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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Journal of Medical Internet Research90
2 npj Digital Medicine66
3 Healthcare51
4 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology49
5 JMIR mHealth and uHealth48
- Health Affairs48
- Journal of Personalized Medicine48
8 Journal of General Internal Medicine46
9 BMC Health Services Research42
10 International Journal of Medical Informatics41
- Journal of Healthcare Engineering41
12 BMC Medical Research Methodology39
13 Telemedicine and E-Health38
- Academic Medicine38
15 Implementation Science34
- Risk Management and Healthcare Policy34
17 Supportive Care in Cancer33
- Journal of Pain and Symptom Management33
- Value in Health33
20 Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific30
21 Health Policy29
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare29
- Palliative Medicine29
24 Health Expectations28
- Medical Teacher28
- Quality of Life Research28
- Disability and Health Journal28
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes28
29 Internet Interventions-The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health27
- JMIR Serious Games27
31 Medical Education26
32 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association25
- Medical Care25
34 Journal of Health Economics24
- BMJ Quality & Safety24
- Journal of Medical Systems24
- Annals of Palliative Medicine24
38 Pharmacoeconomics23
- Digital Health23
- Medical Decision Making23
41 Journal of Palliative Medicine22
- Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare22
43 BMC Palliative Care21
44 Health Services Research20
- Milbank Quarterly20
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management20
- Applied Health Economics and Health Policy20
- Health Economics20
49 Journal of Patient Safety19
- Journal of School Health19
- Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal19
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care19
- Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice19
- Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research19
- Population Health Management19
- BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care19
57 Advances in Health Sciences Education18
- Health Informatics Journal18
- Health Technology Assessment18
- Journal of Medical Economics18
- Journal of Rural Health18
62 Journal of Interprofessional Care17
- Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research17
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research17
- American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine17
- European Journal of Cancer Care17
- Gaceta Sanitaria17
68 International Journal of Health Policy and Management16
- Teaching and Learning in Medicine16
- Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research16
71 International Journal of Integrated Care15
- Journal of Public Health Policy15
- Health Policy and Planning15
- International Journal of Health Services15
75 Technology and Health Care14
76 International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care13
- Medical Care Research and Review13
- Simulation in Healthcare-Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare13
- Informatics for Health & Social Care13
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics13
81 Inquiry-The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing12
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics12
- Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law12
- Australian Health Review12
85 Chronic Illness11
- Evaluation & the Health Professions11
- Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy11
- Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care11
- Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care11
- Hastings Center Report11
91 Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions10
- Australian Journal of Primary Health10
93 Journal of Palliative Care9
- American Journal of Medical Quality9
- Families Systems & Health9
- Geospatial Health9
- Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research9
- Methods of Information in Medicine9
99 Quality Management in Health Care8
100 Journal for Healthcare Quality6
101 Bulletin of the History of Medicine5
102 Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences4
- Medical History4