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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Cell89
2 Physiological Reviews63
3 Fungal Diversity62
4 Cell Research60
5 Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease57
6 Energy & Environmental Science52
7 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology50
8 Cell Metabolism49
9 Cancer Cell48
10 Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics47
- Nature Genetics47
12 Trends in Food Science & Technology45
- Molecular Cancer45
- Experimental and Molecular Medicine45
15 Annual Review of Neuroscience44
16 Environmental Chemistry Letters42
17 Cell Stem Cell41
18 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews40
- Annual Review of Physiology40
- Nature Neuroscience40
21 Clinical Microbiology Reviews39
- Science Translational Medicine39
- Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry39
- Pharmacological Reviews39
25 Annual Review of Microbiology37
- Cell Host & Microbe37
- Annual Review of Biochemistry37
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology37
29 Horticulture Research36
- Biochar36
- Nature Medicine36
32 Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy35
33 Nature Sustainability34
- Biotechnology Advances34
- Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology34
- Progress in Lipid Research34
- Neuron34
38 Annual Review of Genetics33
- Molecular Cell33
40 Journal of Hazardous Materials32
- Human Reproduction Update32
- Nature Protocols32
43 Annual Review of Biophysics31
- Interface Focus31
45 Molecular Neurodegeneration30
- Annual Review of Entomology30
- Annual Review of Marine Science30
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics30
49 Microbiome29
- Annual Review of Virology29
- Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety29
- Resources Conservation and Recycling29
- Nature Microbiology29
54 Drug Resistance Updates28
- Molecular Plant28
- Journal of Extracellular Vesicles28
57 Food Hydrocolloids27
- Annual Review of Food Science and Technology27
- Genome Medicine27
- Remote Sensing of Environment27
- Water Research27
- Biological Reviews27
- Nature Reviews Genetics27
- Bioresource Technology27
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics27
66 Cell Death and Differentiation26
- Current Issues in Molecular Biology26
- ISME Journal26
- Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment26
- Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology26
- Nature Methods26
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology26
73 Environment International25
- Ageing Research Reviews25
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters25
- Journal of Cleaner Production25
- Genes and Immunity25
- Trends in Neurosciences25
- Sleep Medicine Reviews25
- Drugs25
- EMBO Journal25
82 Annual Review of Animal Biosciences24
- Trends in Cell Biology24
- Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B24
- Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology24
- Biotechnology for Biofuels24
- Nature Cell Biology24
88 Food Chemistry23
- Metabolic Engineering23
- Translational Neurodegeneration23
- Developmental Cell23
- Journal of Controlled Release23
- Redox Biology23
- Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions23
95 Annual Review of Vision Science22
- Cell Systems22
- Medicinal Research Reviews22
- Trends in Ecology & Evolution22
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology22
- Current Opinion in Food Science22
- Genes & Development22
- Pharmacological Research22
- Nature Reviews Microbiology22
- Nature Reviews Neuroscience22
- Trends in Biotechnology22
- Current Opinion in Biotechnology22
- Global Change Biology22
- Nature Climate Change22
109 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics21
- Seminars in Immunopathology21
- Plant Biotechnology Journal21
- Food Packaging and Shelf Life21
- Environmental Science & Technology21
- Cell Discovery21
- Brain21
- Chemosphere21
- Metallomics21
- Trends in Microbiology21
- Journal of Neuroinflammation21
- Energy Policy21
- Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews21
- Gut Microbes21
- Molecular Systems Biology21
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews21
125 Environmental Pollution20
- Molecular Aspects of Medicine20
- Nature Biotechnology20
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences20
- Neurology-Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation20
- American Journal of Human Genetics20
- Acta Neuropathologica20
- Cell Reports20
- Lancet Planetary Health20
- Science of the Total Environment20
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences20
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences20
- Waste Management20
- Journal of Headache and Pain20
- Reviews in Aquaculture20
- Molecular Medicine20
141 Cell Death & Disease19
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews19
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews19
- Critical Reviews in Biotechnology19
- Ecosystem Services19
- Progress in Neurobiology19
- Nature Human Behaviour19
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer19
- Molecular Psychiatry19
- Molecular Therapy19
- Natural Product Reports19
- npj Biofilms and Microbiomes19
153 eLife18
- Current Opinion in Structural Biology18
- ACS Combinatorial Science18
- Oncogene18
- One Earth18
- Neuroimage18
- Archives of Pharmacal Research18
- Environmental Technology & Innovation18
- Clinical Epigenetics18
- Molecular Autism18
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology18
- Current Opinion in Virology18
- Journal of Environmental Sciences18
- Current Pollution Reports18
- Genome Research18
- Particle and Fibre Toxicology18
- Nucleic Acids Research18
170 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions17
- Environmental Research17
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research17
- Trends in Biochemical Sciences17
- Stem Cell Research & Therapy17
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture17
- Critical Reviews in Microbiology17
- Drug Discovery Today17
- Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering17
- Current Opinion in Microbiology17
- Journal of Environmental Management17
- Nature Chemical Biology17
- Nature Ecology & Evolution17
- Food Control17
- Food Research International17
- LWT-Food Science and Technology17
- Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders17
- Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition17
- Drug Delivery17
- Current Opinion in Chemical Biology17
- International Journal of Biological Sciences17
- Plant Cell17
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology17
- Autophagy17
- npj Regenerative Medicine17
195 Food Engineering Reviews16
- Antioxidants & Redox Signaling16
- Food Policy16
- FEMS Microbiology Ecology16
- Environmental Science & Technology Letters16
- Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment16
- Modern Pathology16
- Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology16
- Stem Cell Reports16
- Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences16
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety16
- EMBO Reports16
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology16
- Postharvest Biology and Technology16
- Alzheimers Research & Therapy16
- Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents16
- Agricultural Water Management16
- Trends in Genetics16
- Systemic Biology16
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science16
- Journal of Integrative Plant Biology16
- Journal of Cell Biology16
- International Soil and Water Conservation Research16
- Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies16
- Reviews in Medical Virology16
- Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology16
221 Acta Neuropathologica Communications15
- Acta Pharmacologica Sinica15
- FEMS Yeast Research15
- Agricultural Systems15
- Mechanisms of Ageing and Development15
- Trends in Molecular Medicine15
- Virologica Sinica15
- Journal of Food Engineering15
- Current Biology15
- Ecological Economics15
- Current Opinion in Cell Biology15
- Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces15
- International Journal of Biological Macromolecules15
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences15
- Essays in Biochemistry15
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection15
- Cell Chemical Biology15
- Briefings in Bioinformatics15
- Matrix Biology15
- Meat Science15
- Journal of Tissue Engineering15
- Systematic and Applied Microbiology15
- Ecological Indicators15
- Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability15
- International Journal of Nanomedicine15
246 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry14
- Food Microbiology14
- Environmental Research Letters14
- Animal Nutrition14
- Environmental Science & Policy14
- Field Crops Research14
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development14
- CNS Drugs14
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences14
- mBio14
- Urban Climate14
- Water Research X14
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity14
- Phytomedicine14
- PLoS Genetics14
- Biomass & Bioenergy14
- Molecular Ecology Resources14
- npj Parkinsons Disease14
- Antioxidants14
- Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery14
- Fish and Fisheries14
- Annals of Neurology14
- Aging Cell14
- Microbiological Research14
- Life Sciences14
- Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews14
- Journal of Ginseng Research14
- Emerging Microbes & Infections14
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry14
- Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology14
- Industrial Crops and Products14
- Biology Letters14
- Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity14
- Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy14
- Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research14
- NanoImpact14
282 Environmental Health13
- Environmental Microbiology13
- Fluids and Barriers of the Cns13
- Cell Biology and Toxicology13
- Marine Drugs13
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience13
- Crop Journal13
- Communications Biology13
- International Journal of Pharmaceutics13
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles13
- Phytotherapy Research13
- Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology13
- Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering13
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics13
- Neurochemistry International13
- Biosystems Engineering13
- Biochip Journal13
- Biodrugs13
- Bioengineered13
- mSystems13
- npj Clean Water13
- Food Quality and Preference13
- Environmental Health Perspectives13
- Cancer & Metabolism13
- Clinical Infectious Diseases13
- Cell and Bioscience13
- Cells13
- Cerebellum13
- Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences13
- Virulence13
- Rice13
- Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation13
- Journal of Neuroscience13
- Earths Future13
- Current Opinion in Pharmacology13
- International Microbiology13
- Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry13
- Gm Crops & Food-Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain13
- Fungal Biology Reviews13
- Open Biology13
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics13
- Neural Networks13
- Neurobiology of Disease13
- Neurobiology of Stress13
- Neuropsychology Review13
- Bioinformatics13
- npj Genomic Medicine13
329 Environmental Sciences Europe12
- Epigenetics & Chromatin12
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology12
- BMC Biology12
- Marine Pollution Bulletin12
- Journal of Pineal Research12
- Science Signaling12
- Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry12
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water12
- Current Opinion in Insect Science12
- Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry12
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology12
- Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine12
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism12
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology12
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry12
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty12
- Genomics12
- Biomacromolecules12
- Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry12
- Biochemical Society Transactions12
- Neuropsychopharmacology12
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications12
- npj Science of Food12
- Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts12
- Food & Function12
- Ambio12
- Environmental and Experimental Botany12
- Experimental Neurology12
- Environmental Reviews12
- Cell Death Discovery12
- Virus Evolution12
- Sustainable Environment Research12
- Computers in Biology and Medicine12
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-RNA12
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation12
- Journal of Leukocyte Biology12
- Current Opinion in Genetics & Development12
- International Journal of Food Microbiology12
- Journal of Clinical Virology12
- Glia12
- Harmful Algae12
- Nanotoxicology12
- Molecular Ecology12
- Biochemical Pharmacology12
- Neuropharmacology12
- Bioelectrochemistry12
- New Biotechnology12
377 Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control11
- European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics11
- Food Reviews International11
- ACS Synthetic Biology11
- Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery11
- Acta Naturae11
- Annals of Microbiology11
- European Journal of Agronomy11
- Food and Bioproducts Processing11
- Cell Proliferation11
- Bone & Joint Research11
- Brain Behavior and Immunity11
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology11
- Structure11
- Water Resources Research11
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology11
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis11
- Ecological Applications11
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling11
- Journal of Biosciences11
- Global Change Biology Bioenergy11
- Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology11
- Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture11
- Plant Molecular Biology11
- Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology11
- Atmospheric Environment11
- Biomolecules11
- Bioorganic Chemistry11
- Neurobiology of Aging11
- Bioresources and Bioprocessing11
- Molecular & Cellular Proteomics11
- Biochemical Journal11
- Aquaculture11
- European Journal of Pharmacology11
- Environmental Modelling & Software11
- FEBS Journal11
- Advances in Climate Change Research11
- Environment Development and Sustainability11
- Food and Bioprocess Technology11
- Chromosome Research11
- Climatic Change11
- Brain Structure & Function11
- Chinese Medicine11
- British Journal of Pharmacology11
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology11
- Microbial Cell Factories11
- Mammal Review11
- Toxicology11
- Skeletal Muscle11
- Sustainability Science11
- Systematic Entomology11
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics11
- RNA Biology11
- Communications Earth & Environment11
- Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal11
- Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology11
- Drug Design Development and Therapy11
- Journal of Industrial Ecology11
- Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports11
- Journal of Molecular Medicine-Jmm11
- Journal of Applied Microbiology11
- Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry11
- International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment11
- Pharmaceutics11
- Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods11
- Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics11
- Food Structure-Netherlands11
- Plant Science11
- Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience11
- Process Biochemistry11
- Biology of Sex Differences11
- Beneficial Microbes11
- Molecular Cancer Research11
- Aquacultural Engineering11
- Biogeochemistry11
- Biological Conservation11
453 Antibiotics-Basel10
- EvoDevo10
- American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism10
- American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology10
- American Journal of Surgical Pathology10
- Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs10
- Annals of Agricultural Sciences10
- Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology10
- Enzyme and Microbial Technology10
- Aging-US10
- Anthropocene10
- Circulation-Genomic and Precision Medicine10
- Carbon Balance and Management10
- Cell Communication and Signaling10
- Cephalalgia10
- Journal of Psychopharmacology10
- Mediators of Inflammation10
- Methods10
- Mitochondrion10
- Toxins10
- Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology10
- RNA10
- Journal of Food Biochemistry10
- Journal of Neural Engineering10
- Journal of Neurotrauma10
- DNA Research10
- Drug Delivery and Translational Research10
- Journal of Parkinsons Disease10
- Ecological Processes10
- Current Neuropharmacology10
- Journal of Lipid Research10
- Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering10
- Journal of Medical Virology10
- Journal of Molecular Biology10
- Cognitive Computation10
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health10
- Journal of Cellular Physiology10
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling10
- Journal of Chromatography A10
- JARO-Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology10
- International Journal for Parasitology-Drugs and Drug Resistance10
- Gene Therapy10
- Foods10
- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience10
- Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience10
- Plant Reproduction10
- Human Brain Mapping10
- Frontiers in Microbiology10
- Archives of Toxicology10
- Nucleic Acid Therapeutics10
- Pain10
- Neural Plasticity10
- Molecular Biology and Evolution10
- Molecular Brain10
- Biochemical Engineering Journal10
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids10
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research10
- Neurotoxicity Research10
- Aquatic Toxicology10
- Biological Control10
- Mycosphere10
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy10
- European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences10
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology10
- American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology10
- Evolution Letters10
- American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology10
- Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews10
- American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology10
- Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy10
- Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology10
- Cellular Microbiology10
- Microbial Biotechnology10
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology10
- Lab on a Chip10
- Laboratory Investigation10
- Journal of Physiological Sciences10
- Journal of Proteome Research10
- Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience10
- Utilities Policy10
- Journal of Food Composition and Analysis10
- Journal of Pathology10
- Drug Metabolism Reviews10
- World Journal of Stem Cells10
- Ecological Engineering10
- Journal of Dairy Science10
- Journal of Drug Targeting10
- Endocrine Pathology10
- Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki10
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences10
- Journal of Biotechnology10
- Journal of Cereal Science10
- Protein & Cell10
- Pharmaceutical Biology10
- Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology10
- Remote Sensing10
- International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation10
- Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology10
- Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences10
- Frontiers in Neural Circuits10
- Human Mutation10
- Precision Agriculture10
- Oncotargets and Therapy10
- Atmospheric Pollution Research10
- Neuromolecular Medicine10
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes10
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease10
- Applied Catalysis A-General10
- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution10
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology10
- Molecules10
- mSphere10
- Mycorrhiza10
566 Amb Express9
- Apoptosis9
- Evolutionary Applications9
- ACS Chemical Biology9
- ACS Infectious Diseases9
- Experimental and Molecular Pathology9
- Amino Acids9
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry9
- Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets9
- Expert Review of Proteomics9
- Fish & Shellfish Immunology9
- Food and Energy Security9
- Food Bioscience9
- Cancer Gene Therapy9
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics9
- Cell Adhesion & Migration9
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering9
- Cellular Immunology9
- Channels9
- Brain Pathology9
- Brain Research Bulletin9
- Chinese Geographical Science9
- Journal of Structural Biology9
- Metabolic Brain Disease9
- Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine9
- Journal of Virology9
- Translational Stroke Research9
- Trends in Parasitology9
- Stem Cells9
- Stem Cells International9
- Viruses-Basel9
- Waste Management & Research9
- Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology9
- Tissue Engineering Part A9
- Development9
- Journal of Fungi9
- Cortex9
- Journal of Oral Microbiology9
- Journal of Human Evolution9
- Critical Reviews in Toxicology9
- Journal of Infectious Diseases9
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology9
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia9
- Cytokine9
- Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology9
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology9
- International Journal of Sediment Research9
- Journal of Animal Ecology9
- International Dairy Journal9
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy9
- Inflammation Research9
- Innate Immunity9
- Food Science and Human Wellness9
- Food Security9
- Retrovirology9
- Gut Pathogens9
- Helicobacter9
- Reviews in the Neurosciences9
- Plant Genome9
- Frontiers in Pharmacology9
- Poultry Science9
- Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience9
- Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins9
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences9
- Biology Direct9
- Biomedical Optics Express9
- Autonomic Neuroscience-Basic & Clinical9
- Applied Biological Chemistry9
- Aquaculture Nutrition9
- Biofactors9
- Biological Procedures Online9
- European Journal of Neurology9
- Antiviral Research9
- American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology9
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience9
- Experimental Cell Research9
- Environmental Development9
- Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology9
- Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics9
- Food and Chemical Toxicology9
- Climate Risk Management9
- Cell and Tissue Research9
- Cell Cycle9
- Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology9
- BMC Genomics9
- BMC Microbiology9
- Cellular Oncology9
- Cellular Signalling9
- Chemical Research in Toxicology9
- Chemico-Biological Interactions9
- Chemistry and Physics of Lipids9
- British Food Journal9
- Microbial Ecology9
- Microbial Pathogenesis9
- Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology9
- Microorganisms9
- Science China-Life Sciences9
- Stem Cell Reviews and Reports9
- Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases9
- Toxicological Sciences9
- Journal of Natural Products9
- Journal of Functional Foods9
- Conservation Biology9
- DNA Repair9
- Journal of Pest Science9
- World Journal of Mens Health9
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine9
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology9
- Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection9
- BMC Developmental Biology9
- Journal of Molecular Neuroscience9
- International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology9
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology9
- Journal of Aerosol Science9
- International Immunopharmacology9
- International Journal for Parasitology9
- Pest Management Science9
- Pharmaceuticals9
- Inflammation9
- Genetics in Medicine9
- Genome Biology and Evolution9
- Forensic Science International-Genetics9
- Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries9
- Heredity9
- Plant Methods9
- Human Genetics9
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases9
- Human Molecular Genetics9
- Human Reproduction Open9
- Parasites & Vectors9
- IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics9
- Nature and Science of Sleep9
- Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases9
- Biomedical Journal9
- Biomolecules & Therapeutics9
- Neurochemical Research9
- Bioscience9
- Bioscience Reports9
- Bioconjugate Chemistry9
- Aquaculture Economics & Management9
- Neuroscientist9
- Neurotoxicology9
708 AAPS Pharmscitech8
- Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy8
- Environmental Evidence8
- Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology8
- Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics8
- Environmental Toxicology8
- Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials8
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics8
- Cell Calcium8
- Cell Stress & Chaperones8
- BMC Molecular and Cell Biology8
- Cerebral Cortex8
- Journal of Soils and Sediments8
- Metabolites8
- Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry8
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry8
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience8
- Land Degradation & Development8
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences8
- Malaria Journal8
- Journal of Proteomics8
- Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology8
- Toxicology in Vitro8
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment8
- Sustainability8
- Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy8
- Rice Science8
- Journal of Neurochemistry8
- Journal of Neuroendocrinology8
- Developmental Biology8
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences8
- Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance8
- CRISPR Journal8
- Journal of Ovarian Research8
- Crop Protection8
- Journal of Pathology Clinical Research8
- Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry8
- Drug Safety8
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences8
- World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology8
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design8
- Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology8
- Current Opinion in Neurology8
- Journal of Medical Genetics8
- Evolution and Human Behavior8
- Current Pharmaceutical Design8
- Journal of Microencapsulation8
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Developmental Biology8
- Journal of Applied Phycology8
- Journal of Arid Environments8
- International Journal of Food Properties8
- International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition8
- Journal of Biological Engineering8
- International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics8
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling8
- Investigational New Drugs8
- IUBMB Life8
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience8
- Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science8
- Fungal Genetics and Biology8
- Peptides8
- Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology8
- Pharmaceutical Research8
- Psychopharmacology8
- Regional Environmental Change8
- Geohealth8
- Reproduction8
- Glycoconjugate Journal8
- Phytochemistry8
- Reproductive Toxicology8
- Food Science & Nutrition8
- Plant and Soil8
- Reviews on Environmental Health8
- Human Gene Therapy8
- Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience8
- Pathogens and Disease8
- Nanomedicine8
- Biology of Reproduction8
- Nature Reviews Drug Discovery8
- Biomedicines8
- Neurobiology of Learning and Memory8
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering8
- Neurology-Genetics8
- Molecular Pharmacology8
- Aquaculture Environment Interactions8
- Neuroscience8
- Neuroscience Bulletin8
- Biofuels Bioproducts & Biorefining-Biofpr8
- Biological Chemistry8
- American Journal of Pathology8
- AAPS Journal8
- American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology8
- Animal Cells and Systems8
- Animal Feed Science and Technology8
- Addiction Biology8
- Advances in Therapy8
- Epigenetics8
- European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy8
- Food Analytical Methods8
- Agronomy-Basel8
- Food and Environmental Virology8
- Cladistics8
- BMC Bioinformatics8
- BMC Biotechnology8
- Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience8
- Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology8
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture8
- Mobile DNA8
- Molecular and Cellular Probes8
- Lipids in Health and Disease8
- Macromolecular Bioscience8
- SLAS Discovery8
- Stem Cells Translational Medicine8
- Wildlife Biology8
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine8
- Journal of Neural Transmission8
- Journal of Genetics and Genomics8
- Journal of Great Lakes Research8
- Drug Metabolism and disPosition8
- Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis8
- Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease8
- Drugs & Aging8
- Current Opinion in Lipidology8
- Journal of Microbiology8
- Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling8
- Journal of Biomolecular Nmr8
- Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering8
- Journal of Cell Science8
- Journal of Alzheimers Disease8
- International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability8
- IET Nanobiotechnology8
- Inflammopharmacology8
- Pharmacological Reports8
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior8
- Geocarto International8
- Food Science of Animal Resources8
- Plant and Cell Physiology8
- Hearing Research8
- Free Radical Research8
- Plant Phenomics8
- Frontiers in Physiology8
- Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics8
- Frontiers in Zoology8
- Pathogens8
- ASN Neuro8
- Astrobiology8
- Neural Regeneration Research8
- Molecular Biology of the Cell8
- Neurogenetics8
- Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy8
- Molecular Immunology8
- Molecular Neurobiology8
- Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology8
- Molecular Pharmaceutics8
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions8
- Biodata Mining8
- Bioenergy Research8
- Multiple Sclerosis Journal8
- Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry8
- Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics8
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology8
- Biological Cybernetics8
- Mycoses8
- Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry8
872 European Journal of Pain7
- 3 Biotech7
- American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology7
- Environmental Earth Sciences7
- Acta Crystallographica Section D-Structural Biology7
- Animal Frontiers7
- Acta Tropica7
- Advances in Anatomic Pathology7
- European Food Research and Technology7
- European Journal of Cell Biology7
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology7
- Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research7
- Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy7
- Cardiovascular Therapeutics7
- Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering7
- Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture7
- British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology7
- Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction7
- Journal of Stored Products Research7
- Journal of Thermal Biology7
- Microbial Drug Resistance7
- Microbial Genomics7
- Microbiology-SGM7
- Letters in Applied Microbiology7
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences7
- Life Science Alliance7
- Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry7
- Toxics7
- Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal7
- Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy7
- Virology Journal7
- Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease7
- Theriogenology7
- Journal of Flood Risk Management7
- Journal of Food Process Engineering7
- Computational Biology and Chemistry7
- Journal of Neuroimmunology7
- Journal of General Virology7
- Journal of Neuroscience Methods7
- DNA and Cell Biology7
- Domestic Animal Endocrinology7
- Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy7
- Journal of Immunotoxicology7
- Current Drug Targets7
- Current Genetics7
- Journal of Land Use Science7
- Journal of Marine Systems7
- Physiology & Behavior7
- eNeuro7
- Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry7
- Journal of Molecular Histology7
- Journal of Bacteriology7
- International Journal of Food Engineering7
- Journal of Biological Rhythms7
- Journal of Biomechanics7
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics7
- Pediatric Drugs7
- Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology7
- G3-Genes Genomes Genetics7
- Protein Engineering Design & Selection7
- Genes Brain and Behavior7
- Pharmacoeconomics7
- Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses7
- Pharmacogenomics Journal7
- Pharmacology Research & Perspectives7
- Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences7
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology7
- Reproductive Medicine and Biology7
- Research Synthesis Methods7
- Hippocampus7
- Histopathology7
- Frontiers in Genetics7
- Human & Experimental Toxicology7
- Frontiers in Neuroanatomy7
- ICES Journal of Marine Science7
- Fungal Biology7
- IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience7
- npj Systems Biology and Applications7
- Biological Trace Element Research7
- Arctic Science7
- Nucleus7
- Biology-Basel7
- Outlook on Agriculture7
- Biometals7
- Biomicrofluidics7
- Behavioural Brain Research7
- Bioscience Trends7
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects7
- Molecular Microbiology7
- Molecular Pain7
- Biodegradation7
- Neuroscience Research7
- Archives of Microbiology7
- Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology7
- Evolution7
- Entomologia Generalis7
- American Naturalist7
- Anaerobe7
- Analytical Biochemistry7
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health7
- Acta Histochemica7
- Environmental Management7
- Animal7
- Environmental Science-Nano7
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry7
- Epigenomics7
- Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science7
- Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment7
- Agriculture-Basel7
- European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases7
- European Journal of Human Genetics7
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy7
- Carbon Management7
- Cardiovascular Toxicology7
- Cell Biology International7
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering7
- Brain Connectivity7
- Brain Sciences7
- Brain Tumor Pathology7
- Marine Environmental Research7
- Journal of Sleep Research7
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues7
- Microbiologyopen7
- Microbiology Spectrum7
- Journal of Virological Methods7
- Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B7
- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics7
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology7
- Journal of Phycology7
- Veterinary Microbiology7
- Stem Cells and Development7
- Virus Research7
- Water7
- Water Resources and Economics7
- Water Science and Technology7
- Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety7
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology7
- Journal of Food Processing and Preservation7
- Journal of Food Quality7
- Journal of Food Science7
- Developmental and Comparative Immunology7
- Journal of General Physiology7
- Journal of Neurophysiology7
- Coral Reefs7
- Journal of Neuroscience Research7
- Disease Models & Mechanisms7
- Current Gene Therapy7
- Journal of Integrative Agriculture7
- Current Medicinal Chemistry7
- Ecosystem Health and Sustainability7
- Ecotoxicology7
- Electronic Journal of Biotechnology7
- Journal of Essential Oil Research7
- Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology7
- Journal of Molecular Diagnostics7
- Journal of Applied Physiology7
- Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology7
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes7
- International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science7
- Journal of Biological Chemistry7
- Journal of Biomedical Optics7
- International Journal of Phytoremediation7
- Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences7
- Irrigation Science7
- Genes7
- Genes and Nutrition7
- Infection and Drug Resistance7
- Genes Chromosomes & Cancer7
- Genes & Diseases7
- Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics7
- Insects7
- Insect Systematics and Diversity7
- Plant Foods for Human Nutrition7
- Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience7
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessment7
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience7
- Frontiers in Marine Science7
- Platelets7
- Frontiers in Neurology7
- Frontiers in Neuroscience7
- Pathogens and Global Health7
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems7
- Nutritional Neuroscience7
- Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology7
- Biomed Research International7
- Network Neuroscience7
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry7
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications7
- Neuroinformatics7
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology7
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms7
- Molecular Nutrition & Food Research7
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics7
- Biochimie7
- Biodiversity and Conservation7
- Neuroscience Letters7
1068 Air Quality Atmosphere and Health6
- Foodborne Pathogens and Disease6
- Algae6
- Food Chemistry-X6
- European Journal of Neuroscience6
- Apidologie6
- Applied Animal Behaviour Science6
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C-Seminars in Medical Genetics6
- Experimental Neurobiology6
- Amyloid-Journal of Protein Folding Disorders6
- Expert Opinion on Drug Safety6
- Andrology6
- Animal Behaviour6
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment6
- Animal Biotelemetry6
- Animal Cognition6
- FEBS Letters6
- Aerosol Science and Technology6
- Folia Microbiologica6
- Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance6
- Agriculture and Human Values6
- Chronobiology International6
- Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals6
- Clinical Drug Investigation6
- Clinical Proteomics6
- CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics6
- Biotechnology Progress6
- BMC Ecology and Evolution6
- BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology6
- Brain and Behavior6
- Brain and Language6
- Brain Topography6
- ChemMedChem6
- Chromosoma6
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology6
- Marine Ecology Progress Series6
- Journal of Texture Studies6
- Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing6
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry6
- Medicinal Chemistry6
- Microbial Risk Analysis6
- Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation6
- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research6
- Life Sciences in Space Research6
- Journal of Physiological Anthropology6
- Livestock Science6
- Toxicologic Pathology6
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research6
- Sexual Development6
- Skin Pharmacology and Physiology6
- SLAS Technology6
- Veterinary Parasitology6
- Waste and Biomass Valorization6
- Symbiosis6
- Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine6
- Tissue & Cell6
- Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods6
- Journal of Mountain Science6
- Journal of Natural Medicines6
- Journal of Food Protection6
- Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore6
- Journal of Neurogenetics6
- Connective Tissue Research6
- Journal of Heredity6
- Current Alzheimer Research6
- Current Drug Delivery6
- Journal of Insects As Food and Feed6
- World Mycotoxin Journal6
- Drug Testing and Analysis6
- Current Microbiology6
- Journal of Invertebrate Pathology6
- Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control6
- Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management6
- Journal of Environmental Quality6
- Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology6
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology6
- Journal of Applied Toxicology6
- International Journal of Genomics6
- International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology6
- Journal of Biomedical Semantics6
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology6
- Journal de Mycologie Medicale6
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics6
- Journal of Analytical Toxicology6
- Journal of Animal Science and Technology6
- International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents6
- Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids6
- Immunogenetics6
- Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology6
- Protoplasma6
- Purinergic Signalling6
- Insect Conservation and Diversity6
- Rangeland Ecology & Management6
- Genome6
- Geobiology6
- Gesunde Pflanzen6
- Physiological Genomics6
- Phytobiomes Journal6
- Food Technology and Biotechnology6
- Free Radical Biology and Medicine6
- Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience6
- Plasmid6
- Frontiers in Neuroinformatics6
- Paleobiology6
- Frontiers in Neurorobotics6
- Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems6
- Atmosphere6
- Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research6
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters6
- Biophysical Chemistry6
- Molecular Biology Reports6
- Neurogastroenterology and Motility6
- Molecular Diversity6
- Biochemistry6
- Molecular Imaging6
- Neuropeptides6
- Neurophotonics6
- Neuropsychologia6
- Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism6
- Aquaculture Research6
- Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems6
- Neurotoxicology and Teratology6
- Mutagenesis6
- Aquatic Microbial Ecology6
- Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry6
- American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs6
- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology6
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters6
- Andrologia6
- Environmental Microbiology Reports6
- Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability6
- Extremophiles6
- Acta Physiologica6
- FEBS Open Bio6
- Animals6
- Fermentation-Basel6
- Aerosol and Air Quality Research6
- Fisheries Research6
- Fish Physiology and Biochemistry6
- Fitoterapia6
- European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters6
- European Journal of Applied Physiology6
- Food Biophysics6
- European Journal of Medical Genetics6
- Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience6
- CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets6
- Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience6
- Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry6
- Biotechnology Letters6
- Cell Transplantation6
- BMC Neuroscience6
- Brain Research6
- Marine Biotechnology6
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition6
- Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases6
- Journal of Systematic Palaeontology6
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association6
- Journal of the Institute of Brewing6
- Life-Basel6
- Journal of Physiology-London6
- Toxin Reviews6
- Transgenic Research6
- Tree Genetics & Genomes6
- Virchows Archiv6
- Virology6
- Steroids6
- Stress-The International Journal on the Biology of Stress6
- Weed Science6
- Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry6
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology6
- Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization6
- CPT-Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology6
- Journal of Neurovirology6
- Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine6
- Journal of Human Genetics6
- Dose-Response6
- Crop & Pasture Science6
- Drug Development Research6
- Journal of Insect Physiology6
- Wound Repair and Regeneration6
- Current Molecular Pharmacology6
- Ecology and Evolution6
- Journal of Liposome Research6
- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society6
- Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology6
- Zoological Research6
- Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences6
- Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene6
- Biological Psychology6
- Journal of Membrane Biology6
- Cognitive Neurodynamics6
- Cognitive Systems Research6
- Journal of Fish Diseases6
- International Journal of Biometeorology6
- Journal of Arid Land6
- International Journal of Environmental Research6
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology6
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics6
- International Journal of Food Science and Technology6
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology6
- International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance6
- Journal of Chemical Ecology6
- Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy6
- Journal of Antibiotics6
- Fungal Ecology6
- Protein Science6
- Gene6
- Pharmaceutical Development and Technology6
- Psychoneuroendocrinology6
- Psychophysiology6
- Pharmacotherapy6
- Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences6
- Integrative and Comparative Biology6
- Regenerative Therapy6
- Integrative Zoology6
- Geomicrobiology Journal6
- Physiological Measurement6
- Reproductive Biology6
- Reproductive Biomedicine Online6
- Reproductive Sciences6
- Research in Microbiology6
- Frontiers in Environmental Science6
- Parasitology International6
- Archives of Virology6
- Biomarkers6
- Neotropical Entomology6
- Behavioral Ecology6
- Molecular Breeding6
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics6
- Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology6
- BioEssays6
- Biointerphases6
- Archiv der Pharmazie6
- Mycokeys6
1303 Anti-Cancer Drugs5
- European Journal of Phycology5
- European Journal of Protistology5
- Food Quality and Safety5
- Evolution Medicine and Public Health5
- Experimental Brain Research5
- Environmental Conservation5
- Environmental Engineering Research5
- Analytical Cellular Pathology5
- Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy5
- Environmental Modeling & Assessment5
- Animal Bioscience5
- Aerobiologia5
- Fisheries Oceanography5
- Annals of Applied Biology5
- Flavour and Fragrance Journal5
- Annals of Pharmacotherapy5
- Estuaries and Coasts5
- Food and Agricultural Immunology5
- European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology5
- Agroforestry Systems5
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology5
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences5
- Climate Research5
- Canadian Journal of Microbiology5
- Climate Services5
- Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology5
- Cancer Genomics & Proteomics5
- Clinical Genetics5
- Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine5
- Clinical Therapeutics5
- BMC Medical Genomics5
- ChemBioChem5
- Chemical Senses5
- Breeding Science5
- Briefings in Functional Genomics5
- Journal of Spectroscopy5
- Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing5
- Journal of Theoretical Biology5
- Microbes and Infection5
- Microbial Cell5
- Journal of the World Aquaculture Society5
- Journal of Viral Hepatitis5
- Microscopy Research and Technique5
- Journal of Water and Health5
- Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology5
- Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology5
- Mammalian Biology5
- RSC Medicinal Chemistry5
- Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods5
- Traffic5
- Translational Andrology and Urology5
- Tuberculosis5
- Vision Research5
- Water Air and Soil Pollution5
- Water Environment Research5
- Water Supply5
- Wetlands Ecology and Management5
- Cytotechnology5
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology5
- Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases5
- Database-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation5
- Journal of Food Safety5
- Developmental Neurobiology5
- Developmental Psychobiology5
- Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology5
- Journal of Genetics5
- Conservation Physiology5
- Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences5
- Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease5
- Disease Markers5
- Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry5
- Journal of Hydro-Environment Research5
- Drug and Chemical Toxicology5
- Journal of Paleolimnology5
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering5
- Drugs in R&D5
- Worlds Poultry Science Journal5
- Ecohealth5
- Ecological Entomology5
- Journal of Mammalian Evolution5
- Journal of Economic Entomology5
- Zoological Letters5
- Zoology5
- Electrophoresis5
- Journal of Medicinal Food5
- Current Protein & Peptide Science5
- Journal of Microbiological Methods5
- Journal of Ethnobiology5
- Current Vascular Pharmacology5
- Journal of Molecular Evolution5
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology5
- Journal of Molecular Modeling5
- International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy5
- Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers5
- Journal of Biochemistry5
- International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment5
- Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics5
- International Journal of Plant Production5
- International Review of Hydrobiology5
- Intervirology5
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant5
- Journal of Clinical Neuroscience5
- Journal of Coastal Conservation5
- Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems and Environmental Physiology5
- Future Microbiology5
- Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics5
- Pharmacopsychiatry5
- Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery5
- Insect Science5
- Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management5
- Photochemistry and Photobiology5
- Regenerative Medicine5
- Integrative Organismal Biology5
- International Agrophysics5
- Food Science and Technology International5
- Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology5
- Hereditas5
- Freshwater Biology5
- Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture5
- Plant Pathology5
- Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment5
- Plant Production Science5
- Plant Soil and Environment5
- Human Movement Science5
- Human Pathology5
- Parasitology5
- Prenatal Diagnosis5
- Hydrobiologia5
- Parasitology Research5
- Pathology Research and Practice5
- Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology5
- Packaging Technology and Science5
- Basic and Clinical Andrology5
- Neural Computation5
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology5
- Behavior Genetics5
- Bioacoustics-The International Journal of Animal Sound and Its Recording5
- Molecular Carcinogenesis5
- Bioscience of Microbiota Food and Health5
- Neuroimmunomodulation5
- Molecular Omics5
- Biocontrol5
- Neuropsychology5
- Biologia5
- Mycologia5
- Archives of Animal Nutrition5
- NMR in Biomedicine5
- Mycopathologia5
- Biological Journal of the Linnean Society5
- Mycotoxin Research5
- Anthropocene Review5
- Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics5
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics5
- Engineering in Life Sciences5
- Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica5
- Experimental Physiology5
- Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs5
- Analytical Methods5
- Acta Neuropsychiatrica5
- Animal Genetics5
- Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts5
- Advanced Therapeutics5
- Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger5
- Annals of the Entomological Society of America5
- European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics5
- European Journal of Histochemistry5
- Agronomy Journal5
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology5
- Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology5
- Clinical and Experimental Hypertension5
- Clinical Autonomic Research5
- Cancer Cytopathology5
- Coastal Management5
- Biotechnology Journal5
- Cereal Chemistry5
- Brain and Cognition5
- Chemical Biology & Drug Design5
- Chemoecology5
- Marine Biology5
- Journal of Sea Research5
- Marine Resource Economics5
- Medicinal Chemistry Research5
- Microbes and Environments5
- Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System5
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change5
- Kidney & Blood Pressure Research5
- Journal of Plankton Research5
- Mammalian Genome5
- Toxicology and Industrial Health5
- Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology5
- Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease5
- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy5
- Synthetic Biology5
- Wetlands5
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring5
- Cytometry Part B-Clinical Cytometry5
- DARU-Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences5
- Journal of Gene Medicine5
- Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases5
- Diagnostic Pathology5
- Differentiation5
- Journal of Hydroinformatics5
- Crop Science5
- Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy5
- Current Bioinformatics5
- Current Drug Metabolism5
- Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics5
- Journal of Insect Science5
- Current Genomics5
- Ecohydrology5
- Zebrafish5
- Current Neurovascular Research5
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance5
- Zoologica Scripta5
- Journal of Mathematical Biology5
- Journal of Medical Entomology5
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity5
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes5
- Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology5
- Journal of Experimental Biology5
- International Journal of Dairy Technology5
- International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry5
- Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme5
- International Journal of Radiation Biology5
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics5
- Journal of Comparative Neurology5
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology5
- International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife5
- Journal of Applied Biomedicine5
- Future Medicinal Chemistry5
- Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators5
- Pharmacogenomics5
- Genes & Genomics5
- Inhalation Toxicology5
- Inland Waters5
- Phytochemical Analysis5
- Food Science and Biotechnology5
- Food Science and Technology5
- Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research5
- Forensic Toxicology5
- Freshwater Science5
- Histochemistry and Cell Biology5
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience5
- Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology5
- Functional & Integrative Genomics5
- Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology5
- npj Science of Learning5
- OENO One5
- Asian Journal of Andrology5
- Organisms Diversity & Evolution5
- Paddy and Water Environment5
- Biometrika5
- Behavioral Neuroscience5
- Behavioural Pharmacology5
- Neuroendocrinology5
- Neurological Sciences5
- Biosystems5
- Molecular Oral Microbiology5
- Neuropsychobiology5
- Molecular Reproduction and Development5
- Aquaculture Reports5
- Aquatic Botany5
- Aquatic Ecology5
- Biofouling5
- Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science5
- Mycological Progress5
1570 Algorithms for Molecular Biology4
- Antiviral Therapy4
- European Journal of Wildlife Research4
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A4
- Evolutionary Biology4
- Evolution & Development4
- Experimental Agriculture4
- Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology4
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics4
- American Journal of Potato Research4
- Environmental Chemistry4
- Experimental Parasitology4
- Acta Biotheoretica4
- Environmental Forensics4
- Familial Cancer4
- Animal Reproduction Science4
- Animal Science Journal4
- Environmental Technology4
- Advances in Physiology Education4
- Fishes4
- African Journal of Marine Science4
- Epilepsia Open4
- Euphytica4
- Food and Nutrition Bulletin4
- Clinical Eeg and Neuroscience4
- Cell and Tissue Banking4
- Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment4
- Chemistry and Ecology4
- Chemistry & Biodiversity4
- Chemosensory Perception4
- Brazilian Journal of Microbiology4
- Chirality4
- British Poultry Science4
- Journal of Radiation Research4
- Journal of Reproductive Immunology4
- Marine Genomics4
- Mathematical Biosciences4
- Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena4
- Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science4
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society4
- Mitochondrial DNA Part A4
- Lymphatic Research and Biology4
- Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science4
- Journal of Poultry Science4
- Mammal Research4
- Science & Justice4
- Small Ruminant Research4
- Tropical Animal Health and Production4
- Social Neuroscience4
- Soil Science and Plant Nutrition4
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research4
- Vadose Zone Journal4
- Viral Immunology4
- Virus Genes4
- Sugar Tech4
- Weed Research4
- Wildlife Research4
- Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science4
- Toxicological Research4
- Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis4
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics4
- Journal of Neurolinguistics4
- Conservation Genetics4
- Diseases of Aquatic Organisms4
- Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics4
- Journal of Oleo Science4
- Cryptogamie Algologie4
- Journal of Pesticide Science4
- Journal of Insect Conservation4
- Journal of Integrated Pest Management4
- Xenobiotica4
- Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research4
- Journal of Environmental Engineering4
- Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine4
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering4
- Zygote4
- Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets4
- Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology4
- Cognitive Neuroscience4
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological and Integrative Physiology4
- Journal of Molecular Recognition4
- Journal of Fish Biology4
- Journal of Applied Entomology4
- Journal of Applied Poultry Research4
- Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology4
- International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience4
- Journal of Biological Dynamics4
- International Journal of Gynecological Pathology4
- Journal of Biological Physics4
- Journal of Biophotonics4
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology4
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacology4
- Journal of Agricultural Science4
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience4
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering4
- Journal of Apicultural Research4
- IET Systems Biology4
- Personalized Medicine4
- Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences4
- Pharmacogenetics and Genomics4
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics4
- Pharmacology4
- Genetics and Molecular Biology4
- Radiation Research4
- Insect Molecular Biology4
- Physiological and Biochemical Zoology4
- International Clinical Psychopharmacology4
- Physiological Research4
- Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology4
- Planta Medica4
- Plant Breeding4
- Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia4
- Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences4
- Pathobiology4
- Assay and Drug Development Technologies4
- Biomedical Chromatography4
- Ozone-Science & Engineering4
- Behavioural Processes4
- Biocatalysis and Biotransformation4
- Neurological Research4
- Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine4
- Biotechniques4
- Molecular Informatics4
- Biocontrol Science and Technology4
- Bioelectromagnetics4
- Mountain Research and Development4
- Aquatic Invasions4
- New Genetics and Society4
- Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis4
- Mycobiology4
- Archives Animal Breeding4
- Biological Agriculture & Horticulture4
- North American Journal of Fisheries Management4
- Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health4
- European Journal of Plant Pathology4
- American Journal of Enology and Viticulture4
- European Neurology4
- European Zoological Journal4
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics4
- Evolutionary Ecology4
- Experimental and Applied Acarology4
- American Journal of Primatology4
- Environmental Biology of Fishes4
- Environmental Entomology4
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics4
- Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology4
- Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research4
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy4
- Environmental Research Communications4
- Fisheries Management and Ecology4
- Annals of Diagnostic Pathology4
- African Journal of Aquatic Science4
- Ethology Ecology & Evolution4
- Agricultural and Forest Entomology4
- Folia Parasitologica4
- Agricultural & Environmental Letters4
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems4
- Antarctic Science4
- AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses4
- Food Biotechnology4
- Carbohydrate Research4
- Cardiovascular Pathology4
- Clinical Toxicology4
- Cells Tissues Organs4
- Cell Structure and Function4
- Bipolar Disorders4
- Brain Behavior and Evolution4
- Brain Injury4
- Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research4
- Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research4
- Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines4
- Bulletin of Entomological Research4
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries4
- Marine and Freshwater Research4
- Journal of Reproduction and Development4
- Journal of Sensory Studies4
- Marine Mammal Science4
- Journal of the American Pharmacists Association4
- Mediterranean Marine Science4
- Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz4
- Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases4
- Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology4
- Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems4
- Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection4
- Seed Science and Technology4
- Soil & Sediment Contamination4
- Starch-Starke4
- Veterinary Pathology4
- Visual Neuroscience4
- Water and Environment Journal4
- Theory in Biosciences4
- River Research and Applications4
- Journal of Fluorescence4
- Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility4
- Czech Journal of Food Sciences4
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience4
- Developmental Dynamics4
- Developmental Neuroscience4
- Journal of Genetic Counseling4
- Conservation Genetics Resources4
- Contemporary Clinical Trials4
- Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems4
- Journal of Immunological Methods4
- Journal of International Medical Research4
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry4
- Zoologischer Anzeiger4
- Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology4
- Journal of Medical Microbiology4
- Learning and Motivation4
- Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy4
- CyTA-Journal of Food4
- Journal of Applied Genetics4
- International Journal of Experimental Pathology4
- Journal of Basic Microbiology4
- International Journal of Neuroscience4
- International Journal of Paleopathology4
- International Journal of Primatology4
- Journal of Cellular Biochemistry4
- Journal of Chemotherapy4
- Invertebrate Systematics4
- Journal of Chromatographic Science4
- Journal of Clinical Pathology4
- Italian Journal of Agronomy4
- Journal of Agricultural Meteorology4
- Journal of Anatomy4
- Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition4
- Journal of Aoac International4
- International Journal of Astrobiology4
- Immunology and Cell Biology4
- Future Virology4
- Protein Expression and Purification4
- Proteomics4
- Protist4
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety4
- Genetica4
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry4
- Phycologia4
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems4
- Physiology International4
- Phytochemistry Letters4
- Grass and Forage Science4
- Phytoparasitica4
- Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology4
- Growth Hormone & Igf Research4
- Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience4
- Plant Biotechnology4
- Plant Biotechnology Reports4
- Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology4
- Plant Protection Science4
- Human Dimensions of Wildlife4
- Plant Systematics and Evolution4
- Potato Research4
- Prion4
- Arthropod Structure & Development4
- Biology Open4
- Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology4
- Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology4
- Biopharmaceutics & Drug disPosition4
- Molecular Biotechnology4
- Biopreservation and Biobanking4
- Bioremediation Journal4
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology4
- Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports4
- Neurologic Clinics4
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation4
- Neuroreport4
- Aquaculture International4
- Muscle & Nerve4
- Aquatic Sciences4
- Biological Bulletin4
- Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology4
- Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin4
- Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine4
1844 Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders3
- American Journal of Human Biology3
- Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology3
- Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata3
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis3
- Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science3
- Acta Cytologica3
- Anatomical Science International3
- Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria3
- Acta Parasitologica3
- African Entomology3
- Annals of Human Biology3
- Ethology3
- Folia Neuropathologica3
- European Journal of Entomology3
- European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology3
- Canadian Entomologist3
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science3
- Clinical Anatomy3
- Clinical Neuropharmacology3
- Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics3
- Cogent Food & Agriculture3
- Birth Defects Research3
- Cellular Reprogramming3
- Cereal Research Communications3
- Bragantia3
- Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin3
- Chemotherapy3
- Chinese Journal of Physiology3
- Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology3
- Marine Biodiversity3
- Marine Biology Research3
- Medical Molecular Morphology3
- Microbiology3
- Journal of Vascular Research3
- Journal of Vector Ecology3
- Lake and Reservoir Management3
- Learning & Behavior3
- Lipids3
- Transactions of the American Fisheries Society3
- Somatosensory and Motor Research3
- Turkish Journal of Field Crops3
- Ultrastructural Pathology3
- Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research3
- Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery3
- Subterranean Biology3
- Systematic Parasitology3
- Weed Technology3
- Theoretical Population Biology3
- Journal of Morphology3
- Czech Journal of Animal Science3
- Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding3
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine3
- Development Growth & Differentiation3
- Contributions to Zoology3
- Diatom Research3
- Journal of Helminthology3
- Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression3
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation3
- Journal of Integrative Neuroscience3
- Yeast3
- Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section C-A Journal of Biosciences3
- Current Nanoscience3
- Journal of Dairy Research3
- Zoo Biology3
- Ecology of Freshwater Fish3
- Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies3
- Zoological Science3
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior3
- Current Radiopharmaceuticals3
- Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology3
- Cytometry Part A3
- International Journal of Biomathematics3
- International Journal of Environmental Health Research3
- Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology3
- Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry3
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology3
- Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences3
- Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials3
- Protein and Peptide Letters3
- Gait & Posture3
- Protein Journal3
- Gene Expression Patterns3
- Proteomics Clinical Applications3
- Industrial Health3
- Genes & Genetic Systems3
- Public Health Genomics3
- Genesis3
- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology3
- Genetic Epidemiology3
- Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers3
- Physical Geography3
- Reproduction in Domestic Animals3
- Grasas y Aceites3
- Growth Factors3
- Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical3
- Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia3
- Parasite Immunology3
- Primates3
- Biological Psychiatry-Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging3
- Natural Product Research3
- Arthropod-Plant Interactions3
- Ophthalmic Genetics3
- Australian Mammalogy3
- Biometrics3
- Neotropical Ichthyology3
- Biopolymers3
- Neurodegenerative Diseases3
- Molecular Cytogenetics3
- Biostatistics3
- Neuropathology3
- Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology3
- Multisensory Research3
- New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research3
- New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research3
- Mycoscience3
- Alcohol3
- European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology3
- Experimental Animals3
- Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs3
- Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica3
- Animal Biotechnology3
- Animal Production Science3
- Animal Welfare3
- Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology3
- Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine3
- Environmetrics3
- African Journal of Range & Forage Science3
- Florida Entomologist3
- Agribusiness3
- Folia Morphologica3
- Cahiers Agricultures3
- Canadian Journal of Animal Science3
- Canadian Journal of Zoology3
- Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development3
- Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging3
- Cell Biochemistry and Function3
- Botanica Marina3
- Chromatographia3
- Journal of Psychophysiology3
- Journal of Radiological Protection3
- Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective3
- Medical and Veterinary Entomology3
- Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists3
- Journal of Toxicological Sciences3
- Microbiology and Immunology3
- Journal of Wildlife Management3
- Journal of Zoology3
- Limnetica3
- Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry3
- Toxicon3
- Seminars in Reproductive Medicine3
- Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences3
- Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine3
- Statistics in Medicine3
- Vascular Pharmacology3
- Stem Cell Research3
- Journal of Motor Behavior3
- Comparative Cytogenetics3
- Comparative Medicine3
- Development Genes and Evolution3
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene3
- Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice3
- Journal of Hymenoptera Research3
- Cryptogamie Mycologie3
- Current Computer-Aided Drug Design3
- World Rabbit Science3
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S-Chemia i Inzynieria Ekologiczna S3
- Zemdirbyste-Agriculture3
- Journal of Cutaneous Pathology3
- Zookeys3
- Journal of Mammalogy3
- Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy3
- Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management3
- Journal of Environmental Informatics3
- Journal of Medical Toxicology3
- Current Zoology3
- Cytojournal3
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution3
- Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening3
- Journal of Molluscan Studies3
- Journal of Applied Remote Sensing3
- International Journal of Developmental Biology3
- Journal of Arachnology3
- Journal of Biological Education3
- International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms3
- Journal of Biological Systems3
- Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics3
- International Journal of Pest Management3
- International Journal of Pharmaceutics-X3
- Invertebrate Biology3
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal3
- Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology3
- Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies3
- Journal of Comparative Psychology3
- Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics3
- Journal of Applied Animal Research3
- Pediatric and Developmental Pathology3
- Psychiatric Genetics3
- Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine3
- Genes to Cells3
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution3
- Radioprotection3
- Insectes Sociaux3
- Regional Studies in Marine Science3
- Physiological Entomology3
- Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinaria3
- Plant Molecular Biology Reporter3
- HLA3
- Human Fertility3
- Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental3
- Hypertension in Pregnancy3
- Pathology International3
- Biologicals3
- Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research3
- Natural Resource Modeling3
- Arid Land Research and Management3
- Open Life Sciences3
- Australian Journal of Zoology3
- Australian Systematic Botany3
- Biomolecular Nmr Assignments3
- Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics3
- Behaviour3
- Bioanalysis3
- Neuroimaging Clinics of North America3
- Biochemical Genetics3
- Biotechnic & Histochemistry3
- Biochemistry-Moscow3
- Applied Entomology and Zoology3
- Biocontrol Science3
- Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis3
- New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science3
- Biologia Futura3
2077 American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology2
- Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica2
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education2
- Entomological Science2
- American Journal of Reproductive Immunology2
- American Museum Novitates2
- Acta Amazonica2
- Acta Biochimica Polonica2
- Acta Ethologica2
- Acta Neurologica Belgica2
- Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae2
- Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France2
- Annales Zoologici2
- Fisheries Science2
- African Journal of Wildlife Research2
- Agricultural and Food Science2
- Folia Primatologica2
- European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy2
- Ciencia Rural2
- Clean-Soil Air Water2
- Brain Impairment2
- Brain Stimulation2
- Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology2
- Mammal Study2
- Journal of Seed Science2
- Journal of Shellfish Research2
- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom2
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology2
- Laboratory Animals2
- Molecular Biology2
- Lichenologist2
- Russian Journal of Developmental Biology2
- Scientia Marina2
- Silvae Genetica2
- Sleep and Biological Rhythms2
- Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Entomology2
- Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology2
- Systematic Botany2
- Cytopathology2
- Journal of General and Applied Microbiology2
- Journal of Ichthyology2
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics2
- Journal of Crustacean Biology2
- Zoologia2
- Zoomorphology2
- Zoosystematics and Evolution2
- Current Pharmaceutical Analysis2
- Cytogenetic and Genome Research2
- Cytologia2
- Journal of Applied Ichthyology2
- Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology2
- International Journal of Immunogenetics2
- International Journal of Odonatology2
- International Journal of Surgical Pathology2
- International Journal of Toxicology2
- Invertebrate Reproduction & Development2
- Irrigation and Drainage2
- International Journal of Acarology2
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal2
- Pharmaceutical Statistics2
- Inland Water Biology2
- INRA Productions Animales2
- Phycological Research2
- Grassland Science2
- Placenta2
- Herpetologica2
- Herpetozoa2
- Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science2
- Human Heredity2
- Polar Record2
- Fundamental and Applied Limnology2
- Biological Rhythm Research2
- Arctic2
- Natural Resources Forum2
- Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria2
- Ocean Science Journal2
- Biology of the Cell2
- Audiology and Neuro-Otology2
- Nematology2
- Avian Biology Research2
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education2
- Molecular Syndromology2
- Molluscan Research2
- Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management2
- Bioimpacts2
- European Journal of Taxonomy2
- American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy2
- Entomological Research2
- Acarologia2
- Environment2
- Acta Adriatica2
- American Journal of Therapeutics2
- Acta Alimentaria2
- Amphibia-Reptilia2
- Acta Chiropterologica2
- Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology Communications2
- Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae2
- Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis2
- Farmacia2
- Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy2
- Acta Zoologica2
- FEMS Microbiology Letters2
- Annals of Human Genetics2
- African Zoology2
- Bulletin of Marine Science2
- Ciencia e Agrotecnologia2
- California Agriculture2
- Clinical Neuropathology2
- Clinical Neurophysiology2
- Cellular and Molecular Biology2
- Chelonian Conservation and Biology2
- Chemistry of Natural Compounds2
- Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science2
- Mathematical Medicine and Biology-A Journal of the Ima2
- Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association2
- Medical Mycology2
- Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni2
- Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources2
- Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research2
- Mammalia2
- Journal of Plant Registrations2
- Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales2
- Sociobiology2
- Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi2
- South African Journal of Animal Science2
- Twin Research and Human Genetics2
- Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment2
- Synapse2
- Therapie2
- Cytoskeleton2
- Journal of Natural History2
- Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift2
- Diagnostic Cytopathology2
- Journal of Herpetology2
- Journal of Histotechnology2
- Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics2
- Journal of Pain2
- Journal of Parasitology2
- Journal of Peptide Science2
- Journal of Insect Behavior2
- Current HIV Research2
- Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety2
- EFSA Journal2
- Zoology in the Middle East2
- Zoosystema2
- Encephale-Revue de Psychiatrie Clinique Biologique et Therapeutique2
- Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science2
- Journal of Ethology2
- Cytology and Genetics2
- International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics2
- Journal of Aquatic Animal Health2
- Journal of Asian Natural Products Research2
- Journal of Clinical Lipidology2
- JARQ-Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly2
- Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics2
- Iheringia Serie Zoologia2
- Pediatric Exercise Science2
- Peptide Science2
- GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society2
- Indian Journal of Microbiology2
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry2
- Records of Natural Products2
- Physics of Life Reviews2
- Food Science and Technology Research2
- Plankton & Benthos Research2
- Hemoglobin2
- Revista Argentina de Microbiologia2
- Herpetological Journal2
- Revista Caatinga2
- Polish Journal of Environmental Studies2
- Ichthyological Research2
- Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids2
- Austral Entomology2
- Pacific Science2
- Biometrical Journal2
- Biocell2
- Molecular & Cellular Toxicology2
- Motor Control2
- Aquatic Insects2
- Aquatic Mammals2
- New Medit2
- New Zealand Journal of Zoology2
- North American Journal of Aquaculture2
2260 American Journal of Clinical Pathology1
- Entomological News1
- Anatomia Histologia Embryologia1
- FASEB Journal1
- Fertility and Sterility1
- Caldasia1
- Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences1
- Biotechnology Law Report1
- Journal of the History of Biology1
- Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society1
- Journal of Wine Economics1
- Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology1
- Russian Journal of Herpetology1
- Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research1
- South American Journal of Herpetology1
- Southwestern Entomologist1
- Systematic and Applied Acarology1
- Thalassas1
- Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental1
- Comparative Parasitology1
- Crustaceana1
- Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods1
- Current Herpetology1
- Journal of Elementology1
- Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology1
- Journal of Medical Primatology1
- Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture1
- Journal of Environmental Science and Management1
- Allelopathy Journal1
- Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases1
- International Journal of Morphology1
- International Journal of Psychophysiology1
- Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh1
- Journal of Animal Science1
- Indian Journal of Fisheries1
- Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology1
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology1
- Pharmacognosy Magazine1
- Redia-Journal of Zoology1
- Grundwasser1
- Health Physics1
- Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte1
- Revista Ciencia Agronomica1
- Revista de Biologia Tropical1
- Ideggyogyaszati Szemle-Clinical Neuroscience1
- Pathology1
- Natural Product Communications1
- Open Forum Infectious Diseases1
- Oriental Insects1
- Pakistan Journal of Zoology1
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences1
- Neurochemical Journal1
- Biorheology1
- Neurological Sciences and Neurophysiology1
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics1
- Neuromuscular Disorders1
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research1
- Neurophysiology1
- Archives of Biological Sciences1
- Food Hygiene and Safety Science1
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal1
- Acta Biologica Colombiana1
- Animal Biology1
- Fetal and Pediatric Pathology1
- Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance1
- Folia Biologica-Krakow1
- Ciencias Marinas1
- Clinical Dysmorphology1
- Cancer Genetics1
- Boletim do Instituto de Pesca1
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly1
- Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University1
- Journal of the History of the Neurosciences1
- Journal of Vector Borne Diseases1
- Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics1
- Journal of Virus Eradication1
- Letters in Drug Design & Discovery1
- Russian Journal of Genetics1
- Russian Journal of Marine Biology1
- Transactions of the American Entomological Society1
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine1
- Statistics and Its Interface1
- Weed Biology and Management1
- Taxon1
- Revista Internacional de Andrologia1
- Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias1
- Journal of Hematopathology1
- Dissolution Technologies1
- Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology1
- Cryobiology1
- Yakugaku Zasshi-Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan1
- Journal of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals1
- Journal of Entomological Science1
- Zootaxa1
- Current Proteomics1
- Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology1
- Acta Biológica Colombiana1
- Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition1
- Coleopterists Bulletin1
- International Journal of Global Warming1
- Iranian Journal of Parasitology1
- Journal of Coastal Research1
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi1
- Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences1
- Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira1
- Indian Journal of Animal Sciences1
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research1
- Genetika-Belgrade1
- Phyllomedusa1
- Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias1
- Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia1
- Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina1
- Polish Journal of Pathology1
- Pan-Pacific Entomologist1
- Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington1
- Biology Bulletin1
- Arthropoda Selecta1
- Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences1
- Bioscience Journal1
- Molecular Genetics Microbiology and Virology1
- Neurology India1
- Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement1
- Mycotaxon1
2383 American Biology Teacher0
- European Neuropsychopharmacology0
- Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica0
- Fisheries0
- Journal of the Anatomical Society of India0
- Medizinische Genetik0
- Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society0
- Klinische Neurophysiologie0
- Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology0
- Revista Mvz Cordoba0
- Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii0
- Zoologichesky Zhurnal0
- International Journal of Biostatistics0
- International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics0
- International Journal of Environment and Pollution0
- Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering0
- International Journal of Pharmacology0
- Journal of Comparative Pathology0
- Indian Journal of Animal Research0
- Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft0
- Physiology0
- Human Reproduction0
- Molecular Genetics and Metabolism0
- Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi0
- Annales de Pathologie0
- Fishery Bulletin0
- Ceska A Slovenska Neurologie A Neurochirurgie0
- Medecine Nucleaire-Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Metabolique0
- Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi0
- Journal of the Lepidopterists Society0
- Journal of the Neurological Sciences0
- Legume Research0
- Toxicology Letters0
- Trace Elements and Electrolytes0
- Semina-Ciencias Agrarias0
- Sleep0
- Sugar Industry-Zuckerindustrie0
- Cytotherapy0
- Journal of Oil Palm Research0
- Drugs of the Future0
- Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni i P Pavlova0
- Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research0
- International Journal of Human Genetics0
- Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology0
- Gayana0
- Quarterly Review of Biology0
- Reproduction Fertility and Development0
- Global Nest Journal0
- Hidrobiologica0
- Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana0
- Biologicheskie Membrany0
- Biophysical Journal0
- Neurocirugia0
- Biological Psychiatry0