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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Cities2117
2 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening1376
3 Landscape and Urban Planning915
4 Journal of Urban Affairs836
5 Urban Studies753
6 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science667
7 Habitat International610
8 European Planning Studies532
9 Journal of Urban Planning and Development520
10 Housing Studies450
11 Urban Geography445
12 Local Environment408
13 Journal of the American Planning Association367
14 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment363
15 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research340
16 Journal of Urban History329
17 Regional Science and Urban Economics310
18 Journal of Planning Education and Research287
19 Housing Policy Debate280
20 Journal of Urban Economics276
21 Urban Education263
22 Urban Affairs Review234
23 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics203
24 Open House International199
- Real Estate Economics199
26 International Journal of Housing Policy188
27 Journal of Planning Literature182
28 Education and Urban Society174
29 Journal of Housing Economics172
- Planning Theory & Practice172
31 Housing Theory & Society165
32 Urban Research & Practice162
33 Urban Policy and Research159
34 International Journal of Urban Sciences150
35 City & Community140
36 European Urban and Regional Studies134
37 Journal of Urban Technology133
38 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography129
39 Environment and Urbanization123
40 Economic Development Quarterly120
41 Urban Design International118
42 International Regional Science Review98