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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences870
2 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute861
3 Antiquity785
4 American Journal of Human Biology685
5 American Anthropologist550
6 Journal of Archaeological Science535
7 Anthropos507
8 American Antiquity466
9 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology452
10 Journal of Anthropological Research450
11 HAU-Journal of Ethnographic Theory442
12 Journal of Human Evolution430
13 Journal of Peasant Studies375
14 American Ethnologist364
15 Human Ecology346
16 Latin American Antiquity343
17 Journal of Anthropological Archaeology325
- Africa325
19 Current Anthropology321
20 Social Networks320
21 Anthropologie301
22 Social Anthropology297
23 Medical Anthropology Quarterly290
24 American Journal of Physical Anthropology276
25 Transcultural Psychiatry264
26 Cultural Studies253
27 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology245
28 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies244
29 Annals of Human Biology229
30 Medical Anthropology227
31 Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs219
32 Evolutionary Anthropology213
33 Bijdragen Tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde210
34 Australian Archaeology203
- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review203
36 Anthropology & Education Quarterly194
37 African Archaeological Review189
38 Culture Medicine and Psychiatry187
39 Ethos185
- History and Anthropology185
41 Ethnos184
42 Comparative Studies in Society and History181
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory181
44 Ethnohistory178
45 Oceania170
46 Journal of Linguistic Anthropology169
47 Anthropologischer Anzeiger168
48 Praehistorische Zeitschrift163
49 Human Organization160
50 Journal of Family History159
51 Ethnography152
52 Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology151
53 Race & Class150
54 Economic Anthropology148
55 Journal of Ethnobiology140
56 Cultural Anthropology137
57 Chungara-Revista de Antropologia Chilena135
58 Anthropology Southern Africa133
59 Australian Journal of Anthropology130
60 Annual Review of Anthropology129
- Estudios Atacamenos129
62 Anthropological Forum127
- Archaeology in Oceania127
64 Journal of Historical Sociology124
65 Lithic Technology122
66 Public Culture118
67 Focaal-Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology117
68 Field Methods114
69 Trabajos de Prehistoria111
70 Social Analysis110
71 Anthropology & Medicine107
72 Human Nature-An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective101
73 Journal of Material Culture99
74 Critique of Anthropology95
75 Anthropological Theory84
76 AIBR-Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana75
77 Signs and Society72
78 Magallania62
79 Journal of Social Archaeology59
80 Journal of Archaeological Research52
81 Homo-Journal of Comparative Human Biology44
82 Journal of the Polynesian Society31