Communications of the ACM

(The median citation count of Communications of the ACM is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Generative adversarial networks5920
Understanding deep learning (still) requires rethinking generalization949
Datasheets for datasets516
Green AI445
Deep learning for AI319
A decade of social bot detection137
What serverless computing is and should become118
The (Im)possibility of fairness118
A review of the semantic web field114
Knowledge graphs94
Non-fungible tokens and the future of art93
Trustworthy AI91
Threats of a replication crisis in empirical computer science84
Secure multiparty computation82
The future is big graphs77
Toward verified artificial intelligence73
Methods included72
Federated learning for privacy-preserving AI72
The limits of differential privacy (and its misuse in data release and machine learning)61
It is time for more critical CS education60
MIP* = RE55
Medical artificial intelligence54
Advances in the quantum internet51
A year in lockdown44
The End of Programming43
Biases in AI systems43
The hardware lottery42
The graph isomorphism problem36
Responsible AI34
Operationalizing AI ethics principles34
Coding at a crossroads33
On 6G and trustworthiness32
The dogged pursuit of bug-free C programs32
A panoramic survey of natural language processing in the Arab world32
Digital agriculture for small-scale producers32
There is no AI without data31
On sampled metrics for item recommendation31
Crowdsensing 2.029
Safe systems programming in Rust28
When permissioned blockchains deliver more decentralization than permissionless28
The harm in conflating aging with accessibility28
Measuring internet speed27
Disentangling Hype from Practicality: On Realistically Achieving Quantum Advantage26
The decline of computers as a general purpose technology26
Gender trends in computer science authorship26
From remote work to working from anywhere25
An internet of things service roadmap25
Why computing belongs within the social sciences25
Formalizing and guaranteeing human-robot interaction24
The state of virtual reality hardware24
Digital twins and artificial intelligence23
What does saying that 'programming is hard' really say, and about whom?23
Language models23
Cyber reconnaissance techniques23
Recommender systems under European AI regulations22
What to do about deepfakes21
When software engineering meets quantum computing21
Reason-checking fake news21
Trust, regulation, and human-in-the-loop AI20
Deploying decentralized, privacy-preserving proximity tracing19
The Principles of Data-Centric AI19
Challenges, experiments, and computational solutions in peer review19
AI on edge18
Toward confidential cloud computing18
Constant overhead quantum fault tolerance with quantum expander codes17
Automating data science17
The 2021 software developer shortage is coming17
Federated learning and privacy17
Virtual collaboration in the age of the coronavirus16
Dark patterns16
Preserving integrity in online social networks16
Polanyi's revenge and AI's new romance with tacit knowledge15
How reliable is smartphone-based electronic contact tracing for COVID-19?15
Moore's Law15
The best of NLP15
Six reasons why virtual reality is a game-changing computing and communication platform for organizations14
Neural software analysis14
Keeping CALM14
Self-driving vehicle technology14
Flexible work and personal digital infrastructures13
Automata modulo theories13
Non-traditional data sources13
Toward justice in computer science through community, criticality, and citizenship13
Artificial intelligence for synthetic biology13
Digital creativity support for original journalism13
Can AI Demonstrate Creativity?13
Collusion rings threaten the integrity of computer science research13
The Seattle report on database research13
Building a multilingual Wikipedia12
Securing internet applications from routing attacks12
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the fight against world hunger12
A recent renaissance in privacy law12
Competitive compatibility12
How to transition incrementally to microservice architecture12
Blockchain in China12
What do agile, lean, and ITIL mean to DevOps?12
Excessive use of technology12
Optimal auctions through deep learning12
Toward Practices for Human-Centered Machine Learning11
A federated infrastructure for European data spaces11
Responsible data management11
AI and Neurotechnology11
Eyelid gestures for people with motor impairments11
Connecting Arabs11
Does Facebook use sensitive data for advertising purposes?11
Taking Flight with Copilot10
The worsening state of ransomware10
Fugaku takes the lead10
Responsible vulnerability disclosure in cryptocurrencies10
The dark triad and insider threats in cyber security10
Insights for AI from the human mind10
Technologies for the visually impaired10
Still waiting for self-driving cars10
Algorithms with predictions10
The growing cost of deep learning for source code10
Accelerator-level parallelism10
Explainable AI9
Transformers aftermath9
Ethical AI is Not about AI9
Can Generative AI Bots Be Trusted?9
Rateless codes for near-perfect load balancing in distributed matrix-vector multiplication9
A technological and innovative approach to COVID-19 in Uruguay9
Contextualized interpretable machine learning for medical diagnosis9
Legal Challenges to Generative AI, Part I9
Enabling AI at the edge with XNOR-networks9
Talking about Large Language Models9
Democratizing Domain-Specific Computing9
Digital instruments as invention machines8
Abstractions, their algorithms, and their compilers8
Real time spent on real time8
Digital contact tracing may protect privacy, but it is unlikely to stop the pandemic8
Keeping science on keel when software moves8
A Tale of Two Markets: Investigating the Ransomware Payments Economy8
Cookie monster8
Fifty years of P vs. NP and the possibility of the impossible8
A vision to compute like nature8
Neuromorphic chips take shape8
GDPR anti-patterns8
Computational thinking in the era of data science8
Scalable linear algebra on a relational database system8
Applying the metaverse8
Heads-Up Computing Moving Beyond the Device-Centered Paradigm8
Data science meets law8
The pushback effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age in code review7
Toward systematic architectural design of near-term trapped ion quantum computers7
Filtering for beauty7
The Lean Data Scientist7
Differential privacy7
ACM, ethics, and corporate behavior7
The history, status, and future of FPGAs7
Declarative machine learning systems7
Privacy-preserving AI for future networks7
Computing Education in the Era of Generative AI7
PL and HCI7
AI Rewrites Coding7
Resolution of the burrows-wheeler transform conjecture7
The Premature Obituary of Programming7
Supporting people with autism spectrum disorders in the exploration of PoIs7
Text and data mining of in-copyright works7
Data Science---A Systematic Treatment7
U.S. states must broaden participation while expanding access to computer science education7
A battery-free internet of things7
Interpretable machine learning6
Mobile-app privacy nutrition labels missing key ingredients for success6
'In situ' data rights6
'Have you thought about…'6
From Code Complexity Metrics to Program Comprehension6
Driving the cloud to true zero carbon6
CS unplugged or coding classes?6
Dynamics of gender bias in computing6
On the Implicit Bias in Deep-Learning Algorithms6
Actionable Auditing Revisited6
Toward a broad AI6
Informing California privacy regulations with evidence from research6
Security analysis of SMS as a second factor of authentication6
Computational thinking for professionals6
Entrepreneurship ecosystem in Lebanon6
Subfield prestige and gender inequality among U.S. computing faculty6
Cyber Efficiency and Cyber Resilience6
Fixing the internet6
Reimagining chess with AlphaZero6
Energy informatics6
Low-Code Programming Models6
The Carbon Footprint of Artificial Intelligence6
A tale of three datasets6
Human detection of machine-manipulated media6
The Latin American supercomputing ecosystem for science6
Artificial intelligence across company borders6
The evolution of mathematical software6
Our house is on fire6
Neurosymbolic AI5
What can the maker movement teach us about the digitization of creativity?5
New Threats to Society from Free-Speech Social Media Platforms5
Fact-finding mission5
Dilemma of the Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Landscape5
On the requirements engineer role5
Let the algorithm decide?5
Shortcut Learning of Large Language Models in Natural Language Understanding5
Futures of digital governance5
Geometric deep learning advances data science5
Hoping for the Best as AI Evolves5
The role of professional certifications in computer occupations5
Managing IT professional turnover5
HPC Forecast5
Are Software Updates Useless against Advanced Persistent Threats?5
Isomorphism, canonization, and definability for graphs of bounded rank width5
The Silent (R)evolution of SAT5
Why computing students should contribute to open source software projects5
What is Data Science?5
Why universities must resist GPA-based enrollment caps in the face of surging enrollments5
Internet of production5
Battery day5
The Go programming language and environment5
Enclaves in the clouds5
A Linearizability-based Hierarchy for Concurrent Specifications5
Multimedia data delivery based on IoT clouds5
Producing competent HPC graduates5
Trustworthy scientific computing5
Digital healthcare in Latin America5
Changing the nature of AI research4
Application frameworks4
Virtual duplicates4
Natural language misunderstanding4
The identity in everyone's pocket4
Extracting the Essential Simplicity of the Internet4
ChatGPT, Can You Tell Me a Story? An Exercise in Challenging the True Creativity of Generative AI4
Building a new economy4
Digging into big provenance (with SPADE)4
The context problem in artificial intelligence4
Cybersecurity research for the future4
Scaling up chatbots for corporate service delivery systems4
Software Engineering of Machine Learning Systems4
The SolarWinds hack, and a grand challenge for CS education4
Data Analytics Anywhere and Everywhere4
The SPACE of developer productivity4