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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Physiological Reviews56.557
2 Annual Review of Physiology29.573
3 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity11.893
4 Journal of Pineal Research9.021
5 American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology8.234
6 American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism7.434
7 American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology7.391
8 Journal of Physiological Sciences7.293
9 American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology7.215
10 American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology6.941
11 Journal of Cellular Physiology6.847
12 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews6.811
13 Frontiers in Physiology6.365
14 Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia6.151
15 Journal of Biological Rhythms6.122
16 Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry5.830
17 American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology5.824
18 Physiological Genomics5.752
19 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology5.695
20 Journal of Physiological Anthropology5.389
21 Journal of Applied Physiology5.305
22 Journal of General Physiology5.208
23 Journal of Neurophysiology5.180
24 International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance5.000
25 Journal of Membrane Biology4.912
26 Chemical Senses4.821
27 Journal of Physiology-London4.797
28 Physiological Measurement4.789
29 Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology4.740
30 American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology4.630
31 Acta Physiologica4.516
32 Psychophysiology4.513
33 Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology4.465
34 Journal of Insect Physiology4.332
35 International Journal of Biometeorology4.263
36 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology4.262
37 Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism4.259
38 Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology4.202
39 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry4.129
40 Chronobiology International4.032
41 Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology3.974
42 Conservation Physiology3.893
43 Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine3.790
44 Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology3.666
45 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology3.571
46 Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology3.408
47 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology3.335
48 Advances in Physiology Education3.270
49 Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems and Environmental Physiology3.223
50 Experimental Physiology3.197
51 Physiological Research3.104
52 Lymphatic Research and Biology3.098
53 Physiology International2.899
54 Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology2.831
55 Chinese Journal of Physiology2.674
56 Journal of Vascular Research2.473
57 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology2.463
58 Hypertension in Pregnancy2.426
59 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology2.215
60 International Journal of Psychophysiology2.031
61 Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging1.947
62 Biological Rhythm Research1.712
63 Pediatric Exercise Science1.594
64 Cryobiology1.592
65 Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology0.963
66 Neurophysiology0.808
67 Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte0.576
68 Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni i P Pavlova0.432
69 Physiology0.318