Field of Research: Clinical medicine » Category: Oncology
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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Journal of Clinical Oncology133
2 Lancet Oncology123
3 Cancer Cell105
4 Annals of Oncology102
5 Cancer Discovery91
6 Molecular Cancer90
- Cancers90
8 Journal of Hematology & Oncology87
9 Nature Reviews Cancer82
- JAMA Oncology82
11 Clinical Cancer Research81
12 Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology80
13 Frontiers in Oncology74
14 Seminars in Cancer Biology73
15 Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer72
16 Cancer Research70
17 Nature Cancer69
18 Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research68
19 Journal of Thoracic Oncology64
20 Cancer Letters62
21 British Journal of Cancer57
- European Journal of Cancer57
23 Oncogene56
24 Trends in Cancer51
- Leukemia51
- Neuro-Oncology51
27 International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics50
28 Radiotherapy and Oncology48
- Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network48
- Clinical and Translational Medicine48
31 Cancer Cell International47
32 CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians46
- JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute46
34 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer45
35 Cancer44
36 Blood Cancer Journal43
- Cancer Communications43
38 BMC Cancer42
- Cancer Treatment Reviews42
- International Journal of Cancer42
41 ESMO Open41
- Cancer Immunology Research41
43 Gynecologic Oncology40
- Oncologist40
- Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology40
46 Biomarker Research39
- Cancer Science39
48 Cancer Medicine38
49 European Urology Oncology37
- Clinical Epigenetics37
51 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics36
- Annals of Translational Medicine36
- Molecular Oncology36
- Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy36
55 Annals of Surgical Oncology35
- Lung Cancer35
- Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics35
- Translational Oncology35
- Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy35
- Oncoimmunology35
61 npj Breast Cancer34
62 Experimental Hematology & Oncology33
- EJSO33
- Supportive Care in Cancer33
65 JCO Precision Oncology32
66 JACC: Cardiooncology31
- Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention31
- Cancer Management and Research31
- Oral Oncology31
- Journal of Pathology31
- npj Precision Oncology31
72 Translational Lung Cancer Research30
- Breast30
- Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology30
- Experimental Cell Research30
- Future Oncology30
- Bone Marrow Transplantation30
- Liver Cancer30
- Oncotargets and Therapy30
80 Journal of Cancer29
- Molecular Medicine Reports29
- Current Oncology Reports29
- International Journal of Gynecological Cancer29
84 Breast Cancer Research and Treatment28
- Cancer and Metastasis Reviews28
- Neoplasia28
- Oncology Reports28
- Molecular Cancer Research28
- Pediatric Blood & Cancer28
90 Radiation Oncology27
- Clinical Lung Cancer27
- Cancer Gene Therapy27
93 Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases26
- Psycho-Oncology26
- Gastric Cancer26
- Biodrugs26
- Oncogenesis26
- Oncology Letters26
- Stem Cells26
100 World Journal of Surgical Oncology25
- Frontiers of Medicine25
- Journal of Neuro-Oncology25
- International Journal of Oncology25
104 Thoracic Cancer24
- Cellular Oncology24
- European Journal of Oncology Nursing24
- Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry24
108 International Journal of Clinical Oncology23
- Journal of Geriatric Oncology23
- Journal of Oncology23
- Clinical Breast Cancer23
- Current Treatment Options in Oncology23
- Endocrine-Related Cancer23
114 Urologic Oncology-Seminars and Original Investigations22
- Journal of Cancer Survivorship22
- Cancer Imaging22
- Journal of Surgical Oncology22
- Clinical Genitourinary Cancer22
- Clinical & Translational Oncology22
- Practical Radiation Oncology22
- Investigational New Drugs22
- Cancer Biology & Medicine22
- Cancer Epidemiology22
- Clinical Oncology22
125 International Journal of Hyperthermia21
- Anticancer Research21
- Breast Cancer21
- Leukemia & Lymphoma21
- Cancer Research and Treatment21
- Carcinogenesis21
- Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia21
132 Targeted Oncology20
- Acta Oncologica20
- Cancer & Metabolism20
- Surgical Oncology-Oxford20
- Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy20
- Clinical Colorectal Cancer20
138 Cancer Biology & Therapy19
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology19
- Cancer Prevention Research19
- Medical Oncology19
- Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research19
- Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment19
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology19
- Molecular Carcinogenesis19
146 Journal of Bone Oncology18
- Nutrition and Cancer-An International Journal18
- Genes Chromosomes & Cancer18
- Infectious Agents and Cancer18
- Cancer Causes & Control18
- Cancer Cytopathology18
- Clinical & Experimental Metastasis18
153 European Journal of Cancer Care17
- Hematology-Oncology Clinics of North America17
- Integrative Cancer Therapies17
- Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology17
- Journal of Gynecologic Oncology17
- Leukemia Research17
- Chinese Journal of Cancer Research17
- Translational Cancer Research17
- Hematological Oncology17
- Cancer Biomarkers17
- Current Opinion in Oncology17
164 Strahlentherapie und Onkologie16
- Brachytherapy16
- Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals16
- Cancer Control16
- Journal of Immunotherapy16
- Current Problems in Cancer16
170 Seminars in Radiation Oncology15
- Anti-Cancer Drugs15
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology15
- Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology15
- Current Cancer Drug Targets15
- Seminars in Oncology Nursing15
- Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology15
- Journal of Radiation Research15
- Oncology15
179 Seminars in Oncology14
- Annual Review of Cancer Biology14
- Cancer Journal14
- Oncology Research and Treatment14
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia14
- Cancer Nursing14
- Cancer Radiotherapie14
- Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports14
187 Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America13
- Analytical Cellular Pathology13
- Breast Care13
- Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice13
- American Journal of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Clinical Trials13
- Breast Journal13
- Journal of Cancer Education13
- Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics13
- Cancer Investigation13
- Oncology Research13
197 Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery12
- Journal of Breast Cancer12
- Cancer Genomics & Proteomics12
- Oncology Nursing Forum12
201 Familial Cancer11
- Cancer Genetics11
- Tumori Journal11
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention11
- Brain Tumor Pathology11
- Breast Cancer-Targets and Therapy11
- Journal of Chemotherapy11
- Journal of Gastric Cancer11
- Chemotherapy11
210 Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology10
- Clinical Medicine Insights-Oncology10
- Bulletin du Cancer10
- Melanoma Research10
- Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing10
215 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology9
- Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice9
- Medical Dosimetry9
218 Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy8
219 Bladder Cancer7
220 European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology6
- Indian Journal of Cancer6
222 Psycho-Oncologie2