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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Trends in Food Science & Technology32.807
2 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety22.057
3 Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment20.752
4 Food Hydrocolloids20.257
5 Annual Review of Food Science and Technology19.216
6 Food Chemistry17.331
7 Current Opinion in Food Science17.235
8 Food Packaging and Shelf Life15.403
9 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition13.870
10 Food Research International13.056
11 Food Policy12.803
12 Food Control12.765
13 Meat Science12.106
14 LWT-Food Science and Technology11.730
15 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies11.676
16 Food Engineering Reviews11.639
17 Antioxidants11.522
18 Postharvest Biology and Technology11.294
19 Journal of Food Engineering11.175
20 Food Quality and Preference10.907
21 Food Microbiology10.463
22 npj Science of Food9.969
23 Food Security9.423
24 International Journal of Food Microbiology9.127
25 Food Reviews International9.088
26 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry8.874
27 Food Structure-Netherlands8.873
28 Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods8.762
29 Food & Function8.472
30 Foods8.234
31 Food and Bioproducts Processing8.030
32 Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry7.699
33 Journal of Functional Foods7.614
34 Food and Chemical Toxicology7.517
35 Food and Bioprocess Technology7.398
36 Food and Energy Security7.251
37 Journal of Cereal Science7.248
38 Journal of Dairy Science7.247
39 Journal of Food Biochemistry7.207
40 British Food Journal7.031
41 International Dairy Journal6.958
42 Food Bioscience6.948
43 Food Science and Human Wellness6.865
44 Journal of Food Composition and Analysis6.803
45 Food Science of Animal Resources6.421
46 Applied Biological Chemistry6.420
47 Food and Environmental Virology6.383
48 Journal of Food Quality6.352
49 Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems6.078
50 International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science6.034
51 Food Science & Nutrition5.990
52 Chemical Senses5.858
53 European Food Research and Technology5.848
54 International Journal of Food Properties5.835
55 Journal of Insects As Food and Feed5.833
56 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture5.727
57 International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition5.722
58 Food Analytical Methods5.666
59 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering5.601
60 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition5.519
61 Journal of Food Science5.434
62 Molecular Nutrition & Food Research5.348
63 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation5.235
64 Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization5.125
65 Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore5.100
66 Food Chemistry-X4.956
67 Journal of Food Process Engineering4.856
68 International Journal of Food Engineering4.848
69 Journal of Essential Oil Research4.841
70 International Journal of Food Science and Technology4.724
71 Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance4.633
72 Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research4.607
73 Journal of Texture Studies4.590
74 Journal of Food Protection4.583
75 Biotechnology Progress4.545
76 Food Technology and Biotechnology4.491
77 Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment4.447
78 Food Science and Biotechnology4.223
79 World Mycotoxin Journal4.211
80 Food Biophysics4.195
81 Microbial Risk Analysis4.187
82 International Journal of Dairy Technology4.077
83 Food and Nutrition Bulletin4.059
84 OENO One4.018
85 Foodborne Pathogens and Disease3.896
86 Packaging Technology and Science3.877
87 Cereal Chemistry3.837
88 Agribusiness3.765
89 Journal of the Institute of Brewing3.674
90 Journal of Medicinal Food3.672
91 Food Quality and Safety3.661
92 Food and Agricultural Immunology3.644
93 Analytical Methods3.631
94 Flavour and Fragrance Journal3.534
95 EFSA Journal3.443
96 Journal of Food Safety3.320
97 Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences3.312
98 Starch-Starke3.303
99 Food Science and Technology3.269
100 Food Science and Technology International3.237
101 Food Biotechnology3.117
102 Journal of Oleo Science2.990
103 Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology2.884
104 CyTA-Journal of Food2.856
105 Journal of Aoac International2.786
106 American Journal of Enology and Viticulture2.767
107 Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society2.701
108 Journal of Sensory Studies2.669
109 Journal of Dairy Research2.554
110 Czech Journal of Food Sciences2.390
111 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology2.314
112 Chemosensory Perception2.261
113 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists2.231
114 Grasas y Aceites2.072
115 Acta Alimentaria1.731
116 Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety1.637
117 Agricultural and Food Science1.455
118 Journal of Wine Economics1.302
119 Food Science and Technology Research1.254
120 Natural Product Communications1.200
121 Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture0.963
122 Food Hygiene and Safety Science0.814
123 Journal of Oil Palm Research0.456
124 Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi0.337
125 Sugar Industry-Zuckerindustrie0.286