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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports2008
2 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences870
3 Journal of Cultural Heritage790
4 Antiquity785
5 Journal of Archaeological Science535
6 American Antiquity466
7 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology452
8 Archaeometry432
9 Latin American Antiquity343
10 Journal of Anthropological Archaeology325
11 American Journal of Archaeology302
12 Studies in Conservation290
13 Open Archaeology261
14 Historical Archaeology249
15 Archaeological Research in Asia232
16 Geoarchaeology-An International Journal227
17 Journal of Roman Archaeology220
18 Near Eastern Archaeology211
19 European Journal of Archaeology207
20 International Journal of Nautical Archaeology205
21 Journal of Near Eastern Studies203
- Australian Archaeology203
23 Cambridge Archaeological Journal201
24 International Journal of Historical Archaeology191
25 African Archaeological Review189
26 Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory181
27 Rossiiskaya Arkheologiya178
28 Archaeological Prospection176
29 Britannia175
30 Environmental Archaeology169
31 Ancient Mesoamerica165
32 Praehistorische Zeitschrift163
33 Journal of Field Archaeology161
- Advances in Archaeological Practice161
35 Complutum155
36 Journal of Maritime Archaeology136
37 Azania-Archaeological Research in Africa134
38 Estudios Atacamenos129
39 Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology127
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly127
- Archaeology in Oceania127
- Belleten127
43 World Archaeology125
44 Arqueologia123
45 Lithic Technology122
46 Oxford Journal of Archaeology121
- Archeosciences-Revue d'Archeometrie121
48 Trabajos de Prehistoria111
- Archeologicke Rozhledy111
50 Archaeologies-Journal of the World Archaeological Congress106
51 Asian Perspectives-The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific105
52 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy101
53 Journal of Material Culture99
- Levant99
55 Zeitschrift fuer Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde95
56 Zeitschrift fuer Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie93
57 Time & Mind-The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture87
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association87
59 Zephyrus-Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueologia86
60 Post-Medieval Archaeology78
61 Journal of Egyptian Archaeology75
62 Industrial Archaeology Review74
63 Archaeological Dialogues73
64 Opuscula-Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome72
65 Norwegian Archaeological Review69
66 Acta Archaeologica65
67 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research64
68 Annual of the British School at Athens62
69 North American Archaeologist60
70 Iran-Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies59
- Journal of Social Archaeology59
72 Journal of Archaeological Research52
73 Tel Aviv-Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University50
74 Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique48
75 Archaeofauna47
76 Hesperia44
77 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites38
78 Public Archaeology33