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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 International Affairs1178
2 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade806
3 World Economy667
4 JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies595
5 Global Policy591
6 Common Market Law Review531
7 International Studies Quarterly430
- Globalizations430
9 Survival414
10 Terrorism and Political Violence401
11 Journal of Contemporary European Studies390
12 Intelligence and National Security376
13 Journal of Peace Research352
14 European Journal of International Law349
15 American Journal of International Law329
16 Studies in Conflict & Terrorism325
17 International Politics317
18 Journal of Conflict Resolution316
19 International Studies Review295
20 Review of International Political Economy292
21 Cambridge Review of International Affairs283
22 Review of International Studies281
23 Current History264
24 Middle East Policy259
25 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists255
26 International Journal254
27 Journal of European Integration250
28 Journal of Cold War Studies247
29 New Political Economy235
30 Diplomacy & Statecraft229
31 Latin American Politics and Society228
32 War in History226
33 World Trade Review217
34 British Journal of Politics & International Relations212
35 Human Geography194
36 Mediterranean Politics192
37 Australian Journal of International Affairs189
38 European Journal of International Relations183
39 Global Environmental Politics182
40 Journal of Strategic Studies178
41 International Relations176
- Human Rights Law Review176
43 International Interactions175
44 Chinese Journal of International Law173
45 International Peacekeeping167
46 Ethics & International Affairs164
47 Review of International Organizations163
48 Politics162
49 Journal of Human Rights161
50 International Journal of Transitional Justice159
51 International Organization157
52 Pacific Review156
- Review of World Economics156
54 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding155
55 Communist and Post-Communist Studies152
56 Space Policy151
57 Journal of World Trade150
58 Internasjonal Politikk148
59 Foreign Policy Analysis146
60 Washington Quarterly145
61 Security Studies143
62 Millennium-Journal of International Studies142
63 Journal of the Japanese and International Economies141
64 European Security140
65 Security Dialogue138
66 Journal of International Relations and Development137
67 Peacebuilding135
68 Cooperation and Conflict129
69 International Theory125
70 Conflict Management and Peace Science123
71 Global Governance121
- Studies in Comparative International Development121
73 International Political Sociology116
- Uluslararasi Iliskiler-International Relations116
75 Asia Europe Journal111
76 Korea Observer106
77 Pacific Focus105
78 International Security103
79 Contemporary Security Policy101
80 Contemporary Southeast Asia94
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs94
82 International Studies Perspectives91
83 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific81
84 Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional80
85 Chinese Journal of International Politics75
86 World Politics69
87 Ocean Development and International Law67