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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Journal of Business Ethics38
2 American Journal of Bioethics30
3 Journal of Medical Ethics25
4 Nursing Ethics22
- BMC Medical Ethics22
6 Science and Engineering Ethics21
7 Ethics and Information Technology20
8 Bioethics18
9 Journal of Responsible Innovation17
10 Journal of Bioethical Inquiry15
- Medicine Health Care and Philosophy15
12 Ethics & Behavior13
13 Inquiry-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy12
- Business Ethics Quarterly12
- Environmental Values12
16 Hastings Center Report11
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics11
- Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics11
- Philosophical Psychology11
20 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics10
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy10
- Journal of Political Philosophy10
- Neuroethics10
24 HEC Forum9
- Nanoethics9
- Journal of Applied Philosophy9
27 Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics8
- Health Care Analysis8
- Journal of the Philosophy of Sport8
- Philosophy & Public Affairs8
- Ethics8
32 Journal of Media Ethics7
- Politics Philosophy & Economics7
- Human Studies7
- Developing World Bioethics7
36 Journal of Value Inquiry6
- Economics and Philosophy6
- Ethics & International Affairs6
- Journal of Moral Philosophy6
40 Journal of Social Philosophy5
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences5
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal5
43 Law and Philosophy4
- Acta Bioethica4
- Ethics & Global Politics4
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics4
- Environmental Ethics4
48 Social Philosophy & Policy3
- Studies in East European Thought3