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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Technological Forecasting and Social Change3047
2 Journal of Rural Studies1136
3 Sustainable Development1076
4 Landscape and Urban Planning915
5 Regional Studies755
6 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science667
7 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management658
8 Habitat International610
9 Futures591
10 European Planning Studies532
11 Journal of Urban Planning and Development520
12 Housing Studies450
13 Computers Environment and Urban Systems437
14 Local Environment408
15 Journal of the American Planning Association367
16 Society & Natural Resources366
- Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space366
18 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment363
19 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research340
20 Growth and Change327
21 Papers in Regional Science291
22 Journal of Planning Education and Research287
23 Annals of Regional Science284
24 Journal of Regional Science243
25 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy238
26 Local Government Studies224
27 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning205
28 International Journal of Housing Policy188
29 Journal of Planning Literature182
30 Planning Theory & Practice172
31 Housing Theory & Society165
32 Urban Policy and Research159
33 disP157
34 European Urban and Regional Studies134
35 Planning Theory124
36 Urban Design International118
37 International Development Planning Review104
38 International Regional Science Review98
39 Journal of Environment & Development92