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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Landscape and Urban Planning17.440
2 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening12.312
3 Cities11.194
4 Habitat International10.652
5 Journal of Urban Economics9.859
6 Regional Science and Urban Economics6.403
7 Journal of Urban Technology6.128
8 Urban Studies5.574
9 European Planning Studies5.055
10 Urban Geography4.807
11 Environment and Urbanization4.740
12 Housing Policy Debate4.571
13 European Urban and Regional Studies4.507
14 City & Community4.429
15 Local Environment4.373
16 Journal of Urban Planning and Development4.300
17 International Journal of Urban Sciences4.180
18 Housing Studies4.056
19 Journal of Housing Economics4.041
20 Journal of Planning Literature3.736
21 Planning Theory & Practice3.401
22 International Regional Science Review3.398
- Urban Design International3.398
24 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics3.335
25 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research3.229
26 Urban Education3.156
27 International Journal of Housing Policy3.117
28 Housing Theory & Society3.067
29 Journal of the American Planning Association3.049
30 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment3.025
31 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science2.967
32 Open House International2.894
33 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography2.876
34 Urban Affairs Review2.774
35 Real Estate Economics2.513
36 Urban Research & Practice2.284
37 Education and Urban Society2.138
38 Journal of Planning Education and Research2.021
39 Economic Development Quarterly1.942
40 Urban Policy and Research1.868
41 Journal of Urban Affairs1.414
42 Journal of Urban History0.581