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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Nature Sustainability29.393
2 Tourism Management25.675
3 Nature Climate Change23.207
4 Sustainable Production and Consumption22.942
5 Business Strategy and the Environment20.513
6 Energy Policy18.665
7 Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions18.138
8 Landscape and Urban Planning17.440
9 Resources Policy15.973
10 Energy Research & Social Science15.740
11 Environmental Impact Assessment Review15.137
12 One Earth15.025
13 Annual Review of Resource Economics14.984
14 Ecosystem Services14.639
15 Land Use Policy14.479
16 Computers Environment and Urban Systems13.771
17 Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment13.740
18 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change13.066
19 Ecological Economics12.842
20 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management12.581
21 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening12.312
22 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions11.899
23 Habitat International10.652
24 Climate Policy10.557
25 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy10.454
26 Journal of Environmental Psychology10.398
27 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management9.991
28 Utilities Policy8.083
29 Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal7.782
30 Environmental Politics7.679
31 Forest Policy and Economics7.639
32 Environment and Behavior7.576
33 Marine Policy7.528
34 Climate Risk Management7.375
35 Sustainability7.087
36 International Journal of Sustainable Transportation6.971
37 Regional Studies6.652
38 International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management6.543
39 Regional Science and Urban Economics6.403
40 Organization & Environment6.203
41 Environmental & Resource Economics6.173
42 Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space6.158
43 Global Environmental Politics5.961
44 Population and Environment5.806
45 Climate and Development5.783
46 Regional Environmental Change5.774
47 Ecology and Society5.748
48 Energy & Environment5.654
49 Urban Studies5.574
50 Land5.471
51 Resource and Energy Economics5.467
52 Environment and Planning D-Society & Space5.303
53 Energy Efficiency5.178
54 European Planning Studies5.055
55 Environmental Education Research4.983
56 Carbon Management4.948
57 Water Resources and Economics4.943
58 Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture4.850
59 Journal of Regional Science4.827
60 International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics4.766
61 Environment and Urbanization4.740
62 Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension4.718
63 Anthropocene Review4.520
64 European Urban and Regional Studies4.507
65 Environmental Policy and Governance4.502
66 Local Environment4.373
67 Science and Public Policy4.297
68 Climate Services4.292
69 Energy Journal4.289
70 Climate Change Economics4.254
71 International Journal of Urban Sciences4.180
72 Papers in Regional Science4.117
73 Housing Studies4.056
74 Natural Hazards Review4.025
75 Disasters3.930
76 Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists3.748
77 Coastal Management3.724
78 Journal of Environment & Development3.717
79 Journal of Environmental Education3.568
80 Environment and Development Economics3.504
81 Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space3.499
82 International Regional Science Review3.398
83 Marine Resource Economics3.286
84 Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions3.278
85 Extractive Industries and Society-An International Journal3.264
86 Annals of Regional Science3.225
87 International Journal of Housing Policy3.117
88 Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal3.103
89 Housing Theory & Society3.067
90 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy3.034
91 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment3.025
92 Transnational Environmental Law3.000
93 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science2.967
94 Disaster Prevention and Management2.915
95 Open House International2.894
96 Weather Climate and Society2.892
97 Society & Natural Resources2.847
98 Human Ecology2.789
99 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space2.661
100 Environmental Values2.532
101 Landscape Research2.480
102 Journal of Environmental Law2.465
103 Natural Resources Forum2.443
104 International Journal of the Commons2.393
105 Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy2.094
106 Cultural Geographies2.067
107 Land Economics2.059
108 Environment2.030
109 Human Ecology Review2.000
110 Australasian Journal of Environmental Management1.920
111 Conservation & Society1.884
112 Urban Policy and Research1.868
113 GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society1.715
114 Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law1.665
115 Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law1.309
116 Water Economics and Policy1.248
117 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography0.971
118 Environmental History0.823
119 Environment and History0.604
120 Environmental Ethics0.521