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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Landscape and Urban Planning21
2 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening16
3 Cities13
- Habitat International13
5 Journal of Urban Economics12
6 Journal of Urban Technology7
- Regional Science and Urban Economics7
- Urban Studies7
9 Local Environment6
- City & Community6
- European Urban and Regional Studies6
- Housing Policy Debate6
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development6
- Urban Geography6
- European Planning Studies6
- Housing Studies6
17 International Regional Science Review5
- Planning Theory & Practice5
- Environment and Urbanization5
- International Journal of Urban Sciences5
- Journal of Housing Economics5
- Urban Education5
23 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research4
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment4
- Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics4
- Urban Design International4
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography4
- Open House International4
- Urban Affairs Review4
- Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science4
- International Journal of Housing Policy4
32 Journal of Planning Education and Research3
- Education and Urban Society3
- Housing Theory & Society3
- Journal of Planning Literature3
- Journal of the American Planning Association3
- Urban Research & Practice3
- Economic Development Quarterly3
39 Journal of Urban Affairs2
- Urban Policy and Research2
- Real Estate Economics2
42 Journal of Urban History0