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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Interface Focus12
2 Biological Reviews9
- Biology Letters9
4 eLife7
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences7
6 Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences6
7 Bioelectrochemistry5
- Communications Biology5
- BMC Biology5
- Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki5
11 Astrobiology4
- Computers in Biology and Medicine4
- Current Biology4
- Journal of Biosciences4
- Current Opinion in Insect Science4
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences4
- Science China-Life Sciences4
18 Biology-Basel3
- Journal of Biological Rhythms3
- Synthetic Biology3
- Bioscience Trends3
- Computational Biology and Chemistry3
- Journal of Thermal Biology3
- Life Science Alliance3
25 Biology Direct2
- Biometrika2
- Biosystems2
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology2
- Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine2
- Geobiology2
- International Journal of Radiation Biology2
- Journal of Radiation Research2
- Journal of Theoretical Biology2
- Life-Basel2
- Life Sciences in Space Research2
- Biologia2
- Chronobiology International2
- Integrative Organismal Biology2
- Journal of Mathematical Biology2
- Microscopy Research and Technique2
- Aerobiologia2
42 Annals of Human Biology1
- BioEssays1
- Biologia Futura1
- Biology Open1
- Journal of Biological Education1
- Journal of Experimental Biology1
- Mathematical Medicine and Biology-A Journal of the Ima1
- Open Life Sciences1
- Physics of Life Reviews1
- Radiation Research1
- Biological Bulletin1
- Biological Rhythm Research1
- Biometrics1
- Bioscience1
- Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research1
- Folia Biologica-Krakow1
- International Journal of Astrobiology1
- Journal of Biological Systems1
- Journal of Ethnobiology1
- Mathematical Biosciences1
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics1
- Theory in Biosciences1
- American Journal of Human Biology1
65 Bioscience Journal0
- Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology0
- FASEB Journal0
- Quarterly Review of Biology0
- Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii0
- American Biology Teacher0
- Archives of Biological Sciences0
- Biocell0
- Bioelectromagnetics0
- Biology Bulletin0
- Cryobiology0
- Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics0
- Journal of the History of Biology0
- Revista de Biologia Tropical0