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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Journal of Religion & Health24
2 Religions17
3 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality16
4 Review of Religious Research10
- HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies10
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion10
7 Religion Brain & Behavior9
8 Sociology of Religion8
- International Journal for the Psychology of Religion8
- Social Compass8
11 British Journal of Religious Education7
- Politics and Religion7
- Religion7
14 Religious Studies6
- Journal of Psychology and Theology6
16 Religious Education5
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion5
- Review of Faith & International Affairs5
- Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie5
- Zygon5
21 Journal of Religious Ethics4
- Method & Theory in the Study of Religion4
- Politics Religion & Ideology4
- European Journal for Philosophy of Religion4
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion4
- Material Religion4
- Modern Theology4
28 Studies in Christian Ethics3
- Theological Studies3
- Acta Theologica3
- Arabica3
- History of Religions3
- International Journal of Public Theology3
- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament3
- Muslim World3
- Theology and Science3
- Dialog-A Journal of Theology3
- Expository Times3
- Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations3
- Journal of Church and State3
- Journal of Theological Studies3
- New Testament Studies3
- Nova Religio-Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions3
- Numen-International Review for the History of Religions3
45 Religious Studies Review2
- Sefarad2
- Theology Today2
- Vetus Testamentum2
- Welt des Islams2
- Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft2
- Al-Qantara2
- Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik2
- Catholic Biblical Quarterly2
- Dead Sea Discoveries2
- Exchange-Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context2
- Feminist Theology2
- Heythrop Journal2
- Irish Theological Quarterly2
- Islamic Law and Society2
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies2
- Journal for the Study of Judaism2
- Journal of Biblical Literature2
- Journal of Early Christian Studies2
- Journal of Ecumenical Studies2
- Journal of Religion2
- Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics2
- Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie2
- Nordic Journal of Religion and Society2
- Scottish Journal of Theology2
- Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses2
- Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia2
- Biblical Interpretation-A Journal of Contemporary Approaches2
- Buddhist Studies Review2
- Church History2
- Ecumenical Review2
- Harvard Theological Review2
- Hispania Sacra2
- Horizons2
- International Journal of Hindu Studies2
- Interpretation-A Journal of Bible and Theology2
- Islam-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients2
- Journal for the Study of the New Testament2
- Journal of Anglican Studies2
- Journal of Ecclesiastical History2
- Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion2
- Journal of Religious History2
87 Religion and the Arts1
- Religion & Literature1
- Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques1
- Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament1
- Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche1
- Augustinian Studies1
- Biblische Zeitschrift1
- Ecclesiastical Law Journal1
- Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses1
- Journal of Jewish Studies1
- Literature and Theology1
- Novum Testamentum1
- Revue de l'Histoire des Religions1
- Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique1
- Spiritus-A Journal of Christian Spirituality1
- Tyndale Bulletin1
- Vigiliae Christianae1
- Zeitschrift fuer Antikes Christentum-Journal of Ancient Christianity1
- AJS Review-The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies1
- Zeitschrift fuer die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der alteren Kirche1
- Zeitschrift fuer Religions-Und Geistesgeschichte1
- British Catholic History1
- Laval Theologique et Philosophique1
- Neotestamentica1