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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery36.736
2 Pharmacological Reviews33.488
3 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews29.691
4 Pharmacology & Therapeutics24.235
5 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology23.482
6 Drug Resistance Updates21.988
7 Drugs20.149
8 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B19.881
9 Journal of Controlled Release18.744
10 Medicinal Research Reviews18.528
11 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences18.376
12 Pharmacological Research17.642
13 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences17.410
14 Archives of Pharmacal Research14.573
15 Drug Delivery14.281
16 Drug Discovery Today13.786
17 International Journal of Nanomedicine12.489
18 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy12.222
19 CNS Drugs11.640
20 Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry11.625
21 Life Sciences11.485
22 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica11.444
23 Phytotherapy Research10.986
24 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents10.742
25 Phytomedicine10.705
26 Neuropsychopharmacology10.463
27 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery10.351
28 International Journal of Pharmaceutics10.136
29 Marine Drugs10.079
30 Biodrugs9.883
31 Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology9.878
32 British Journal of Pharmacology9.665
33 Neuropharmacology9.636
34 Biochemical Pharmacology9.429
35 Pharmaceutics9.364
36 Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy9.283
37 Journal of Ethnopharmacology9.192
38 Journal of Psychopharmacology9.086
39 Current Opinion in Pharmacology9.027
40 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation8.995
41 Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery8.871
42 European Journal of Pharmacology8.800
43 Drug Design Development and Therapy8.760
44 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences8.597
45 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics8.572
46 Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis8.567
47 Current Neuropharmacology8.504
48 Antiviral Research8.414
49 Toxicology8.403
50 International Journal for Parasitology-Drugs and Drug Resistance8.340
51 Chinese Medicine8.261
52 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy8.255
53 Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs8.204
54 Drug Delivery and Translational Research8.162
55 Antibiotics-Basel8.083
56 AAPS Journal7.994
57 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics7.794
58 Drug Metabolism Reviews7.642
59 Frontiers in Pharmacology7.640
60 Chemico-Biological Interactions7.631
61 Pharmacological Reports7.596
62 Pharmaceutical Biology7.541
63 Pharmaceuticals7.520
64 International Immunopharmacology7.473
65 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology7.406
66 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets7.312
67 Journal of Drug Targeting7.211
68 Pharmacoeconomics7.137
69 Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology7.020
70 Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy6.892
71 Journal of Pharmacological Sciences6.856
72 Molecular Pharmaceutics6.811
73 Neurotoxicology6.727
74 Clinical Pharmacokinetics6.701
75 Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance6.640
76 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy6.598
77 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences6.595
78 Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology6.420
79 Biomedicines6.403
80 Psychopharmacology6.373
81 Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology6.325
82 Drug Safety6.275
83 AAPS Pharmscitech6.252
84 Journal of Natural Products6.250
85 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine6.212
86 Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology6.202
87 Pharmaceutical Research6.196
- Drug Metabolism and disPosition6.196
89 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis6.180
90 Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior6.093
- Advances in Therapy6.093
92 Biomolecules & Therapeutics6.061
93 Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology6.033
94 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents6.010
95 Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology5.999
96 Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics5.899
97 Current Medicinal Chemistry5.862
98 Investigational New Drugs5.827
99 Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal5.817
100 Molecular Pharmacology5.816
101 European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy5.810
102 Infection and Drug Resistance5.742
103 Pharmacopsychiatry5.716
104 Drugs & Aging5.682
105 Microbial Drug Resistance5.669
106 Pediatric Drugs5.661
107 Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy5.650
108 Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics5.646
109 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences5.634
110 Peptides5.562
111 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics5.540
112 Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease5.528
113 Pharmacology Research & Perspectives5.514
114 Current Pharmaceutical Design5.499
115 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research5.443
116 ChemMedChem5.385
117 Cardiovascular Therapeutics5.306
118 Journal of Microencapsulation5.301
119 CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics5.261
120 Archiv der Pharmazie5.248
121 Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics5.224
122 Pharmacogenomics Journal5.171
123 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology5.106
124 Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology5.104
125 Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology5.076
126 Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety5.065
127 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy5.063
128 International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology4.959
129 Drug Development Research4.947
130 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology4.902
131 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics4.873
132 Current Drug Targets4.804
133 Clinical Therapeutics4.798
134 BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology4.789
135 Pharmacotherapy4.725
136 Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs4.700
137 Clinical Drug Investigation4.694
138 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience4.665
139 Expert Opinion on Drug Safety4.589
140 Journal of Liposome Research4.575
141 Drug Testing and Analysis4.460
142 Current Drug Delivery4.439
143 Skin Pharmacology and Physiology4.426
- CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets4.426
145 Fitoterapia4.414
146 Dose-Response4.385
147 American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs4.379
148 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology4.345
149 Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology4.338
150 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology4.318
151 Journal of Natural Medicines4.307
- Current Molecular Pharmacology4.307
153 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics4.264
154 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology4.181
155 Journal of Antibiotics4.160
156 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring4.138
157 CPT-Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology4.116
158 Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy4.093
159 Contemporary Clinical Trials3.968
160 Drugs in R&D3.963
161 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology3.947
162 International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy3.946
163 Advanced Therapeutics3.928
164 Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy3.918
165 Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals3.914
166 DARU-Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences3.889
- Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology3.889
168 Pharmacology3.877
169 Clinical and Experimental Hypertension3.828
170 Current Vascular Pharmacology3.814
171 Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics3.792
172 Chirality3.689
173 Current Drug Metabolism3.658
174 Anti-Cancer Drugs3.651
175 Annals of Pharmacotherapy3.628
176 European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics3.597
177 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology3.558
178 Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology3.535
179 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology3.525
180 Journal of Applied Biomedicine3.505
181 Pharmacogenomics3.475
182 International Clinical Psychopharmacology3.371
183 Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology3.344
184 Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets3.324
185 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research3.316
186 Drug and Chemical Toxicology3.297
187 Vascular Pharmacology3.295
188 Personalized Medicine3.287
189 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science3.278
190 Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology3.271
191 Behavioural Pharmacology3.235
192 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety3.231
193 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery3.216
194 Assay and Drug Development Technologies3.155
195 Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems3.119
196 Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology3.101
197 Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology3.091
198 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines3.088
199 Planta Medica3.070
- Journal of the American Pharmacists Association3.070
201 Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin3.065
202 Chemotherapy3.058
203 Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics3.039
204 Journal of Clinical Lipidology2.975
205 Journal of International Medical Research2.961
206 Toxicon2.913
207 Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology2.819
208 Biopharmaceutics & Drug disPosition2.812
209 Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung Section C-A Journal of Biosciences2.788
210 Biomedical Chromatography2.783
211 Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation2.743
212 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin2.720
213 Pharmacogenetics and Genomics2.712
214 International Journal of Pharmaceutics-X2.685
215 Biologicals2.677
216 Antiviral Therapy2.670
217 Alcohol2.646
218 Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental2.617
219 Xenobiotica2.557
220 Journal of Chemotherapy2.539
221 Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development2.538
222 Current Radiopharmaceuticals2.480
223 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening2.422
224 Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia2.368
225 Pharmaceutical Statistics2.308
226 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education2.303
227 American Journal of Therapeutics2.269
228 Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs2.224
229 Clinical Neuropharmacology2.165
230 Therapie2.159
231 Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics2.144
232 International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms2.083
233 Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice2.059
234 Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy2.056
235 American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy2.040
236 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research1.976
237 Bioimpacts1.970
238 Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine1.933
239 European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy1.881
240 International Journal of Toxicology1.756
241 Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics1.752
242 International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics1.532
243 European Neuropsychopharmacology1.519
244 Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods1.513
245 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics1.403
246 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal1.399
247 Farmacia1.317
248 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis1.315
249 Indian Journal of Pharmacology1.266
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research1.266
251 Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research1.189
252 Dissolution Technologies0.730
253 Yakugaku Zasshi-Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan0.607
254 International Journal of Pharmacology0.432
255 Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica0.338
256 Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research0.169
257 Drugs of the Future0.165