incident Shocks on Flame Characteristics in the Strut-Equipped Supersonic Combustor11
Effects of Transition Reynolds Number on Empirical Constants of the Rossiter Formula11
Acoustic Shock Formation in Noise Propagation During Military Aircraft Ground Run-Up Operations11
Definition of an Invariant Lamb-Vector-Based Aerodynamic Force Breakdown Using Far-Field Flow Symmetries11
Constrained Recalibration of Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Models11
Fully Coupled Nonlinear Aerothermoelastic Computational Model of a Plate in Hypersonic Flow11
Coupled Boundary-Layer Suction and Airfoil Optimization for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control11
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Methods for Hypersonic Flows with Automatic Mesh Optimization11
Transfer Function to Predict Warhead Fragmentation In-Flight Behavior from Static Data11
Computational Characterization and Boundary Condition Models of a Jet Interaction Fluidic Oscillator11
The Wake Structure of a Stationary and a Rotary Wall-Mounted Low-Aspect-Ratio Cylinder11
Supersonic Freestream Density Fluctuations from Focused Laser Differential Interferometry and Pitot-Probe Measurements11
Visco-Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Creased Space Membrane11
Greenberg’s Force Prediction for Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Blades10
Evolutionary Aeroelastic Design of Flying-Wing Cross Section10
Spallation on Carbon Ablators10
Robust Dynamic Mode Decomposition Methodology for an Airfoil Undergoing Transonic Shock Buffet10
Excellence in Publications - Revisited10
Estimate of Temperature Gradients of Thin-Walled Structures Under Thermomechanical Fatigue Loading10
Aerodynamic Model Updating Using Wind-Tunnel Setup for Hummingbirdlike Flapping Wing Nanorobot10
Evaluating the Risk of Local Optima in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization10
Computational Study on the Flow Structure of the Prandtl-D Flying Wing10
Data-Driven Bifurcation Analysis of Experimental Aeroelastic Systems Using Preflutter Measurements10
Steady and Unsteady Asymmetric Flow Regions Past an Axisymmetric Body10
HTPB Heat of Formation: Literature Survey, Group Additive Estimations, and Theoretical Effects10
Derivatives for Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors via Analytic Reverse Algorithmic Differentiation10
High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization Using Both Random and Supervised Embeddings10
Effects of Copper Foam Wall/Obstacles on the Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition10
Experimental Characterization of Supersonic Single- and Dual-Impinging Jets10
Optimal Efficiency and Heaving Velocity in Flapping Foil Propulsion10
Equivalent Area Targets for Inverse Design Optimization with Changing Low-Boom Cruise Conditions10
Multivariate Signal Prediction Using Attention Transfer Learning for Early Detection of Thermoacoustic Instabilities10
Identification of Flap Side-Edge Two-Source Mechanism Based on Phased Arrays10
Concept Investigation of a Lightweight Composite Lattice Morphing Wing10
Microstructure-Sensitive Deformation Modeling and Materials Design with Physics-Informed Neural Networks10
Rapid Prediction of Compressor Rotating Stall Inception Using Arnoldi Eigenvalue Algorithm10
Combustion Hysteresis Phenomenon in a Dual-Mode Scramjet10
Making Finite Element Modeling Choices Using Decision-Tree-Based Fuzzy Inference System10
Experimental Study of a NACA0015 Circulation Control Airfoil Using Synthetic Jet Actuation10
Sensitivities of Aircraft Acoustic Metrics to Engine Design Variables for Multidisciplinary Optimization10
Rotor Performance Enhancement Using Pulsed Plasma Actuation10
Data-Driven Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Model Identification of Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems10
Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging Velocimetry in a Mach Six Quiet Tunnel9
System Identification of Two-Dimensional Transonic Buffet9
Characteristics of Combined-Cycle Inlet During Mode Transition in Off-Design State9
Data-Enabled Recalibration of the Spalart–Allmaras Model9
Aeroacoustic Investigation of a Propeller Operating at Low Reynolds Numbers9
Tones in the Acoustic Far Field of Jets in the Upstream Direction9
Numerical Assessment of Turbulence-Cascade Noise Reduction and Aerodynamic Penalties from Serrations9
Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Model Reduction for Transonic Flows9
Framework for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Nonstructural Elements Inside an Inflatable Lunar Habitat9
Linear Stability-Based Smooth Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Transition Model for Aerodynamic Flows9
Experimental Investigation and Mechanical Model of Tensile Behaviors of Membrane with Seam9
Broadband and Low-Frequency Acoustic Liner Investigations at NASA and ONERA9
Numerical Method for Predicting Permeability of Laminated Composites at Cryogenic Temperature9
Experimental Assessment of Sound Quality Metrics for Takeoff and Landing Aircraft9
Large-Eddy Simulation with Modeled Wall Stress for Complex Aerodynamics and Stall Prediction9
Novel Quasi-One-Dimensional Analysis of a Choked Transonic Reacting Flow with Finite-Rate Chemistry9
Three-Dimensional Accurate Geometric Modeling and Mechanical Analysis of Wire Mesh for Deployable Antennas9
Sensor Fault Detection in Smart Extraterrestrial Habitats Using Unsupervised Learning9
Smooth Local Correlation-Based Transition Model for the Spalart–Allmaras Turbulence Model9
Propeller Ground Effect in Forward Flight9
Neutral Acoustic Wave Modes in Supersonic Impinging Jets9
Numerical Nonlinear Static Analysis of Cutout-Borne Multilayered Structures and Experimental Validation9
Experimental Investigation of Flow and Noise Control by Porous Coated Tandem Cylinder Configurations9
Construction and Assessment of an Inflow-Control-Device for a Low-Speed Aeroacoustic Fan Rig9
Study of Side-Jet Interactions over a Hypersonic Cone Flow Using Kinetic Methods9
Blending of Reynolds Stress Transport Model and γ Transition Model9
Internal Geometry Effects on Inherent Damping Performance of Additively Manufactured Components9