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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Personality and Individual Differences2233
2 Child Abuse & Neglect1662
3 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology897
4 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships713
5 Social Behavior and Personality690
6 International Journal of Intercultural Relations576
7 Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking561
8 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin553
9 Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology480
10 Social and Personality Psychology Compass477
11 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology469
12 Journal of Diversity in Higher Education445
13 Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology444
14 European Journal of Social Psychology431
15 Journal of Personality408
16 British Journal of Social Psychology404
17 Deviant Behavior401
18 Journal of Applied Social Psychology399
19 Social Psychological and Personality Science391
20 Political Psychology376
21 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations354
22 Journal of Research in Personality353
23 Emerging Adulthood344
24 Sex Roles339
25 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes274
26 Psychology of Men & Masculinities272
27 Journal of Personality Assessment270
28 Law and Human Behavior268
29 Journal of Loss & Trauma267
30 Journal of Social Issues264
31 Journal of Social Psychology257
32 Personal Relationships253
33 European Journal of Personality246
34 Journal of Psychosocial Oncology242
35 Kolner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie241
36 Motivation and Emotion239
37 Asian Journal of Social Psychology234
38 Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy221
39 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology210
40 Journal of Health and Social Behavior192
41 Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour180
42 Personality and Mental Health158
43 Small Group Research157
44 Journal of Language and Social Psychology141
45 Social Psychology131
46 Social Cognition129
47 Journal of Latinx Psychology126
- Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice126
49 Self and Identity119
50 Journal of Nonverbal Behavior118
- Social Psychology Quarterly118
52 Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology104
53 Journal of Individual Differences98
54 International Journal of Social Psychology90
55 Social Justice Research84
- Research on Language and Social Interaction84
57 Basic and Applied Social Psychology80
58 Gedrag & Organisatie72
59 Personality and Social Psychology Review65